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本帖被 夏锦宁 从 学习&职场 移动到本区(2012-08-14)
AFTER LONG SILENCE 长寂之后 -William Yeats 威廉 叶芝 Speech after long silence: it is right, All other lovers being estranged or dead, Unfriendly lamplight hid under its shade, The curtains drawn upon unfriendly night, That we descant and yet again descant Upon the supreme theme of Art and Song : Bodily decrepitude is wisdom: young We loved each other and were ignorant.
长时间静寂后的话语:是, 其他情人或疏远或谢世。 冷漠的灯光灯罩下躲藏, 无情的黑夜被窗帘阻挡。 我们促膝长谈、探讨着 崇高的主题绘画与曲作。 老态龙钟时才幡然醒悟, 年轻时相爱却如此麻木。 (解读:一对男女饱经沧桑后重逢,艺术成为他们共同的崇高话题。谈话间猛然醒悟,他们年轻时曾经彼此爱慕,却从未表白。此时,他们虽已明了,却都垂垂老矣!难道这就是所谓的“残缺美”?这未曾获得的爱情,也许才是人世间最纯洁的情感、最动人心弦的故事!)
THE FALLING OF THE LEAVES叶落 - William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Autumn is over the long leaves that love us, And over the mice in the barley sheaves; Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us, And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves.
秋天眷爱我们,于长叶子之上, 于大麦捆中的老鼠之上。 秋天染黄了花楸树叶, 也染黄了野草莓的湿叶。
The hour of the waning of love has beset us, And weary and worn are our sad souls now; Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us, With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow.
爱情枯萎的时节令我们不安, 悲伤的灵魂已疲惫不堪。 在激情的季节把我们遗忘之前, 告别吧,吻和泪留在你低垂的额前。 (解读:秋天是收获的季节。农夫收获了庄稼,田野收获了金色,连老鼠这样的小生灵也收获了越冬的口粮。唯独诗中的主人公,却在本该收获的金秋时节里,丢失了爱情。诗中两段之间强烈的反差,更衬托出主人公的忧伤。给读者留下了难忘的印象。 又:本诗出现第三人称单数不加s的现象,这在英文诗中不多见)
The quarrel of the sparrows in the eaves, The full round moon and the star-laden sky, And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves, Had hid away earth’s old and weary cry.
麻雀在屋檐下喧闹, 满天星斗圆月照耀。 树叶响亮不断的歌声, 淹没世间古老疲惫的哀号。
And then you came with those red mournful lips, And with you came the whole of the world’s tears, And all the sorrows of her labouring ships, And all the burden of her myriad years.
而你伴着哀愁的红唇出现, 全世界的泪水也被你流干, 还有她满载忧伤颠簸的船, 以及所有的负担千年万年。
And now the sparrows warring in the eaves, The curd-pale moon, the white stars in the sky, And the loud chaunting of the unquiet leaves Are shaken with earth’s old and weary cry.
麻雀在屋檐下打斗, 凝月当空满天星斗。 高唱圣歌树叶颤动, 恰似世间古老疲惫的悲恸。
A Dream Of Death 死亡之梦 -William Butler Yeats
I DREAMED that one had died in a strange place Near no accustomed hand, And they had nailed the boards above her face, The peasants of that land, Wondering to lay her in that solitude, And raised above her mound A cross they had made out of two bits of wood, And planted cypress round; And left her to the indifferent stars above Until I carved these words: 《She was more beautiful than thy first love,》 《But now lies under boards.》
我梦见一人客死他乡, 可身边并无熟人在场。 当地农夫帮忙, 把棺材板儿钉上, 将她的孤魂埋葬。 两根木条钉成十字架 插在她的坟堆旁, 周围还把柏树栽上。 她躺在地下,头顶漠然的星光。 最后我把两行字刻在她的碑上: 《她比你的初恋情人美丽,》 《但是她现在安眠与此地。》
A POET TO HIS BELOVED 诗人致爱人 -William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
I bring you with reverent hands The books of my numberless dreams, White woman that passion has worn As the tide wears the dove-grey sands, And with heart more old than the horn That is brimmed from the pale fire of time: White woman with numberless dreams, I bring you my passionate rhyme.
