中华思想文化术语 | “器”英语怎么说?_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] 中华思想文化术语 | “器”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-06 0

Qi (Vessel)

Qi (器) is a real object or a specific official, position, etc. A qi is something visible, or something one may describe in concrete terms. Every kind of qi has a specific form, function, or capability. Therefore there are clear distinctions between one qi and another. However, a common Dao exists in different qis. The existence of a qi is based on Dao. In terms of human affairs, an individual assumes a particular responsibility suited to his position; but he should go beyond his specific capabilities and strive to adhere to and obtain Dao.


形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。 (《周易·系辞上》) (未成形质者称为“道”,已成形质者称为“器”。)
What is above form is called Dao, and what is under form is called “an object.” (The Book of Changes)
子曰:“君子不器。” (《论语·为政》) (孔子说:“君子不局限于一才一艺之用。”)
Confucius said, “A virtuous man should not possess one skill only.” (The Analects)
朴散则为器,圣人用之则为官长。 (《老子·二十八章》) (真朴的道分散则成为各种器物,圣人善于任使不同功用的“器”,就成为百官的首长。)
Dao disperses and gives birth to tangible objects, and sages who are good at making use of objects of different functions become natural leaders of all officials. (Laozi)

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