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[Spoken English] “风骨”英语怎么说?

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-24 0

This term refers to powerful expressiveness and artistic impact that come from a literary work’s purity of thoughts and emotions, as well as from its meticulously crafted structure. Despite some difference in interpreting the term, people tend to agree that fenggu (风骨) can be understood as being lucid and fresh in language while sturdy in structure. Feng (风) means “style,” which emphasizes that a literary work should be based on pure thoughts, vivid impressions, and rich emotions so as to produce an effect of powerful expressiveness. Gu (骨) means “bones” or proper structure, figuratively. It stresses the impact of structure and sentence order, requiring a piece of writing to be robust, vigorous, profound, and yet succinct. If a piece of work is wordy and overly rhetorical but weak in content, then it lacks the impact of a “proper structure,” no matter how flowery its expressions are. If such writing is awkward in delivery and has no emotions and vitality, then it lacks expressiveness in “style.” Fenggu does not preclude, but rather combines with linguistic elegance in order to create a piece of good work. Good command of fenggu depends on the personality and dispositions of the author. In The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, Liu Xie devoted a chapter to the discussion of fenggu, which is the first essay on writing style in the history of classical Chinese literary criticism.


文章须自出机杼,成一家风骨,何能共人同生活也! (《魏书·祖莹传》) (文章必须有自己的构思布局,有自己作品的风骨,如何能与他人同一个层次!)
A piece of writing must have its own structure, and its own fenggu, that is, expressiveness in style and sturdiness in structure. How can it ever be the same as the writings of other writers! (The History of Northern Wei)
捶字坚而难移,结响凝而不滞,此风骨之力也。 (刘勰《文心雕龙·风骨》) (字句锤炼确切而难以改动,读起来声音凝重有力而不滞涩,这就是风骨的魅力。)
The charm of fenggu in a literary work derives from deliberate and precise diction that is hard to alter, and from powerful and controlled sounds that do not sound awkward when read out. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)
若能确乎正式,使文明以健,则风清骨峻,篇体光华。 (刘勰《文心雕龙·风骨》) (倘若能够定好正确合适的文体,使文采鲜明而又气势刚健,那么自可达到风神清新明朗,骨力高峻劲拔,通篇文章都会生发光彩。)
Once a good and appropriate style is set to make the writing lucid and vigorous, it will produce the effect of being pure, clear and powerfully impressive, making the writing both remarkable and appealing. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)
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