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[Free Talk] 三无日记,絮絮叨叨,发疯言论和白日梦

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等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 20楼  发表于: 2011-02-26 0
The first time is not successful normally. I got it. But my first interview is not bad like the first time. I am really pride of this. But I don't think they will hire me because many of terms I cannot explain very well. Snowing all the time! I hate snow so much. The weather forecast says it should be snow tomorrow, too. I didn't do anything today except talking and typing. In my plan, I should finish the programming which I need to catch up, but I didn't. I really need some sleep because I just slept three and half hours yesterday. What's else? Talking with my mom and was upset not surprise. I did my best to avoid to quarrel with my dad. It doesn't mean I don't love my dad. be opposite, I love him very much. I always think he is the real person who knows my deep inside. But this is also the reason that we cannot have peace when we meeting. I didn't have dinner tonight because I am too lazy to cook. Plus my bread is out, so it is not possible to make a sandwich.... I don't wanna be starving. Comparing with lazy and food, I choose food. But in another side, food make me fat. Such a hard decision! hrrr... I am very happy today, but I am afraid he is lying to me. I mean he does not have any religion, I am not sure if he is just a play boy. What's else? oh, I need to see this guy. It's not enough just talk online without camera. I mean he can be anyone status or any age through the Internet. He may be a swindler even we have a lot of matches. He is a good friend because without any relationship. But if he is not a person that I think, stay this level is perfect. What's else? I need to protect myself. I am talking about my hair... It is really shame if all of the hair are gone before I am 40, and it is also really shame if I don't have hair in the middle of head before 35. I am eating sesame, b15, sleeping well, and should eat some nut. If all of solutions cannot work, I will use medical shampoo and medicine to control my hair.
[ 此贴被mingyena在2011-02-26 13:03重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 文学大师
举报 只看该作者 21楼  发表于: 2011-02-26 0
first interview??My first interview is very terrible, the claims examiner asked many questions in English, oh my god, my English spoken is so poor!!  I can't reply many questions, because he didn't speak slowly for me!!!


So did I. He asked me a bunch of questions that I never know. But after he explained the definition of these, I realized that I knew some of them

本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +2


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 22楼  发表于: 2011-02-28 0
L only,and scare.  I don't know if these two status are normal in human life, but it happens to me. ....Well, I crazy now, and wanna write a bunch of crap... I wanna write a poem, but actually, I don't have enough ideas to do. Maybe I can do it by Chinese. Another thing is every thing I need to grasp by myself in the word because no one can help you... I always fell tied. But I think everyone is similar situation. I don't remember the authors, but there is a really person said the reason of each happy family is same, but there are a lot of different reasons in family tragedy. I think it is right. Don't be lazy! I think I had a little shock about the real world. I know who I am. Actually, when I have extreme a lot of press, I will broke off... I will do anything avoid to face this problem. This is not a good behavior, actually, this behavior can kill me. I don't know what goona do.Let's talk about some funny thing. The snow is not heavy as I thought. Actually, it just had one day. I hope it will last the whole week so that I don't need to go school... But sometimes everything is not the perfect as you think. You need to expect this situation. This is called reliability. ... Anyway, I have to work hard and keep the positive thinking in my whole life. yeah, that's called the real life.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 23楼  发表于: 2011-03-01 0
I am felling that my life is back and I am living again. It is very tricky thing because human is a social animal, and human is complex,too. Well, I am a person who has a bad temper and motion changed very often. Sorry for the negative idea of yesterday. I will be happen on and off. I have a good life even still exit a lot press. Well, the thing is, you have a plan, you know the risk. And that's it. Don't think about the press, the risk very often. Just do the things which you think you need to do, and find some fun from it. Don't think about it too much. I don't wanna be my father who has insomnia when he thinks very deeply. Love myself as much as I can. I need to prepare the midterm now:). But fortunately, one of the midterm will after spring break! haha, it means that I have time to study rest of course... Actually, there are three... I have the first midterm today but I even didn't study yet. The tricky thing is, I think it is good. I am a person who can prepare at the last time. I am not a long plan prepare person, and of course, the humanities is the number one on my hated class list. What's else? oh, I think I have a good partner of interaction design. Because I was initiative to make a partner at last class so that I don't need to find a partner on the class today. I mean it is so embarrass to find a partner through teacher. No, I will never do it. Because I know in normal case, this way cannot find a partner who has responsibility. We talk a little about my final project and he said he can ask niku that if our project can be a final project. That will be awesome if  I can do that because it will be easier in my final project.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 24楼  发表于: 2011-03-02 0
