- 注册时间 2009-08-28
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- 在线时间5012 小时
| 第三季第7集
哇 谢尔顿 真不敢相信你居然自创了游戏 Wow, Sheldon, I cannot believe you made up your own game. "研究实验室"可不仅仅是游戏 Oh, "Research Lab" is more than a game. 就像这标语写的 "物理虽然只存在于理论中 It's like the slogan says: "The physics is theoretical, 但其中的快乐却是实实在在的" but the fun is real." 那我们现在肯定玩的不对 We must not be playing it right. 好 五 All right, five. 一 二 三 四 五 One, two, three, four, five. 喔 看呐 Oh, wow, look at that. 我的国防部科研资金再度下拨 My Department of Defense research grant is renewed. 掷得好 Oh! Great roll! 现在你可以拆了你的苏式回旋加速器 Now you can demolish your Soviet-style cyclotron 然后建造一个大型强子对撞机 and build the large Hadron Collider. 吔 Yay. 你玩这个很有天赋 佩妮 You're a natural at this, Penny. 作为首批第二版测试者 你们会在周日 And as the first beta testers, you two'll have quite the edge 与沃罗威茨和库萨帕里的对决上获得不小优势 when we play with Wolowitz and Koothrappali on Sunday. 天呐 谢尔顿 Oh, gee, Sheldon, 我不认为我们周日能来玩 I don't think we can play on Sunday. 为什么 Why not? 原因佩妮现在告诉你 Because of the reasons that Penny will now tell you. 佩妮 Penny? 事实上 我要去机场接我的朋友贾斯汀 Actually, I have to pick up my friend Justin from the airport. 听到了吧 她必须去机场接她的朋友贾斯汀 There you go-- she has to pick up her friend Justin at the airport. 而且我玩不了因为我要和她一起去 对吗 And I can't play 'cause I'm going with her-- right? 对 如果你想的话 Um, yeah, if you want. 我是说 车子也许没有空间了 I mean, there may not be room. 他带了好多东西 比如吉他和放大器什么的 He's got a lot of stuff--like guitars and amplifiers... 等等 Wait. 你在说什么呢 What are you talking about? 我朋友贾斯汀 My friend Justin. 注意力集中点 莱纳德 Pay attention, Leonard. 这是她周日不能来的原因 That's why she can't play on Sunday. 这个贾斯汀是谁 Who is this Justin? -到你了 莱纳德 -我跟你提过他 - Your turn, Leonard. - I told you about him. -你没有 -掷骰子 莱纳德 - No, you didn't. - Roll the dice, Leonard. 有的 我一个来自奥马哈并玩吉他的朋友 {c plays the guitar. 不论如何 他要来洛杉矶找些演奏的工作 Anyway, he's coming to L.A. looking for some session work, 所以我跟他说可以在我家的沙发上睡几个星期 so I told him he could just crash on my couch for a few weeks. 快点 莱纳德 如果你掷了六 Come on, Leonard--if you roll a six, 佩妮就会在核外泄中惨死 Penny dies horribly in a nuclear meltdown. 明白我为什么说乐趣是实实在在的了吗 See what I mean when I say the fun is real? 等等 Hang on. 某男要去睡你的沙发 Some guy is going to be sleeping on your couch? 他不是"某男" He's not "some guy." 他是我朋友 He's my friend. 你说的"朋友" 是指"朋友般的朋友" So by "friend," do you mean "friend friend," "同性恋朋友"还是 "gay friend," or "ex-boyfriend "前男友兼现在你正柏拉图式暗恋 "who you're now platonic with 且有可能发生关系的朋友" but still might have a thing for you friend"? 他肯定不是同性恋 Well, he's definitely not gay. 肯定不是同性恋的音乐人 Oh, ho-ho, a definitely not gay musician 睡在我女朋友的沙发上 sleeping on my girlfriend's couch. 真开心 Yippee. 好吧 我们很久之前是曾经拍拖过 Okay, we went out a little bit, a long time ago. 但绝对不是正在拍拖 But we were never like "going out." 