1、save for a rainy day
你是不是“月光族”?不管每个月拿多少钱,到了月底肯定是花光光。看来,你还没有考虑过rainy day。rainy day是下雨天的意思,但很早以前,它就有了“困难、不幸”之意,所有save for a rainy day也就是“以备不时之需”的意思。月光族们要好好自我反省一下哦,不能今朝有酒今朝醉啦。例句:
Ads from the bank keep advising people to save some money for a rainy day.
2、 break the ice 打破僵局
3、shoe is on the other foot
或许你常常感叹世事变化,英文的shoe is on the other foot就暗含“今非昔比”之意。据说,19世纪以前,鞋和靴子是部分左右脚的,两只鞋随便换着穿,但如果你的脚一直穿同一只鞋子,久而久之,鞋子的形状就会于穿鞋的脚一模一样。这时如果左脚再穿右脚鞋,你很难再像从前那样不分左右脚来穿鞋。随着时间推移,现代意义上的shoe is on the other foot有了比喻义:双方地位发生了变化、今非昔比、风水轮流转、三十年河东,三十年河西等。例句:
For the first ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league; we’ve finished down at the bottom. But now the shoe is on the other foot: we have all these good young players and we’re beating everybody else in the whole league.
4、cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人
5、day off休息日
My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house
Beware of scalpers. To avoid being cheated, always buy your ticket at the ticket counter
7、brown nose讨好、谄媚
8、cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人
9、when pig fly
韩语中有很多形象的说法来比喻某事不可能实现,比如:白日做梦、太阳从西边出来、异想天开、痴心妄想、天上掉馅饼……而英语中也有一个形象搞笑的说法,就三个词:“when pig fly”(当猪可以飞的时候)。猪,大家都不陌生了,又肥又胖,没有翅膀,靠自己的力气是飞不起来的。所以当猪可以飞的时候,那可真是猴年马月了。这种说法源自苏格兰谚语,还曾经在《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中出现。例句:
——Do u think ur brother will be successful?你觉得你弟弟会成功吗?
——When pig fly he will猴年马月吧。
10、 cheek by jowl
这个短语形象地表达了“形影不离”,它最早出现在莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》中,当时叫cheek by cheek,而今已演化为cheek by jowl. cheek和jowl都是脸颊的意思,两人的脸都贴到一起了,还有比这更亲密的嘛?请看例句:
I thought that Omar and Mike had a fight, but I saw them today in the gym, cheek by jowl..
11、post graduate recommendation 保研
A senior university student named Li Tong said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan,Hubei Province
12、Van Gogh’s ear for music
梵高是著名的天才画家,但他的耳朵和音乐之间有什么关系呢?据说梵高是音盲,他不可思议的‘割耳’故事广为流传:梵高对以为心仪的女子说:“我该送什么礼物给你呢?”女子拉着他的耳朵开玩笑说:"就要这个。"不想,梵高之后竟真的拿刀割掉左耳,并托人把包着的耳朵的手绢送给那女子……在常人眼中,没了耳朵的“疯子”绝对听不懂外界的声音,包括优美的旋律。久而久之,Van Gogh’s ear for music就成了人们嘲讽活戏谑别人五音不全时的俗语。例句:
You have Van Gogh’s ear for music!你真是五音不全啊!
13、Nation of spender 消费性国家
China is turning into a nation of spender as its per capita GDP exceeded the 2000 US dollar mark, which leaves room for builing domestic demand
14、put on the dog
美国内战后,一大批暴发户相继涌现,为耍阔他们往往花很多钱去买品种罕见的哈巴狗。耶鲁大学学生创造了短语to put on the dog来表示“耍派头、卖弄”,嘲笑那些爱炫耀的阔太太。请看例句:
John is putting on the dog since his rich aunt died and left him $10 million.
15、To mince words
常用来形容某人说话闪烁其辞或吞吞吐吐、绕弯子。这个词最早出现于16世纪莎翁的戏剧,原指“因为礼貌而说话委婉”。Mince原意是“切碎、剁碎或绞碎”。试想,刺耳的话若被拆细了说,其力度肯定会大大减轻。随着岁月的流逝,现代意义上的to mince words 更多含贬义,常用来形容“说话不爽快、兜圈子、闪烁其词”。
16、Baby kisser假惺惺的人
China’s environmental watchdog blacklisted 141 products on Tuesday for causing serious pollution or posing serious environmental risks.
18、Acquisition 收购
Gome Electrical Appliance Holdings Ltd, China’s largest electronic retailer, will finance the RMB3.6b acquisition of Beijing Dazhong Electronics Ltd.中国家电品牌业霸主国美电器以3.6亿元的价格收购大中电器。
19、Pre-commercial service 试商用
China Mobile lauched the pre-commercial service for the third generation (3G)mobile phone telephony based on a homegrown standard
20、Arbitrary charges 乱收费
We need to take effective measures against arbitrary charges