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Friends 3 《老友记》
Joey: Chandler, you have to start getting over her . All right, if you play, you get some fresh air, maybe it'll take your mind off Janice, and if you don't play, everyone will be mad at you 'cause the teams won't be even . Come on. Chandler: Yeah, all right, I'll play. Phoebe: Yay!! Rachel: Let's do it! Ross? Ross: What? Rachel: Do you wanna play football? Ross: Um, Monica and I aren't supposed to play football. Joey: Says who? Your mom? Monica and Ross: Yeah. Monica: Well, every, every Thanksgiving um, we used to have a touch football game called the "Geller Bowl". Chandler: No, no, no, you say that proudly. Monica: Anyway, Ross and I were always captains, and um, it got kind've competitive and one year, Geller Bowl VI, I accidentally broke Ross's nose. Ross: It was so not an accident. She saw I was about to tag her, so she threw her big fat grandma arm elbow right into my face. And just keep running. Monica: To score the winning touchdown , by the way. 妙词佳句, 活学活用 1. get over somebody: 当好朋友遇到失恋的痛苦时,要怎么样去安慰他呢? 这就是一个很好的表达。赶紧忘了那个人吧!当遇到痛苦、挫折和不如意时,我们也可以用以下几个类似的表达来鼓励自己,比如get over it(渡过难关), hang in there(坚持住),I'll survive(我会活下去)等等。 2. be mad at you: 生某人气,对某人发脾气,mad at这里就相当于angry with.比如,"我真的很生Bruce的气"就可以说 "I'm pretty mad at Bruce." "我生自己的气"就可以说 "I'm mad at myself." 3. even: 很明显,Joey说这话的目的是想拉Chandler一块儿打球,否则的话便不是一场势均力敌的比赛。 4. be supposed to: 这个片语是美国人经常用的。如果我们想问别人未来的某一个时间会不会发生某件事或出现某种情况,例如"星期五会下雨吗?" 这时我们就可以说 "Is it supposed to rain on Friday?" 也可以表示某人应该或者不应该做某件事,比如,中午12点以前要退房,这是酒店的规定,就可以对同伴说 " We're supposed to check out of the hotel by 12 o'clock." 5. touchdown, tag: 这两个都是美式橄榄球比赛里面的术语。前者指进攻一方越过对方球门线并获得对球的控制,如持球、接球等;后者则指触杀,即触碰对方球员。美国人的价值观里很重要的一条就是competition竞争的意识,美国的文化是强者文化,不光在体育比赛里面,在社会生活的方方面面都留下烙印。所以想要和美国朋友多交流,练习口语,同他们一块运动、健身、比赛打球不失为一个好的途径。 美国文化面面观 Thanksgiving
First Thanksgiving in America The Pilgrims, shown here celebrating their first Thanksgiving, were a group of Puritans(清教徒)who landed at Plymouth Rock(普利茅斯:位于美国马萨诸塞州东南,这批清教徒被认为是在普利茅斯海岸巨砾登陆), in what is now Massachusetts, United States, in 1620. In 1621 Governor William Bradford of New England proclaimed a day of "thanksgiving" and prayer to celebrate the Pilgrims' first harvest in America. United States president Abraham Lincoln, following the precedent of a number of states, designated a national Thanksgiving Day in 1863. Now Thanksgiving Day falls annually on the fourth Thursday of November. Today Thanksgiving is mainly a celebration of domestic life, centered on the home and family. Most people celebrate Thanksgiving by gathering with family or friends for a holiday feast. Super Bowl 感恩节除了要吃大餐,看橄榄球比赛也是必不可少的哦。大家不要嘲笑Geller一家迂腐,Ross和Monica两兄妹比赛还要起个名字叫the "Geller Bowl"。不过美式橄榄球界NFL(National Football League)的确有一盛会,我们通常叫做"超级碗(Super Bowl)",中间插播的广告要比比赛本身还吸引人呢!