不是为了表示我很有学问 但是上一次我查证 Okay, not to be pedantic, but last I checked "曾经拍拖"实际上是"正在拍拖的"过去式 "went out" was in fact the past tense of "going out"-- 并且地球人都知道这是"坦诚相见"的 which I think we all know is a popular euphemism 委婉说法 for "saw each other naked." 干脆我来替你掷好了 I'll just roll for you. 你对贾斯汀跟我住有意见吗 Do you have a problem with Justin staying with me? 你当初是怎么想的 What was your first clue? 糟糕 工业事故 Uh-oh! Industrial accident. 告诉你 跟我说话的时候别把我当白痴 You know what? Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. 我跟你说话时没把你当做白痴 I'm not talking to you like you're an idiot! 我是说这整件事很愚蠢 I'm saying the whole idea is idiotic! "你一不小心直视氦氩激光 "You accidentally stare at a helium-argon laser. 暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜" Lose one turn and a retina." 难道你不是把我当白痴 How is that not talking to me like I'm an idiot? 那是我的朋友 我的沙发 It's my friend, it's my couch, 是我TM自己的生活 and it's my freakin' life! 也到你掷骰子了 It's also your roll. 没错 那是你的生活 You know what? It is your life. 你要是想让什么狗屁吉他手睡你的沙发上 随你 If you want to have some stupid guitarist stay on your couch, then fine! 那你干嘛不租几张 Why don't you just rent 双层床然后把黑眼豆豆请来 some bunk beds and invite The Black Eyed Peas?! 听着 如果我想邀请整个洛拉帕罗扎音乐节的 Hey, if I want to invite the entire lineup of Lollapalooza 阵容来我公寓睡觉 我绝对会的 to sleep in my apartment, I will, 而且这与你无关 and it's none of your business! 你在听自己都说了些什么吗 Are you listening to yourself? 你知道你现在听起来是多么的小孩子气吗 Do you know how childish you sound right now? 哦 现在我变小孩子了 Oh, now I'm a child? 至少我再也不是白痴了 Well, at least I'm not an idiot anymore! 这两个词可不是互斥的 The two aren't mutually exclusive! 你真是个... Oh, you are such a-- 他这是TMD在干嘛呢 What the hell is he doing?! 他要把我们逼出去 He's drowning us out. 他不喜欢吵架 He doesn't like fighting. 谢尔顿 快停下来 吵架结束了 Sheldon, just stop! Look, the fight is over! 还有 仅供参考 Oh, and FYI, 你在遇到我之前根本就没听说过 you never even heard of The Black Eyed Peas 黑眼豆豆 until you met me! 我听说过他们 I heard of 'em! 只不过不知道他们是个组合罢了 Didn't know they were a band. 谢尔顿 她已经走了 Sheldon, she's gone. 你可以关掉搅拌机了 You can turn off the blender. 你的恋爱关系已经到了一定要丑陋结束的地步吗 Has your relationship reached its inevitable ugly end? 不 我们只是有了点小争执 No, we just had a little spat. 往好的一面想想 Look on the bright side. 作为对佩妮的惩罚 As a result of Penny's forfeit 你成为了世界首位"研究实验室"的胜者 you have become the world's first winner of "Research Lab." 你要来份纪念沙冰吗 Would you like a commemorative snow cone? 我真不明白她怎么就这么直接宣布 I don't get how she can just announce 她的前男友要来睡她沙发上 that an old boyfriend is going to be sleeping on her couch. 我想到了一个在车里能玩的游戏 Hey, I thought of a game we can play in the car. 我不想玩游戏 谢尔顿 I don't want to play a game, Sheldon. 游戏名字叫"科学家" It's called "Scientists." 现在 我会说出三个科学家的名字 Now, I will name three scientists, 然后你对他们排序 then you will put them in order 根据他们对各自领域的贡献大小 of the size of their contribution to their respective fields. 