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四章 “我甚畏君言,君手如干杈。 君体瘦且长,颜色同碣沙。 畏君双目炯,君手枯黄样。” ——“客且请安坐,我身并无恙。 惟独困瀚海,束手绝无方。 祈神神不应,我心若刀创。 良人皆弃世,形体已僵直。 吾反随众秽,苟然延残息。 吾将觑沧海,腐浊不忍睹。 吾将觑船板,众尸横仰俯。 吾欲祷苍天。祷词尚未吐, 已闻诅咒声,心死若灰土。 吾紧阖吾眼,眼球悸如脉。 海天无一隙。 双目不能堪,群尸脚下积。 尸身渗冷汗,无腐亦无臭。 尸眼皆圆瞪,对之如诅咒。 人为孤儿诅,魂永堕冥国。 何物更悚然?阖舟亡魂蚀。 困顿七日夜,求死亦不得。 明月再高升,行行不可止。 轻柔似幻象,掩翳数星迩。 月光冷如霜,如嘲海狂热。 忽惊舟影谲。 映影海如燃,波涛光烈烈。 且看舟影外,海波如蛇折。 灵蛇缠白雪。 时时翻腾起,波光影明灭。 且看舟影内,蛇身惊艳绝。 蓝绿间晶黑,环绕逐引挈。 时如火焰裂。 绝色来眼底,结口无言说。 油然生爱悦,心中感激切。 疑是天主悯,心中感激切。 向天方祈祷,已觉颈脖空。 低首死禽佩,脱然落海中! PART IV 'I fear thee, ancient Mariner! I fear thy skinny hand! And thou art long, and lank, and brown, As is the ribbed sea-sand. I fear thee and thy glittering eye, And thy skinny hand, so brown.'-- Fear not, fear not, thou Wedding-Guest! This body dropt not down. Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony. The many men, so beautiful! And they all dead did lie: And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I. I looked upon the rotting sea, And drew my eyes away; I looked upon the rotting deck, And there the dead men lay. I looked to heaven, and tried to pray; But or ever a prayer had gusht, A wicked whisper came, and made My heart as dry as dust. I closed my lids, and kept them close, And the balls like pulses beat; For the sky and the sea, and the sea and the sky Lay dead like a load on my weary eye, And the dead were at my feet. The cold sweat melted from their limbs, Nor rot nor reek did they: The look with which they looked on me Had never passed away. An orphan's curse would drag to hell A spirit from on high; But oh! more horrible than that Is the curse in a dead man's eye! Seven days, seven nights, I saw that curse, And yet I could not die. The moving Moon went up the sky, And no where did abide: Softly she was going up, And a star or two beside-- Her beams bemocked the sultry main, Like April hoar-frost spread; But where the ship's huge shadow lay, The charmèd water burnt alway A still and awful red. Beyond the shadow of the ship, I watched the water-snakes: They moved in tracks of shining white, And when they reared, the elfish light Fell off in hoary flakes. Within the shadow of the ship I watched their rich attire: Blue, glossy green, and velvet black, They coiled and swam; and every track Was a flash of golden fire. O happy living things! no tongue Their beauty might declare: A spring of love gushed from my heart, And I blessèd them unaware: Sure my kind saint took pity on me, And I blessed them unaware. The self-same moment I could pray; And from my neck so free The Albatross fell off, and sank Like lead into the sea.
五章 “梦乡名黑甜,好之无愚贤。 伏惟圣母怜! 慈悲天泽降,息我以甘眠。 船头有数桶,涸竭早空空。 梦似积甘露,惊起沐雨中。 喉润唇清冽,衣服久浸濡。 梦已长鲸饮,醒来尚吮纾。 举止如无骨,通体生轻盈。 真疑梦中死,飘飘一精灵。 忽有狂飙起,溥畅尚未迩。 势已激船帆,声如振薄纸。 空气沸如灵。 虚空生鬼火,光流万点萤。 攸忽急来去,隐隐见群星。 大风吼愈厉,帆动声如唳。 黑云催雨脚,明月渐钩细。 层云劈剔开,月仍不可见。 霍然惊闪电。 如倾巨瀑下,如悬天河转。 狂飙未及舟,舟已奋前行。 电闪月光下,群尸忽悲鸣。 次第尸僵起,无言目呆滞。 谁曾梦此景?群尸立相继。 舵手还把舵,行船却无风。 水手亦碌碌,操持昔日工。 举动惟僵直,阖船影憧憧。 齐膝并我立,曾是吾侄儿。 与我同挽缆,始终默无词。” “我甚惧君言!” “客且暂默然:尸动非凝冤。 慈悲诸天使,托体寄其魂。 此时天将曙,群尸绕桅竿。 缓缓歌灵曲,遐迩声曼曼。 始则低盘旋,忽尔高破天。 歌声复来下,和歌或次联。 有时从天落,如云雀高鸣。 有时雏嘤嘤。 环绕海天里,皆是灵歌声。 有时万弦发,有时一笛奏。 天堂静若聆,仙乐遍宇宙。 须臾乐声停,帆动亦有音。 幽幽如泉水,流转夏日林。 淙淙流竞夜,不觉午时临。 午时尚无事,海上仍无风。 船行平且缓,若是水神功。 水下九寻深,沉潜一精灵。 生自雾雪地,独力负船行。 正午帆声哑,近渚船忽停。 日照桅竿顶,船停静寂寥。 