看电影学英语附讲解:Friends 3 《老友记》[2] Joey: What's a matter, Ross? What you're nervous about your speech? Ross: No! Do you wanna hear it? Joey: Am I in it? Ross: Uh, huh . Yeah, right after I thank everyone for giving money to the museum, I sing a song about the wonder that is Joey. Phoebe: Hello. Ross: Hey! Joey: Whoa! Ross: Wow, hello! You look great! Phoebe: Thank you! I know, though. Ross: You see this, this is a person who is ready to go. Phoebe you, oh, you are my star. Phoebe: Ohh, well, you're my lucky penny . Chandler: All right, I took the quiz, and it turns out, I do put career before men. (to Joey) Get up. Joey: What? Chandler: You're in my seat. Joey: How is this your seat? Chandler: 'Cause I was sitting there. Joey: But then you left. Chandler: Well, it's not like I went to Spain. I went to the bathroom , you knew I was coming back. Joey: What's the big deal , sit somewhere else. Chandler: The big deal is I was sitting there last, so, that's my seat. Joey: Well, actually the last place you were sitting was in there (points to the bathroom). Soo... 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Uh, huh:可以说是英文中表示"同意、赞成"用的最多的语气词了。很多同学掌握不好这个发音。张着嘴发成uh-huh,闭着嘴吐气自然而然就成了uh-hum。表示不同意的时候我们通常摇着头说 uh-uh,类似的道理闭着嘴吐气变成um-um。口语中常用的语气词还包括yummy yummy(真香真香),ouch(哎哟),whoops(糟糕),blah blah blah(等等……)等。 2. lucky penny:a penny lying on the ground faced up. Most luck should follow immediately after picking up of it. 3. go to the bathroom:表示去洗手间,也可以用restroom。美国人很少说go to the toilet,toilet很多时候指马桶。当然我们也可以用go somewhere,go pee甚至pass water(传水),take a leak(漏),hit the John等等比较诙谐的说法。 4. big deal:类似咱们中文里说"大不了""了不起的"。这个表达法在口语里出现的频率相当高。比如,"就算他文笔很差,可这有什么大不了的!"就可以说"So this guy couldn't write, big deal!"。说"这件事有什么大不了的",可以说"It's no big deal.",也可以说成"It's not a big deal."。大家注意这两句话里逻辑重音的位置是不一样的,如果你要强调NO(没什么)这种语气时,最好选前者,因为后者的逻辑重音跑到别处去了。
看电影学英语附讲解:Friends 3 《老友记》[3] Janice: Why are you shopping here? You don't live in this neighborhood. Were you here waiting for me? Chandler: Yeah, huh. I'm just uh, you know I'm just picking up some things for a party. (grabs a bag off of the shelf) Janice: Barley ? What kind of party serves barley? Chandler: Well, I'm sorry if my friends aren't as sophisticated as yours. Janice: Where is this party? Chandler: Here in Chelsea. Janice: Who's party is it? Chandler: A woman's Janice: What woman?! Chandler: (shyly) Chelsea. Janice: Okay, you know, one of two things is happening here. Either you're seeing somebody behind my back, which would make you the biggest jerk on the planet. Or, else you're pretending that you're seeing somebody, which just makes you so pathetic that I could start crying right here in the cereal aisle. So like which of these two guys do you want to be? (Another guy walks by.) Chandler: Can I be that guy? [Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Phoebe are there] Phoebe: Okay, so we got some more good rejections, lots of stuff to work on. Joey: Okay, shoot . Phoebe: Okay, um, oh, the zoo commercial. Joey: I didn't get it? Phoebe: No. They said you "Weren't believable as a human being." So, you can work on that. Joey: Okay, what else? Phoebe: Um, the off-Broadway play people said "You were pretty but dumb." Joey: Oh. Phoebe: Oh no wait, I'm sorry, that's "pretty dumb." Joey: Look, it's okay, no, no, no, really, look um, I really appreciate this Pheebs, but I think I'm gonna have to go back to Estelle. Phoebe: Oh. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. pick up:当我们用英文说"买东西"时,浮现在我们脑海里的有哪些词呢?可能大家不会想到用pick up这个短语。