The first day in March... Well spring break is coming but the closest are midterms.... Can I can the dark before the morning? But I think I am lucky because none of two midterms are in the same day.... haha. I already had one, four more need to go. Today I saw the view of my exfriend(?) back in the library, and it made me very uncomfortable. I mean I understand what's going on and how to solve a problem when it is coming, but I just need to time to accept in motion. Anyway, I changed the floor so that we don't have chance to meet. So wired! Anyway, she is just a friend who I get rid of. Well, the guy who is my only chinese classmate is so shame. I remember someone said the Aquarius loves anyone, but also loves nobody. I didn't agree when I first saw this article. But now, maybe it makes sense. whatever, I am what I am. I updated the blog today, but unfortunately, the president changed all of them after I finished. It is a good thing because when I work for a commercial company, nobody will help your writing. Look forward.... Okay, I would never remember to use these two words if she didn't write on the blog.  I will insistent to update the blog... Also, emailed my second resume to a company which I even don't know its name... But you don't have any opportunity unless you try, don't you? What's else? oh, Studying time! I may have dinner at first...
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 25楼  发表于: 2011-03-03 0
This is the first time that I didn't quarrel with my dad. We told about 20 minutes. What's surprise! Well, my father's idea is very different from mine, what difference does it make? A lot. First of all, he thought girl cannot ba before she married. I think he is a guy so that he really care about this thing. I have told with my mom about this. She has a same idea with me. Well, it was a little awkward when I was talking about this topic to my dad. Well, But anyway, this conversation is great. I am doing my architecture homework. There are just 5 problems in it, But I already take 2 hours that wanna finish the second one. Oh, maybe I cannot focus on the homework. I mean constitute is very important even if you think it is hard that you don't wanna do it anymore. Treat it as a assignment, you have to do. What's else today? Well, the second job application works. The RS emailed me back today. I was very surprised because I didn't have much hope on this. I also told to my dad about this. One of my friend just had four interview after she emailed 50 resume when she was in the NY. I mean, yes, NY is a cool place to live,and it is also a big city. But the truth is, not everyone can live there. The best may not the right for you. I wanna to TX if I cannot stay here, or don't have any plan. Well, my dad said the Motorola has lay off bunch of employee because the economic crisis. This is why my classmate cannot be a employee after he finished his intern in Motorola. I didn't use the time efficiently today. I think from tomorrow, I can do fun stuff after finish my plan of one day.   
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 26楼  发表于: 2011-03-04 0
I need to love myself more... I did a few physical exercises, running almost 3 mph. The weather was not good plus a little wild today. I run to the Asian market around 6, it is a good time zone to do the exercise, but I don't like dark which includes cloudy, snowing, and night. The light is not strong enough to view the different house from my place to my destination. I was planning to take driving class tomorrow, but since I have an appointment with my classmate at noon. If I take the driving class, I don't think I can come back before noon coz I need to come by Walmart to buy some stuff. I was a little tied now maybe I will go to bed earlier because tomorrow I will finish my program and catch up with the first one. I cleaned the monitor and keyboard of my laptop. This is my first time to clean monitor since I bought the laptop one year and half... It feel not bad, maybe I should clean laptop in regular time. Well, I miss one class on Wednesday. It is not mentioned on Wednesday dairy because I totally didn't realize I miss that class... What a shame! The class that I miss is just behind my another class on Monday and Wednesday. But I had a midterm of my first class. Maybe I was so nervous that I totally forgot I have another class follow midterm... haha, whatever, I don't think I will lose my point because just miss one class. Otherwise, I also have two midterms coming up. Must be follow my plan strictly. Just need to insist for one week, and then I will have spring break.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 27楼  发表于: 2011-03-06 0
My friend called me today. It is very useful because she has a car that I want to buy, and she will move to las vagus on May. The date is perfect match. I asked her about the informations of the car. She answered me very honestly. The price is not bad except this car is not clean title. Well, I thought clean title is a car which never be stolean. But she told me the clean tilte means never this car never had an accident. Ohterwise, the car which the court bits is called salvage title. I don't care if the title type since the price of this car is so good. More and more of my friends are christian, because they go to church every Sunday. In my opionion, this is just like a part which is just on regular time. People can talk with eachother and also make themself trust god. I treat it as a sciocal networking. Oh, maybe I am  ruthless, but I really just can see the benefit in these kind of activities. What's else? oh, my roomate told me we need to tell with our anohter roomate because she always bring her boyfriend  here in whole night. I think she is just a little over reactive. I live much closer than her with that roomate, and be honestly, I cannot hear any strange voice at night. I cannot say that they just sleep in bed and do nothing, but she really didn't bother me. But another duty which cleanning our house every two weeks she didn't finish. I mean since last cleanning, it is almost one month. The house especially the kichen is extreme dirty. I think this is the only point we can talk to her.
