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The train had started punctually. Among the passengers were a number of officers, Government officials, and opium and indigo merchants, whose business called them to the eastern coast. Passepartout rode in the same carriage with his master, and a third passenger occupied a seat opposite to them. This was Sir Francis Cromarty, one of Mr Fogg's whist partners on the `Mongolia', now on his way to join his corps at Benares. Sir Francis was a tall, fair man of fifty, who had greatly distinguished himself in the last Sepoy revolt. He made India his homer only paying brief visits to England at rare intervals; and war almost as familiar as a native with the customs, history and character of India and its people. But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics. He was at this moment calculating in his mind the number of hours spent since his departure from London, and, had it been in his nature to make a useless demonstration, would have rubbed his hands for satisfaction. Sir Francis Cromarty had observed the oddity of his travelling companion - although the only opportunity he had for studying him had been while he was dealing the cards, and between two rubbers - and questioned himself whether a human heart really beat beneath this cold exterior, and whether Phileas Fogg had any sense of the beauties of nature. The brigadier-general was free to mentally confess, that, of all the eccentric persons he had ever met, none was comparable to this product of the exact sciences. Phileas Fogg had not concealed from Sir Francis his design of going round the world, nor the circumstances under which he set out; and the general only saw in the wager a useless eccentricity and a lack of sound common sense. In the way this strange gentleman was going on, he would leave the world without having done any good to himself or anybody else. An hour after leaving Bombay the train had passed the viaducts and the island Salcette, and had got into the open country. At Callyan they reached the junction of the branch line which descends towards southeastern India by Kandallah and Pounah; and, passing Pauwell, they entered the defiles of the mountains, with their basalt bases, and their summits crowned with thick and verdant forests. Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty exchanged a few words from time to time, and now Sir Francis, reviving the conversation, observed, `Some years ago, Mr Fogg, you would have met with a delay at this point which would probably have lost you your wager.' `How so, Sir Francis?' `Because the railway stopped at the base of these mountains, which the passengers were obliged to cross in palanquins or on ponies to Kandallah, on the other side.' `Such a delay would not have deranged my plans in the least,' said Mr Fogg. `I have constantly foreseen the likelihood of certain obstacles.' `But, Mr