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| 第三季第21集
站住 Hold. 干嘛 What? 解释你为什么打喷嚏 Explain your sneeze. 什么 I'm sorry? -你有过敏症吗 -没有 - Do you have allergies? - No. 你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗 Is there too much pepper on your salad? 我没在沙拉上加胡椒粉 I don't put pepper on salads. 够了 坐那边去 I've heard enough. Sit over there. 别这样 我不想一个人坐 Oh,come on.I don't want to sit by myself. [美国伤寒带菌者] 当年伤寒玛丽也这么说 That's what Typhoid Mary said, 显然 她朋友让步了所以都病了 And clearly,her friends buckled. 伙计们 帮帮我 Guys,help me. 谢尔顿 别这样 Sheldon,come on. 不就是一个喷嚏嘛 Yeah,it's just one sneeze. -自个坐去吧 -再见 兄弟 - You're on your own. - See you,buddy. 莱纳德 我有东西给你看 Oh,Leonard,I have something for you. 根据室友协议 Per our roommate agreement,this is 这是提前24小时通知 Your 24-hour notice that I will be having 我有一位无血缘关系的女性要在咱家住两晚 A non-related female spending two nights in our apartment. 你说的无血缘关系的女性 When you say "non-related female," 应该指人类吧 You still mean human,right? 当然 Of course. 室友协议规定不许有宠物 Pets are banned under the roommate agreement, 除了服务性动物 比如导盲犬 With the exception of service animals,such as seeing eye dogs 及将来出现的 机械装备强化的猴子帮工 And,one day,cybernetically-enhanced helper monkeys. 你打算绑架一个女人吗 Are you planning on kidnapping a woman? 讽刺吗 Sarcasm? 对 但也包含真诚的关心 Yes,but mixed with genuine concern. 告诉你们 我将接待 For your information,I'll be playing host 伊丽莎白•普林顿博士 To Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton. 普林斯顿大学的宇宙物理学家 The cosmological physicist from Princeton? 没错 Yes. 另外 你没戴口罩前 And until you acquire a surgical mask, 请先用餐巾捂嘴 再发表言论 Please address your comments to me through a napkin. 我们通信交流了好几年 We've been corresponding for years about 共同感兴趣的 Our mutual interest in 早期宇宙中膨胀子的引力波特性 Gravitational wave signatures of inflatons in the early universe. 她现在考虑 And now she's under consideration 来我们大学工作 For a position at our university. 你怎么没说过你认识伊丽莎白•普林顿 Why didn't you tell me you knew Elizabeth Plimpton? 我可是她的铁粉 I am a huge fan of hers! 我不知道我有义务分享 I didn't realize I was obligated to share my connection 我跟你喜欢的事物的联系 好吧 With things you're a fan of,but very well. 你喜欢吃加拿大熏肉 You enjoy Canadian bacon. 我去过多伦多 I've been to Toronto. 行 Okay,fine. 那她睡哪里 Where is she going to sleep? 当然睡我房间 My room,of course. 我靠 Holy crap! 我靠 Holy crap! 我有个两部分的问题 Yeah,um,I have a two-part question. 请说 Go ahead. 第一 你在开玩笑吗 A: Are you kidding me? 第二 你丫的开玩笑吧 And B: Seriously,are you freaking kidding me? 第一 我很少开玩笑 A: I rarely kid. 第二 我开玩笑时 你会听到 And B: When I do kid,you will know it 我用"逗你玩"这个词 By my use of the word "bazinga." 这么说你们俩 So you're saying the two of you 要睡在同一张床上 Are going to be sleeping in the same bed? 对 Yes. 逗你玩 Bazinga. 莱纳德 Leonard? 谢了 Thank you. 为什么一位世界知名的科学家 Why is a world-renowned scientist 选择住我们家 而不住酒店 Staying in our apartment instead of a hotel? 她不喜欢住酒店 Well,she doesn't care for hotels. 这也不能怪她 And who can blame her? 