《看新闻学英语》France Braces for Strikes Against Pension Reform 法国严阵以待反退休金改革罢工_派派后花园

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[News] 《看新闻学英语》France Braces for Strikes Against Pension Reform 法国严阵以待反退休金改革罢工

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《看新闻学英语》France Braces for Strikes Against Pension Reform 法国严阵以待反退休金改革罢工
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作者﹕David Lee

France Braces for Strikes Against Pension Reform 法国严阵以待反退休金改革罢工


作者﹕David Lee

France braces for major rolling strikes and stoppages that are expected to clog the streets with traffic and affect nearly all forms of transport in the country, Tuesday.

Unions are raising the stakes in their stand-off with the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy over pension reform.

The French Senate has already voted to raise the minimum retirement age to 62 from 60.
法国参议院已投票决定,最低退休年龄从 60岁提高至62岁。

This time around unions are calling forrolling strikes, not simply a one-day stoppage. Their call is heeded, that could spell days, if not weeks of misery for millions of commuters.

Pierre Briancon, an analyst and commentator with Reuters Breakingviews: "The big difference between the last round of demonstrations and strikes, and this one, is that now the law has been passed by parliament. So as much as it is easy for government to compromise on some aspects of the laws, sometimes fundamental aspects of its plans, now that the law is the law of the vrepublic, it's something that is very official. It’s not something that can be negotiated in backroom deals with unions."

Unions hope that the stoppages, combined with street demonstrations could force the government to back down.

1. brace for: ph. 防备
2. pension: n. 退休金
3. reform: n. 改革
4. rolling strike: n. 持续的罢工
5. stoppage: n. 停工、罢工
6. clog: v. 阻塞、阻碍
7. stake: n. 赌注、筹码
8. stand-off: n. 僵局
9. call for: ph. 要求
10. heed: v. 注意
11. spell: v.意味
12. comprise: v.妥协
13. back down: ph.放弃、打退堂鼓[/color]
[ 此贴被bradshaw在2010-10-27 18:41重新编辑 ]
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