Fogg,' pursued Sir Francis, `you run the risk of having some difficulty about this worthy fellow's adventure at the pagoda.' Passepartout, his feet comfortably wrapped in his travelling-blanket, was sound asleep, and did not dream that anybody was talking about him. The Government is very severe upon that kind of offence. It takes particular care that the religious customs of the Indians should be respected, and if your servant were caught--' `Very well, Sir Francis,' replied Mr Fogg; `if he had been caught he would have been condemned and punished, and then would have quietly returned to Europe. I don't see how this affair could have delayed his master.' The conversation fell again. During the night the train left the mountains behind, and passed Nassik, and the next day proceeded over the flat, well-cultivated country of the khandeish, with its straggling villages, above which rose the minarets of the pagodas. This fertile territory is watered by numerous small rivers and limpid streams, mostly tributaries of the Godavery. Passepartout, on waking and looking out, could not realize that he was actually crossing India in a railway train. The locomotive, guided by an English engineer and fed with English coal, threw out its smoke upon cotton, coffee, nutmeg, clove and pepper plantations, while the steam curled in spirals around groups of palm-trees, in the midst of which were seen picturesque bungalows, viharis (a sort of abandoned monasteries), and marvellous temples enriched by the exhaustless ornamentation of Indian architecture. Then they came upon vast tracts extending to the horizon, with jungles inhabited by snakes and tigers, which fled at the noise of the train; succeeded by forests penetrated by the railway, and still haunted by elephants which, with pensive eyes, gazed at the train as it passed. The travellers crossed, beyond Malligaum, the fatal country so often stained with blood by the sectaries of the goddess Kali. Not far off rose Ellora, with its graceful pagodas, and the famous Aurungabad, capital of the ferocious Aureng-Zeb, now the chief town of one of the detached provinces of the kingdom of the Nizam. It was thereabouts that Feringhea, the Thuggee chief, king of the stranglers, held his sway. These ruffians, united by a secret bond, strangled victims of every age in honour of the goddess Death, without ever shedding blood; there was a period when this part of the country could scarcely be travelled over without corpses being found in every direction. The English Government has succeeded in greatly diminishing these murders, though the Thuggees still exist, and pursue the exercise of their horrible rites. At half-past twelve the train stopped at Burhampoor, where Passepartout was able to purchase some Indian slippers, ornamented with false pearls, in which, with evident vanity, he proceeded to incase his feet. The travellers made a