- 注册时间 2009-08-28
- 最后登录 2025-02-20
- 在线时间5012小时
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- 鸡蛋9
- 在线时间5012 小时
| 第二季 第19集
好 搞定了 Okay,it's done. 听着 男同胞们 我不介意以后替你们干掉大蜘蛛 Look,guys,for the future,I don't mind killing the big spiders, 但小的你们总得自己来吧 but you have to at least try with the little ones. Penny 别说了 Penny,please. 这问题可比迷路严重得多 We're facing a far more serious problem than stray arachnids. - Sheldon 没有那么糟 - 不糟? 简直是恐怖! - Sheldon,it's not so bad. - Not bad? It's horrible. 这种事时常听到 但啥时候想到会发生在自己身上 I mean,you hear stories about this sort of thing,but you never think it'll happen to you. 他们是坏了你的饺子 算了吧 So they steamed your dumplings. Get over it. 换个新话题吧 New topic,please. 好 Penny All right,Penny. 那就让我借此机会说出 你今天可真是迷死人啊 Let me take this opportunity to point out that you are looking particularly ravishing today. 戴上一千个安全套再说吧 Howard Not with a thousand condoms,Howard. 这么说 还有个数呢 So,there is a number. 够了 换个新话题吧 Okay,new topic,please. 嘿 你们听说5楼A座的人要搬出去了吗? Hey,did you hear the people upstairs in 5A are moving out? - 不 嘘-嘘-嘘! - 虾~米? - No,shh-shh-shh! - What? - 楼上的人要搬走了 - 不! - The people upstairs are moving out. - No! 骇人听闻... The horror... 你为什么要这样说话? Why would you just say something like that? 不不不... No,no,no,no,no,no,no... 那我还能怎么个说法? How else was I supposed to say it? 有点铺垫嘛 就像把金鱼放进鱼缸 不是一下子就把它扔进去吧 Slowly. Like putting a new fish in a tank. You don't just drop it in. 你得把袋子在水里放一会儿 You let the bag sit in the water a while. 骇人听闻... The horror... Sheldon 我肯定会没事的 Sheldon,I'm sure it's going to be fine. 不 怎么可能没事 改变从来不会没事 No,it's not going to be fine. Change is never fine. 人们这么说 但事实并非如此 They say it is,but it's not. 亲爱的 你认识那些要搬走的人么? Okay,honey,did you even know the people that are moving out? 我从没见过他们 所以他们才如此完美 I never met them. That's what made them perfect. 不用尴尬地在走廊里打招呼 There were no awkward "hellos" in the halls. 没有硬木地板上咔嗒咔嗒的高跟鞋声 There's no clickety-clacking of high heel shoes on hardwood floors. 他们也可能是一窝猫 在帘子间跳来跳去 They may as well have been a family of cats just jumping around from drape to drape. 但他们没有烦人的尿骚味 Without that annoying ammonia urine smell. 我肯定新来的人也会同样安静的 Well,I'm sure the new people will be just as quiet. 你又不知道 这你要怎么知道? You can't know that. How can you possibly know that? 你说得没错 我不知道 你知道吗? You're right,I can't. You know what? 谁都有可能租下那间公寓 歌剧演员 街舞少年剧组的... Anyone could rent that apartment now: an opera singer,the cast ofStomp... 对哈 装着个木腿踢踏舞演员 Yeah,a tap-dancing pirate with a wooden leg. 你为什么要越搞越僵? Why are you making it worse? 我想往好的方面说 可他不听啊 I tried making it better. He wouldn't go for it. 没错! 那是个好主意 You're right! That's a great idea. - 什么? - 我要租下楼上的公寓 - What? - I'll take the apartment upstairs. 我终于可以离我妈远远的了 我们也能有多一点时间在一起了 I can finally get away from my mother and we can all spend some more time together. 如果你明白我的意思的话 If you catch my drift. 骇人听闻... The horror... 等等 你们真的以为我会相信 Hold on.You honestly expect me to believe 礼节上我们这么拼命替Wolowitz搬家 that social protocol dictates we break our backs helping Wolowitz move, 他只需要买个匹萨给我们吃? and then he only need buy us a pizza? 