I thought that I wrote the diary yesterday, but actually I didn't

. That must be my imagine...Well yesterday was my lazy day. I just finished one class homework. But today, it is going so crazy, I hate presents' day. Actually, I hate all of the vacation which means more than 3 days I don't need to go to school.
I don't think I need to do my programming all over the night without sleeping.... Well, another things was I had a good conversation to one guy. I didn't know his background at the first time, but both of us like PC game. He is very smart guy who is very interested in the computer science, too. He worked for USPS, which connect the networking. We spent 4 hours to talk. How crazy it is! I was happy yesterday.
I think responsibility doesn't have any relationship between the number of children in one family, even though some people say it does. My friend(Well, I really don't know she is my friend or not), she doesn't have any responsibilities. We took the same online class together which means we can take online quiz together. It's much easier than took the class alone. I am pretty sure she is sensitive one, not me. Today is the deadline of one quiz, I called her in the morning, and we make a time to do the quiz together. She answered the phone, and we talk a little. But in the evening around 10pm, I called her again, she didn't answer it anymore. I called her friends and tried to find out what's going on with her. Her friend told me she has drop the class... I was shocked on it. I mean, I understand we have a long essay also due today in this class, and I also understand why she drop this class. But why she didn't call me to tell me she drop it? Even worse, she didn't answer my phone in the evening. Finally, she pick up the phone, I tried to ask her the password about the account(Actually, I knew before). Guess what she told me? "The same password, but my account cannot be open anymore." I doubt it. She knew if I know the password, then I can get 100 percent in every quiz.. I think she just changed the password. It is not the first time she changed the password when someone else ask her. I think in her mind, she just think if I cannot get better, no one cannot better. She is so selfish that mind I got the better grade even she drop the class... This kind of person is not my friend, so sensitive and mood change so fast. I am not surprised that she doesn't have any real friend because all of her friend who get the benefit with her or she beg a lot to be someone's friend. I think I will met this kind of person a lot in my future, I am not angry because it can practice my patient and endurance. But I am still thinking how to treat her in next semester.
[ 此贴被mingyena在2011-02-22 15:47重新编辑 ]