打不开的窗户 Windows that don't open, N个人用过的床单 Multi-user linens, 卡式的钥匙 好像谁的钱包 Keys shaped like credit cards-- as if one walks around 都有空的卡槽似的 With unassigned slots in one's wallet. 好了 所剩时间 All right,I believe I have time 只够回答一个问题 For one more question. 说吧 拉杰 Yes,Raj? 我什么时候能坐回你们旁边 When can I sit with you again? 等我看到连续两次 相隔12小时 When I've seen Two consecutive negative throat cultures 咽拭子检测呈阴性 你知道怎么做 Spaced 12 hours apart. You know the drill. 好了 All right, 诸位失陪了 我要去进行 If you'll excuse me,I am off to start 预防性抗生素治疗 A prophylactic course of antibiotics. 不敢相信 他居然是伊丽莎白•普林顿的朋友 I can't believe he's friends with elizabeth plimpton. 不敢相信 他们居然让他进加拿大 I can't believe they let him into canada. 喂 你刚刚没听到吗 Whoa,whoa,whoa. You heard the man. 你的咽拭子检测结果呢 Where's your throat cultures? 开玩笑 坐吧 Kidding. Sit down. 谢尔顿 Hey,Sheldon. 佩妮 正好 Oh,Penny,excellent. 我对加长型卫生棉有个疑问 I have a question about these maxi pads. 这个护翼真的有用吗 Are the wings truly functional 还是我沦为广告宣传的受害者了 Or have I fallen victim to marketing hype? 什么 What? 你干嘛买...什么 Why are you doing with-- what? 沃格林的男售货员 The stock boy at Walgreens 根本没给我提供什么信息 Was frustratingly uninformed on the subject. 谢尔顿 你买卫生棉干嘛 Sheldon,what are you doing with maxi pads? 我有个女性朋友 I have a lady friend 要在我这里住几天 Who will be staying with me for a few days. 什么 What? 我想让她宾至如归 I want her to feel at home. 我还买了香皂 裤袜 痛经药 I also bought scented soaps,pantyhose,midol, 咀嚼钙 还有这种酸奶 Calcium chews and what is apparently a yogurt 专门调节女性肠道的 Specifically designed to regulate the female bowel. 等等 前面一句 Wait,wait,hold on,back up. 有个女人要跟你住在一起 You're having a woman stay with you? 对 Yes. 怎么每个人听到都大吃一惊 Why does that seem to flabbergast everybody? 不 不是 Oh... no,no,no,no. 我不是吃惊 I'm not flabbergasted. 我是...疑惑 I'm... puzzled. 就是疑惑 Yeah,let's go with puzzled. 友情提示 A word of warning. 这位客人是著名物理学家 My guest is a noted physicist 量子宇宙论的权威专家 And the leading expert on quantum cosmology, 请不要跟她聊女性无聊话题 So please try to avoid wasting her time 浪费她的时间 With female jibber jabber. 什么叫女性无聊话题 Female jibber jabber? 鞋子特价 发型 泥面膜 Shoe sales,hair styles, 还有你朋友布莱德和安吉丽娜的八卦 Mud masks,gossip about your friends Brad and Angelina. 他们不是我的朋友 Oh,they're not my friends. 我知道 鉴于你在背后 I'm not surprised,considering the way 说了他们那么多坏话 You talk about them behind their backs. 她来了 她来了 She's here,she's here. 我看上去怎么样 聪明吗 How do I look? Do I look smart? 老天爷 Oh,good grief. 这又不是你的事 This isn't about you. 来了 Coming! 听好 Now,listen. 21世纪最杰出的头脑之一 One of the great minds of the 21st century 将以东道的身份迎接另一位杰出头脑 is about to play host to one of the other great minds of the 21st century. 你要仔细看着 So pay attention. 没准儿多年以后 Years from now, 我的传记作者问起你这个伟大时刻 my biographer might ask you about this event. 我有太多话想跟你的传记作者说 Oh,I have so many things to tell your biographer. 库珀博士 谢天谢地 Dr. Cooper,thank goodness. 我完全不记得你的地址 I completely forgot your address. 还好我还记得写在了手上 But then I remembered that I'd written it on my hand. 