抱歉 不过事实就是如此 I'm sorry,that really is how it works. 你们在耍我 You' tricking me. 给我说实话 我们到底有什么好处? You tell me the truth,what do we get? Raj 帮帮忙吧 Raj,help me out here. 你可以在山地车和PS3之间选一个 You get to choose between a mountain bike or a PS3. 我就知道! I knew it! PS3 绝对是PS3了 PS3,definitely PS3. 谁会选山地车啊? Who would pick a mountain bike? 别再让我有负罪感了 老妈 我们还是会再见的 Enough with the guilt,Ma. We'll still see each other. 我会每晚过来和你共进晚餐的 I'll come over every night and have dinner with you. 吃你个大头鬼! The hell you will! 你把这儿当什么地方了? 高级餐厅? What am I running here,a fancy restaurant? 看着像橄榄树花园(意式餐厅)么? Does this look like Olive Garden? 好吧 我了解了 你生气了 Okay,I get it,you're angry. 你不愿见到你的小鸟飞离巢穴 You don't want to see your little bird leave the nest. "小鸟"? 你都快30了! "Little bird"? You're almost 30! 飞吧 我的神呐! Fly,for God's sake! 好 我不搬! 开心了吧 疯婆子? Fine,I'll stay! Ya happy,crazy lady? 我打心底里这么想 因为你毁了我的生活! I sure as hell hope so,because you're ruing my life! 嘿 是Penny吗? 我是Leonard Hey,Penny? It's Leonard. 好消息 你可以把脑袋从烤炉里拿出来了 Good news,you can take your head out of the oven. 我想我也不需要这玩意儿了 I guess I won't be needing this. 噢 不... Oh,no... 新来的 Thenewones. 已经到了 They're here. 别冲动 我们还对他们一无所知 Stay calm. We don't know anything about them yet. 你在干嘛? What are you doing? 我在检查有没有乐器 I'm checking for musical instruments. 你觉得这个听起来像响板么? Does that sound like castanets to you? - 盒子上写着"厨具" - 那又怎样? - The box says "kitchen." - So? 毒贩子会在盒子上写"可卡因"么? Do cocaine smugglers write "cocaine" on the box? - 你好 - 你好 - Hello? - Hello. - 你好 - 你好 - Hello. - Hello. - 你好 - 你好 - Hello. - Hello. 我是Alicia 我要搬进楼上了 I'm Alicia. I'm moving in upstairs. 真是太棒了 That is so great. 噢 我是Leonard 我住在楼下 Oh,I'm Leonard. I live downstairs. 在这儿上头 不过在你下面 Upstairs from here,but under you. 实际上不是在你下面 而是在你的公寓下面 Not under you per se,but under your apartment. - 真不错 - 是啊 - That's nice. - Yeah,it is. 求爱呢啊 结巴完了换我说 If that concludes your faltering attempt to mate... - 你好 - 你好 - Hello. - Hello. 一到十 你给自己脚步声定个级别 On a scale of one to ten,how light of foot would you describe yourself, 一代表完全不像猫类 十代表简直就是猫科动物 with one being not cat-like at all,and ten being freakishly feline? "简直就是猫科动物"? "Freakishly feline"? 这是你的答案还是你没听懂问题? Is that your answer or do you not understand the question? - 这个待会再说 - Sheldon... - We'll come back to that one. - Sheldon... 等等 你现在或曾经跳过萨尔萨舞 爱尔兰民舞或者街舞吗? Hang on. Are you now or have you ever been a salsa,Irish folk or break-dancer? - 没有 - 你问得她不自在了 - No. - You're making her uncomfortable. 抱歉 以表安慰 目前你做的很好 Oh,I'm sorry. Well,if it helps you feel any better,you're doing very well so far. 下一个问题 你能生育吗? Next question: are you fertile? 什么? What? 我想知道以后楼上会不会有哭闹的婴儿 I'm trying to determine whether crying infants above my head are a possibility. 目前没有打算 I have no immediate plans. 如果有 告诉我 If that changes,let me know. 那最后 小地毯 赞成还是反对? And finally,area rugs,pro or con? - 赞成? - Alicia? - Pro? - Alicia? - 什么事? - 欢迎来到这里 - Yes? - Welcome to the building. 多谢你帮忙 Leonard Thanks so much for helping me,Leonard. 