hasty breakfast and started off for Assurghur, after skirting for a little the banks of the small river Tapty, which empties into the Gulf of Cambray, near Surat. Passepartout was now plunged into absorbing reverie. Up to his arrival at Bombay, he had entertained hopes that their journey would end there; but now that they were plainly whirling across India at full speed, a sudden change had come over the spirit of his dreams. His old vagabond nature returned to him; the fantastic ideas of his youth once more took possession of him. He carne to regard his master's project as intended in good earnest, believed in the reality of the bet, and therefore in the tour of the worlds and the necessity of making it without fail within the designated period. Already he began to worry about possible delays, and accidents which might happen on the way. He recognized himself as being personally interested in the wager, and trembled at the thought that he might have been the means of losing it by his unpardonable folly of the night before. Being much less cool-headed than Mr Fogg, he was much more restless, counting and recounting the days passed over, uttering maledictions when the train stopped, and accusing it of sluggishness, and mentally blaming Mr Fogg for not having bribed the engineer. The worthy fellow was ignorant that, while it was possible by such means to hasten the rate of a steamer, it could not be done on the railway. The train entered the defiles of the Sutpour Mountains, which separate the Khandeish from Bundelcund, towards evening. The next day Sir Francis Cromarty asked Passepartout what time it was; to which, on consulting his watch, he replied that it was three in the morning. This famous timepiece, always regulated on the Greenwich meridian, which was now some seventy-seven degrees westward, was at least four hours slow. Sir Francis corrected Passepartout's time, whereupon the latter made the same remark that he had done to Fix; and upon the general insisting that the watch should be regulated in each new meridian, since he was constantly going east-ward, that is in the face of the sun, and therefore the days were shorter by four minutes for each degree gone over, Passepartout obstinately refused to alter his watch, which he kept at London time. It was an innocent delusion which could harm no one. The train stopped, at eight o'clock, in the midst of a glade some fifteen miles beyond Rothal, where there were several bungalows and workmen's cabins. The conductor, passing along the carriages, shouted, `Passengers will get out here!' Phileas Fogg looked at Sir Francis Cromarty for an explanation; but the general could not tell what meant a halt in the midst of this forest of dates and acacias. Passepartout, not less surprised, rushed out and speedily returned, crying: `Monsieur, no more railway!' `What do you mean?' asked Sir Francis. `I mean to say that