为了让这个游戏更有趣 To make this game even more compelling, 你必须只考虑这个人 you must consider only the contribution 对这个领域做出的贡献 of the man to the field, 不论这个领域的理论到底是对是错 not the validity of the field itself. 比如说阿布•穆萨•贾比尔•伊本•哈扬 For example: Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan 对臭名昭著的炼金术做出的贡献 made a greater contribution to the discredited field of alchemy 比霍伯特•范德普莱特在神经生物学中的贡献要大得多 than Halbert Vanderplatt made to neurobiology. 好了 准备好来点乐子了吗 Okay, ready to have some fun? 一个绝对不是同性恋的前男友 An old boyfriend who's definitely not gay. 还是人们最喜欢听的-- "绝对的" That's what a guy likes to hear-- "definitely." 好的 我先来个简单的 All right, I'll start with an easy one: 艾萨克•牛顿 居里夫人和尼尔斯•玻尔 Um, Isaac Newton, Madame Curie and Niels Bohr. 然后我只说了一点点最后却成了坏人 And then I say one little thing and I end up being the bad guy! 提示 居里夫人有她的丈夫帮她 Hint: Madame Curie had her husband to help her. 我能说什么 What am I supposed to say? 当然 佩妮 你让旧相好在家过夜 "Sure, Penny, I'm cool with your old boyfriend 我完全没意见 sleeping in your apartment." 莱纳德 你有没有意见不重要 "Well, Leonard, it doesn't matter if you're cool or not 因为本美女佩妮 "because I'm Penny and I'm pretty 喜欢干啥就干啥 and I can do whatever the hell I want!" 我懂了 "Oh, I get it! 你觉得和我在一起 "You think you're doing me a favor just by 只是在同情我 being in a relationship with me!" 不 莱纳德 我能跟你同处一室 "No, no, Leonard! I'doing you a favor 就已经是同情你了 just by being in the same room as you!" 莱纳德 停车 Leonard! Stop the car! 怎么了 What? 我不想再听你们吵架了 I can't listen to the two of you fight anymore. 快 速度 要迟到了 Come on, come on, we're late. 淡定 我们能赶上电影 Calm down. We'll make the movie. 根据现在的情况 我的警告是对的 I believe my alarm is appropriate,given the situation. 电影17分钟后开始 The movie starts in 17 minutes, 也就是说我们得赶上科罗拉多大道的全部绿灯 which means we'll need to make all the lights 而且不能去买东西吃了 on Colorado Boulevard, plus skip the concession stand, 开场前也不能去尿尿了 and preshow urination. 兄台 我刚灌下一瓶红牛时 Oh, dude, I wish you had said something 你咋不说话 before I pounded that last Red Bull. 走 恐龙战队 快 Go, go, Power Rangers, go! 嘿 Hey. 嘿 Hey. 我们赶着去看电影 We're, uh, going to the movies. 才怪 No, we're not. 我们站在走廊里 We're standing in the hallway, 忍受你们尴尬的相遇 suffering through an awkward encounter. 等一下 Hang on. 新的《时光大盗》今天开映 They're showing a new digital print of Time Bandits. 你不会想看的 对吧 You wouldn't want to come, would you? 一点都不想 Not really, no. 好了 毫无意义的邀请说了 All right, invitation pointlessly offered, 不出意料地被谢绝了 invitation declined as expected, 大家都很文明 没有人吵架 everyone's civil, nobody's fighting. 晚上愉快 Have a nice evening. 就给我们一分钟 Just give us a minute. 你们慢慢谈 Oh, take all the time you need. 我们要不要谈谈昨晚的事 So, are we going to talk about last night? 你准备道歉了吗 Are you ready to apologize? 不 No. 答案错误 Wrong answer. 谢谢参与 But thank you for playing. 拜托 Oh, come on. 这也太傻逼了 This is stupid. 又来了 Oh, there it is again! 你觉得我很傻逼 You think I'm stupid! 