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The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古屋的倒塌
他的心儿是把悬挂的琴;轻轻一拨就铮铮有声。 ——贝朗瑞 Son coeur est un luth suspendu; Sitot qu'on le touche il resonne. DE BERANGER.
那年秋天,一个阴沉、昏暗、岑寂的日子,乌云低垂,厚重地笼罩着大地。整整一天,我孤零零地骑着马,驰过乡间一片无比萧索的旷野。暮色四合之际,令人忧伤的厄榭府终于遥遥在望。我也说不清是怎么回事,一瞥见那座建筑,心灵就充满难以忍受的忧伤。说难以忍受,是因为往常即便到了荒蛮之所或可怕的惨境,遇到那种无比严苛的自然景象,也难免有几分诗意,甚而生出几分喜悦;如今,这股忧伤的感觉却总是挥之不去。我愁肠百结地望着眼前的景物。我望着孤单的府邸和庄园里单一的山水风貌,望着荒凉的垣墙、空洞的眼睛一样的窗子、三五枝气味难闻的芦苇、几株枯木白花花的树干——心里真是愁苦至极,愁苦得俗世的情感已无法比拟,只有与染阿芙蓉癖者梦回以后的感觉作比,才足够贴切——苦痛流为日常,丑恶的面纱也摘除而去。我的心直翻腾,还冷冰冰地往下沉,凄凉得无可救赎,任是再有刺激人的想像力,也难说这是心灵的升华。究竟的怎么了?我思忖起来。到底是什么原因,使得我在注目厄谢府时如此不能自控?这是个破解不了的谜。沉思间,模糊的幻想涌满心头,却又无从捉摸。我只得退而求其次,自圆其说罢了——简单的自然景物凑在一起,确实有左右人情绪的力量,但要剖析这种感染力,即便费尽心机,也是无迹可寻。我思量道,这片景物中的一草一木,一山一水只消在细微处布置得稍有不同,带给人的那种悲伤的感觉,可能就会减轻,或许会归于消泯。这种念头一起,我策马奔至山中小湖的险岸边。小湖就傍着宅第,湖面泛着光泽,却一丝涟漪都没有,黑黢黢,阴森森,倒映出变形的灰色芦苇、惨白树干、空洞眼睛一样的窗子。我俯视着湖面,浑身颤抖,比刚才的感觉还要奇怪。 During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was--but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasureable, because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible. I looked upon the scene before me--upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain--upon the bleak walls--upon the vacant eye-like windows--upon a few rank sedges--and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees--with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium--the bitter lapse into everyday life--the hideous dropping off of the veil. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart--an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime. What was it--I paused to think--what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher? It was a mystery all insoluble; nor could I grapple with the shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as I pondered. I was forced to fall back upon the unsatisfactory conclusion, that while, beyond doubt, there are combinations of very simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, still the analysis of this power lies among considerations beyond our depth. It was possible, I reflected, that a mere different arrangement of the particulars of the scene, of the details of the picture, would be sufficient to modify, or perhaps to annihilate its capacity for sorrowful impression; and, acting upon this idea, I reined my horse to the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn that lay in unruffled lustre by the dwelling, and gazed down--but with a shudder even more thrilling than before--upon the remodelled and inverted images of the grey sedge, and the ghastly tree-stems, and the vacant and eye-like windows. 然而,目前我还是打算在这阴沉的府邸作几个星期的逗留。这座府邸的主人罗德里克。厄谢是我儿时的好朋友。我们有好多年没见过面了。可最近,我收到了一封从本国一个遥远的地方发来的信——是他写来的,信写得很急切,还非要我亲自去一趟。在他的亲笔信里,显然透着股的神经不安的味道。他提到自己患有严重的疾病 ——是让他备受折磨的精神错乱,还说,真的很想见到我这个最好的朋友、惟一的知己,能跟我快活地呆上一阵子,病情便会减轻云云。全信如此这般说了很多。他的请求显然出于一片真心,让人片刻都不能犹豫。于是,我马上就应邀动身了。来是来了,我却依然认为,他的召唤真是蹊跷得紧。 Nevertheless, in this mansion of gloom I now proposed to myself a sojourn of some weeks. Its proprietor, Roderick Usher, had been one of my boon companions in boyhood; but many years had elapsed since our last meeting. A letter, however, had lately reached me in a distant part of the country--a letter from him-- which, in its wildly importunate nature, had admitted of no other than a personal reply. The MS gave evidence of nervous agitation. The writer spoke of acute bodily illness--of a mental disorder which oppressed him--and of an earnest desire to see me, as his best, and indeed his only personal friend, with a view of attempting, by the cheerfulness of my society, some alleviation of his malady. It was the manner in which all this, and much more, was said--it was the apparent heart that went with his request--which allowed me no room for hesitation; and I accordingly obeyed forthwith what I still considered a very singular summons.
