中华思想文化术语 | “寄托”英语怎么说?_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] 中华思想文化术语 | “寄托”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-08 0

The term refers to the entrusting of the poet’s subjective understanding or sentiments to imagery in poetic works. It can also stir responsive appreciation of the reader. Ji (寄) means having a specific thought or individual feelings, and tuo (托) means giving expression to such thought or feelings through the channel of an object. It is a literary term first used by a group of ci (词 lyric) poets from Changzhou during the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Huiyan stressed that lyric writing should follow the tradition of analogies, associations and allegories in The Book of Songs. Zhou Ji further suggested that an aspiring poet should entrust his thought to imagery in order to raise the artistic appeal of his work and stimulate the imagination of the reader. After having established himself, however, the poet should not be bound by the technique of entrusting to imagery; rather, his words and sentiments should blend seamlessly. This view emphasized the primacy of nature of literature as opposed to the primacy of concept and provided a new guidance for literary creation at the time.


夫词,非寄托不入,专寄托不出。(周济《宋四家词选目录序论》) (周济《宋四家词选目录序论》) (作词,如果没有寄托,就很难深入;如果只专力于寄托,就不能意出词外。)
When writing ci poetry, one cannot effectively express one’s thoughts and sentiments without entrusting them to imagery. On the other hand, overreliance on imagery will make it hard for one to clearly express his idea. (Zhou Ji: Preface to Contents of Selected Poems of the Four Poets of the Song Dynasty)

  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2019-06-08


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