不 人傻和行为愚蠢 No, there's a difference 是不一样的 between being stupid and acting stupid. 是吗 那混球和混蛋 Oh, yeah? well, there's a difference 也很不一样呢 between being a jerk and being an ass! 才怪 No, there isn't! 两个是同义词 They're synonyms! 场面相当不愉快啊 Well, that was rather unpleasant. 开场前我都不用尿尿了 Yeah, I don't think I need my preshow urination anymore. 莱纳德 那女的三年前搬进来时 Leonard, when that woman moved in three years ago, 我就告诉你不要搭理她 现在好了 I told you not to talk to her, and now look, 电影我们是迟到定了 we're going to be late for the movies. 哟 《神奇蜘蛛侠》183 Hey! Look! Amazing Spider-Man 183. 买了 Got it. 记得这本吗 Remember this one? 蜘蛛侠之一败涂地 Spider-Man loses a big fight 接着女朋友还跟他分手了 and then his girl friend breaks up with him. 要我买给你吗 Want me to get it for you? 能帮你转移一下注意力 It'll help take your mind off things. 伙计们 怎么回事 Hey, guys. What's going on? 等下一场《时光大盗》放映前 Oh, we need to kill a couple hours 我们得在这消磨几小时 till the next showing of Time Bandits. 没问题 Oh, well,no problem. 我还想早点打烊回家 I was thinking of closing early and going home, 但面对现实吧 but let's face it, 我家也只不过是间小一点的 that's just a slightly smaller lonely room 堆满漫画书的孤舍 filled with comic book 谢谢 斯图尔特 Thanks, Stuart. 我问你 Let me ask you something. 你觉得佩妮让老相好 Do you think it's okay for Penny 在自己家过夜合适吗 to have an ex-boyfrid sleep on her couch? 当然不好 她明显太过分了 No, I mean, she's obviousl way out of line. 谢谢 Thank you! 但如果她把你甩了 But if she dumps you, 她第二天就能找个新欢 she'll have a new boyfrien by tomorrow morning 而你得想办法自己做一个娃娃 and you'll have a new girl friend 才能算有新欢 when you figure out how to build one. 唯一的疑问是 你什么时候才举白旗 So the only question is: how long until you fold? 我才不会举白旗 I am not going to fold. 等等 我不觉得 Well, excuse me, I don't think 佩妮有丝毫过分之处 Penny's out of line at all. 她又不是你的人 You don't own her. 正如我的女神碧昂斯说的 It's like my girl Beyonce says: 你要是喜欢塔 就该向他求婚 "If you like it, you should put a ring on it." 得了吧 Come on. 最起码 At the very least, 佩妮发现莱纳德为此不高兴 when she found out Leonard was upset about it, 她就应该退让 she should've backed off. 你是说正如某人不高兴 You mean like when a guy's upset 因为他朋友答应和他去上烹饪课 because his friend agreed to take a cooking class with him 结果却放鸽子 and then doesn't show up 因为他正和他妈进行果蔬汁断食 because he's doing a juice fast with his mother? 我不知道你为此不高兴 I didn't know you were upset about that. 是嘛 难道所有的暗示你都没看到 Really! Did you miss all the subtitle indicators, 比如"霍华德 我不高兴" like me saying, "Howard, I am upset." 对不起 行了吧 Okay, sorry. 或许在这个国家的意义不同 Maybe it means something different in this country. 在印度 这表示我在生一个叫霍华德的小子的气 Back in India, it means you're upset with a guy named Howard! 我道过歉了 I said I'm sorry. 道歉也弥补不了 Sorry doesn't make up for the fact 我得和一个素食者做鸡肉饭 that I had to make chicken and rice with this vegan guy. 你知道素鸡肉饭是什么吗 Do you know what vegan chicken and rice is? 就是米饭 Rice! 