中华思想文化术语 | “尽心”英语怎么说?_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] 中华思想文化术语 | “尽心”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-10 0
Exert One’s Heart / Mind to the Utmost

“Exerting one’s mind to the utmost” means one should fully understand and extend one’s innate goodness. It is a way of moral cultivation advocated by Mencius. To do so, one needs to develop one’s capability of thinking, discover the goodness inherent in the mind and then fully nurture this innate human character, eventually realizing the moral qualities of benevolence, righteousness, rites and social norms, and wisdom.


孟子曰:“尽其心者,知其性也。知其性,则知天矣。存其心,养其性,所以事天也。” (《孟子·尽心上》) (孟子言:“能做到尽心的人,能知晓其本性。能知晓人的本性,则能够知晓天。保持自己的本心,培养自己的本性,就是对待天命的方法。)
Mencius said, “He who does his utmost knows his nature. Knowing his nature, he knows his inborn moral nature. Preserving his mind and nurturing his nature is the way to deal with his inherent morality. (Mencius)
尽心,谓事物之理皆知之而无不尽。 (《朱子语类》卷六十) (尽心是指能够知晓事物所具有的理而毫无遗漏。)
Exerting one’s mind to the utmost means knowing the laws of all things, with nothing left out. (Classified Conversations of Master Zhu Xi)

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