We need to cherish what we have- book report of《The Little Match-Girl》_派派后花园

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[English Note] We need to cherish what we have- book report of《The Little Match-Girl》

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-10-26 0

This is a sad story, a girl who should have a happy, light-hearted life. In this age, she should be in school to know this world and to meet her friend. Her life has already begun.

However, in this sentimental story, in a cold and snowy weather, this pitiful girl need to leave the house to sell match. That day was the last evening of the old year was drawing in. That day all family should be in their warm house to welcome the arrival of the new year, but this little girl wander in the

Pedestrians hurried, and nobody noticed this wretchedness
girl. She was very cold and need warmth so she decided to
light a match. She felt that she sit in a big stove, the light
went out after she warmed her feet. She lighted the second match, this time she saw a rich meal which had apple,
roast duck and the goose. Soon the match was burnt out and there was only the thick, hard wall was beside her.

She kindled a third match, this time she saw grandmother
she missed very much, grandmother was the only one who
toke care of her, but grandmother passed away in this world.
After that time, she was alone a person in this world.

This time, she was very eager for her grandmother,
so she kindled all the balance match,
and grandmother carried her granddaughter to a peace,
rich, equal word, this pitiful will not afraid of hungry,
cold afterwards.

Nowadays, most children have more and more love from their family, some parent spoiled their children. In this
case, children may not know what is poor and hungry. I
usually think that children need to learn independent, they
cannot rely on their parent all the life. Parent will leave this
world and children will grown up in future.

We have sufficient goods and materials today, we also have a house to live, have enough love from our family, have
opportunity to earn knowledge from school. Compared with
the little match girl, we are so happiness.

Sometimes I saw a young life take their own life as some
petty thing, I will think of this story, this petty girl just want
to get some solicitude, but it’s so difficult to get in that world, so she went to a new world.

Then how about us?We need to cherish to what we have and learn how to concern and love our relatives and friends.

Look up at the sky, the world is fine, let us study treasure
and avoid wasting together.

[ 此帖被沐君芊在2013-10-26 19:39重新编辑 ]
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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-10-26 0
So this  is "La petite marchande d'allumettes" =The Little Match Girl?


全部都是我自己一個字一個字打出來的感想 嗯
All this report is my original thoughts

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