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等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 28楼  发表于: 2011-03-08 0
My bad behaviour comes up again. I check the grade of my CH class, it is not good. Since I have a test tomorrow, I have to get up before 6 to study the architecture class. The architecture class is close book close note testing, so I need to understand all of the stuff which the teacher has told about in class. I also have another midterm on Thursday, but this midterm is open note. I don't know which one I liked more. Because in the first one, the problem which will on the midterm you already know. Remembering solutions is the only thing you need to do. But in the second midterm, the question I don't know. But since the teacher gave us the study guide, it should be easier to pass this midterm. What's else? Oh, I am working on the programming which due tomorrow. I have to send it to my friend because she help me a lot in other class. What's else? I need have much more self control because it is hard to pass all of classes if I don't study hard. Oh, by the way my friend's husband just emailed me an information that the opportunity of intern. 
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 29楼  发表于: 2011-03-09 0
I just slept two hours yesterday for finishing my programming assignment. I also had a midterm in at 9 o'clock in the morning. Since I just studied for this class less than 2 hours before the midterm. I don't have any qualifies to complain this midterm. I am happy if I get C... Well, I also have another midterm on Thursday. I manna prepare to this very carefully since I already screwed up one midterm. Well, I am still tied although I took a nap in the afternoon before class. I told to my father about the motional life, but it seems like he didn't agree with mine idea. Well, since most of dad has  over activities, I understand why he smoked after we had told. My mom told me my father cannot tell me many things because it is not appropriate that told me by a man... I think it is ridiculous theory. But my parents think it make sense so I cannot say anything bad. Well, I have to sleep right now, and prepare another battle for Thursday.  Well, I have seen that guy's picture, not pretty, but not ungly either.... I don't decide the next step yet...
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 30楼  发表于: 2011-03-10 0
I knew a very cool stuff today, which is called "bumptop"... It is a computer 3d desktop. The desktop is treated as a room, you can pile shortcuts, zoom the picture by mouse. Bumtop also has sticky note, you can stick it on the wall... Very convince. There are other widgets such as facebook, email, twitter which can also stick on the wall. Since this is a 3d, besides the main interface, floor, you also can use four sides wall... I spend 1 hour to play this software:(. But since I have a midterm tomorrow, I have to study now. Well, I took a test in my facebook yesterday. The application is called "which super-power you have". My result is "you can realized where has lonely elder unmarried girl..." OMG. I mean it is really a special gift. But I were happy if I am a playboy. But I am not a playboy, I am even not a boy. It doesn't make any sense to me... Well, another important event today is in the cs365. We changed Vo to Nancy... I am not sure this is a good thing or bad thing. Nancy is a good teacher, obviously. But I am not sure she is also a good teacher in proof class. It like the type of science, one is called theory science, anther is called experimental science.Comparing with the second one, a scientist must have a high logical mind. Nancy is like experimental scientist, her class is easy to understand, and she is very good at simplifying and slipping problems. But about proof? I am doubt that so far. In today's class, she took many times to just tell about  Morgen law instead of explaining midterm. We also have two projects in this class which due on march 28, but I don't have any clue so far. I even don't know where I should start. Well, fortunately, there is a girl who took this class last semester. I may ask her about it. What's else? None. (when god closes a door, he leaves a window open. this is the way to express. Just write down so that I can remember...) Done.