the train isn't going on.' The general at once stepped out, while Phileas Fogg calmly followed him, and they proceeded together to the conductor. `Where are we?' asked Sir Francis. `At the hamlet of Kholby.' `Do we stop here?' `Certainly. The railway isn't finished.' `What! not finished?' `No. There's still a matter of fifty miles to be laid from here to Allahabad, where the line begins again.' `But the papers announced the opening of the railway throughout.' `What would you have, officer? The papers were mistaken.' `Yet you sell tickets from Bombay to Calcutta,' retorted Sir Francis, who was growing warm. `No doubt,' replied the conductor; `but the passengers know that they must provide means of transportation for themselves from Kholby to Allahabad.' Sir Francis was furious. Passepartout would willingly have knocked the conductor down, and did not dare to look at his master. `Sir Francis,' said Mr Fogg quietly, `we will, if you please, look about for some means of conveyance to Allahabad.' `Mr Fogg, this is a delay greatly to your disadvantage.' `No, Sir Francis; it was foreseen.' `What! You knew that the way--' `Not at all; but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route. Nothing, therefore, is lost. I have two days, which I have already gained, to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th. This is the 22nd, and we shall reach Calcutta in time.' There was nothing to say to so confident a response. It was but too true that the railway came to a termination at this point. The papers were like some watches, which have a way of getting too fast, and had been premature in their announcement of the completion of the line. The greater part of the travellers were aware of this interruption, and leaving the train, they began to engage such vehicles as the village could provide - four-wheeled palkigharis, waggons drawn by zebus, carriages that looked like perambulating pagodas, palanquins, ponies and what not. Mr Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty, after searching the village from end to end, came back without having found anything. `I shall go afoot,' said Phileas Fogg. Passepartout, who had now rejoined his master, made a wry grimace, as he thought of his magnificent, but too frail Indian shoes. Happily he too had been looking about him, and, after a moment's hesitation, said, `Monsieur, I think I have found a means of conveyance.' `What?' `An elephant! An elephant that belongs to an Indian who lives but a hundred steps from here.' `Let's go and see the elephant,' replied Mr Fogg. They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high Palings, was the animal in question. An Indian came out of the hut, and, at their request, conducted them within the enclosure. The elephant, which its owner had reared, not for a beast of burden, but for warlike purposes, was hall domesticated. The Indian had begun already, by