幸好 Lucky for me, 我没记成另外一只手 I didn't confuse it with what I'd written on my other hand, 那只写的是一颗最新发现的中子星的坐标 which are the coordinates for a newly discovered neutron star. 因为想去那儿的话 我会被超重力压碎的 'cause if I tried to go there,I'd be crushed by hypergravity. -不说这些了 你好啊 -你好 - Anyway,hello. - Hello. 很高兴能见到你的本尊哦 Nice to finally meet you in person. 我猜也是 I would imagine it is. 这位是我朋友兼室友 莱纳德•霍夫斯塔德博士 This is my friend and roommate,Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. 你嗨 Hi-lo. 我 我本来想说"你好" I-I started to say "hi," 中途又想说"嗨" and then I switched to "hello" in the middle. 结果就成了"你嗨" It came out "hi-lo." 咄[表示轻蔑] Duh. 很高兴见到你 Uh,it's nice to meet you. 我拜读过你的书和许多论文 I-I've read both your books and most of your papers. 我叫莱纳德 就住这儿 你太有才了 I-I'm Leonard,I live here,you're brilliant. 真不好意思 I apologize. 他只是个搞实验物理的 He's only an experimental physicist. 没关系 No need to apologize. 我有几个好朋友也是搞实验的 Some of my best friends are experimental physicists. 其实也不算好朋友 就是认识而已 Well,not my best friends,but I know them. 我最要好的朋友 My best friend is 是一位名叫温迪的分子化学家 a molecular chemist named Wendy. 真不好意思 我话太多了 I'm sorry,I'm rambling. 你嗨 Hi-lo. 你饿吗 渴吗 Are you hungry,thirsty? 我来招待你吧 Can I offer you anything? 不用了 她是我的客人 No,she's my guest. 要招待她的话 也该由我来吧 If anyone should offer her anything,it should be me. 伊丽莎白 我能为你效劳吗 Elizabeth,can I get you something? 你想要女性卫生用品 Perhaps a feminine hygiene product 还是调节肠道的酸奶 or a bowel-regulating yogurt? 这俩选项都很有意思嘛 Interesting choices. 考虑到我现在的需求 还是酸奶吧 Based on my current needs,I guess I'd pick the yogurt. 好极了 Excellent. 要是这酸奶起作用的话 If the yogurt works, 我还买了些香薰蜡烛 I bought some delightful scented candles. 这是你耶 Look,it's you. 非常感谢你们让我住在这里 Thank you so much for opening up your home to me. 谁愿意住宾馆啊 Well,who wants to stay in a hotel? 窗户又打不开 诡异的卡片式钥匙 Windows that don't open,those crazy card-shaped keys. 知音啊 我太高兴了 I'm so glad you understand. 不对 他不是你的知音 No,he doesn't understand. 我才是 I understand. 我也是啊 Well,I understand,too. 你剽窃了我的想法 You're just misappropriating my understanding. 我觉得任何一所大学都想要你 I think any university would want you. 当然 除了那些 Except,of course, 已经接纳你的大学 any university that had already had you. 因为他们已经在接纳你之前 Because they would've already wanted you 已经想要你了 before they,you know,got you. 这就是跟你说"你嗨"的那位 From the mind that brought you "hi-lo." 我带你去房间看看吧 Let me show you to your room. 好啊 All right. 我也觉得我困了 晚安 莱纳德 I guess I am tired. Good night,Leonard. 好安 Uh,sleep night. 我想说 晚安 I mean,obviously,good night. 我本来想说"好梦" I started to say "sleep tight," 然后我又中途改了主意 then I changed my mind in the middle. 我对天发誓 我很聪明的 I swear to god,I'm smart. 话说清楚点 伙计 Get it together,man. 好的 给你展示一下 All right,let me show you 这个房间里的一些功能吧 some of the features of the room. 首先 窗户 First,windows. 很常见 Conventional. 打开 关上 Open,closed. 打开 关上 Open,closed. 开一半 Halfway open. 或者说关一半 这取决于你的哲学取向 Or halfway closed,depending on your philosophical bent. 