我们虽然是童年时代的密友,可我对这位朋友确实知之甚少。他总是有所保留,这都成了他的习惯。不过我很清楚的是,很久以前,他的先祖就以多愁善感闻名。多少年来,这一特点总是经由高贵的艺术品体现出来;最近,则表现为举办一次又一次慷慨却不张扬的慈善活动,迷恋上音乐的复杂性,而不是热爱其一致公认、一听即懂的美。我也知道一个异乎寻常的事实,厄谢家族虽历来受人尊敬,但却从未有过不衰的旁系子孙,换句话说就是,这个家族属于一代单传,除了微乎其微、偶尔出现的例外,永远都是这样。想着这座房屋的特色跟人们普遍认定的厄谢家族的性格极其吻合,想着好几百年来,房屋的特色有可能影响到厄谢家族的性格,我不由认为,或许正是因为缺乏旁系支亲,才致使财产和姓氏总是祖孙相传,世代相袭,最后财产和姓氏终于混而为一,庄园的名称渐渐消失,一个离奇而模棱两可的名称 ——“厄谢府”,浮出了地表。庄稼人都用这个名称,在他们心里,这个名称似乎既包含了这个家族,又包含了这座府邸。 Although, as boys, we had been even intimate associates, yet I really knew little of my friend. His reserve had been always excessive and habitual. I was aware, however, that his very ancient family had been noted, time out of mind, for a peculiar sensibility of temperament, displaying itself, through long ages, in many works of exalted art, and manifested, of late, in repeated deeds of munificent yet unobtrusive charity, as well as in a passionate devotion to the intricacies, perhaps even more than to the orthodox and easily recognisable beauties of musical science. I had learned, too, the very remarkable fact, that the stem of the Usher race, all time-honoured as it was, had put forth, at no period, any enduring branch; in other words, that the entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very trifling and very temporary variation, so lain. It was this deficiency, I considered, while running over in thought the perfect keeping of the character of the premises with the accredited character of the people, and while speculating upon the possible influence which the one, in the long lapse of centuries, might have exercised upon the other--it was this deficiency, perhaps, of collateral issue, and the consequent undeviating transmission, from sire to son, of the patrimony with the name, which had, at length, so identified the two as to merge the original title of the estate in the quaint and equivocal appellation of the "House of Usher"--an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion.