often irritating him, and feeding him every three months on sugar and butter, to impart to him a ferocity not in his nature, this method being often employed by those who train the Indian elephants for battle. Happily, how ever, for Mr Fogg, the animal's instruction in this direction had not gone far, and the elephant still preserved his natural gentleness. Kiouni - this was the name of the beast - could doubtless travel rapidly for a long time, and, in default of any other means of Conveyance, Mr Fogg resolved to hire him. But elephants are far from cheap in India, where they are becoming scarce; the males, which alone are suitable for circus shows, are much sought, especially as but few of them are domesticated. When, therefore, Mr Fogg proposed to the Indian to hire Kiouni, he refused point-blank. Mr Fogg persisted, offering the excessive sum of ten pounds an hour for the loan of the beast to Allahabad. Refused. Twenty pounds? Refused also. Forty pounds? Still refused. Passepartout jumped at each advance; but the Indian declined to be tempted. Yet the offer was an alluring one, for, supposing it took the elephant fifteen hours to reach Allahabad, his owner would receive no less than six hundred pounds sterling. Phileas Fogg, without getting in the least flurried, then proposed to purchase the animal outright, and at first offered a thousand pounds for him. The Indian, perhaps thinking he was going to make a great bargain, still refused. Sir Francis Cromarty took Mr Fogg aside, and begged him to reflect before he went any further; to which that gentleman replied that he was not in the habit of acting rashly, that a bet of twenty thousand pounds was at stake, that the elephant was absolutely necessary to him, and that he would secure him if he had to pay twenty times his value. Returning to the Indian, whose small, sharp eyes, glistening with avarice, betrayed that with him it was only a question of how great a price he could obtain, Mr Fogg offered first twelve hundred, then fifteen hundred, eighteen hundred, two thousand pounds. Passepartout, usually so rubicund, was fairly white with suspense. At two thousand pounds the Indian yielded. `What a price, good heaven!' cried Passepartout, `for an elephant!' It only remained now to find a guide, which was comparatively easy. A young Parsee, with an intelligent face, offered his services, which Mr Fogg accepted, promising so generous a reward as to materially stimulate his zeal. The elephant was led out and equipped. The Parsee, who was an accomplished elephant driver, covered his back with a sort of saddle-cloth, and attached to each of his flanks some curiously uncomfortable howdahs. Phileas Fogg paid the Indian with some bank-notes which he extracted from the famous carpet-bag, a proceeding that seemed to deprive poor Passepartout of his vitals. Then he offered to carry Sir Francis to Allahabad, which the