我用虔敬的双手给你献上, 这些书,缀满我无数梦想。 激情消失殆尽的玉女啊, 如潮汐冲刷的灰色沙滩, 内心比犄角还苍老不堪, 盛满了岁月的苍白烈焰: 心怀无数梦想的玉女啊, 我给你带来热情的诗篇!
THESE ARE THE CLOUDS云彩 --W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)
These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye: The weak lay hand on what the strong has done, Till that be tumbled that was lifted high And discord follow upon unison, And all things at one common level lie. And therefore, friend, if your great race were run And these things came, so much the more thereby Have you made greatness your companion, Although it be for children that you sigh: These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye.
这就是日落处的云彩, 上苍把燃烧的大眼闭起来: 弱者越俎代庖替强者, 直到它落下再重新升上来。 谐音后面跟着不和谐, 万物有共同的标准存在。 所以,朋友,如果你参加跑步赛, 此类事情周围常存在, 你让你的同伴跑得快? 虽然对孩子你会叹息: 这就是日落处的云彩, 上苍把燃烧的大眼闭起来。
THE OLD MEN ADMIRING THEMSELVES IN THE WATER 老人水中自赞 --William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
I HEARD the old, old men say, ’Everything alters, And one by one we drop away.’ They had hands like claws, and their knees Were twisted like the old thorn-trees By the waters. ’All that’s beautiful drifts away Like the waters.’ 吾闻老人言: “万事皆会变。 一个接一个, 吾等会归天。” 埋葬在坟地, 浸泡在水里。 双手变为爪, 膝盖扭成犁。 “如江河之水, 奔腾入海里。 昔日之美丽, 流逝难寻觅。”
He Mourns For The Change That Has Come Upon Him And His Beloved, And Longs for The End Of The World 他悼念自己及爱人的变化,并渴望世界的末日 William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Do you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns? I have been changed to a hound with one red ear; I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns, For somebody hid hatred and hope and desire and fear Under my feet that they follow you night and day. A man with a hazel wand came without sound; He changed me suddenly; I was looking another way; And now my calling is but the calling of a hound; And Time and Birth and Change are hurrying by. I would that the Boar without bristles had come from the West And had rooted the sun and moon and stars out of the sky And lay in the darkness, grunting, and turning to his rest.
无角的白鹿没听见我向你吼? 我已经变成了红耳朵的猎狗, 跑在荆棘林中一路都是石头。 因为有人把仇恨希望和惊恐 藏在我的脚下日夜把你追踪。 有人静悄悄手持浅褐色棍棒, 突然把我变成了现在的模样。 原来的声音已经变成了犬吠, 时间出身和变化都一去不回。 但愿无鬃的野猪快从西方降, 把日月星辰从天上一拱而光, 躺在黑暗里呼呼噜噜入梦乡。
A Drinking Song 饮酒歌 --William Butler Yeats
WINE comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. I lift the glass to my mouth, I look at you, and I sigh.
酒入口, 爱入眼; 吾等变老升天前, 终会将此谙。 吾举杯到咀边, 望汝而兴叹。
WHEN YOU ARE OLD 汝老时 -William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
WHEN you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
美人迟暮, 两鬓斑白。 炉前打盹, 寂寞难耐。 取下此书, 细细读来。 梦中依稀, 柔瞳绿黛。
How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
多少公子, 垂涎玉貌。 真情假意, 恋汝媚娇。 唯有某君, 不同时调。 爱汝心灵, 哀容衰貌。
And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
炽热炉边, 俯身趋前。 戚戚诉说, 交集百感。 逝去之爱, 已步高山。 群星之中, 隐其芳颜。
To An Isle In The Water 前往水中岛 --William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Shy one, shy one, Shy one of my heart, She moves in the firelight Pensively apart.
羞怯羞怯, 我心羞怯。 她钻入火中, 忧伤地离去无踪
She carries in the dishes, And lays them in a row. To an isle in the water With her would I go.
她躲入皿中, 漂在水上, 排列成行。 我愿同往去岛上。
She carries in the candles, And lights the curtained room, Shy in the doorway And shy in the gloom;
她融入烛光, 照亮挂窗帘的房。 羞怯站门口, 羞怯而无望。
And shy as a rabbit, Helpful and shy. To an isle in the water With her would I fly.