想到最多的无非是buy或者purchase,从用法上讲当然都对,但是我们应该在什么场合选择什么样的话,这里面就大有学问了。Chandler这里明明在等Janice,却要尽量装作轻描淡写的说这句话,pick up给人的感觉是我顺路买点东西,可不是为了见你哦!用buy计划性显得强了些,purchase就更正式了,在商务活动或者购买大宗商品时用得比较多。比如买车,对大多数中国人来说都不是能够随时pick up的,所以我们通常说purchase a car。 中国同学学习英语有一个误区,就是对任何一个单词的理解都是非口语化的,一个单词就对应一个意思。通过对电影的语汇的学习和积累能够有效克服这一点。以pick up为例,"我感冒了"完全可以说"I pick up a cold.";"我在新东方学英语","I pick up English in New Oriental School.";"沾染坏习惯","pick up a lot of bad habits,";"去机场接人","pick somebody up at the airport.";"我需要振奋起来","I need a little pick-me-up.";"我的车的加速度很棒","My car has good pick-up.";甚至"泡妞"也可以用"pick up a girl"。 2. barley:燕麦 3. sophisticated:这里不要翻译成"世故的",因为中文说一个人世故常常带有贬义。如果形容一个人sophisticated,英文的意思应该是"someone having a lot of knowledge/experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as culture, art, fashion etc." 4. you're seeing somebody: 约会某人。类似的date someone,go out with somebody等等都表示约会。说谁谁两个人是一对儿,用俚语的讲法也可以是"They are something of an item. "。在很多美国人看来,结婚以前同时date几个人似乎没有什么不可以,这可能也是美国人所追求的individual freedom对他们爱情观的影响。 5. jerk:someone who is stupid or who does things that annoy or hurt other people生活总不可能全是顺心事儿,负面的东西也会碰到,美国人的性格总的来说straightforward,但他们的直率多建立在委婉的基础上,很少用真正恶毒的词来形容一个人。 6. shoot:这里不是用来代替"shit",而是让对方"说吧",相当于"go ahead",也有人偏爱用"fire away"。 美国文化面面观 Central Perk与Central Park 老友记中这个"臭名昭著"的咖啡馆central perk很有意思,跟中央公园比起来就差一个字母。为什么起perk这个名字呢?除了影射central park以外,本身perk有振奋、兴奋之义(咖啡提神嘛)。同时perk也是percolate的简写,渗滤壶煮咖啡。大家是不是觉得这个名字起的一举多得呢? Central Park in New York City was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux in the 1850s. It was so popular that it inspired a series of similar metropolitan parks all over the United States. These skyscrapers border Central Park, in midtown Manhattan, New York City. The park provides one of the few remaining green spaces in the city's dense urban landscape. It is a popular location for outdoor concerts and athletic events, including competitive foot races and recreational softball. Broadway, Off Broadway 百老汇音乐剧(Broadway)是现代戏剧的一种,有演出,有跳舞,也有歌唱。有时单纯只有演出,有时则相当复杂。它主要在美国、加拿大和英国流行。 百老汇的英文原意为"宽阔的街",在地理位置上是指纽约市里以巴特里公园为起点、由南向北纵贯曼哈顿岛、全长25公里的一条长街。这条街两旁分布着几十家剧院,在这些剧院中上映著全世界最受欢迎的音乐剧。因此"百老汇"渐渐的变成了一种音乐剧的名字。 百老汇音乐剧目前分为三种,分别是百老汇音乐剧Broadway、外百老汇音乐剧Off Broadway和外外百老汇音乐剧Off Off Broadway。三种戏剧主要依某出剧的好评和票价来分类。所以外外百老汇音乐剧有相当多实验戏剧的形式,也最便宜。如果票房很好,就会被移到外百老汇加强宣传,等到演出评价累积到了一定时间和一定的水准,就会正式变成百老汇音乐剧。 在地理上来说,在纽约百老汇大街44街至53街的剧院称为内百老汇(也就是百老汇),而百老汇大街41街和56街上的剧院则称为外百老汇。
Broadway is one of the principal business thoroughfares of New York City, extending in a generally north-south direction. Laid out in the early 17th century by the Dutch, Broadway grew in length as the city developed from a small settlement on the southern tip of Manhattan Island. It now extends 27 km (17 miles) to the city's northern boundary in the Bronx. In lower Manhattan, where it passes through the financial district, Broadway is the traditional route over which national heroes and distinguished guests are escorted. It enters the heart of the commercial and garment district at Herald Square on 34th Street. Between 42nd Street, where it passes through Times Square, and 50th Street, Broadway forms the central thoroughfare of New York City's theater district. This stretch is one of the most highly concentrated entertainment centers in the United States, and includes official Broadway theaters, smaller off-Broadway playhouses, movie theaters, restaurants, and bars. The city of New York has attempted a major revitalization and development of the theater district since the 1980s. Also located on Broadway are Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Columbia University.