须臾船身耸,荡荡如簸摇。 前后微动止,荡荡如簸摇。 忽若脱缰马,舟身猛一冲。 血逆疑上脑,一跌顿昏懵。 吾亦不自知,几时昏难醒。 惟忆渐苏时,心耳皆清聆。 二人语空冥。 ‘是否此恶客?’一人声轰轰。 ‘以彼罪戾箭,射落信天翁? 深居雾雪地,灵禽友海神。 信天翁爱彼,反以致杀身。’ 又传一人言,甜美如甘露。 ‘彼人纵悔罪,还令终身谕。’” PART VI FIRST VOICE 410'But tell me, tell me! speak again, 411Thy soft response renewing-- 412What makes that ship drive on so fast? 413What is the ocean doing?' SECOND VOICE 414'Still as a slave before his lord, 415The ocean hath no blast; 416His great bright eye most silently 417Up to the Moon is cast-- 418If he may know which way to go; 419For she guides him smooth or grim. 420See, brother, see! how graciously 421She looketh down on him.' FIRST VOICE 422'But why drives on that ship so fast, 423Without or wave or wind?' SECOND VOICE 424'The air is cut away before, 425And closes from behind. 426Fly, brother, fly! more high, more high! 427Or we shall be belated: 428For slow and slow that ship will go, 429When the Mariner's trance is abated.' 430I woke, and we were sailing on 431As in a gentle weather: 432'Twas night, calm night, the moon was high; 433The dead men stood together. 434All stood together on the deck, 435For a charnel-dungeon fitter: 436All fixed on me their stony eyes, 437That in the Moon did glitter. 438The pang, the curse, with which they died, 439Had never passed away: 440I could not draw my eyes from theirs, 441Nor turn them up to pray. 442And now this spell was snapt: once more 443I viewed the ocean green, 444And looked far forth, yet little saw 445Of what had else been seen-- 446Like one, that on a lonesome road 447Doth walk in fear and dread, 448And having once turned round walks on, 449And turns no more his head; 450Because he knows, a frightful fiend 451Doth close behind him tread. 452But soon there breathed a wind on me, 453Nor sound nor motion made: 454Its path was not upon the sea, 455In ripple or in shade. 456It raised my hair, it fanned my cheek 457Like a meadow-gale of spring-- 458It mingled strangely with my fears, 459Yet it felt like a welcoming. 460Swiftly, swiftly flew the ship, 461Yet she sailed softly too: 462Sweetly, sweetly blew the breeze-- 463On me alone it blew. 464Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed 465The light-house top I see? 466Is this the hill? is this the kirk? 467Is this mine own countree? 468We drifted o'er the harbour-bar, 469And I with sobs did pray-- 470O let me be awake, my God! 471Or let me sleep alway. 472The harbour-bay was clear as glass, 473So smoothly it was strewn! 474And on the bay the moonlight lay, 475And the shadow of the Moon. 476The rock shone bright, the kirk no less, 477That stands above the rock: 478The moonlight steeped in silentness 479The steady weathercock. 480And the bay was white with silent light, 481Till rising from the same, 482Full many shapes, that shadows were, 483In crimson colours came. 484A little distance from the prow 485Those crimson shadows were: 486I turned my eyes upon the deck-- 487Oh, Christ! what saw I there! 488Each corse lay flat, lifeless and flat, 489And, by the holy rood! 490A man all light, a seraph-man, 491On every corse there stood. 492This seraph-band, each waved his hand: 493It was a heavenly sight! 