我上面说过了,俯视湖水这一略带幼稚的举止,只是加剧了早先那种奇怪的忧伤。无疑,这迅速弥漫的迷信感——何不就称之为迷信呢?——只会益发浓重。我早就晓得,惟有心里胡思乱想,才会觉得恐怖。这是个荒谬的定律。或许正是这个缘故,当我不再看那些水中倒影,再度举目望着府邸时,我的心里就生出了奇怪的幻象。那幻象是那么荒谬,真的,我提到它是想说明折磨人的种种思绪有着何其强大的威力。我这么胡思乱想着,竟然当真相信整座府邸和整片庄园都弥散着一种气息,连同附近一带都沾染了这种气息。这气息与天空中的大气迥然不同,而是从枯木、灰墙、死水中飘散而出,阴沉、迟滞、灰扑扑的模糊难辨,像瘟疫一样不可思议。 I have said that the sole effect of my somewhat childish experiment--that of looking down within the tarn--had been to deepen the first singular impression. There can be no doubt that the consciousness of the rapid increase of my supersition--for why should I not so term it?--served mainly to accelerate the increase itself. Such, I have long known, is the paradoxical law of all sentiments having terror as a basis. And it might have been for this reason only, that, when I again uplifted my eyes to the house itself, from its image in the pool, there grew in my mind a strange fancy--a fancy so ridiculous, indeed, that I but mention it to show the vivid force of the sensations which oppressed me. I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediate vicinity-- an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the grey wall, and the silent tarn--a pestilent and mystic vapour, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued. 我抖落掉心中那些只能说是梦幻的念头,更仔细地端详这座府邸的真正面貌。看来它的主要特征,在于年代极为古远,时光的痕迹使它褪尽了鲜亮的颜色。墙上布满微小的真菌,乱糟糟地挂在屋檐下,酷似蜘蛛网。不过倒也找不出破损得特别厉害的地方。没有一堵墙是倒塌的。各部分配合完好,整齐划一,个别石头却碎裂了,看上去非常不协调。这使我不由想起无人问津的地窖里那旧的木制品,多年来它们吹不到外面的一缕风,看似完整,实则早已腐烂多年。不过厄谢府除了表面上的衰颓,整幢建筑看上去丝毫没有摇摇欲坠的迹象。如果仔细观察,兴许能发现一条细微的裂缝,它就从正面屋顶上开始,曲曲弯弯顺墙而下,直至消失在阴沉沉的湖水中。 Shaking off from my spirit what must have been a dream, I scanned more narrowly the real aspect of the building. Its principal feature seemed to be that of an excessive antiquity. The discoloration of ages had been great. Minute fungi overspread the whole exterior, hanging in a fine tangled web-work from the eaves. Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation. No portion of the masonry had fallen; and there appeared to be a wild inconsistency between its still perfect adaptation of parts, and the crumbling condition of the individual stones. In this there was much that reminded me of the specious totality of old wood-work which has rotted for long years in some neglected vault, with no disturbance from the breath of the external air. Beyond this indication of extensive decay, however, the fabric gave little token of instability. Perhaps the eye of a scrutinizing observer might have discovered a barely perceptible fissure, which, extending from the roof of the building in front, made its way down the wall in a zigzag direction, until it became lost in the sullen waters of the tarn.
我留意着这一切,沿着一条短短的堤道,骑马来到府邸门口。一个侍从接过马缰绳。我跨进了哥特式的大厅拱门。一个蹑手蹑脚的男仆,无声地带我穿过一道道昏暗而曲折的回廊,到主人的工作室去。不知为什么,一路上看到的景物,竟使我上面提及的那种含含糊糊的愁绪,变本加厉了。周遭的一切——天花板上的雕刻、四壁黑色的帷幔、乌黑的地板、幻影似的亦步亦趋发出“咔嗒咔嗒”声的纹章甲胄——我幼时就看惯了。我毫不犹疑地承认,一切都很熟悉,可我还是很惊讶,这些普通的物件,怎么就激起了那么陌生的幻想!在一座楼梯上,我遇见了他家的医生。他面露刁奸与困惑之色,他抖索着跟我搭了句话,便溜走了。这时男仆突然打开门,引我到他主人面前。 Noticing these things, I rode over a short causeway to the house. A servant in waiting took my horse, and I entered the Gothic archway of the hall. A valet, of stealthy step, thence conducted me, in silence, through many dark and intricate passages in my progress to the studio of his master. Much that I encountered on the way contributed, I know not how, to heighten the vague sentiments of which I have already spoken. While the objects around me--while the carvings of the ceilings, the sombre tapestries of the walls, the ebon blackness of the floors, and the phantasmagoric armorial trophies which rattled as I strode, were but matters to which, or to such as which, I had been accustomed from my infancy--while I hesitated not to acknowledge how familiar was all this--I still wondered to find how unfamiliar were the fancies which ordinary images were stirring up. On one of the staircases, I met the physician of the family. His countenance, I thought, wore a mingled expression of low cunning and perplexity. He accosted me with trepidation and passed on. The valet now threw open a door and ushered me into the presence of his master.
