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[Spoken English] “沉郁”英语怎么说?

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-26 0

Melancholy refers to an artistic style in poetic works in which sentiment expressed is subtle and the message is profound. Ancient Chinese poets represented by Du Fu, keenly concerned about state affairs and people’s hardships, tried hard to understand what caused the rise and fall of a nation and sought ways to save the country and the people, but all to no avail. Such frustration and disappointment are thus reflected in their poems. With meticulously crafted structure, rhythm, and tones, their works give readers a special aesthetic appreciation of melody and infinite afterthought.


所谓沉郁者,意在笔先,神余言外。  (陈廷焯《白雨斋词话》卷一)   (所谓“沉郁”,是指动笔前已有长时间的思想感情积蓄,因而文章有着语言所不能穷尽的精神蕴含。)
Melancholy means that as a writer has given so much thought to the theme before writing, his work, once completed, contains profound sentiments beyond description. (Chen Tingzhuo: Remarks on Lyrics from White Rain Studio)
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