Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood glucose九小时进食法控制血糖_派派后花园

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[Articles Enjoy] Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood glucose九小时进食法控制血糖

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Time-restricted eating shows benefits for blood glucose
By restricting the time period during which they could eat, researchers have seen promising results for controlling blood glucose levels in men at risk of type 2 diabetes.
In a small study now published in the journal Obesity, researchers from the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) assessed the effects of time-restricted eating (TRE) in 15 men for one week.
"The men, who are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, limited their food intake to a nine-hour period per day," says Associate Professor Leonie Heilbronn from the University's Adelaide Medical School and SAHMRI.
"Participants undertook time-restricted eating either from 8.00am to 5.00pm or later in the day, from midday to 9.00pm. They ate their normal diet during this time," says Associate Professor Heilbronn. "In fact, we told them to keep eating all the foods they usually eat."
Blood glucose response to a standard meal was assessed each day of the study. The investigators found that TRE improved glucose control, regardless of when the men chose to stop eating.
"Our results suggest that modulating when, rather than what, we eat can improve glucose control.
"We did see a tiny amount of weight loss in this study, which may have contributed to the results," Associate Professor Heilbronn says.
Fred Rochler, who has been participating in a follow-up study, has undertaken a TRE regime in which he ate his normal diet only from 9.30am to 7.30pm over a similar eight-week trial.
"The restricted eating regime was initially challenging, but soon became more manageable," Mr Rochler says.
"I only ate up until 7.30pm as I found this worked well with my lifestyle.
"Over the trial, I found that my fasting blood glucose tolerance improved significantly. It changed from 'increased risk' level to 'normal'. This was without changing any of the foods that I like to eat," Mr Rochler says.
Associate Professor Heilbronn says: "Time-restricted eating regimes demonstrate that we can enjoy foods that are perceived to be 'bad' for us, if we eat them at the right time of day, when our bodies are more biologically able to deal with the nutrient load. And perhaps more importantly, if we allow our bodies to have more time fasting each night.
"While these early results show some promise for controlling blood glucose, a larger study over a longer duration is required to fully investigate the effectiveness of this pattern of time-restricted eating," she says.

这篇科学小短文时基于科研杂志《肥胖症》上今年的一篇新文章来展开的(Time‐Restricted Feeding Improves Glucose Tolerance in Men at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Crossover Trial )。来自University of Adelaide 和 South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) 的科研工作者们做了一个小样本量(15例高BMI的糖尿病高危男性)的临床实验。研究发现在9小时内吃一天的东西,不限制食物的种类,能够有效控制血糖水平同时帮助减重。这个9小时可以从一天中的任意时间开始,比如早上6点吃早餐,晚餐得在下午三点吃。或者第一餐在中午吃,晚餐可以在9点吃。可以按照个人的生活习惯来安排时间,正常饮食,不需要节食,但饮食必须严格控制在9个小时内。按照古人的生活习惯,这个差不多就是古人说的过午不食了。
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    奖励 2019-04-26


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