看电影学英语附讲解:Friends 3 《老友记》[4] [Scene: Joey is watching Wheel of Fortune, the puzzle is showing _oun_ Rush_ore.]
Chandler: Hey! Joey: Wheel! Chandler: Of! Joey: Fortune! This guy is so stupid. It's Count Rushmore!! Chandler: You know, you should really go on this show. All right, listen, I got three tickets to the Rangers tonight. Whaddaya say ? Joey: I say, "I'm there!" Cool! Aw, is Ross going too? Chandler: No, Janice. Joey: Jan-ice. 'Cause I, just, I feel bad for Ross, you know, we…we always go together, we're like the three hocke-teers. Chandler: You know, I may be way out on a limb here, but do you, do you, have a problem with Janice? Joey: No, Yeeees. God, how do I say this? Oh, hi, you know that girl from the Greek restaurant with the hair? Chandler: Ooh, that girl that I hate, eww, drives me crazy , eww, eww, oh! Joey: Look, I don't hate Janice, she's... she's just a lot to take , you know. Chandler: Well, there you go . Joey: Oh, hey. Come on man, don't look at me like that, she used to drive you nuts before too, remember? Chandler: Well, I'm crazy about her now. I think this could be the real thing. Capital "R"! Capital "T"! Don't worry. Those are the right letters. Joey: Look, what do you want me to say? Chandler: I want you to say that you like her! Joey: I can't. It's like this chemical thing, you know. Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna pull my arm off just so that I can have something to throw at her. Chandler: Thanks for trying. Oh, and by the way there is no Count Rushmore! Joey: Yeah, then... then who's the guy that painted the faces on the mountain? (Chandler gives him a look like "You stupid idiot!") 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Whaddaya say:实际上是“What do you say?”,意思是问别人“这事你意下如何?”这里的ya是you的缩读,ya也可以是are you的缩读。比如ya going to the party? 在不太正式的场合或者刻意要营造一种“土得掉渣”的气氛时,我们经常可以听到诸如betcha(bet you), gotcha(got you)以及see ya等等片语。当别人说一个什么事儿我们表示不屑或不信任时,也可以反问“Says who?”。 2. out on a limb:limb原意是小树枝,悬在小树枝的边上是一种什么感觉?其实就是alone and without help or support,类似汉语里说孤立无援。Chandler这里用be out on a limb是指“说这话要冒点风险”,换句话说就是“可能Joey会不爱听”。类似的,go out on a limb 可以表示冒险做某件事情。比如他甘愿冒风险帮助我们就可以说“He'd gone out on a limb (=taken a risk) to help us.”。 3. drive somebody crazy:make someone feel very annoyed,都快把我给逼疯了!我们也可以用drive somebody nuts/mad/insane。比如说“咳嗽把我弄得快受不了”,就可以说“This cough is driving me mad!” 4. take:Joey觉得Janice这种人让他难以忍受,他表达这层意思的时候并没有用endure或tolerate,而是用了一个很多中国同学在这种场合不大用的词,其实这里拿一个短语put up with替换take也是相当贴切的。 5. There you go:也是出现频率极高的词组,很多情况下相当于That's it。 6. come on:这里注意听Joey说come on时的语气,同样的话不同的语音语调可以表达完全不同的意思。为了让我们讲的英语不显得干涩,我们一定要注意把握讲话时的语调、重读和节奏。这一点要通过对电影语言的跟读和模仿练习来达到。此时的come on一定不是你在运动会上喊加油时的语气,而是类似咱们汉语里说“拜托”、“别介”的感觉。 美国文化面面观 Mount Rushmore Joey和Chandler在看Wheel of Fortune 这个电视节目时,Joey作为一个美国人竟然不知道Mount Rushmore National Memorial,难怪被Chandler看作是"stupid idiot",还讽刺他真该上电视。 