Can I post a video about bumptop? Since it has been acquired by google, there is no update anymore...

[ 此贴被mingyena在2011-03-10 12:44重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 31楼  发表于: 2011-03-11 0
One good thing, one bad thing. I had the last chance of one class, which means I need to do my best to pass. Spring break is from tomorrow for mean, which also means there are ten day without classes! But be honest, I don't like long break because I don't know what else to do when I have much more free time. I think I need to hang out with my friends in these ten days. And of course, I need to chat(through the camera) with this guy, or these guys? Maybe I can go to Woome and practice first. Another thing is I have to prepare the last midterm and catch up with that class during the spring break. Hah, and core humanities... oh man, I hate this class so much. Teacher said my last essay was very hard to understand... I told about the guy who is taking the same class with me, he said "You need to email as many resumes as you can if you are a international students. It also includes out states... Well, I am working on it. He also told me if a com pony which out of state, it will pay your flight ticket if they wanna you go to their interview. Another thing is also GRE stuff, I will prepare in summer if I cannot find any internship or jobs. Well, that's it. I have to say, m is the easiest way to solve this problem but it depends your passion and luck... Wish me luck.
[ 此贴被南宫苓在2011-03-15 16:05重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 32楼  发表于: 2011-03-13 0
The spring break is from Saturday to next Sunday. I don't wanna waste much time to do entertainment. First of all, I can call two friends to go shopping, I think this is on my plan, but I don't know if that's enough for my social needs. Whatever, the most important thing is study for for last midterm. I really need get A in this class, and study another worst course which I got very bad in the midterm. There are also core humanities homework and quiz which I need to do. Maybe I will take exercise twice in these nine days. Whats else? Oh, take driving class twice,maybe, and go to supermarket once. Yeah, that's my whole spring break plan. I feel lonely, but I also think I have a little mental disease. But I don't think every human has a healthy heart, essentially, I think most of human been has a deep darker corner in their heart. I am just an average one. The language is also important because I still cannot talk fluently with my friends. Thats such because I really realized to improve this skill is not enough if you just can say several sentences.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 33楼  发表于: 2011-03-15 0
I watched a new tv show called Harry's law yesterday. It told about one sixty years-old lady who was fried from the law company because she was bored in patent law. In her fired day, she saved one college boy who jump out the building. The boy fall her body, and both of them survived. In the same day, she was crashed by a lawyer's car, but fortunately, she survived without any born broken. It's a little dramatic but this is not my point. She created a new firm called Harry's law and the shoes. Why is it called shoe store? because Harry's secretary, teena(I really don't remember her name), know everything about shoes, and also the last renter left a lot of expensive shoes in the store. Teena thought she can make it work because every employee in this store or "firm" need money. It sounds a very boring story, but be opposite, it is not. Harry and her friend help a lot of poor people in the neighborhood and it has meaningful about the justice and human right. At the latest episode, four albinism Africans need to be shipped off their country because they are illegal immigrations. But these four Africans said the reason they escape from their country because some Africans thought albinism Africans can give them lucky though killing them. If let government ship them off, it means they probably be killed. I was so shocked when I heard this story. Maybe  this story is exaggerate, but it means a lot.
本帖最近评分记录: 2 条评分 派派币 +28


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: rebacagong
举报 只看该作者 34楼  发表于: 2011-03-15 0
I admire your willpower.