这里是我的漫画收藏 Over here is my comic book collection. 可以随意浏览 Feel free to browse. 这里有一盒阅读专用的一次性手套 There's a box of disposable reading gloves 就在床头柜上 on the night stand. 很好 Good to know. 在这里 In here,you'll find 你可以找到应急储备 emergency provisions. 足够八天的食物和水 一把弩 An eight-day supply of food and water,a crossbow, 一个高密度优盘 里面有 Season 2 of Star Trek the original series 原版的《星际迷航》第二季 on a high-density flash drive. 那要是所有的USB接口都在 What if there's a disaster 灾难中坏掉了呢 that destroys all the USB ports? 那就真的没法儿活了 不是吗 Then there's really no reason to live,is there? 我能问个关于你室友的问题吗 Can I ask a question about your roommate? 他是个蠢货 对吧 He's an odd duck,isn't he? 他的情感生活是个什么状态 What's his relationship status? 他跟住在走廊对面的那个女服务员 Well,there was a misbegotten adventure 有过一段奸情 With a waitress who lives across the hall. 莫名其妙开始 又莫名其妙结束 It ended as inexplicably as it began. 他俩没有什么共同点 They had very little in common, 除了床笫之欢 except for carnal activity. 这就是为什么 That's why I acquired 我准备了这副隔音耳麦 these noise-canceling headphones. 如果你打算用它的话 If you decide to use them, 请记得戴完之后用湿巾把耳罩擦干净 please clean the ear pieces afterwards 湿巾就在卫生间里 with the wet wipes you'll find in the bathroom. 有个贴着"湿巾"标签的抽屉 They're in the drawer labeled "wet wipes." 行 Okay. 很好 那就不打扰你晚上梳洗时间了 Good. I'll leave you to your nighttime ablutions. 早上卫生间的使用时间表已经发你邮箱 I've e-mailed you the morning bathroom schedule. 欢迎礼包里还有一份塑封过的版本 You'll also find a laminated copy in your welcome packet. 就印在紧急逃生线路图的背面 It's on the back of the emergency escape route diagram. 真体贴 How thoughtful. -睡个好觉 朋友 -你也是 - Sleep well,my friend. - You,too. 让我再拿一样东西 Oh,let me just get one thing. 这是我的备用应急储备包 It's my backup emergency supply kit. 客厅的紧急逃生路线不经过这边 The living room escape route doesn't pass through here. 晚安 Now,good night. 如果世界末日降临的话 祝你好运 And if there's an apocalypse,good luck. 请进 Yes? 我看见你的灯还亮着 I saw your light on. 你没事吧 Is everything all right? 没事 我就是睡不着 Yeah,I just couldn't sleep. 我也睡不着 Me neither. 你看我在读什么 Oh,look what I'm reading. 你的书哦 It's you. 你不是读过了吗 I thought you already read it. 是读过 不过有一阵子了 I did,but it's been a while, 我想在早餐时表现得聪明点 And I wanted to sound smart over breakfast. 你很聪明了 Aw,you're smart. 是吗 太好了 Oh,good. 我还担心你没看出来 Wasn't sure it was coming across. 在读第几章 What chapter are you on? 第六章 Uh,six. 银河系外距离等级 Oh,the extragalactic distance ladder. 想知道一个小秘密吗 Want to know a little secret? 当然 Sure. 威尔逊-巴普效应那一节 I wrote the section on the Wilson-Bappu effect 我是全裸着写的 completely naked. 真的吗 Really? 读起来可不像 Uh,sure doesn't read that way. 我来给你演示 Here,let me show you. 考虑到脉动变星的亮度变化 When we consider the brightness of pulsating variable stars, 这可能就是 we start to see a possible explanation 哈勃常数出现数值分歧的原因之一 for some of the discrepancies found in Hubble's constant. 你的科学真是活色生香 You really make science come alive. 语音测试 清晨语音测试 Vocal test. Morning vocal test. 第二次语音测试 Second vocal test. 