brigadier gratefully accepted, as one traveller the more would not be likely to fatigue the gigantic beast. Provisions were purchased at Kholby, and while Sir Francis and Mr Fogg took the howdahs on either side, Passepartout got astride the saddle-cloth between them. The Parsee perched himself on the elephant's neck, and at nine o'clock they set out from the village, the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the shortest cut.
第十一章 火车按规定时间开出了站。它运走了一批旅客,其中有军官,有文职人员,还有贩卖鸦片和蓝靛的商人。路路通跟福克先生坐在一个车厢里。对面角落里坐着另外一位客人——旅长法兰西斯•柯罗马蒂先生。他是从苏伊士到孟买途中跟福克一道打牌的配手。如今他要回到驻扎在贝拿勒斯附近的部队里去。 法兰西斯•柯罗马蒂先生高高的个子,金黄色头发,有五十来岁。他在印度士兵大起义的事变中以凶狠出了名。他确实称得上是个“印度通”。自打年轻时起,他就住在印度,很少回故乡去。他是个有学识的人。假如福克先生向他请教的话,柯罗马蒂会乐意把有关印度的历史、风俗人情和社会组织的情况告诉他的;可惜福克先生什么都不打听,因为他不是来旅行的,他只是要在地球上兜一个圈儿。他是一位庄重严肃的人物,他要象机械运动的规律那样死板地围着地球绕上一个圈。现在他心里正在盘算从伦敦动身后花掉的时间。如果他是一个喜欢随便做一些动作的人,那么他现在准会搓着双手表示满意。 虽然法兰西斯•柯罗马蒂先生只是在玩牌的时候,或是在计算牌分的时候,才观察一下福克的为人,但是,他并不是没有看出来这位旅伴的脾气很古怪。他当然会发生疑问:象福克先生这样一位外表冷冰冰的人,里面是否也有一颗跳动着的心呢?他对自然之美是否也会有动于衷呢?他是否也象常人一样有自己的希望和抱负呢?对柯罗马蒂说来,这些都是问题。他一生也看到不少性情古怪的人,但都没法跟福克这个象数学一样死板的家伙相比。 福克先生对柯罗马蒂并没有隐瞒他环绕地球的计划;他甚至把在什么样条件下完成这个计划,也告诉了这位旅伴。但旅长却认为这次打赌只不过是一种毫无意义的怪癖而已。凡有这种怪癖的人,一定是缺少一种指导一切有理智的人所必需的因素——益智。这位古怪的绅士,这样下去,一定会虚度年华一事无成。这对自己既没有好处,对别人也无裨益。 离开孟买一小时后,火车从萨尔赛特岛穿过那些高架铁桥很快地就在印度大陆上奔驰。在卡连,火车撇开了右面通往坎达拉哈和浦那向东南延伸的铁路支线,向波威尔驶去。从这里开始,火车便穿行在纵横绵直的高止山脉里。这个山脉主要的地质构成部分是迸发岩和雪花岩。在这些山最高的顶峰上长满着茂密的丛林。旅途中,柯罗马蒂和福克偶尔聊几句。每次谈话总是旅长先开头,但,结果还是说不下去。 “福克先生,”旅长说,“要是头几年的话,您在这地方准会误事,您的计划也八成儿就吹了。” “为什么呢,法兰西斯先生?” “因为火车一到山底下,就得停下来。那您就只好坐轿子或骑小马到对面山坡上的坎达拉哈再换车。” “就是有那样的耽搁也不可能打乱我旅行的计划,”福克回答说,“至于产生某些阻碍的偶然性,我也并不是不能预见的。” “可是,福克先生,”旅长又说,“就象您的亲随闯下的这桩乱子,就差一点坏了您的事。” 路路通这时候把一双光脚裹在旅行毯里,睡得正香。他做梦也没想到有人在议论他。 “英国政府对待这类违法事件十分严厉,这是有道理的,”旅长接着说。“英国政府认为尊重印度人的宗教习惯,应该高于一切。假若您的亲随已经被逮捕的话……” “得了吧,法兰西斯先生。他要是被逮捕,”福克先生说,“就会判他的刑,那是他自作自受。但临了还会平安无事地回到欧洲。我看不出有什么理由为这事而留难他的主人。” 谈话至此,便停住了。夜间,火车穿越高止山脉,过了纳西克,第二天是10月21号,火车驶过堪得土地区一片比较平坦的土地。在那精耕过的田野上,零星地点缀着一些小镇。在这些小镇的上空,见不到欧式礼拜堂的钟楼,却看到一些寺院的尖塔。无数溪流——大部分是戈达瓦里河的支流或河汊——灌溉着这片肥沃的土地。 路路通一觉醒来,睁开眼睛看了看,简直没法相信自己正乘着半岛铁路的火车驶过印度的原野。这情景尽管叫他难以置信,却半点也不假。这火车是由英国司机驾驶的,烧的是英国煤。火车喷出的烟雾掠过一片片种植园的上空。那儿种的有棉花、也有咖啡;有豆葱、也有丁香和红胡椒。在一丛棕榈树的树梢上,缭绕着冉冉上升的烟雾。树丛中,露出了一片风雅秀丽的平房、几处荒凉的修道院的废墟和几座奇异惊人的庙宇。印度建筑中那些千变万化的装潢艺术更丰富了这些庙宇的内容。再过去,是一片广阔的田野,一望无边。在那些灌木林中,既有毒蛇,又有猛虎,火车汽笛的嘶叫声使它们胆战心惊。再往前去,铁轨从树林中开辟了一条通路。那儿还经常看到大象出没,它们待在一边莫明其妙地注视着飞驰的列车。 这天上午,旅客们过了马利甘姆,便进入了一个凶险的地区,也就是那些拜死亡女神卡丽的信徒常常在那里杀人的地方。不远就是艾洛拉寺,那儿的上空屹立着许多庄严美丽的宝塔。再过去就是名城峨仑加巴,它是强悍不屈的奥仑扎布王的京城。如今这儿只不过是尼赞王属下一个省份的首府。这块土地是由速格会的领袖,绞人党徒的大王斐林及阿来统治的。那些杀人者组成无法破获的秘密团体,以祭死亡女神为名,把人不分年龄大小通通绞死,而且从不让死人流出一滴血。有一个时期,在这里任何一个地方都能找到死尸。英国政府虽已尽其所能将这种杀人行为禁止了一大部分,但这种恐怖的帮会依然还有,而且还继续干着杀人的勾当。 十二点半,火车停在布尔汉普尔。路路通在那儿花了很大价钱,才买到一双缀有假珍珠的拖鞋。他穿起这双拖鞋大有自命不凡非常体面之感。 在苏拉特附近,有一条流入康木拜湾的塔普河,旅客们匆忙地吃完饭,沿着塔普河漫步片刻,然后,又重新登车去阿苏古尔。 趁此时机来介绍一下路路通心中的打算,那却非常适宜。在到孟买之前,他一直认为,并且相信到了孟买也就该歇歇了。但是,现在呢?自从火车开始飞快地在印度大陆上飞驰,他过去的想法立即改变了。他的老脾气马上又复活了。他青年时代的幻想又出现了。他对待主人的旅行计划,也严肃认真起来了。他相信这次打赌确实是真的。这样一来,他也相信是要去环游地球一周;而且相信要用极有限的时间完成这次旅行,甚至他居然对可能发生的迟误也担起心来:他担心旅途中会发生事故。他感到仿佛自己也和这笔赌注有关。他一想起头天晚上,他干的那桩不可饶恕的蠢事,很可能会断送这笔赌注的时候,他不禁害怕起来。