你以为我就很开心吗 Yeah, well, you think I was having fun, 整晚坐着听我妈唠叨 sitting around all night listening to my mother say, 你这辈子尿过这么多吗 "Have you ever peed so much in your life?" 天啊 你真是个恋娘狂 Oh, my God, you are such a mama's boy. 喂 别把我妈扯进来 Hey, don't bring my mother into this! 你自己把她扯进来的 You brought your mother into this! 别吵了 你们两个 Stop it, both of you. 听你们吵个不停 All this fighting, I might as well 简直就跟我爸妈一样 "该死的乔治" be back with my parents! "Damn it, George, "我说过你要是再不戒酒我就离开你" "I told you if you didn't quit drinkin' I'd leave you!" "这只能说明你是个骗子" "Well, I guess that makes you a liar. "我已经醉成这样 你还没走" "'Cause I'm drunk as hell and you're still here!" "别嚷了" "Stop yelling!" "谢尔顿快被你弄哭了" "You're making Sheldon cry!" "告诉你谢尔顿为什么哭吧" "I'll tell you what's making Sheldon cry! "因为我让你给他起了这个破名儿" That I let you name him Sheldon" 老天 他干嘛这么生气 Boy, what got him so upset? 当然了 谢尔顿生气你倒能看出来了 Oh, sure, you can tell when Sheldon's upset. 多谢惠顾 Oh, thank you very much. 欢迎下次光临 Come back soon. 还有下次多给一半小费 With the other half of my tip. 嗨 谢尔顿 Hey, Sheldon. 你怎么在这儿 What are you doing here? 这是家餐馆 This is a restaurant. 而现在午餐时间 It's lunchtime. 我认为 作为一名女招待 I would think, as a waitress, 应该很熟悉这套程序了 you'd be familiar withhe paradigm. 莱纳德来吗 Is Leonard coming? 不来 我相信他正在等着你 No, I believe Leonard is waiting 回心转意 并向他道歉呢 for yo to come crawling back to him and apologize. 这绝不可能 Well, that's not gonna happen. 我猜也是 I assumed that would be your attitude. 所以我才因此到这儿来 Hence, my true purpose coming here. -啥 -我要你回心转意去向他道歉 - Which is? - I want you to crawl back to him and apologize. 我忙呢 I'm busy. 不好意思 小姐 Excuse me, Miss. 我想要点餐 I'like to order lunch. 说 你要啥 Fine. What do you want? 我有些疑问 I have a few questions. 我先是注意到你们这有汤和半份三明治 First, I notice that you offer soup and a half-sandwich? 没错 Yes. 半份三明治到底是怎么做的 Where exactly does the half-sandwich come from? 你是给我另一个人吃剩下的呢 Are you giving me half of someone else's sandwich, 还是我非要等到 or do I have to wait 另一个想点的人出现 for someone else in the restaurant 再和他一起合点呢 to order the other half? 不 谢尔顿 他们只是做出来而已 No, no, Sheldon, they just make a half-sandwich. 你没法做出半份三明治 You can't make a half-sandwich. 如果是整个三明治的一半 If it's t half of a whole sandwich, 那应该是个小号三明治 it's just a small sandwich. 得了 汤和小号三明治 Okay, fine, it's soup and a small sandwich. 你要点这些吗 that what you want? 当然不 我还是老样子 Of course not. I'll have my usual. 好 Great. 你不问我是否要饮料了吗 Aren't you going to ask me if I want a beverage? 你不是一直都喝柠檬汁吗 Don't you usually get lemonade? -是 -你要柠檬汁吗 - Yes. - Do you want lemonade? -是 -还需要什么吗 - Yes. - Anything else? 当然 我要你去向莱纳德道歉 Yes-- I want you to apologize to Leonard. 我绝不会去道歉 I am not going to apologize. 我又没错 I've done nothing wrong. 完全是他反应过度 He is completely overreacting. 这无关紧要 Irrelevant. 关键在于你们出了感情问题 The disruption in your relaonship 让我也难以忍受 is making my life intolerable. 