羞怯似小兔, 害羞而有助。 我愿伴她往, 飞往水中央。
To A Child Dancing In The Wind 致风中跳舞的孩子 --W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)
DANCE there upon the shore; What need have you to care For wind or water’s roar? And tumble out your hair That the salt drops have wet; Being young you have not known The fool’s triumph, nor yet Love lost as soon as won, Nor the best labourer dead And all the sheaves to bind. What need have you to dread The monstrous crying of wind?
跳舞在岸边, 要注意什么? 是风还是浪的咆哮? 风吹散了你的头发, 含盐水滴打湿了它。 年青如你,不会知道 愚人之胜利,也不会知道 刚赢得的爱情会失去, 最好的劳力会死掉, 所有的捆都要扎牢。 你要惧怕的是 恐怖的狂风怒号?
A Cradle Song 摇篮曲 -William Butler Yeats
THE angels are stooping Above your bed; They weary of trooping With the whimpering dead. God’s laughing in Heaven To see you so good; The Sailing Seven Are gay with His mood. I sigh that kiss you, For I must own That I shall miss you When you have grown.
天使俯身, 在你床上。 天使厌倦, 呜呜咽咽, 队伍出丧。 上帝欢笑在天堂, 见你可爱又无恙。 上帝心喜, 七海欢畅。 吻你叹息。 因我承认, 当你成人, 我会想你。
THE VALLEY OF THE BLACK PIG黑猪谷 -William Butler Yeats
The dews drop slowly and dreams gather; unknown spears Suddenly hurtle before my dream-awakened eyes, And then the clash of fallen horsemen and the cries Of unknown perishing armies beat about my ears. We who still labour by the cromlech on the shore, The grey cairn on the hill, when day sinks drowned in dew, Being weary of the world’s empires, bow down to you, Master of the still stars and of the flaming door.
夜露缓降梦聚集; 梦醒眼前箭飞疾, 骑士坠马声声厉, 大军吼声耳畔起。 环状列石岸上立, 我们劳作在此地, 小山之上石碑砌, 白昼沉降露水里。 觅爵封侯令人疲, 向你鞠躬兼致意, 寂静星辰属于你, 你在火红门中立。
303 The Pity Of Love 爱之怜悯 -William Butler Yeats
A PITY beyond all telling Is hid in the heart of love: The folk who are buying and selling, The clouds on their journey above, The cold wet winds ever blowing, And the shadowy hazel grove Where mouse-grey waters are flowing, Threaten the head that I love. 无语的怜悯 隐于爱之心: 云朵天上行, 贩卖也有人, 阴凉榛树林 冷风吹不停, 灰河流不尽, 威胁我爱人。
Where My Books go 我书之去向 -William Butler Yeats All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write, Must spread out their wings untiring, And never rest in their flight, Till they come where your sad, sad heart is, And sing to you in the night, Beyond where the waters are moving, Storm-darken’d or starry bright.
我所有的语言, 我所有的文字, 都会展开永不疲惫的翅膀, 不停地飞翔, 一直飞到你悲伤的心上, 在夜晚对你歌唱, 虽江河流淌, 暴风呼啸或繁星闪亮。
Youth And Age青年和老年-William Butler Yeats MUCH did I rage when young, Being by the world oppressed, But now with flattering tongue It speeds the parting guest.
我原本愤青一个, 只因世界受压迫, 如今满嘴奉承话 宾朋却都离开我。
The Fish 鱼 -William Butler Yeats ALTHOUGH you hide in the ebb and flow Of the pale tide when the moon has set, The people of coming days will know About the casting out of my net, And how you have leaped times out of mind Over the little silver cords, And think that you were hard and unkind, And blame you with many bitter words.
月落时分潮泛白, 鱼儿趁势把身埋, 须知就在近几日, 我撒网儿把你逮, 要把你逮你不乖, 几次蹦到银网外, 你既倔强又无赖, 骂你几句真活该。
THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE 湖岛 --W.B.Yeats叶芝 I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
即刻就动身,我欲去湖岛, 彼处建小屋,粘土糊柳条; 我有九畦豆,还有蜜蜂巢, 独居林中地,蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a-glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet’s wings.
彼处有宁静,静谧缓缓降, 清晨降薄雾,蟋蟀声声唱; 子夜闪星光,中午耀紫阳, 暮暮黄昏时,红雀展翅翔。
I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
即刻去湖岛,其声日夜扬, 叠叠音湖水,震震波岸上; 无论站道边,抑或立路旁, 此声音绵绵,深深入心房。