【Drama】King Lear_派派后花园

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[Novel] 【Drama】King Lear

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-02-18 0
King Lear

A stupid King and father,A honest pincess and daughter.

Scene 1.In King Lear's castle.In England,in King Lear's castle,are gathered Lear(L)and his three daughters.Goneril(G),Reagan(R)and Cordelia(C).Also present are the husbands of Goneril and Reagan,Kent(K)(one of King Lear's lords),and two men,both of whom wish to marry Cordelia:the Duke of Burgundy(B)and King of France(F).

Par 1
L: My noble lords,please be seated.Give me that map there.Now that I am getting old,I have divided my kingdom into three parts.And I now intend to give up my rule and all these lands.Tell me,my daughters,which of you loves me most?Whichever one of you speaks most highly,she shall gain the greatest gift of land.Speak,Goneril.

G:Sir,I love you more than words can say.I love you more than anyone else in the world.There was never a child who loved her father more than I do.
L:Well spoken,Goneril.I am proud of you.All this land,together with these forest,fields and rivers,I now give to you,your husband and your children.What does my second daughter say?Speak,Reagan.

R: Sir,I am made of that same metal as my sister,and am not interested in other worldly jobs.I am only happy when I think of my love for my dear father.

L:You too have spoken well,Reagan.To you,your husband and your children I give this vast,great third of my fair kindgom.Now,my dear Cordelia.You are last,but not least.What can you say to win your share of my kingdom?Speak,Cordelia.

C:Nothing,my king.

L:I beg your pardon?Nothing?Nothing will come to you if you say nothing.Speak again.

C:Sir,I cannot lift my heart into my mouth.I love you,fater,according to my duty,no more ,no less.

L:What is the meaning of this,Cordelia?Unless you make a better speach,you may lose your fortune.Use your head.

C:My good lord,I obey you,love you,and honour you.Why have my sisters taken husbands if they say they love you most of all?When I marry,the man to whom I give my marriage promises weill receive half of all my love,caring and duty.I cannot,like my sisters,love my father beyond all others.

L:Is this the honest truth?

C:It is,my lord.

L:Then let it be so.Let your honesty be your fortune,Cordelia.I loved you most of all.I had hoped to pass the last days of my life nursed by your loving care.I will have nothing to do with you.Coneril and Reagan,between you share out Cordelia's third of my kingdom.

K: Sir,stay calm.It is not true that your youngest daughter loves you least.You cannot blame her in this way.She does love you.

L: I warn you.Do not step between your king and his anger.Get out of my sight!

K:(to C)May the gods care for you and you safe.You thought wisely,and spoke honestly.
(to G and R)
May you enjoy fruits of your fair,empty speeches.(Goes out.)


L: My Lord of Burgundy.You and the King of France have both asked me for the hand of my daughter in marriage.What do you desire in matters of wealth and land for her to be your wife?

B:To be truthful.I desire no more than you suggested.I trust that you will not offer less than that.You made me a promise.

L:When Cordelia was dear to us,we valued her dear.But now her price has fallen.She stands before you and she is yours.Will you take her or leave her?

B:You have only to give that share of your kingdom which you suggested,and I shall take Cordelia by the hand.

L:I will give nothing.I have spoken.I am firm.

B:(To C)I am sorry,then,Cordelia.You have so lost a father,that must lose a husband.

C:Let Burgundy go in peace!Since his respect of fortune is his greatest love,I shall not be his wife.

L:What do you say.King of France?

F:This is most strange,that the person who was the object of yourlove,the treasure of your heart,the pride of your old age,the best,the dearest,should in this flash of time do such an ill deed that it has destroyed your love and turned it into hate.Why do you scold her so?

C:I wish to tell you,Sir,that I have done no wrong deed to end my fater's favour and high regard for me.I know in all my heart that my love's much richer than my tongue.That's my only weakness.

F:Fairest Cordelia,you are most rich,even though you are now poor.I will treasure you for ever.King Lear,your blameless daughter,whom you have thrown to chance is now the queen of our fair France.

L:Take her,France;she is yours.I declare she is no longer my daughter and I shall never see that face of hers again.Therefore,go!

Scene2. One year later
Cordelia has been hanged.Lear enters,with Cordelia dead in his arms and lays her down.

L:Cry,people Cry!Oh,you are men of stone.If I had a poet's eyes and tongue,I could express my sadness and my love,this shocking day.Is this the punishment that I receive in old age?Is there no comfort left for me?I killed the soldier who murdered you.She's gone forever.What a bitter,bitter day is this.I shall never recover fromn this sadness.I know when someone is dead and when someone lives.She's dead as earth Bring me a mirror,in case she is still breathing.[/color](I don't know the sentence's detailed meaning,what's the King thought?Who can give me a nice translation,thanks ..)

Lear takes Cordelia in his arms.
Look,see!This feather moves.Why then,she lives!Cordelia!Cordelia!Stay with us always soft,gentle and low,and excellent thing in a woman.Why should a fox,a horse,an ant have life,and you no breath at all?You'll come no more,never again.Do you see this?Look on her face,her cheeks!Look there,look there!Dies.
[ 此帖被左。微希在2012-02-20 00:06重新编辑 ]


等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-02-18 0
I like the honest princess,and so does God.She is so kind that God recalls her come to heaven early.Her father has no chance any more to show his mercy.Did one recognize and cherish the one that had perished?Be honest to receive other's honest thoughts and words,clutch the precious things.
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等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-02-18 0
Oh,King Lear. It is one of the Shakespeare's dramas. I like it.

She's dead as earth. Bring me a mirror,in case she is still breathing.



Thanks very much,You're so kind..*^_^*

[ 此帖被左。微希在2012-02-19 21:21重新编辑 ]


等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2012-02-19 0
回 2楼(左。微希) 的帖子
— (左。微希) See upstairs — 2nd floor (2012-02-19 21:24) —
haha,From your comment I konw that's a famous drama,I read it on my old book,At first I think it as  fairy tale.Can you help me to tell me  what's  the sentence ".  She's dead as earth Bring me a mirror,in case she is still breathing"    clear meaning.Thanks very much.
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