494They stood as signals to the land, 495Each one a lovely light; 496This seraph-band, each waved his hand, 497No voice did they impart-- 498No voice; but oh! the silence sank 499Like music on my heart. 500But soon I heard the dash of oars, 501I heard the Pilot's cheer; 502My head was turned perforce away 503And I saw a boat appear. 504The Pilot and the Pilot's boy, 505I heard them coming fast: 506Dear Lord in Heaven! it was a joy 507The dead men could not blast. 508I saw a third--I heard his voice: 509It is the Hermit good! 510He singeth loud his godly hymns 511That he makes in the wood. 512He'll shrieve my soul, he'll wash away 513The Albatross's blood.
六章 (第一人) ‘劳君释我疑,以君清曼声: 海平波涛止,船何以疾行?’ (第二人) ‘谦卑似奴婢,大海静屏息, 脉脉向月轮,眼波惟沉默。 月亦驱潮汐,如指点途迹。 请看明月光,俯瞰若怜惜。’ (第一人) ‘然何无风浪,船能行海上?’ (第二人) ‘前方气流竭,后方亦凝绝。 愿君速高举,飞飞莫迟停。 船已缓缓发,彼人将苏醒。’ 须臾吾回醒,恍惚觉船行。 月高寂寥夜,群尸立如擎。 群尸伫然立,仿佛京观集。 冷眼皆对余,月下光熠熠。 垂死之诅咒,犹残彼脸庞。 觳觫不忍睹,遑论祷上苍! 蓦然魔咒消,又见蔚蓝洋。 余举目远眺,所见惟苍茫。 恰似孤独客,仓惶越荒凉。 偶然反身觑,莫敢再回望。 身后一恶鬼,蹑足随彷徨。 忽尔微风起,无声无形仪。 海面觅影迹,水静无涟漪。 微风吹我发,犹带春草青。 微风吹我泪,温柔似欢迎。 船行平且稳,迅疾绝无伦。 微风轻吹拂,惟向我一人。 是真亦是幻?灯塔凝远方。 山丘拥教堂,岂是还家乡? 船行至港湾,祈祷泪潸潸。 ‘若梦愿睡死,若醒终家还!’ 港湾明如镜,行船平且静。 月光如流水,水上映月影。 崖石光闪烁,教堂亦如此。 风标寂不动,沐浴月光里。 港湾本银白,忽生点点红。 初生若虚影,变幻形无穷。 红影来渐近,飘飘向船头。 举目眺船板:惊嗟此何由! 于此余重誓:群尸本僵滞。 忽觉各尸迩,静立一天使。 天使各挥手,似招岸上人。 光环闪六翼,如到天国畛。 天使齐挥手,无言静悄悄。 静中心魂醉,如聆仙乐调。 忽传船浆声,夹杂人呼叫。 闻声急转头,遂见扁舟漂。 彼乃导航人,携子驾舟近。 不顾尸纵横,一时喜意殷。 又觉第三人,口作隐士声。 高歌圣咏调,林中新度成。 言将赦我罪,灵禽血洗清。 PART VI FIRST VOICE 410'But tell me, tell me! speak again, 411Thy soft response renewing-- 412What makes that ship drive on so fast? 413What is the ocean doing?' SECOND VOICE 414'Still as a slave before his lord, 415The ocean hath no blast; 416His great bright eye most silently 417Up to the Moon is cast-- 418If he may know which way to go; 419For she guides him smooth or grim. 420See, brother, see! how graciously 421She looketh down on him.' FIRST VOICE 422'But why drives on that ship so fast, 423Without or wave or wind?' SECOND VOICE 424'The air is cut away before, 425And closes from behind. 426Fly, brother, fly! more high, more high! 427Or we shall be belated: 428For slow and slow that ship will go, 429When the Mariner's trance is abated.' 430I woke, and we were sailing on 431As in a gentle weather: 432'Twas night, calm night, the moon was high; 433The dead men stood together. 434All stood together on the deck, 435For a charnel-dungeon fitter: 436All fixed on me their stony eyes, 437That in the Moon did glitter. 438The pang, the curse, with which they died, 439Had never passed away: 440I could not draw my eyes from theirs, 441Nor turn them up to pray. 442And now this spell was snapt: once more 443I viewed the ocean green, 444And looked far forth, yet little saw 445Of what had else been seen-- 446Like one, that on a lonesome road 447Doth walk in fear and dread, 448And having once turned round walks on, 449And turns no more his head; 450Because he knows, a frightful fiend 451Doth close behind him tread. 452But soon there breathed a wind on me, 453Nor sound nor motion made: 454Its path was not upon the sea, 455In ripple or in shade. 456It raised my hair, it fanned my cheek 457Like a meadow-gale of spring-- 458It mingled strangely with my fears, 459Yet it felt like a welcoming. 