第二次清晨语音测试 Second morning vocal test. 谢尔顿早 Morning,Sheldon. 早 Morning. 谢尔顿早 Morning,Sheldon. 早 Morning. 昨晚过得愉快吗 I trust you had a pleasant night. 不是一般愉快 More than pleasant. 失陪一下 我要去方便 Excuse me,I'm going to relieve myself. 喝什么咖啡 How do you take your coffee? -清咖啡 -好滴 - Black. - Okeydoke. 为休斯顿而尿 为奥斯丁而尿 Pee for Houston,pee for Austin, 为我深爱的州而尿 pee for the state my heart got lost in. 再为德州抖两抖 And shake twice for Texas. 他妈妈教他的 Something his mother taught him. 好了 伊丽莎白 All right,Elizabeth, 轮到你用卫生间了 the bathroom is yours. 坐垫我放下了 为保护你健康还消了毒 The seat is down,and has been sanitized for your protection. 你真细心 不过我想先喝完咖啡 That's very thoughtful,but I think I'll finish my coffee first. 看来酸奶是没起作用 Ah,so the yogurt didn't work. 我要火速去给生产商写邮件指责他们 I'll fire off a critical e-mail to the manufacturer. 太好了 你们都起了 Oh,good,you're up. 我的车发动不了 Look,my car won't start. 需要有人送我上班 I need a ride to work. 又对检查引擎灯置之不理了 Did you once again ignore your "check engine" light? 不是 大明白先生 No,Mr. Smarty-pants. 我这次没理加油提示灯 I ignored the "fill gas tank" light. 莱纳德 佩妮来查探下 Leonard,Penny wants to exploit any 你是否对她余情未了 residual feelings you have for her 以达到搭车上班的目的 in order to get a ride to work. 好 当然 等我把咖啡倒旅行杯里 Oh,yeah,sure,let me just put this in a travel mug. 你好 Hello. 嗨 Hi. 佩妮 这位是普林顿博士 Oh,Penny,this is Dr. Plimpton... 量子宇宙论权威专家 A leading expert on quantum cosmology. 普林顿博士 这是佩妮 Dr. Plimpton,Penny is a waitress 一名不理解内燃机需要 who doesn't understand the role gasoline plays 汽油做燃料的服务生 in the internal combustion engine. 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you,too. 在这住得好吗 Are you enjoying your stay? 是的 非常好 Yes,very much. 那就好 Good. 太棒了 无意义的客套话交流完毕 Wonderful. Meaningless pleasantries accomplished. 伊丽莎白 莱纳德如厕时间就要到了 Elizabeth,Leonard's bathroom time is coming up, 相信我 在他后面去可不是好事 and believe me,you do not want to follow him. 失陪了 Excuse me. 好吧 我看我得去换衣服了 Okay,well,I guess I should get dressed 好送大家去上班 so I can take everyone to work. 你 谢尔顿 You and Sheldon 还有谢尔顿的朋友 and Sheldon's friend, 普林顿博士 你刚见过的 Dr. Plimpton,who you just met. 肯定会有趣 Gonna be fun. 就像玩具车 Like a clown car. 等等 Hang on. Hmm? 哦 什么事 Yeah? What? Huh? 我们刚刚分手 We just broke up. 什么... 你我吗 是哈 Wha... uh,you and me? Yeah,we did. 不久之前 Not too long ago. 你适应得如何 How are you doing with it? 明显没你适应得好 Not as good as you apparently. 我什么 没明白 I,um,I don't follow. 知道吗 这不不关我的事 You know what? It's,it's none of my business. 我们刚刚分手 If you want to sleep with Sheldon's doctor buddy 你就想和谢尔顿的博士朋友上床 那就去吧 right after we stopped seeing each other,go for it. 打扰一下 Excuse me. 我对你提议莱纳德 I'm uncomfortable with you recommending 争取与普林顿博士性交感到不安 that Leonard pursue having intercourse with Dr. Plimpton, 她可还有更重要的事要忙 who I assure you has better things to do. 我不是提议 I'm not recommending it. 他已经那样做了 I'm saying it already happened. 这太荒谬了 That's preposterous. 是吧 莱纳德 Tell her,Leonard. 那个... Well... 不是吧 No. 