我发现,房间极高,也很宽大,窗子狭长,尖尖地耸着,离漆黑的橡木地板老高,伸手根本触不到。几缕微弱的红光,透过格子玻璃射进来,把四下里比较显眼的物件照得清清楚楚。然而,房间远处的角落、雕花拱顶的凹陷处,却无论怎样都照射不到。墙壁上挂着深色的帷幔。家具特别多,但几乎都不舒服,又过时破旧。四处散布着书籍和乐器,却并没有给房间增添一分生机。我嗅到的只是悲伤的气息。周遭的一切都笼罩着阴沉、幽深、无可救赎的忧郁之气。 The room in which I found myself was very large and lofty. The windows were long, narrow, and pointed, and at so vast a distance from the black oaken floor as to be altogether inaccessible from within. Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way through the trellised panes, and served to render sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects around; the eye, however, struggled in vain to reach the remoter angles of the chamber, or the recesses of the vaulted and fretted ceiling. Dark draperies hung upon the walls. The general furniture was profuse, comfortless, antique, and tattered. Many books and musical instruments lay scattered about, but failed to give any vitality to the scene. I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow. An air of stern, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all. 厄谢正直挺挺地躺在沙发上,见我进去,马上爬了起来,热情欢快地迎接我。我起初以为这份热诚过了火,不过是这厌世者的做作之举,可瞥了一眼他的面容,确信是出于一片真诚。我们坐了下来,有一阵子,他一语不发。我望着他,心里半是同情,半是敬畏。相信没有一个人像罗德里克。厄谢那样,在那么短的时间里,变得那么厉害。我费了好大劲才认定眼前这个人就是我幼年时代的伙伴。不过他的面部特征一直不同寻常。他面如死灰;眼睛大而清澈,明亮得无与伦比;嘴唇有点薄,颜色暗淡,但轮廓绝顶漂亮;鼻子是精致的希伯莱式样,鼻孔却大得离谱;下巴造型很好,但鲜有活力,并不引人注目;头发又软又薄,蛛网一样稀稀拉拉;这样的五官,再配上太阳穴上面异常宽阔的天庭,那容貌真是令人过目不忘。容颜上的显著特征,脸上一贯流露的神情,只消有一点夸张的地方,都会显得变化很大,如今与厄谢同处一室,我却生出了对面不相识的感觉。眼前这苍白得可怕的肤色,明亮得出奇的眼睛,尤其让我惊愕,它们甚至吓倒了我。那丝绸般柔滑的头发,也在不知不觉中,变长了,蛛丝一样纷乱,与其说是披拂在脸上,倒不如说飘飘扬扬来得贴切。任我怎么努力,也无法从这副怪异神情里,找出正常人的影子了。 Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it, I at first thought, of an overdone cordiality--of the constrained effort of the ennuye man of the world. A glance, however, at his countenance, convinced me of his perfect sincerity. We sat down; and for some moments, while he spoke not, I gazed upon him with a feeling half of pity, half of awe. Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period, as had Roderick Usher! It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood. Yet the character of his face had been at all times remarkable. A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely-moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity; these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten. And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features, and of the expression they were wont to convey, lay so much of change that I doubted to whom I spoke. The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell about the face, I could not, even with effort, connect its Arabesque expression with any idea of simple humanity.