正因为他不如福克那样沉着冷静,所以他的心情也就要沉重百倍。他把过了的日子数了又数,算了又算,咒骂火车不该遇站便停;责怪火车走得太慢,还暗自埋怨福克先生没有许给司机一笔奖金。这个小伙子不晓得,在轮船上可以这样办,而在火车上就不行,因为火车的速度是有规定的。 傍晚,在堪地士邦和本德尔汗德之间,火车驶进了苏特甫山丛的狭道里。第二天,10月22号,法兰西斯•柯罗马蒂问是什么时候了。路路通一面看着大银表,一面回答说是早上三点钟。实际上,他这块宝贝表的时间还是按格林威治子午线计算的,格林威治距此往西约七十七经度之远,当然他的表就愈错愈慢,实际已经慢了四小时。 法兰西斯指出路路通所报的时间的差误。实际上,这点费克斯早就向他提出过了。法兰西斯想让路路通明自,每到一地就必须按当地子午线拨一下表。因为既然老是朝东一直迎着太阳走,那么白天也就愈来愈短,每过经线一度,要短四分钟。可惜说了半天等于白说。也不知道这个固执的小伙子有没有把旅长的话搞清楚。可是他坚决不拨自己的表,还是一成不变地保持着伦敦时间。话又说回来了,无论如何这种天真的脾气,究竟是于人无损的。 早晨八点钟,火车离洛莎尔还有十五英里,就在树林中的一块宽阔的空地上停下来了。那儿有几所带回廊的平房和工人住的小屋。这时,列车长沿着各个车厢叫道: “旅客们,在这儿下车了!” 福克先生看着柯罗马蒂,柯罗马蒂显然也不明白为什么要在这片乌梅树林里停车。 路路通也很惊讶,他跳下车,过了一会儿就回来了,喊道:“先生,铁路到头了。” “你说什么?”柯罗马蒂问。 “我说火车不能往前走了。” 旅长立刻跳下车来。福克也不慌不忙地跟着下了车。他们一起去问列车长。 “我们到哪儿了?”柯罗马蒂说。 “到了克尔比了。”列车长回答说。 “我们就停在这儿了?” “当然停在这儿,因为铁路还没修完……” “什么!还没修完?” “没有。从这儿到阿拉哈巴德之间,还要修一段约五十多英里长的路才能接上那边的火车。” “可是,报纸上已经说全线都通车了。” “那又有什么办法呢,长官先生,那是报纸搞错了。” “可是你们卖的票是从孟买到加尔各答呀!”柯罗马蒂说着便有些激动起来。 “您说的不错,可是旅客们都知道从克尔比到阿拉哈巴德这段路得自己想办法。” 这时,柯罗马蒂怒气直往上冲,路路通恨不得把这个无能为力的列车长痛揍一顿。路路通这时简直不敢看他的主人。 “法兰西斯先生,”福克很平淡地说,“假如您同意的话,我们一起去另想办法到阿拉哈巴德去。” “福克先生,这个意外的耽搁对您的损害是太大了?” “不,法兰西斯先生,这事早在意料之中。” “什么!您早就知道铁路不通……” “这我倒一点也不知道,不过我知道旅途中迟早总会发生什么阻碍的。可是,无论怎么样也坏不了事。因为我有两天富裕的时间可以抵偿。25号中午加尔各答有一条轮船开往香港。今天才22号,我们会按时到达加尔各答的。” 他的回答既是这样充满信心,那还有什么可说的呢。路未竣工,到此为止,这是千真万确的事。报上的新闻报导跟某些老爱走快的钟表一样,竟然提前宣布了铁路完工。大部分旅客都知道这一段铁路还没有修好,他们一下火车,便把镇上的各种代步工具抢雇一空了。不管是四轮大车,双峰驼牛拉的辇车,象活动庙宇一样的旅行小车,滑竿或小马,福克和柯罗马蒂找遍了全镇,什么也没雇着,只好空手而返。 “我要步行去阿拉哈巴德。”福克先生说。 路路通这时走近他的主人,看了看他那双外表漂亮但经不起长途跋涉的拖鞋,向福克作了个鬼脸。但是幸运得很,他现在已经有了一个新的发现,但他还有点迟疑不决。 “先生,”他说道,“我相信我已经找到了一种交通工具了。” “什么样的工具?” “一只大象!离这儿百十步远,住着一个印度人,他有一头大象。” “走,我们去看看。”福克说。 五分钟后,福克、柯罗马蒂和路路通来到一所小土屋旁边。靠近这所小土屋,有一个用栅栏围成的高围圈。小土屋里住着一个印度人。围圈里有一头大象。由于旅客们的请求,印度人把福克先生和他两个同伴带进栅栏里。 在栅栏里,他们看见了那头大象。这头大象已经快要被养驯了。象主人并不打算把它训练成驮东西的象,而是要把它训练成一头打仗用的象。为了这个目的,他首先是慢慢改变大象驯良的天性,使它逐渐变得凶猛起来,成为一头印度话叫“马其”的猛兽。因此在三个月内,要用糖和牛奶来饲养它。这种办法似乎不可能产生那样的效果,但是那些养象的人,多半采用这种方法获得了成功。对福克先生说来,这简直太幸运了。因为,这头象,刚刚用这种办法来训练,还一点没有变成“马其”。这头名叫奇乌尼的大象现在还跟别的大象一样能长途跋涉,而且跑得很快。既然找不到其他坐骑,福克便决定利用这头大象。 但是,大象在印度算是珍贵动物,因为印度的象越来越少了。尤其是适合于马戏场表演用的公象,就更不容易找到。这种动物一成为养驯的家畜,就很少繁殖,只有靠打猎来补充,因此它们已成了人们特别爱护的宝贝了。当福克问印度人是否肯把象出租时,对方拒绝得非常干脆。福克先生决心要租这头大象,所以就出了个大价钱:每用一小时,给十英镑(合二百五十法郎)。但是主人不干。二十镑呢?还是不行。四十镑呢?总是不答应。福克先生每加一次价钱,都吓得路路通跳一下。虽然这个价钱已经出得不低了,可是象主人却丝毫无动于衷。如果按十五小时到阿拉哈巴德计算,大象主人就能赚六百镑(合一万五千金法郎)。 福克先生还是一点也没有激动,这时他就向印度人提出要买这头大象。他一开始就出了一千英镑的高价(合二万五千法郎)。 大象主人不肯卖!八成这个老滑头是看准了这宗买卖能赚一票大钱。法兰西斯•柯罗马蒂把福克叫到一边,叫他加价的时候应该好好考虑考虑。福克回答说,他从来就没有不考虑就办事的习惯,这样办是为了赢得两万英镑的赌注;他必须要用这头象,即使出比时价贵二十倍的钱,他也要买。 福克先生又来找印度人。印度人的一双小眼睛,流露出贪婪的目光,人家一看就会明白:“买卖成不成交,只是价钱高不高”的问题而已。福克先生接二连三地加价,一千一百镑,一千五百镑,一千八百镑,最后竟加到二千镑(合五万法郎)。路路通因为过分激动,一向红润的面孔都气得发白了。 象主人终于向两千英镑投降了。 “就是冲着我这双拖鞋走不了长路,喏,他的象肉才卖这么大价钱!”路路通嚷着说。 买卖成交了,现在就差找一个向导了。这事儿比较容易!有一个相貌挺聪明的年轻的帕西人愿意效劳。福克先生同意雇了他,并允许给他很高的报酬,这样当然就会使帕西人加倍卖劲。大象牵出之后,立刻就装备起来。这个帕西人当象童或充向导全十分内行。他在象脊背上铺上鞍垫,在象身两侧,挂上两个坐着并不太舒服的鞍椅。 福克先生从他那宝贝袋袋里拿出钞票,付给象主。这些钱活象打路路通心肝五脏里掏出来似的。福克先生请柯罗马蒂先生同乘大象去阿拉哈巴德,旅长接受了他的邀请。 他们在克尔比买了一些吃的。柯罗马蒂坐在大象一边的鞍椅上,福克坐在另一边。路路通高居在主人和旅长之间,两腿跨在鞍垫上。象童趴在象脖子上。九点钟,大象启步,离开克比尔,从一条最近的路线进入了茂密的棕树林。