拜托 不是我的错 Come on. It wasn't my fault. 莫非你是想说你不小心绊倒 The implication being that you somehow tripped 正好摔她身上了 and fell into her lady parts? 算了 You know what? 我还是坐公车上班吧 I'm just gonna take the bus to work. 佩妮 让我开车送你吧 Penny,I can still drive you. 算了 不必了 Oh,no,no,it's okay. 我怕你踩到香蕉皮 You might slip on a banana peel 然后把我搞怀孕了 and get me pregnant. 我必须要说 你的背叛真令我震惊 I must say,i'm shocked by this betrayal. 我没有背叛佩妮 I didn't betray Penny. 不是佩妮 是我 Not Penny,me! 我怎么背叛到你了 How am I betraying you? 伊丽莎白是我的朋友 你却跟她玩 Elizabeth's my friend,and you're playing with her! 好吧 确实玩了 Yeah,I guess I did. 你这是干什么呢 What the hell are you doing? [奈奎尔: 一种夜间使用的感冒药] 别紧张 这是奈奎尔 Relax,it's NyQuil. 你感冒还没好 You still have a cold? 或许吧 可我不在乎 Maybe,but I don't care. 这就是奈奎尔的妙处 里面有10%的酒 That's the great thing about NyQuil,it's like ten-percent booze. 我叫它一夜鼻涕喷嚏咳嗽不断 I call it the nighttime sniffling,sneezing,coughing 但能让你跟女孩讲话的神药 so you can talk to girls medicine. 你晚上睡不着吗 Are you having trouble sleeping? 要知道 我可是一夜没睡啊 'cause,boy,I was up all night. 你也感冒了吗 Did you get a cold,too? 不 但我整夜都没睡哟 No,but I was awake all night. 想吃药的话 If you want, 我可以给你些我妈的安眠药 I can give you some of my mom's sleeping pills. 要是少了她不会发现吗 She won't notice they're missing? 她都没发现自己在吃安眠药 She doesn't know she takes them. 没事 No,that's okay. 是其它事让我整夜不睡 It was something else keeping me up last night. 今早也是哦 And again this morning. 我也不介意哟 And... I didn't mind. 我昨晚没睡 I was up last night. 今早也没睡 I was up this morning. 我也不介意 I didn't mind. 都提示你们这么多了 Those are your clues. 你窗台上的鸽子又孵了一窝小鸟吗 Did the pigeon on your windowsill have more babies? 不是 No. 你又不睡整什么乐高动画电影了吧 Were you up making another stop-motion lego movie? 不是 No. 告诉你吧 'cause let me tell you, 光是让乐高玩具动起来可不够 It's not enough to make the legos move, 还要让他们有爱 懂吗 They also have to capture your heart. 再提示一下 Okay,I'll give you one more clue. 还涉及到另一个人 It involved another person. 你搞了个日本性爱抱枕吗 Did you get a Japanese love pillow? 日本性爱抱枕能算人吗 How is a japanese love pillow another person? 要是你爱她 又给她起名字 当然算 It is if you love her and give her a name. 普林顿博士 我来给你介绍我的同事 Dr. Plimpton,I'd like you to meet my colleagues-- 这位是拉杰•库萨帕里博士 Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali 和不是博士的霍华德•沃罗威茨 And not-a-doctor Howard Wolowitz. -我是的忠实粉丝 -多谢 - I'm a big fan of your work. - Thank you. 不用我说 你和霍夫斯塔德博士 And of course,you've already introduced yourself 已经互相认识过了 to Dr. Hofstadter. 你好呀 Hey,you. 你也好呀 Hey,you. 天 我可真是精疲力竭 Boy,I'm kind of tuckered out. 你感觉如何 伊丽莎白 How are you feeling,Elizabeth? 要我说吗 You know what? 我是有点累 I am a little tired. 能行行好帮我拿杯咖啡吗 Would you be a dear and get me a cup of coffee? 当然 Sure. 要清咖啡吧 Black,right? 其实我现在更想喝火辣甜蜜的印度咖啡 Actually,now I think I want it hot,brown and sweet. 马上就来 Coming right up. 你来干嘛 What? 你什么意思 今晚是光晕之夜 What do you mean "what?" it's halo night. 我不能玩 病得厉害 I can't. I'm too sick. 快走 Go away. 