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[Media] 纪录片《我们都可能发生》感动百万人

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 叶南絮
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-08-13 0


It Could Happen To You is an extremely poignant video about how the lack of a legal framework for same-sex marriage can tear people’s lives apart. Tom Bridegroom was just twenty-nine when he died suddenly, leaving his long-term partner with no legal rights over his body, his possessions, his burial or funeral. The deceased’s family, who were not happy with their son being gay (he’s a sinner, he’s going to hell etc – these poor ignorant people), made sure that his legacy was whitewashed and his partner excised from his life. This is not only an extremely tragic story but also another timely reminder that a world without same-sex civil marriage leaves people with no legal rights when something like this happens. Make sure you support the Equal Love, Equal Rights campaign mentioned in the video, share this clip, and make your voices heard.

《我们都可能发生》是一个极度心酸的故事,讲述了一对同性恋因为同性婚姻得不到法律的认可而生离死别的故事。Tom Bridegroom突然离世时仅仅二十九岁,留下他的同性伴侣,但是伴侣却没有任何法律权利处理他的尸体,财物以及葬礼事宜。Tom的家人对于儿子是个同性恋的事实深恶痛绝(冷漠的家人认为他有罪),并且把他的遗物全都销毁,把他的伴侣也从他的人生中抹去。这不单纯是一个悲剧,而且也为同性婚姻的不被认可敲响了警钟。



天佑鲍比/为鲍比祈祷 (Prayers for Bobby)

年 代 2009
国 家 美国
类 别 剧情
语 言 英语
主 演 Sigourney Weaver ... Mary Griffith
           Ryan Kelley ... Bobby Griffith


Prayers for Bobby is a 2009 television film that premiered on the Lifetime network on January 24, 2009. It is based on the book, Prayers for Bobby: A Mother's Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son, by Leroy F. Aarons, which is itself based on the true story of the life and legacy of Bobby Griffith, a young gay man who killed himself due to his mother's and community's homophobia. The film stars Ryan Kelley as Bobby Griffith and Sigourney Weaver as his mother, Mary.

本片根据真人真事改编。本片母亲Mary的扮演者是曾凭借《异形》(Alien)系列闻名的Sigourney Weaver。此次她朴实无华的演出,将一位普通美国母面对自己同志儿子的心路历程刻画得入木三分。而饰演Bobby的Ryan Kelley是美国童星出身,儿时曾出演电视版《超人前传》,此次他传神的塑造了一个善良、正直、不惜以死向世俗抗争的同志少年。另外需要一提的是导演Russell Mulcahy正是执导了《同志亦凡人》第1季的那位导演,本片实在是和qafonline有不解之缘。


1.Not telling the truth ...Sometimes I feel I am at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the crashing surf with nowhere to go...But down.我隐瞒真相,有时候让我觉得自己像站在悬崖边俯视浪花碎开,除了纵身跳下外,无路可走...

2.I used to have these fun dream when I was so free我曾经做过快乐的梦,那么自由自在
but now, as I fly, I'm afraid. 但现在,当我想飞时,我胆怯了.
there are telephone lines and electrical wires.how painful it would be to run into one.到处是电话线和电缆若被缠住会有多痛

3.God loves me as what I were.上帝爱我,是爱我本来的样子.

4.Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship, think and remember. A child is listening. 当你在家里或礼拜之所诵念阿门之前,请想起并记清,有个孩子一直在倾听.

[ 此帖被左。微希在2012-08-14 13:35重新编辑 ]
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等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-12-11 0
I’m so sorry my English is very poor,that I say it in english.
It touched me deeply 堵不如疏,一味反对就如烈火烹油,有些悲剧就是应为我们太过坚持自己的想法而才造成的。中国式的亲情是为之计深远,然而他们的孩子却往往不能理解他们,把父母的保护当做禁锢,于是敌对,乃至,决裂而父母总会很容易原谅他们的孩子,孩子却要到做了父母才能理解父母之爱,然而有些事却不是原谅就行了,这就是真正的悲剧啦。
[ 此帖被annejuly在2012-12-11 19:45重新编辑 ]
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