460Swiftly, swiftly flew the ship, 461Yet she sailed softly too: 462Sweetly, sweetly blew the breeze-- 463On me alone it blew. 464Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed 465The light-house top I see? 466Is this the hill? is this the kirk? 467Is this mine own countree? 468We drifted o'er the harbour-bar, 469And I with sobs did pray-- 470O let me be awake, my God! 471Or let me sleep alway. 472The harbour-bay was clear as glass, 473So smoothly it was strewn! 474And on the bay the moonlight lay, 475And the shadow of the Moon. 476The rock shone bright, the kirk no less, 477That stands above the rock: 478The moonlight steeped in silentness 479The steady weathercock. 480And the bay was white with silent light, 481Till rising from the same, 482Full many shapes, that shadows were, 483In crimson colours came. 484A little distance from the prow 485Those crimson shadows were: 486I turned my eyes upon the deck-- 487Oh, Christ! what saw I there! 488Each corse lay flat, lifeless and flat, 489And, by the holy rood! 490A man all light, a seraph-man, 491On every corse there stood. 492This seraph-band, each waved his hand: 493It was a heavenly sight! 494They stood as signals to the land, 495Each one a lovely light; 496This seraph-band, each waved his hand, 497No voice did they impart-- 498No voice; but oh! the silence sank 499Like music on my heart. 500But soon I heard the dash of oars, 501I heard the Pilot's cheer; 502My head was turned perforce away 503And I saw a boat appear. 504The Pilot and the Pilot's boy, 505I heard them coming fast: 506Dear Lord in Heaven! it was a joy 507The dead men could not blast. 508I saw a third--I heard his voice: 509It is the Hermit good! 510He singeth loud his godly hymns 511That he makes in the wood. 512He'll shrieve my soul, he'll wash away 513The Albatross's blood.
终章 隐士居山林,逶迤向海临。 其声如纶音。 海客远游归,多与交挚忱。 彼尚虔祈祷,日日能三回。 橡橛作蒲团,皑皑生苍苔。 须臾舟移近,人言‘真怪哉。 闻声见光闪,信号谁发来?’ 隐士亦愕叹,‘无人答召唤。 舱板多皲裂,船帆皆枯散。 未见此狼藉,天谴或罹难? 恰如黄叶残,林中逐溪岸。 雪压藤枝断。 母狼食其子,枝头枭啼悍。’ ‘吾畏此鬼船’,导航人战栗。 ‘勿怕!且前行’,冷然隐士叱。 小舟移船近,吾正默然看。 小舟近船底,忽有奇声漫。 水底破浪来,隆隆渐沸然。 声方及船体,船陷如灌铅。 骇然声巨响,震动海天晃。 吾亦惊落水,浮如溺尸仰。 幸为舟人救,如梦惊罔罔。 船没剩漩涡,小舟如旋螺。 静寂群山远,回音低吟哦。 值此吾欲言,舟人已惊倒。 隐士望上天,端坐诚祈祷。 吾遂持船桨,舟人子愈狂。 狂笑尖且利,目睛转欲盲。 ‘我今方开眼,恶魔知划桨。’ 双腿履故土,吾终还家乡! 隐士随步下,颠沛色仓惶。 ‘伏愿圣者赦’,合十亟覆额。 ‘汝究为何人?恶魔或海客。’ 须臾苦痛极,啮体如刀割。 惭悔诉此事,方得稍解脱。 自是苦痛极,时来行恚怒。 我心烈火煅,惟逢人泣诉。 自此踟蹰久,足迹遍县郡。 舌犹鬼神运。 貌人方一面,已知谁与训。 婚堂传欢笑,婚宴集嘉宾。 新人携同伴,花园放歌淳。 忽尔晚钟响,应是祷告辰。 此心如孤兽,曾困海中央。 海上惟死寂,上帝在何方! 我曾同众友,虔诚向教堂。 心中欢畅极,远过婚宴场。 教堂同祈祷,再拜天父前。 众生各忏愆。 礼拜无长幼,少女或青年。 宾客从此别,吾还一言赡。 爱及鸟兽者,祈祷方有验。 爱深即祷诚,众生齐小大。 上帝造万物,秋毫莫能外。” 炯目古舟子,白须苍如雪。 言毕径自去,客竞婚堂别。 宾客色仓惶,惊心如欲绝。 翌晨形容改,悲悯明智澈。 PART VII 514This Hermit good lives in that wood 515Which slopes down to the sea. 516How loudly his sweet voice he rears! 517He loves to talk with marineres 518That come from a far countree. 519He kneels at morn, and noon, and eve-- 520He hath a cushion plump: 521It is the moss that wholly hides 522The rotted old oak-stump. 523The skiff-boat neared: I heard them talk, 524'Why, this is strange, I trow! 525Where are those lights so many and fair, 526That signal made but now?' 527'Strange, by my faith!' the Hermit said-- 528'And they answered not our cheer! 529The planks looked warped! and see those sails, 530How thin they are and sere! 531I never saw aught like to them, 532Unless perchance it were 533Brown skeletons of leaves that lag 534My forest-brook along; 535When the ivy-tod is heavy with snow, 536And the owlet whoops to the wolf below, 537That eats the she-wolf's young.' 