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[Spoken English] “政治”英语怎么说?

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-25 0
Decree and Governance / Politics

The term has two meanings. First, it refers to all measures for governing a country. Zheng (政) stands for decrees, rules, and ordinances, and zhi (治) refers to their implementation, that is, the way in which the people are governed. Second, it refers to a state of stable and sound governance of the country, with an efficient and clean government, a prosperous economy, and a peaceful society. In modern times, the term is used in the sense of “politics,” as it refers to policies, measures, and actions that governments, political parties, social groups, or individuals adopt in domestic or international affairs.


道洽政治,泽润生民。 (《尚书·毕命》) (教化普施,政治清明,恩泽惠及百姓。)
Shaping people’s mind through popularizing education and exercising good governance will benefit the people. (The Book of History)
政以治民,刑以正邪。 (《左传·隐公十一年》) (以政令治理百姓,以刑法匡正邪恶。)
Decrees are adopted to maintain public order, while punishments are meted out to eliminate evil. (Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals)
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