我一开始就觉出了朋友的一举一动既不连贯,也不协调。很快我就发现,原来他的神经极度紧张——他有着习惯性痉挛,他总想竭力克服这一点,却终是虚弱不堪,白费力气。其实,对他这一特质我早就有思想准备:一是因为我看了他的信;二呢,我还记得他少年时代的某些脾性;其次,从他独特的身体状况和精神气质上,也可以做出推断。他忽而精神高昂,忽而落落寡欢;他的声音上一刻还优柔寡断,抖抖颤颤(此时听来全无生气),下一刻马上就变得干脆有力。那生硬、滞重、空洞、不疾不徐的吐字,沉闷、镇定、运用自如的发音,只能在沉湎酒香的醉汉或不可救药的烟鬼口中听到。他们受了烟酒的剧烈刺激后,就是这么说话的。 In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence--an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy--an excessive nervous agitation. For something of this nature I had indeed been prepared, no less by his letter, than by reminiscences of certain boyish traits, and by conclusions deduced from his peculiar physical conformation and temperament. His action was alternately vivacious and sullen. His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision (when the animal spirits seemed utterly in abeyance) to that species of energetic concision--that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation--that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance, which may be observed in the lost drunkard, or the irreclaimable eater of opium, during the periods of his most intense excitement. 他就那样谈着请我来的目的,说他如何诚心诚意地盼着我,希望我给他以慰藉。他还相当详尽地谈到自以为得了什么病。他说,这是种先天性的疾病,是家族遗传,他已经绝望了,不想再治疗了。他马上又补充一句,这只是神经上的毛病,一准不久就过去了。这种病的症状,从他诸多反常的情绪中可以看得出。他一五一十全地告诉我了。尽管他的措辞和叙述方式或许很有分量,但有些话我听了后,还是既感兴趣,又觉迷惑。神经过敏把他折磨得不轻。只吃得下寡淡无味的饭菜;只能穿某种质地的料子做的衣服;所有鲜花的香味都难以忍受;即便是微弱的光线,也会刺痛眼睛;惟有特殊的声音——弦乐,才不至于使他惊骇。 It was thus that he spoke of the object of my visit, of his earnest desire to see me, and of the solace he expected me to afford him. He entered, at some length, into what he conceived to be the nature of his malady. It was, he said, a constitutional and a family evil, and one for which he despaired to find a remedy--a mere nervous affection, he immediately added, which would undoubtedly soon pass off. It displayed itself in a host of unnatural sensations. Some of these, as he detailed them, interested and bewildered me; although, perhaps, the terms, and the general manner of the narration had their weight. He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses; the most insipid food was alone endurable; he could wear only garments of certain texture; the odours of all flowers were oppressive; his eyes were tortured by even a faint light; and there were but peculiar sounds, and these from stringed instruments, which did not inspire him with horror.
看得出,反常的恐惧已把他牢牢攫住。“我要死了,”他说,“我肯定是死在这可悲的蠢病上。是的,就是这样死去,没有别的选择。我害怕将要发生的一切,怕是不是事情本身,而是结果。一想到要出什么事儿,哪怕这事儿再微乎其微,也会使我精神不安,难以承受,免不了就会瑟瑟发抖。说真的,我对危险并不憎恨,除了置身于它的绝对影响——恐怖之中。在这精神不安的情况下——在这可怜的境地中,我觉得那样的时刻早晚都会到来,到时候,我定会在与恐惧的卡怕幻觉中,丧失生命和理智。” To an anomalous species of terror I found him a bounden slave. "I shall perish," said he, "I must perish in this deplorable folly. Thus, thus, and not otherwise, shall I be lost. I dread the events of the future, not in themselves, but in their results. I shudder at the thought of any, even the most trivial, incident, which may operate upon this intolerable agitation of soul. I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect--in terror. In this unnerved--in this pitiable condition--I feel that the period will sooner or later arrive when I must abandon life and reason together, in some struggle with the grim phantasm, FEAR." 此外,我还不时从他断断续续、意义含混的暗示中,得知了他精神上的另一个怪状。他摆脱不了对多年未敢擅离的住宅的迷信看法。他说,由于长期忍受,他家府邸的外表及实质上的特点,给他的心灵造成了影响。他摆脱不了这种影响。灰墙和塔楼的样子,映出灰墙和塔楼的暗沉沉的湖水,无不使影响到他的精神状态。在想像这一影响的感染力时,他用词太模糊,我实在难以复述。 