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QE3是[color=#ff0000]a third round of quantitative easing [/color]的缩写。
[size=3][b]QE1, QE2, and QE3 [/b][/size]
The expression "QE2" became a "ubiquitous nickname" in 2010, usually used to refer to a second round of quantitative easing by central banks in the United States.
Retrospectively, the round of quantitative easing preceding QE2 may be called "QE1".
Similarly, "QE3" refers to the third round of quantitative easing involving the purchase of mortgage-backed securities, announced in September 2012, following QE2.
量化宽松(英语:Quantitative easing,简称QE):
在部分准备制下,银行保持一定比例的存款准备金,其余的资金可作贷款之用。从量化宽松的过程中增加的存款,银行可通过借贷,再创造出更多的货币供应,即存款倍数效应(deposit multiplication)。例如,假设货币流动性是平均10次交易,量化宽松每创造$10,000,可产生的最终货币供应为$100,000。
Quantitative easing
Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective. A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions with newly created money, in order to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds to keep market interest rates at a specified target value. Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield.
Expansionary monetary policy typically involves the central bank buying short-term government bonds in order to lower short-term market interest rates (using a combination of standing lending facilities and open market operations). However, when short-term interest rates are either at, or close to, zero, normal monetary policy can no longer lower interest rates. Quantitative easing may then be used by the monetary authorities to further stimulate the economy by purchasing assets of longer maturity than only short-term government bonds, and thereby lowering longer-term interest rates further out on the yield curve.
Quantitative easing can be used to help ensure inflation does not fall below target. Risks include the policy being more effective than intended in acting against deflation – leading to higher inflation, or of not being effective enough if banks do not lend out the additional reserves.