中华思想文化术语 | “参验”英语怎么说?_派派后花园

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[Spoken English] 中华思想文化术语 | “参验”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-10 0
Cross-checking and Verification

通过观察、比较获得验证,是检验认识与言论正确与否的一种方法。“参验”之法在先秦时期即屡被提及,韩非子对这一方法做出了较为深入的阐发。韩非子认为,要判断某一认识或言论的正确性,需要从天、地、 物 、人等多方面进行比较 、检验 ,这就是 “参验 ”。“参验”应注重认识或言论的实际功用。只有通过比较、检验而证明能够发挥实际功用的认识或言论才是正确的。如果不经“参验”就盲目加以肯定,是愚昧的 做法。
One way to confirm whether one’s assessments and opinions are correct is to verify them through observation and comparison. The method of cross- checking and verification was frequently mentioned in the pre-Qin period. Hanfeizi expounded this method in detail. He believed that to determine whether something was correct or not, it was necessary to compare, check, and verify from various perspectives: from heaven, earth, objects, and human beings. In using this method, one should focus on the practical effects of assessments and opinions. Only such assessments and opinions that can be proven to produce real effects through comparison, cross-checking, and verification are correct. To blindly confirm something without cross-checking and verification is foolish.


循名实而定是非,因参验而审言辞。 (《韩非子·奸劫弑臣》) (依循名号与实体是否一致而确定是非,依据参验的结果而审察言辞是否 正确。)
Right or wrong, it should be determined by whether a name conforms to an entity or matter. Whether one’s opinions are correct or not should be judged bycross-checking and verification.  (Hanfeizi)

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