I learned, moreover, at intervals, and through broken and equivocal hints, another singular feature of his mental condition. He was enchained by certain superstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted, and whence, for many years, he had never ventured forth--in regard to an influence whose supposititious force was conveyed in terms too shadowy here to be re-stated--an influence which some peculiarities in the mere form and substance of his family mansion, had, by dint of long sufferance, he said, obtained over his spirit--an effect which the physique of the grey walls and turrets, and of the dim tarn into which they all looked down, had, at length, brought about upon the morale of his existence. 尽管一再踌躇,但他到底承认,追溯起来,如此折磨他的奇特的忧郁,多半来自一个更自然也更明显的原因,那就是,他心爱的妹妹一直重病缠身——其实眼下她就要死了。多年来,妹妹就是他惟一的伴儿,是他在这世上的仅有的最后一个亲人。“她一死,”他说,声音痛楚得让我永远都忘不掉,“厄榭家族就只剩一个了无希望的脆弱的人了。”在他说话的当口,玛德琳小姐(别人就这么叫她的)远远地从房间走过,步子慢悠悠的,她根本没注意我,转眼间,已款款消失。看见她,我心里吃惊得紧,还混杂着恐惧的感觉。我发现,要想说得清个中原因,是不可能的。我的目光追随着她远去的脚步,心头一时恍惚得很厉害。当门最终在她身后关上时,出于本能,我急切地转眼去看她哥哥的神情,但他早用双手捂住了脸,只能看见那瘦骨嶙峋的十指比平常还要苍白,指缝间,热泪滚滚而下。 He admitted, however, although with hesitation, that much of the peculiar gloom which thus afflicted him could be traced to a more natural and far more palpable origin--to the severe and long-continued illness--indeed to the evidently approaching dissolution--of a tenderly beloved sister--his sole companion for long years--his last and only relative on earth. "Her decease," he said, with a bitterness which I can never forget, "would leave him (him the hopeless and the frail) the last of the ancient race of the Ushers." While he spoke, the lady Madeline (for so was she called) passed slowly through a remote portion of the apartment, and, without having noticed my presence, disappeared. I regarded her with an utter astonishment not unmingled with dread--and yet I found it impossible to account for such feelings. A sensation of stupor oppressed me, as my eyes followed her retreating steps. When a door, at length, closed upon her, my glance sought instinctively and eagerly the countenance of the brother--but he had buried his face in his hands, and I could only perceive that a far more than ordinary wanness had overspread the emaciated fingers through which trickled many passionate tears.
玛德琳小姐的病,早令她的那些医生黔驴技穷了。她有种种异常的征候:根深蒂固的冷漠,身子一日日瘦损,短暂但频繁发作的类痫症那样的身体局部僵硬。但她一直与疾病顽抗,并没有倒卧病榻。可就在我到他们家的那个傍晚,她却向死神那摧枯拉朽的威力俯下了头颅。噩耗是她哥哥于夜间告诉我的,他的凄惶无法形容。我这才知道,那恍惚间的惊鸿一瞥,竟成永诀。我再看不到活着的玛德琳小姐了。 The disease of the lady Madeline had long baffled the skill of her physicians. A settled apathy, a gradual wasting away of the person, and frequent although transient affections of a partially cataleptical character, were the unusual diagnosis. Hitherto she had steadily borne up against the pressure of her malady, and had not betaken herself finally to bed; but, on the closing in of the evening of my arrival at the house, she succumbed (as her brother told me at night with inexpressible agitation) to the prostrating power of the destroyer; and I learned that the glimpse I had obtained of her person would thus probably be the last I should obtain--that the lady, at least while living, would be seen by me no more. 接下来的几日里,我和厄榭都绝口不提她的名字。那段时间,我满怀热诚,想方设法减轻朋友的哀愁。我们一起画画,一起看书,或者我听他如泣如诉地即兴弹奏六弦琴,恍若身在梦中。于是,我们愈来愈亲密了。越是亲密,我对他的内心世界了解得越发深刻,也就越发痛苦地察觉到,所有想博取他高兴的努力,都是枉费心机。他心底的哀愁仿佛与生俱来,它永不停歇地发散出来,笼罩着大宇,整个精神世界和物质世界于是一片灰暗。 For several days ensuing, her name was unmentioned by either Usher or myself: and during this period I was busied in earnest endeavours to alleviate the melancholy of my friend. We painted and read together; or I listened, as if in a dream, to the wild improvisations of his speaking guitar. And thus, as a closer and still closer intimacy admitted me more unreservedly into the recesses of his spirit, the more bitterly did I perceive the futility of all attempt at cheering a mind from which darkness, as if an inherent positive quality, poured forth upon all objects of the moral and physical universe, in one unceasing radiation of gloom.
