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[Spoken English] “边塞诗”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-06 0
Frontier Poetry

一种以塞外风光、边境战事及戍边生活为主要创作题材的诗歌流派。其作品或描绘奇异鲜明的塞外风光,或反映惨烈的战争场景与艰苦的戍边生活,有些则重点刻画戍边将士们的离别、思乡、报国之情或其配偶之闺怨及 对前方亲人的思念等。边塞诗往往反映作者对战争的深切感受和思考,表现出个体生命价值与时代精神之间的一种张力。边塞诗以唐代为主,之后虽也有边塞之作,但规模与气象远不能与唐代相比。
Poems of this kind depicted frontier scenery as well as fighting along the northern border area and the life of soldiers garrisoned there. These poems described the scenic splendor north of the Great Wall, fierce war scenes, or hardships endured by frontier guards. Some of the works were about soldiers’ agony caused by long separation from families and about their homesickness, but many such poems also extolled their patriotism. Some of the works voiced the longing for reunion of women left at home when husbands and sons went to the frontier. Frontier poems showed the poets’ attitude towards and reflections on war, highlighting the tension between valuing individual lives and the need to respond to call to duty. The most compelling frontier poems were written in the Tang Dynasty. Frontier poems of later generations could not rival the powerful expression of Tang frontier poems.


盛唐诸公五言之妙,多本阮籍、郭璞、陶潜……边塞之作则出鲍照、吴筠(yún)也。唐人于六朝,率揽其菁华、汰其芜蔓,可为学古者之法。 (王士祯《居易录》卷二十一) (盛唐诗人们的五言诗,其精妙之处多取法于阮籍、郭璞、陶渊明等人的作 品……而边塞诗则是学习鲍照、吴筠的作品。唐代诗人于六朝人的作品中, 多能采撷它们的精华而去除它们芜杂枝蔓的毛病,这可以作为向古人学习的 典范。)
Five-character-a-line poems written during the prime of the Tang Dynasty emulated the poetic style of Ruan Ji, Guo Pu, and Tao Yuanming, whereas frontier poems in this period were more influenced by Bao Zhao and Wu Yun. Tang poets drew inspiration from the poetry of the Six Dynasties whilediscarding its defects of random extension and disorderliness. Their poems were therefore representative of classical poetr y that we should learn from.  (Wang Shizhen: Records of a Secure and Peaceful Life)
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