多谢你给我这个机会 Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to help. 噢 你们好啊 Oh,hey,guys. 嘿 Penny 这是我们的新邻居 Alicia Hey,Penny. This is Alicia,our new neighbor. 我在帮忙 I'm helping. 看见了 I can see. Alicia不玩音乐 不生孩子 赞成小地毯 Alicia's non-musical,childless and pro-rug. 当然她还在试用期 不过我喜欢她 She's still on probation,of course,but I ke her. 好酷的T恤啊 Cool T-shirt. 噢 是啊 我通常不这么打扮 这正要去慢跑呢 Oh,yeah,I don't usually dress like this. I'm going jogging. - 你又不慢跑的 - 这不正要开始么 - You don't jog. - I can start. 那是 不过更合理的解释是 你又没有干净的衣服穿了 True,but the more likely explanation for your attire is that you're out of clean clothes again. - 谢谢侬 Sheldon - 不客气 Penny - Thank you,Sheldon. - You're welcome,Penny. 得了吧 你看上去多可爱 我今天也穿得像邋遢鬼似的 Please,you look cute. I'm dressed like a slob today,too. 我觉得你看起来棒极了 I think you look fantastic. 这家伙棒极了 哈? This one's a player,huh? 噢 是啊 要小心 Oh,yeah,be careful. - 多谢提醒 - 好 - Thanks for the warning. - Okay. - 回见了 - 再见 - I'll see you around. - See ya. 我今天也穿得像邋遢鬼似的 I'm dressed like a slob today,too. 噢 模仿 我爱模仿 Oh,micry. I enjoy micry. 我一直在模仿"绝地武士归来"的阿克巴 I've been working on Admiral Ackbar fromReturn of the Jedi. "这是个陷阱" "It's a trap." 你得想象我有个巨大的鱿鱼脑袋 You have to imagine me with a giant squid head. "这是个陷阱" "It's a trap." "这是个陷阱" "It's a trap." "这是个陷阱" "It's a trap." 进来 Come. 恭喜啊 你衣服洗好了 Congratulations,I see you did your laundry. 呃 算是吧 Well,sort of. - 要怎么"算是..."呢? - 我买了新衣服 好了吧? - How does one "sort of..." - I bought new clothes,okay? Leonard在吗? Is Leonard around? 他在楼上Alicia那儿 He's upstairs at Alicia's. 好吧 没事 没什么大不了 All right,that's cool,no biggie. 他说他会帮我装打印机的 不过我想我可以等等 He said he'd help me set up my printer,but I guess I can wait. 他究竟在上头干什么呢? What exactly is he doing up there? 我只能理解为是 用来摧毁我的战术性行动 In what I can only perceive as a tactical move to destroy me, 他和Wolowitz还有Koothrappali 在帮她装立体声系统 he is with Wolowitz and Koothrappali setting up her stereo. 噢 他们都在上头 哈? 典型啊 Oh,they're all up there,huh? Hmm,typical. 显然非典型啊 It's axiomatically atypical. 直到最近 他们还不认识Alicia 以前也没有在哪儿见过她 Up until recently,they did not know Alicia,and had no encounters with her in a previous location. 他们从来不上楼去看以前的房客 They never went upstairs to visit the former tenants, 所以你将他们的行为归为"典型" 显然是谬论 so your characterization of their behavior as "typical" is demonstrably fallacious. 好了 现在我看见巨型鱿鱼脑袋了 Okay,now I see the giant squid head. 这下好了! 我得从头再来一遍 Oh,great! Now,I have to start all over again. 没错 我还想租下这间公寓呢 Yeah,I thought about renting this apartment, 但我更喜欢住"市区阁楼" but I'm really more of a "downtown loft" kind of guy. 真酷 那么说你现在住阁楼咯? Cool. So are you in a loft now? 噢 实际上 我现在和一个女人 一起住在Altadena Oh,actually,I'm,uh,living with a woman in Altadena. 纯柏拉图式的 她也是我的女仆 Purely platonic. She's also my maid. 听起来不错啊 Sounds like a sweet deal. 不骗你哦 挺无聊的 I won't lie. It's pretty dope. 嗨 Hello? 嘿 我想给你带来点乔迁之喜的薄礼 Hey,I just wanted to bring you a little housewarming gift. 你太贴心了 快进来吧 我们打开尝尝 That is so sweet. Come on in. Let's open it. - 好极了 - 裙子很漂亮 - Great. - Nice dress. 哦 这条?我今天穿得像邋遢鬼似的 Oh,this? I'm dressed like a slob today. 