Mount Rushmore National Memorial was authorized in 1925. Located in the Black Hills of SW. South Dakota the memorial features the heads of United States presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt carved into a granite bluff. The massive sculpture was carved into the rim of Mount Rushmore 150 m (500 ft) above the valley floor and each face is 20 m (60 ft) tall. The memorial cost nearly $1 million to create. The idea for the sculpture came from South Dakota historian Doane Robinson in the early 1920s. American sculptor Gutzon Borglum designed the memorial and supervised its construction. Borglum envisioned a monument to the growth of the United States and its most important leaders and chose Mount Rushmore as the site. Borglum's original design was a sculpture of the four presidents down to their waists. Construction of the memorial began in 1927. The head of Washington was completed first, followed by Jefferson and Lincoln. Roosevelt's head was unfinished when Borglum died in 1941 and his son Lincoln completed the work later that year.
看电影学英语附讲解:Friends 3 《老友记》[5] Margha: The game is over. We eat now? Chandler: No-no-no-no, the game's not over, we're just switching teams. Joey: Yeah, Chandler finds me so intimidating that it's better if we're on the same team. Ross: Right. Okay, let's play. Let's go. Chandler: No ah, hold on a second Joe, where do Dutch people come from? Joey: Ah well, the ah, Pennsylvania Dutch, come from Pennsylvania. Chandler: And the other ah, Dutch people, they come from somewhere near the Netherlands, right? Joey: Nice try. See the Netherlands is this make-believe place where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell come from. Margha: Oh, my! Ross: Enough with geography for the insane, okay? Let's play some ball, guys. Joey: Whoa, whoa, no, no, I-I'm not playing with this guy, now. Chandler: Fine with me . Ross: Okay, y'know what, let's just cut to the chase here. Okay? Heidi, which of my boys do you like? Chandler and Joey: What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Margha: Which do I like? Ross: Yeah, y'know for dating, general merriment, taking back to your windmill... Margha: Well, if I had to choose right now, which by the way I find really weird, I would have to say, Chandler. Chandler: Yes!! Joey: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! She obviously didn't understand the question. Chandler: Well, why don't you have Captain Hook explain it to her. Margha: I'm sorry, Joey, that is my chose. Chandler: You hear that! That is her chose, mister I'll let you have her! I win! You suck! I rule all! A mini-wave in celebration of me!! Margha: I'm now thinking I would like to change my answer to, no one. Chandler: Wh-what? Margha: I now find you shallow and um, a dork. All right, bye. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. hold on a second:英文中表示“等一下”的用法,此外还有wait a minute,hang on a second等等。比如早晨急急忙忙出门时经常可以听到“Hold on a minute! I'll just get my coat.”。 2. make-believe place:这里指的是虚构出来的地方。Joey很明显不知道the Netherlands荷兰在哪里,还以为说的是小时候看的童话世界Neverland梦幻岛。下文里出现的Peter Pan彼得潘,Tinker Bell小仙女,还有Captain Hook虎克船长都是Finding Neverland里的人物。 