Personally,I don't like to keep a diary,
but you insist on writing it,
And it is writed in English
I admire you~
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +2



等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 35楼  发表于: 2011-03-17 0
Nothing to say. It is spring break, so it means I will die until next Monday. This is my behavior when a long vacation coming... I even don't open my cell phone or check my email. See you next Monday.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 36楼  发表于: 2011-03-21 0
Well, I am back. I am translating an english fiction to chinese. When I told to my dad, he said I should translate chinese to english. Well, I know it is much more difficult than the first one. But we need to move step by step right? Oh, I know I a lot of new sentence just like "get used to" means should adapt sth. Actually I have impulsion of translating because I read a gay fiction... Well hard to say, I cannot tell this to my dad of cause. God bless him doesn't find my dairy even if he knows(actually every my close relations and friends knows) my nick name. Maybe I should change another nickname... But it needs money. I tried to fill some survey to earn the trade money, unfortunately,  one of them didn't transact to my account. It is wired because the information of trade money is "already done."  The weather is still not good even has snow. I hate neither snow nor raining. I think I will not dislike this bad weather if I have a car. Well, the driving class is denied again. Last two weeks I was very busy, but next two the teacher will busy... plus the factor of weather... oh... this is life... I should read many pages of book today... Life...
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 37楼  发表于: 2011-03-23 0
Life is a beautiful thing so that no one can take off your dream... hmmm,meet a exchange student in Walgreen yesterday.Her major is environmental English... Sounds so straight. Well but she said she is really good at english writing which I am not. I am so admired someone who can write an english essay like a native speaker. She is an English teacher in Beijing, so she told me I have to have a behavior that check my essay twice which called self checking(I forgot what the name is, maybe it is wrong). Well I lied to her that I just had a little grammar problems in my writing such as mixing up articles and single and  plural. She said it is a silly mistake because it can be found by myself. I felt so shame so I told her these kinds of problems are appeared two years ago. But now I can write essay very fluently... hmmm, I know why I lied, I am a bad guy... Another thing is I didn't do very well, you can say very bad in the interaction design midterm. I think I am the lowest grade in the class. I am consider that getting two Bs and Cs are real my destiny? Oh, and Core humanities... I really don't wanna talk about this, but really, C is my goal. What's else? Talking people as much as I can? Or study much harder as I could? Well I know all of them, but it is really hard when you really do it. However, life is beautiful via struggling your dream.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 38楼  发表于: 2011-03-24 0
Every one has a purpose in their life. So am I. I think my purpose is working... Well, it doesn't mean that I am a ergasiomania, be opposite, I wanna enjoy my life. But I cannot feel live without working or studying. It is strange. Well, I finish my assignment of slots machine... My friend's father said he will pay her product if this design is on stream... Mine is good, too. I took about 6 hours to finish it. Another thing is internship(old story, i know), and relationship. Ha, I think I prefer to stay alone at most of time. Compete with other people cannot help me work harder. The best solution is that keep a reasonable distance with people who is in my filed, such as student in my major, my friend etc. Well, I need friend of course, but it depends on many factors such as  emotion, major, interesting ect. Maybe I can make a list by alphabetical order...(just for practicing my english, today's dairy doesn't doesn't real). My goal in this forum is increasing my level which can post hide post so that passenger cannot read my dairy. It is a good way to protect people who knows me to read.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8


等级: 小有名气
举报 只看该作者 39楼  发表于: 2011-03-26 0
I need money! It is hard to find a job which is relate with my major. My classment told me that the ratio of a resume you sent and an interview you got is 1:10. The ratio of passing the first interview is 1:10. It means you can go to their company to get interview after you sent 100 resumes... It is so horrible! Well, the ratio of getting job and second interview is still a mestery, he said. He found an interview last year, but he doesn't get any luck this year. He also applied 8 university for his doctor degree... Four of them have rejected him. hrrr.. Everyone is not easy. Now I am really worried about my internship situation. I cannot graduate unless I get an interview.
There are many plans in summer, such as get driven license, find an intership, find an in-campus job if I cannot find an intership. All of these are challenge for me. Oh, another thing is relationship, if I get any luck. Well, I watched yahoo video this evening. It told about a 43 years old woman who is still a cheerleader, another is a body art teacher who was a software developer before. Both of them found who they are. The 42 years old cheer leader said, it makes me alive... I hope I can find a way that make me alive. I even don't know if it counts a step. But he let me listen his voice this time. He doesn't live with his parent but live very close. Anyway, his parents know me which means maybe he he has a same reason like me... Wish me luck:) Life is like a piece of cake?(who said that? oh, a cake designer).
[ 此贴被mingyena在2011-03-26 13:49重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +8
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