抱歉 谢尔顿 但这真的与你无关 Well, I'm sorry, Sheldon, but this really isn't about you. 我不懂 I don't follow. 我马上来 ah, yeah, I'll be right there. 听着 谢尔顿 我得走了 Look, Sheldon, I have to go. 好吧 那我假设 当然是谬误论证 All right, let's assume, ad argumentum, 在这情况下 是莱纳德错了 that in this case, Leonard is wrong. 就是他的错 Leonard is wrong. 考虑到以前他对你的出轨行为 Considering the number of transgressions 视而不见的次数 you've committed that he's overlooked, 你就不能考虑下 就这次 Don't you think that, just this once, 算是回报他吗 you could return the favor? 我就来 I'm coming. 再见 谢尔顿 Good-bye, Sheldon. 什么叫我的出轨行为 啥意思 What do you mean, transgressions I've committed? 你还以为莱纳德 Were you under the impression 对你都毫无怨念吗 that Leonard has no complaints about you? 啥 喂那边的 我看到你了 Like what?! Yeah, yeah, I see you. 你对着空气划了一个勾 You're making a little check sign in the air. 知道了 耐心点别吵 I got it. Just hold you horses. 莱纳德抱怨我什么 What does Leonard complain about? 你驾驶技术差劲 Your driving. 你床上的布绒玩偶太多了 The plethora of stuffed animals on your bed 两人亲热的时候一直盯着他 that stare at him during your amorous activities. 你老是迟到 还有你的唱歌水平 Your constant tardiness, your singing. 我唱歌的水平 My singing? 这其实是我的看法之一 That's actually from my list. 但莱纳德会不同意我才怪呢 But Leonard would be a fool if he didn't agree with it. 如果莱纳德对我有这么多意见 Okay, if Leonard has so many problems with me, 他干嘛不直接了当地说出来 Why hasn't he just said so? 因为在他看来 Because, according to him 你脾气大又容易动怒 you're oversensitive and have a temper. 是吗 Oh, really? 那拜托你帮个忙 Well, then, do me a favor 告诉莱纳德 他好去死了 and tell Leonard that he can drop dead! 难怪她总是小费拿得少 And she wonders why she's constantly undertipped. 好啊 你回来了 Oh, good, you're home. 我要你帮我个忙 I need you to do ma favor. 说吧 Sure. 去向佩妮道歉 Go apologize to Penny. -啥 -最好现在就去 - What?! - Right now would be good. 莱纳德 Leonard! 好吧 其实应该更早一点去 Although, a few minutes ago would have been better. 听说你不喜欢我床上的布绒玩偶 I hear you don't like 我的驾驶技术和我的准时程度 My stuffed animals, my driving or my punctuality. 啥 谁告诉你的 What? Who would tell you something like that? 你干嘛告诉她 Why would you tell her something like that? 他为什么告诉我不重要 It doesn't matter why he told me. 但这些都是真的 是吗 It's true, isn't it? 没错 是真的 Okay, yeah, it's true, 但这些我都可以忍受 but I can live with that stuff. 但我不能忍受你事先不和我商量 What I can't live with is you casually informing me 只是随意地知会我一声说 that some guy's going to be staying your apartment 有个男人要住在你公寓里 wiout even asking me first! 问题不在于此 That isn't your problem! 而在于你不信任我 Your problem is you don't trust me! 得了吧 Oh, come on. 谢尔顿 你啥时有听我说过 Sheldon, have you ever once heard me say 我不信任佩妮了 that I don't trust Penny? 谢尔顿 他去哪儿了 Sheldon? Where did he go? 你大吼大叫 Oh, your yelling 一定又把他吓跑了 Must have freaked him out again. 你去哪儿 Where are you going?! 我们吵到一半 You just walk away -你就这么一走了之吗 -才不是 - In the middle of aargument?! - No. 