他们在帮我组装音响系统 The guys have been helping me set up my sound system. 我从未见过这么靓的技术人员 I've never had such good-looking technical support. 噢 哪里哪里 Oh,pish-posh. 管它呢 就是不咋靓的意思呗 I don't know,it means shucks. 不靓就是不靓嘛 您老别总那么较真成不 "Shucks" means shucks. Let one go once in a while. - Penny 有个消息很赞 想听不? - 说啊 - Hey,uh,Penny,you want to hear something awesome? - Yeah. Alicia是名演员 和你一样 Alicia is an actress,just like you. 真太赞了 That is so awesome. 努力做演员 但真的很难啊 Well,trying to be,but it's so hard. 我了解 还用说嘛 Yeah,I know,tell me about it. 我已经来这儿三个月了 I've been out here three months, 只不过接了几个商业广告 和一部肥皂剧的循环角色 and all I've gotten is a couple of national commercials and this recurring thing on a soap. 所以我一直在在"酪饼工厂"工作 就是在等好角色啊 That's why I work at the Cheesecake Factory. I'm holding out for the right part. Alicia 你要怎样的DVD默认设置 杜比5.1还是DTS? Alicia,what do you want as your default setting for DVDs,5. 1 Dolby or DTS? 你认为哪个好就设置哪个吧 靓仔 Whatever you think is best,cutie. DTS有更多低档环绕扬声器 所以... Well,DTS has more low end,so... 好吧 Okay. 嘿 伙计们 这个你们肯定爱听 Uh,hey,guys,guys,you will really appreciate this. 我在网上读到个爆笑科学笑话 I read the best science joke on the Internet. Alicia 你不会理解的 但很对他们胃口 Alicia,you won't get it,but it's right up their alley. 就是说呢 有个物理学家 每周都会去一家冰淇淋店 Anyway,so,this physicist goes into an ice cream parlor every week 给他自己点一份冰淇淋圣代 and orders an ice cream sundae for himself, 然后给他旁边的空位点一份 and then offers one to the empty stool sitting next to him. 这情况持续了一段时间 直到最后老板问他在干嘛 This goes on for a while until the owner finally asks him what he's doing. 那家伙说 "我是个物理学家 而量子力学呢..." The man says,"Well,I'm a physicist,"and quantum mechanics... "告诉我们这位子上的物体有可能" teaches us "that it is possible for the matter above this stool "自然地转化成一个漂亮的姑娘 接受我的请客并与我坠入爱河" "to spontaneously turn into a beautiful woman who might accept my offer and fall in love with me." 老板说"这儿每天有很多单身美女客人" The owner then says,"Well,lots of single,"beautiful women come in here ever day. "你干嘛不给其中一位买份冰淇淋呢 她们也许会与你坠入爱河啊" "Why don't you buy an ice cream for one of them,and they might fall in love with you?" 物理学家答道 "是啊 但又有多大可能呢?" And the physicist says,"Yeah,but what are the odds of that happening?" 这笑话有点伤人 不是吗? It's a little insulting,don't you think? 我怎么知道? 我都不确定我是不是真懂了 How would I know? I'm not even sure I get it. 嘿 Leonard Hey,Leonard? 你要是弄完了DVD播放机 能帮我装下打印机吗? If you're done with the DVD player,can you set up my printer? 噢 好的 我很乐意 Uh,yeah,I'd love to. 嘿 也许等你弄完了她的打印机 能再帮我装一下我的 Uh,hey,maybe when you're done with her printer,you could set up mine. 你知道的 你一周前就...答应了 You know,like you promised... a week ago. 好的 我会去装的 别催我 Yeah,I'll get to it-- don't nag me. 嗨 Hello there. 是哪位? Who is it? 你好 Penny 门是开的 请进 Oh hello,Penny. It's open-- come in. 讽刺吧 Sarcasm. 他们还在楼上 Well,they're all still up there. 你以为我听不到? You think I can't hear them? 听 咚 咚 咚 Listen to that: stomp,stomp,stomp. 傻子都知道是Wolowitz那 婀娜小脚在走来走去 That's Wolowitz in his stacked heels that fool no one. 我都不知道我为什么要在乎 我才不在乎呢 I don't even know why I care. I don't care. 