3. Oh, my!感叹的方式有很多,通常把Oh my God挂在嘴边的人反而不一定笃信上帝,很多人会选用“gosh”,“Oh boy!”,“Oh man!”,“Oh dear!”,“Holy cow!”等等别的方式来感叹。注意God表示上帝时一定不要加the或者后面加s。 4. Fine with me:我无所谓! 我没问题!或者说Fine by me!别人约你吃饭啊,打球啊,看电影什么的,你说“没问题都行”就是“That will be fine with me.”。吵架的时候别人故意气你,这时候也可以说fine with me,意思是“你爱怎么着怎么着,我才无所谓呢。” 5. cut to the chase:这个短语非常好用,表示“开门见山,直奔主题,言归正传”。通常说完这句就意味直接处理最要紧的问题,别废话。在学习口语的过程中同学们将会遇到很多的习惯表达、俚语和谚语,它们有一个共同的特点,就是容易记忆,同时也容易遗忘,所以要想积累就必须有意识的多使用这些表达方式。 美国文化面面观 Pennsylvania Dutch Pennsylvania Dutch, the name commonly but incorrectly applied to German immigrants and their descendants who settled in SE. Pennsylvania. The immigrants weren't from the Netherlands, but they were called"Dutch" by other colonists, who mispronounced German word Deutsch, meaning "German." The name Pennsylvania Dutch is also applied to their language and culture. The Pennsylvania Dutch came to the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries, mostly from a region of southern Germany known as the Palatinate. They were attracted to Pennsylvania because of its religious tolerance. The first settlers were the Mennonites, who founded Germantown (now part of Philadelphia) in 1683. Other religious groups followed these early settlers to Pennsylvania, including Amish, Dunkards, Lutherans, and Moravians. By 1790 the Pennsylvania Dutch constituted about one-third of Pennsylvania's population. The German settlers devoted themselves mainly to farming, but they were also skillful cabinetmakers, potters, and wagon builders.
Pennsylvania Dutch Watercolor The Pennsylvania Dutch still practice many of their traditions, including their language, which is a blend of several German dialects. The family is still the main social and economic unit, with the church next in importance. Traditional groups, such as the Amish and some Mennonites, dress in plain black or brown homespun clothing that has led to their being called the Plain People. These groups have resisted such modern conveniences as automobiles, televisions, and telephones. The Pennsylvania Dutch are known for their hard work, thrift, and orderliness-qualities reflected in their well-tended farms. Many of these farms feature a large red barn decorated with multicolored, geometric patterns known as hex signs. Hearts, tulips, and geometric patterns also decorate Pennsylvania Dutch quilts, furniture, pottery, and other items. 思想火花 十年《老友记》,老友慢慢记。从1994年到2004年,演员和观众一同成长,看着银幕上的形象慢慢老去,猛然间才意识到原来生活早在不经意间继续,我们也变得越来越成熟。 老友们之间不光有斗嘴,有笑料,也有冲突与争执。这是一部关于爱和浪漫关系的剧集,更是一部关于友谊的剧集。没有人真正喜欢孤独,当年轻的我们单身一人在大都市里为生存而忙碌的时候,朋友就是我们的亲人。 《肖申克的救赎》里有一句话:Busy for living, or busy for dying. 我们到底属于哪一类?当我们已经习惯了人与人之间的冷漠或者干脆是不信任;当我们习惯了为了某种利益驱使或斤斤计较而设计出的虚假的人际关系;当我们习惯了递上一百元大钞,对方对着阳光照啊照,然后找回伍十元,我们也是对着阳光照啊照的日子时,我们要不要问问自己,生活的真谛是什么? Friends告诉我们,原来我们不必责备自己过的太快乐,生活在生活的表面并不是肤浅,这部剧所表现出的生活态度,也许正是我们所要寻找的那种积极的,乐观的,保持单纯但不幼稚的气息。也正是这种独特的气质吸引着老友记迷们。 考考你 读完了我们对于Pennsylvania Dutch的这段介绍,假设现在有这样一个场景:你和一个美国朋友要共同记录某份文件,你毫不犹豫的拿起纸和笔,而对面那个美国人却摊开他的笔记本电脑,并且一脸坏笑形容你是Amish boy, 请问他是什么意思?