我和厄榭府的主人度过了不少单独相处的庄严时刻。这将成为我一生的记忆。但要让我说他让我沉陷其中、或者说他引领我研读的究竟是什么,我还真说不出个子丑寅卯来。活跃而极端紊乱的心绪,使得一切都蒙上了一层硫磺样的淡淡光泽。他大段大段即兴演奏的挽歌,终将长在耳畔。在别的曲调之外,我痛苦地记得,他对那首激越的《冯。韦伯最后的华尔兹》进行的奇异变奏与夸张。他凭借着精巧的幻想,构思出一幅幅画面,他一下一下地刷,画面渐至模糊,令我一看就周身战栗,还因为不明白为何战栗而愈加惊悚。这些画至今仍活灵活现、历历在目,可我却无法用文字形象地描摹出来。他的画构图极为朴素,裸着容颜,真正是天然去雕饰,既吸引人,又令人感到震慑。如果世间有谁的画自有真意,那人只能是罗德里克。厄榭。至少对我来说——处在当时环境中——看到这忧郁症患者设法在画布上泼洒的纯然抽象的概念,心里就会生出浓重的畏惧,让人受不了。凝视福塞利那色彩强烈但幻象具体的画时,我则从不曾有过丝毫畏惧。 I shall ever bear about me a memory of the many solemn hours I thus spent alone with the master of the House of Usher. Yet I should fail in any attempt to convey an idea of the exact character of the studies, or of the occupations, in which he involved me, or led me the way. An excited and highly distempered ideality threw a sulphureous lustre over all. His long improvised dirges will ring for ever in my ears. Among other things, I hold painfully in mind a certain singular perversion and amplification of the wild air of the last waltz of Von Weber. From the paintings over which his elaborate fancy brooded, and which grew, touch by touch, into vagueness at which I shuddered the more thrillingly, because I shuddered knowing not why;--from these paintings (vivid as their images now are before me) I would in vain endeavour to educe more than a small portion which should lie within the compass of merely written words. By the utter simplicity, by the nakedness of his designs, he arrested and overawed attention. If ever mortal painted an idea, that mortal was Roderick Usher. For me at least--in the circumstances then surrounding me--there arose out of the pure abstractions which the hypochondriac contrived to throw upon his canvas, an intensity of intolerable awe, no shadow of which felt I ever yet in the contemplation of the certainly glowing yet too concrete reveries of Fuseli. 在我的朋友那些幻影般的构思中,有一个倒不那么抽象,或许可以诉诸文字,尽管可能诠释不到位。这画尺寸不大,画的是内景,要么是地窖,要么是隧道,呈矩形无限延伸。雪白的墙壁低矮,光滑,没有花纹,也没有剥落的痕迹。画面上的某些陪衬表明,这洞穴深深潜在地下,虽无比宽广,却看不到出口,也看不到火把或别的人工光源,可强烈的光线却浪浪淘淘、四下翻滚,使整个画面沐浴在一片不和时宜的可怖光辉里。 One of the phantasmagoric conceptions of my friend, partaking not so rigidly of the spirit of abstraction, may be shadowed forth, although feebly, in words. A small picture presented the interior of an immensely long and rectangular vault or tunnel, with low walls, smooth, white, and without interruption or device. Certain accessory points of the design served well to convey the idea that this excavation lay at an exceeding depth below the surface of the earth. No outlet was observed in any portion of its vast extent, and no torch, or other artificial source of light was discernible; yet a flood of intense rays rolled throughout, and bathed the whole in a ghastly and inappropriate splendour.