好吧 我在乎到去背那个愚蠢的笑话 但我就在乎这个而已 All right,I cared enough to memorize that stupid joke,but that's all I care. 知道吗 Penny 蜂窝里的事你也许会感兴趣 You know,Penny,there's something that occurs in beehives you might find interesting. 有时 在老蜂后仍掌权时 会有一个新蜂后到来 Occasionally,a new queen will arrive while the old queen is still in power. 这种情形下 老蜂后要么移居到一个新蜂窝 When this happens,the old queen must either locate to a new hive 要么拼死一搏 直到只有一个蜂后存活下来 or engage in a battle to the death until only one queen remains. 你什么意思 我受到Alicia的威胁了吗? What are you saying,that I'm threatened by Alicia? 我就像那个蜂窝的老蜂后 是时候要我离开了? That I'm like the old queen of the hive and it's just time for me to go? 我只是在谈论蜜蜂啊 I'm just talking about bees. 探索频道里播的 They're on The Discovery Channel. 你在说什么呢? What areyou talking about? 蜜蜂咯 Bees. 我终于明白那物理学家笑话了 I just got that physicist joke. 哇 Penny 谢谢你给我们买晚餐 Gee,Penny,thanks for buying us dinner. 是啊 有何事相求? Yeah,what's the occasion? 没什么相求 只想给我的小鹬鸟们买些中国食物 No,no occasion-- just felt like getting some Chinese chow for my peeps. 你记得要求鸡肉里的蔬菜切成块吗? Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced, - 不是切碎 - 是 - not shredded? - Yes. - 即使菜单上说是切碎? - 是 - Even though the menu description specifies shredded? - Yes. - 糙米 不是白米? - 是 - Brown rice,not white? - Yes. - 你到韩食店买了上等的热芥末? - 是 - You stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard? - Yes. - 在超市里买了低钠的酱? - 是 - Did you pick up the low-sodium soy sauce from the market? - Yes. 很好 Good. 瞧就是要这样 明白不 Leonard? See how it's done,Leonard? 我们今晚做什么好呢 嗯? So,what do we got going on tonight,huh? 玩光晕 看 还是玩健怡可乐里放薄荷糖? Playing Halo watchingBattlestar,drop some Mentos in Diet Coke? 你想看? You want to watchBattlestar? 我能怎么说呢? 伙计们 我的极客细胞活跃起来了 What can I say? I got my geek on,boys. 不 不是 经前综合症不这样 No,no,PMS is different. 哦 谢天谢地你在家 我需要帮助 Oh,thank God you're home. I need help. 怎么了? What's wrong? 我刚收到CSI试演的回复 扮演一个被杀害的妓女 I just got a callback to audition forCSI to play a hooker who gets killed. 哦 我会看的 Oh,I'd watch that. 但我的车在店里 我得在45分钟内赶到环球影城 But my car is in the shop,and I have to be at Universal in 45 minutes. 好吧 那我载你去 Okay,well,I'll take you. 哦 你真是救世主 Oh,you're a lifesaver. 我和你一起坐车去 I'll run lines with you in the car. 太好了 之后我请你们大伙儿吃中国菜 Great. And afterward,I'll take you all out for Chinese. 其实 没关系 我们已经... Oh,actually,that's okay. We already have... - 好耶 - 饿得不行了 - Yum. - Starving. 正在吃中国菜 Chinese food right here. 他们走了 Penny 听不到你的话 They're gone,Penny. They can't hear you. 真不敢相信他们就这样任凭她利用他们 I cannot believe they're letting her just use them like that. 我意思是 不管她要什么 他们都像她训练的狗一样听从她 I mean,anything she wants,they go panting after her like trained dogs. 知道吗 上周 她要Howard 一直开车载她到她的叔叔家 You know that just last week,she had Howard drive all the way to her uncle's house 就为了去橘子郡取她的电视机? in Orange County to pick up her TV? 你曾叫Leonard和我 去你的前男友家取电视机 You once had Leonard and me get your television from your ex-boyfriend. 这俩地儿能比啊 Sheldon Apples and oranges here,Sheldon. 我告诉你 那女的喜欢利用别人 靠她的脸蛋儿招摇过市 I'm telling you,that girl is a user,skating through life on her looks, 利用那些天真 意志薄弱的男人 得到那些愚蠢电视剧的试演 taking advantage of innocent,weak-willed men,getting auditions for stupid network shows. 