所以我们才转战到你家 That's why we moved halo night here. 看 我还带了我妈做的鸡汤 Look,I brought my mom's chicken soup. 我不饿 I'm not hungry. 别赶他走嘛 Don't send him away. -让他进来 -那是谁 - Let him in. - Who's that? 我买了只鹦鹉 I bought a parrot. 得了吧 Yeah,right. 普林顿博士 Dr. Plimpton? 嗨 你是霍华德吧 Hi. Howard,right? 我是 Uh,yeah. 能问你个问题吗 霍华德 Can I ask you a question,howard? 你喜欢角色扮演游戏吗 Do you like role-playing games? 当然 Yeah,sure. 其实我是个地下城主 In fact,I'm a dungeon master. 今晚可以换种口味 Not tonight. 今晚你就当个送外卖的 Tonight you are a delivery man. 送来了鸡汤 You brought soup, 但不幸的是拉杰和我却没钱付给你 But uh-oh,Raj and I don't have enough money to pay you. 所以我们只能搞一些特殊交易 So we'll have to come to some other kind of arrangement. 你说什么 Beg your pardon? 你们自己商量下细节 You two figure out the details, 我去换下装 I'm going to go change into something 等着你们一把撕掉 I don't mind getting ripped off my milky flesh. 我靠 真的假的 What the frak? 你快走 Go away. 她喜欢印度风的 不是什么犹太风 She wants new delhi,not kosher deli. 再说你都有女友了 Besides,you have a girlfriend. 都分手几星期了 We broke up weeks ago. 怎么都不见你提过 Why didn't you say anything? 我在等待最佳时机 I was waiting for the right time. 现在时机就正好 This is the right time. 准备好光晕大战了吗 Hey,who's ready for halo? 我靠 又来个人添乱 Oh,this is like a nightmare. 快滚 Get lost! 没错 人数已经够多了 He's right. The numbers are shaky enough as it is. 我没听懂 I don't understand. 哇哦 赞 莱纳德来了 Oh,good.Leonard's here. 赞 Good?! 伊丽莎白 Elizabeth? 怎么回事 What's going on? 现在你和霍华德是我的搬运工 What's going on is you and Howard are my moving men 而拉杰是我的新房东 And Raj is my new landlord 可我却没钱付给你们 And I don't have enough money to pay any of you. 她的意思和我想的一样淫荡吗 Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting? 对 Yep. 欢迎来到淫荡世界[原义为一本色情杂志] Welcome to the penthouse forum. 举手表决 有谁同意 Okay,show of hands. Who's up for this? 我们仨都得赤裸裸坦诚相对的 We'll all be naked in front of each other. 那我不干 I'm out. 大家准备好了吗 Everybody ready? 按我说的做 Follow my lead. 就快了 Almost. 我们准备到走廊上去 We're,we're going to go out into the hallway and, 来个戏剧性登场 make a dramatic entrance. 太好了 这种效果更好 Oh,good. It's so much better when everyone commits. 快走快走 别回头看 Run. Run,run,run. Don't look back. 我还以为能有些特别的呢 I thought we had something special. 这么说 你付不出房租咯 So,you say you can't pay your rent... 莱纳德 Oh,Leonard? 我在脱水机里发现的 I found these in the dryer. 应该是谢尔顿的吧 I'm assuming they belong to Sheldon. 多谢 Thanks. 童装要买到这样的尺码真不容易 It's really hard to find these in his size. 听着 So,listen. 关于那天早上的事 我一直想找你谈谈 I've been meaning to talk to you about the other morning. 你是指你和淫荡骚女博士的事吗 You mean you and Dr. Slutbunny? 我想向你解释 Yeah,I wanted to explain. 你不必向我解释 Well,you don't owe me an explanation. -是吗 -对啊 - I don't? - No,you don't. 这么说 你不会有想法咯 So,you are not judging me. 我当然有想法 I'm judging you nine ways to Sunday. 但你不必向我解释 But you don't own me an explanation. 不管怎样 我还是要解释一下 Nevertheless,I'd like to get one on the record, 让你明白 我为什么要这么做 so you can understand why I did what I did. 我听着呢 I'm listening. 她自己送上门的 She let me. | |