我上文已提及他听觉神经有病态,除了某些弦乐声,听到别的一切乐曲都受不了。或许正因为他只弹奏六弦琴,所以才会弹得那么空幻怪诞。但他那些激昂流畅的即兴曲却不能归结于此。我先前已委婉指出,只有在充满做作的极端兴奋时刻,他的精神才会极其镇定,高度集中。那些狂想曲的调子和歌词(他时时一边弹奏,一边压韵地即兴演唱)必定是,也的确是他精神极其镇定、高度集中的结晶。我毫不费力就记住了其中一首狂想曲的歌词。也许因为他一唱,就拨动了我的心弦,所以深深铭记住了。从它隐秘意蕴中,我想我第一次体知了厄榭的心路——他完全明白,他那高高在上的理性,已经摇摇欲坠,朝不保夕。那首狂想曲名为《闹鬼的宫殿》,全诗大致如下: I have just spoken of that morbid condition of the auditory nerve which rendered all music intolerable to the sufferer, with the exception of certain effects of stringed instruments. It was, perhaps, the narrow limits to which he thus confined himself upon the guitar, which gave birth, in great measure, to the fantastic character of the performances. But the fervid facility of his impromptus could not be so accounted for. They must have been, and were, in the notes, as well as in the words of his wild fantasias (for he not unfrequently accompanied himself with rhymed verbal improvisations), the result of that intense mental collectedness and concentration to which I have previously alluded as observable only in particular moments of the highest artificial excitement. The words of one of these rhapsodies I have easily remembered. I was, perhaps, the more forcibly impressed with it, as he gave it, because, in the under or mystic current of its meaning, I fancied that I perceived, and for the first time, a full consciousness on the part of Usher, of the tottering of his lofty reason upon her throne. The verses, which were entitled "The Haunted Palace," ran very nearly, if not accurately, thus: Ⅰ 绿意浓浓的山谷, 点缀着可爱仙女的房屋, 一座富丽堂皇的宫殿—— 熠熠生辉,昂首苍穹。 在思想主宰一切的王国, 宫殿巍峨耸立。 六翼天使的翅羽, 从未掠过如此美丽的建筑。
In the greenest of our valleys, By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace-- Radiant palace--reared its head. In the monarch Thought's dominion-- It stood there! Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair. Ⅱ 金黄的旗帜灿烂夺目, 在宫殿之巅漫卷飞舞; (一切都成过往烟尘, 随时光逃遁) 那时岁月静好, 清风翻飞。 红墙绿瓦容颜已褪, 幽幽芳香飘然远去。 Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow; (This--all this--was in the olden Time long ago) And every gentle air that dallied, In that sweet day, Along the ramparts plumed and pallid, A winged odour went away.
Ⅲ 漫游在欢乐之谷 探看两扇明亮的窗户, 仙女清歌曼舞, 琴瑟悠悠。 她们绕着王位旋转, 思想之君荣光万丈, 如坐云端, 威仪而有帝王风范。 Wanderers in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute's well tuned law, Round about a throne, where sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen. Ⅳ 星罗棋布的珍珠和红宝石, 映得美丽的宫殿大门亮闪闪。 成群结队的回音女神 , 艳光四射, 川流不息飞过大门。 她们惟一的使命, 便是纵情歌唱。 千娇百媚的声音, 盛赞着国王的智慧。 And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing And sparkling evermore, A troop of Echoes whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king.
Ⅴ 邪恶披一袭长袍 裹挟着悲伤, 侵入国王的至尊之地; (呜呼!叹君王凄凄赴黄泉) 昔日王家繁华落尽, 渐渐成为模糊的传说, 随风而逝。 But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch's high estate; (Ah, let us mourn, for never morrow Shall dawn upon him, desolate!) And, round about his home, the glory That blushed and bloomed Is but a dim-remembered story, Of the old time entombed.
Ⅵ 而今旅人踏进山谷, 隔着血红的窗户, 望见森森鬼影 伴着刺耳的旋律梦幻般舞动。 可怕的群魔 迅速穿过惨白的宫殿大门, 势如骇人的滔滔冥河, 脚步匆匆,无休无止, 面容木然,狂笑声声。 And travellers now within that valley, Through the red-litten windows, see Vast forms that move fantastically To a discordant melody; While, like a rapid ghastly river, Through the pale door, A hideous throng rush out forever, And laugh--but smile no more. |