跟她势不两立 It just creams my corn. - 我能插一句吗? - 说吧 - May I interject something here? - Please. 你买错了芥末 You got the wrong mustard. 猜怎么着?我得到CSI那个角色了 Guess what? I got the part onCSI. 哦 好家伙 Oh,boy. 有什么不对劲吗? Something wrong? 哦 没有 没有 恭喜你 Uh,no. No,no,no,you know,congratulations. 相信你扮妓女一定很棒 I think you'll make a great hooker. 谢谢 Thank you. 嘿 我要问你些事 Hey,I got to ask you something. 物理学家能挣多少? How much do physicists make? 呃 我不知道 我想不太多吧 Um,I don't know. I don't think a lot. 嗯 我也这么想 Yeah,that's what I figured. 得走了 他们答应帮我装电视天线 粉刷卧室呢 耶! Well,got to run. The guys promised to set up my satellite dish and paint my bedroom. Yay! 嘿嘿 我能跟你说一句吗? Um,hey,hey,can I talk to you about that for a second? 说什么? About what? 你知道的 Leonard Howard还有Raj 他们和别的家伙不一样 Well,you know,it's just that Leonard and Howard and Raj,they aren't like other guys. 他们很特别 They're special. 好的 他们很特别...还有呢? Okay,they're special... and? 这么说吧 我要怎么解释好呢? Oh,let's see. How can I explain this? 他们不知道如何使用他们的盾 Um,they don't know how to use their shields. 盾? Shields? 是的 就像里的 当你要战斗时 你要举起你的盾 Yeah,you know,like inStar Trek,when you're in battle and you raise the shields? 这想法从哪儿冒出来的? Where the hell'd that come from? 反正呢 你知道像他们这样的人... Anyways,um,you know how guys like this are,so... 请不要利用他们 please don't take advantage of them. 谁说我在利用他们? Who says I'm taking advantage of them? 拜托 他们为你做任何事 因为是你在引诱他们 Come on. They're doing everything for you,because you're leading them on. 我让他们帮我做事 So I let them do stuff for me. 他们乐意 我事也办成了 谁有意见呢? They're happy. I get stuff. Who cares? 这和你做的又有什么区别呢? And how's it any different from what you do? 你说什么? Excuse me? 我见过你在他们旁边的样子 I've seen you around them. 你想假装你没做和我同样的事吗? Are you pretending like you don't do the exact same thing? 好吧 女士 你越轨了 Okay,lady,you areway out of line. 是吗 我越轨了? Oh,I'm out of line? 是的 你越过界了 Yeah,you're out of line. 那你打算怎么办呢...婊子? Well,what are you going to do about it... bitch? 我喜欢绿灯侠 I like Green Lantern. 我只是觉得他能被黄色物体击倒 这一点很没说服力 I'm just saying it's pretty lame that he can be defeated by the color yellow. 黄色只对现代绿灯侠有用 Only the modern Green Lantern is vulnerable to yellow. 黄金时代的绿灯侠害怕木头 Golden age Green Lantern was vulnerable to wood. 好极了 那我可以只用一支2号铅笔 就击倒他们两代了 Great,so I can take them both out with a number-two pencil? 哦 上帝啊 女生掐架了! Oh,my God! Girl fight! 你要干嘛? What are you doing? 我了解你 你会傻到要去劝架 I know you. You're stupid enough to break it up. 能允许我说 你今晚看起来很清秀吗? May I say you look very comely tonight? 谢谢 Thank you. 你说得对 这小姑娘给打蔫了 You're right,this filly's been broken. 你设置成DTS了 是不是? You set it on DTS,didn't you? 我没办法啊 她叫我"靓仔" I had to. She called me "cutie." Alicia的facebook博客上写 According to Alicia's Facebook page, 她跟CSI的一个制作人搞上了 she's hooking up with one of the producers onCSI. 电视里的死妓女 现实中的活妓女 Well,dead whore on TV,live one in real life. 哦 这下好了 Oh,great. 开始在床上跳上跳下了 Now she's jumping up and down on the bed.
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