1.She grudgingly admitted she was wrong.她勉强承认了错误。
2.I hold him in awe. 我对他很敬重。
3.You'll have to resign yourself to it. 你只能无奈地接受。
4.Your illness is psychosomatic. 病由心生。
5.Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不怕巷子深。
6.They just skirted around the issue. 他们光兜圈子,不谈正题。
7.It's the widow's mite. 礼轻情义重。
8.It's too way-out for me. 对我来说太前卫了。
9.We should explore every avenue. 我们要千方百计。
10.Do you have any contingency plans? 你有防范措施吗?
[ 此帖被左。微希在2012-08-05 14:47重新编辑 ]