我要去找你那天杀的室友 I'm going to go find your damn roommate 免得他做出伤害自己的傻事 before he hurts himself 例如乱穿马路之类的 trying to cross the street something! 你干嘛不早说 Why didn't you say so? 连这也要得到你允许吗 Oh, now I need your permission for that, too?! 我怎么知道你在想啥 佩妮 Well, I can't read your mind, Penny! 真的吗 怎么会呢 Really? Why not? 反正你这么聪明 而我又这么蠢 You're so smart, and I'm so dumb! 拉杰 Raj? 拉杰 Raj? 拉杰 Raj? 别敲了 门开着 Stop knocking! It's open! 请告诉我父母 我的暗物质研究 Please tell my parents that our Dark Matter research 正在节骨眼上 我不能回家 Is at a critical juncture, and I can't come home 去参加我表弟桑杰的婚礼 For my cousin Sanjay's wedding. 谢尔顿 Sheldon 问问我们儿子 我们要怎么跟切尔迪夫妇交待 Ask our son what we're supposed to say to Mr. and Mrs. Cheldry 他们的女儿拉克希米可是特地从伦敦飞回 Whose daughter, Lakshmi is flying in from London, 唯一的目的 就是跟他见面相亲 For the sole purpose of meeting him. 我又没让你们撮合我和拉克希米 I didn't ask you to set me up with Lakshmi. 你该感谢我们 You should be thanking us! 是的 拉克希米才刚切去了部分胃 Yes.Lakshmi just got her stomach stapled. 你有机会趁她减完肥 找回自尊之前 You have an opportunity to get in good with her 赶紧跟她搞好关系 Before she loses weight, and her self-esteem goes up. 我不在乎 I don't care! 为嘛你们就不信我能自己找到另一半 And why don't you think I can find a woman for myself? 因为你都27了 Because you're 27 你身边看着最像我们儿媳妇的 And the closest thing we have to a daughter-in-law 就是那个犹太男孩霍华德 Is that Jewish boy Howard. 你们这是恶意中伤 Oh..that is completely below the belt. 谢尔顿 来告诉我父母 我和霍华德只是朋友 Sheldon,tell my parents that Howard and I are just friends. 谢尔顿 Sheldon? 我和霍华德只是朋友 Howard and I are just friends! 好吧 我会回家出席桑杰的婚礼 Fine. I'll come home for Sanjay's wedding. 谢尔顿 Sheldon?! 你这是干嘛 What are you doing? 他又不是走失的小狗 He's not a lost dog. 干嘛不干脆让我来找他 Hey, why don't you just let me find him 你就坐这儿踩着你那想象中的刹车 While you sit there hitting your imaginary brake? 那刹车或许是我想象出来的 The brake might be imaginary, 但你刚刚闯的那个红灯不是 But that stop sign you just ran wasn't. 哪个红灯 What stop sign? 看前面 看前面 Eyes on the road. Eyes on the road! 霍华德 去应门 我在忙 Howard, answer the door! I'm busy! 我也在忙 你去应门 I'm busy, too! You answer it. 我不能 我在上厕所 I can't! I'm on the toilet! 天哪 这种事就别告诉我了 For God's sake, I don't need to hear that! 你就不能就说一句"我在忙"吗 Can't you just say, "I'm busy"? 我说了 但你不是还不满意吗 I said I'm busy,but that was't good enough for you! 我真希望是有人来入室抢劫 You know what?I hope it's one of those home invasion deals, 然后照我头上 给我一熗痛快 And they shoot me in the head! 如果真是入室抢劫的 Well, if it's a home invader, 别告诉他们我在上厕所 Don't tell them I'm on the toilet! 根本就没人 There's no one there. 你幻听了吗 你个疯老婆子 You're hearing things, you crazy old lady! 斯图尔特 见到谢尔顿了吗 Hey, Stuart, have you seen Sheldon? 对 他就在那边漫画角 Yeah, he's, uh, over in the graphic novel section. 给自己造了个小窝 Built himself a little nest. 谢谢 Thank you. -佩妮 -有事吗 - Uh, Penny? - Yeah? 你们没事吧 Is everything okay? 你指什么 What do you mean? 谢尔顿告诉我 你跟莱纳德吵架了 Sheldon told me you and Leonard were having a fight? 