538'Dear Lord! it hath a fiendish look-- 539(The Pilot made reply) 540I am a-feared'--'Push on, push on!' 541Said the Hermit cheerily. 542The boat came closer to the ship, 543But I nor spake nor stirred; 544The boat came close beneath the ship, 545And straight a sound was heard. 546Under the water it rumbled on, 547Still louder and more dread: 548It reached the ship, it split the bay; 549The ship went down like lead. 550Stunned by that loud and dreadful sound, 551Which sky and ocean smote, 552Like one that hath been seven days drowned 553My body lay afloat; 554But swift as dreams, myself I found 555Within the Pilot's boat. 556Upon the whirl, where sank the ship, 557The boat spun round and round; 558And all was still, save that the hill 559Was telling of the sound. 560I moved my lips--the Pilot shrieked 561And fell down in a fit; 562The holy Hermit raised his eyes, 563And prayed where he did sit. 564I took the oars: the Pilot's boy, 565Who now doth crazy go, 566Laughed loud and long, and all the while 567His eyes went to and fro. 568'Ha! ha!' quoth he, 'full plain I see, 569The Devil knows how to row.' 570And now, all in my own countree, 571I stood on the firm land! 572The Hermit stepped forth from the boat, 573And scarcely he could stand. 574'O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man!' 575The Hermit crossed his brow. 576'Say quick,' quoth he, 'I bid thee say-- 577What manner of man art thou?' 578Forthwith this frame of mine was wrenched 579With a woful agony, 580Which forced me to begin my tale; 581And then it left me free. 582Since then, at an uncertain hour, 583That agony returns: 584And till my ghastly tale is told, 585This heart within me burns. 586I pass, like night, from land to land; 587I have strange power of speech; 588That moment that his face I see, 589I know the man that must hear me: 590To him my tale I teach. 591What loud uproar bursts from that door! 592The wedding-guests are there: 593But in the garden-bower the bride 594And bride-maids singing are: 595And hark the little vesper bell, 596Which biddeth me to prayer! 597O Wedding-Guest! this soul hath been 598Alone on a wide wide sea: 599So lonely 'twas, that God himself 600Scarce seemed there to be. 601O sweeter than the marriage-feast, 602'Tis sweeter far to me, 603To walk together to the kirk 604With a goodly company!-- 605To walk together to the kirk, 606And all together pray, 607While each to his great Father bends, 608Old men, and babes, and loving friends 609And youths and maidens gay! 610Farewell, farewell! but this I tell 611To thee, thou Wedding-Guest! 612He prayeth well, who loveth well 613Both man and bird and beast. 614He prayeth best, who loveth best 615All things both great and small; 616For the dear God who loveth us, 617He made and loveth all. 618The Mariner, whose eye is bright, 619Whose beard with age is hoar, 620Is gone: and now the Wedding-Guest 621Turned from the bridegroom's door. 622He went like one that hath been stunned, 623And is of sense forlorn: 624A sadder and a wiser man, 625He rose the morrow morn.