中华思想文化术语 | “标举兴会”英语怎么说?_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] 中华思想文化术语 | “标举兴会”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-07 0
Distinctiveness and Spontaneity

亦作“兴会标举”。“标举”有“标明、突出”之义,后来引申出“鲜明、高超、独特”等众多含义。“会”是会聚,“兴会”是创作主体为外物所激发的创作状态及由此产生的丰富的心理感悟,是文学创作时灵感勃发而自然生成的浓厚兴致与意趣。“标举兴会”指文学创作中由“兴”所生发的丰富的心理感悟与情感特征,亦指作品中所呈现的浓厚而强烈的兴致与意趣。“标举兴会”既是一个文学批评术语,也是一种创作理念,它与崇尚自然、反对造作的写作态度相对应,推崇创作者的才华与激情,强调直觉基础上的自由 想象和灵感勃发状态下的自由创造。
Also “spontaneity and distinctiveness.” Biaoju (标举) originally meant “to mark out or stand out.” It later extended to mean “superior, unique, distinctive, and outstanding.” Hui (会) means “to get together.” Xinghui (兴会) refers to one’s passionate creative state and rich perceptions sparked by an object, and keen, naturally-inspired interest and charm in literary creation. The term, as a whole, indicates distinctive, spontaneous perceptions and emotions in literary creation, and intense interest and charm possessed by literary work. It is both a term of literary criticism and a concept of literary creation. Opposing false sentimentality, the term holds in esteem spontaneity, writers’ talents and enthusiasm, and emphasizes free imagination based on intuition and free creation in a state of bursting inspirations.


灵运之兴会标 举,延年之体裁明 密,并方轨前 秀,垂范后 昆。 (《宋书·谢灵运传论》) (谢灵运的诗作意旨鲜明、情致高超,颜延之的诗作结构严谨、语言明晰, 他们都取法于前代作家的优秀传统,成为后辈写作的典范。)
The spontaneity and distinctiveness of Xie Lingyun’s poems as well as the closely-knitted structure and lucidity of Yan Yanzhi’s poems, which both draw inspiration from poets before them, have stimulated poets of later time.  (The History of the Song of the Southern Dynasties)
一用兴会标举成诗 , 自然情景俱到。 (王夫之《明诗评选》卷六) (只要将直觉感受到的鲜明物象与灵感激发的独特感悟写成诗,自然有情有景,情景交融。)
A poem with spontaneity and distinctiveness will automatically blend one’s sentiments and the natural setting.  (Wang Fuzhi: A Selection of Ming Poetry withCommentary)
原夫创始作者之人,其兴会所至,每无意而出之,即为可法可则。……情 偶至而感,有所感而鸣,斯以为风人之旨。 (叶燮《原诗•内篇下》) (推究诗歌的创作者,当兴会来临时,往往在无意间写出了至美的作品,这 些作品即成为后世学习的典范。……心中的情偶然与外在的物相感,自然要 将心中所感说出来,这就是诗人创作的本旨。)
A careful examination shows that a poet, when inspired, creates excellent works without knowing it. Such poems will thus become a model for futuregenerations to emulate. …When the poet’s inner feelings interact with theexternal world, he naturally has the urge to express them. That is what poetry writing is all about  (Ye Xie: Studies on the Purpose of Poetic Writing)

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