对 差不多吧 Oh, yeah, kind of. 没什么大事 It's-It's no big thing. 很好 很好 Oh, good, good. 我爱你 I love you. 你不跟我讲话 我是不会走的 I'm not leaving until you talk to me. 怎么回事 All right, what's going on? 这有点难解释 他这么做 It's a little hard to explain. He does this thing 是假装他处于一个异次元中 Where he pretends he's in an alternate dimension 虽然跟我们在同一物理空间 That occupies the same physical space we're in, 但无法感知我们 But he can't perceive us. 你少臭美了 我懒得理你而已 Don't flatter yourself. I'm just ignoring you. 拜托 谢尔顿 回家吧 Come on, Sheldon, let's go home. 看 我们俩已经不吵了 Look, we're done fighting. 这话我听多了 I've heard that before. 但然后呢 接下来 But then, the next thing you know, 我躲在自己卧室 大声读着费曼(著名物理学家)的讲义 I'm hiding in my bedroom,blaring a Richard Feynman lecture 而我妈 则在吼叫着说她即使在我爸的烘肉卷里 While my mom is shouting that Jesus would forgive her 放上玻璃渣 上帝也会原谅她的 If she put ground glass in my dad's meatloaf. 还有我爸 站在屋顶上 And my dad's on the roof skeet-shooting 用我妈的富兰克林珍藏版碗碟 玩双向飞碟射击 Her Franklin Mint collectible plates. 我们不会再吵嘴 There's going to no more shouting 也不会有人玩双向飞碟了 And no skeet-shooting. 真的 Really? 那你朋友贾斯汀要睡哪儿 Where's your friend Justin going to sleep? 对啊 他要睡哪儿 Yeah... where's he gonna sleep? 我的天 你们就不能忘了这茬吗 Oh, my God, would you let this go?! 要是我就会 I'd let it go. 干嘛要我忘了这茬 Why should I let it go? 干嘛不去跟那人说 让他另外找地儿借宿 Why don't you just tell the guy to find another place to sleep?! 上帝啊 Oh, for God's sakes. 我知道 你有童年阴影 So, you have childhood issues. 我们都有童年阴影 We all have childhood issues. 有时候 你能做的就是长大成熟 克服他们 At some point, you just need to grow up and get past them. 开火 开火 Fire! Fire! 莱纳德 让我来处理 好吗 Leonard, will you just let me handle this, please? -再次开火 开火 -先把这... - Again! Fire! Fire! - Let... just...Look... 谢尔顿 请你理解我们 Sheldon, please, try and understand. 我和莱纳德是在谈恋爱 Look, Leonard and I are in a relationship, 偶尔 我们俩是会吵架 And occasionally, we're going to fight. 但不管我们俩之间怎么样 But no matter what happens between us, 我们会一直爱你到底 We will always love you. 对吗 莱纳德 Right, Leonard? 一直 是段漫长的时光 Always is a long time. 当然 一直 Sure. Always. 我们给你买这个机器人好吗 You know, how about we buy you this robot, 然后我们就一起回家 And then we all go home? 我想要那个 I want that one. 好 就给你买那个 Okay, you can have that one. 拜托 他就只会玩个两次 Oh, come on, he's just going to play with it twice, 然后就跟其他那些垃圾一起束之高阁了 And then it'll end up in his closet with all the other junk. 莱纳德 给他买这个机器人 Buy him the robot, Leonard. 还能给我买这本漫画吗 Can I get this comic book, too? 宝贝 都给你买 Yes, you can. 又见面了 Meet me again. 你告诉贾斯汀不能借宿在你沙发上时 So what did Justin say when you told him 他怎么说 He couldn't sleep on your couch? 他是个音乐人 He'a musician. 不得已的话 叫他睡自个儿的呕吐物里都成 He's sleep in his own vomit, if he has to. 我真该叫他们买更多的 I should have asked for much more 不该被一本漫画一个机器人就打发了 Than a comic book and a robot.
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[ 此帖被半世癫在2014-08-17 00:25重新编辑 ]