Mission Possible: Permanent Hair Reduction
The Mission: Eliminate the target (ALIAS: HAIR) with Light Amplification Stimulated Emission of Radiation (ALIAS: LASER).
The Operatives:
1. A very knowledgeable and skilled physician.
2. A patient with unwanted hair.
The Goal: Satisfied, virtually hair-free patients.
The Strategy: The target (hair) will be eliminated and may never come back. The patient must be informed of the following:
This Mission is Effective
A high energy laser will emit a beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The skin is further protected during treatment by cryogen sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing the patient with increased comfort. Our intelligence reports indicate that laser treatment, in the hands of a highly trained physician, can safely remove unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin.
This Mission is Fast
The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes depending on the area being treated. Underarms and bikini areas are usually completed in less than fifteen minutes. Legs, backs and larger areas can take longer.
Alternative Missions Have Failed
Shaving, plucking, waxing and depilatory creams provide only temporary relief. Until now, the only way to remove hair permanently has been by electrolysis - a tedious, time-consuming and uncomfortable procedure.
You Will Be Protected Throughout the Mission
The treatment will include wearing safety eyewear to protect the operative's eyes from the laser light during the procedure. A small hand piece will be used that touches the skin to deliver the laser light. A light spray of coolant onto the skin will be felt just before each laser pulse. A test area will be done prior to the treatment. Your full treatment may be done on the same day or up to two weeks later, depending on the skin's reaction. Topical anesthesia may also be requested based on individual preference. The treated area may become pink or red within 30 minutes of treatment. This may last from a few hours to several days and is relieved with the application of ice or cooling gels.
Pre and Post Mission Precautions are Imperative
It is important to avoid the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment or until allowed by your physician. Additionally, you must avoid electrolysis, plucking or waxing hair for 6 weeks prior to treatment. REPEAT: removal of the target through methods other than shaving will sabotage the mission and it will be aborted. The darker your skin tone, the higher the risk of potential side effects from a laser treatment. If you have a dark skin type, your physician may prescribe a bleaching cream 4-6 weeks before treatment to optimize results. If you have had a history of perioral herpes, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed. You should discuss your desired results and the improvements you expect to achieve with your physician. Together you can decide if your expectations will be met and if this laser mission is the best option.
There Will Be Several Back Up Missions
Hair grows in cycles. The number of missions required depends upon your skin color and coarseness of the hair. Everyone will require at least 3 treatments as the process is only effective on hair that is in the active growth phase. Repeat sessions (even 5 or 6 is common) will be necessary to increase the likelihood of permanent hair reduction.
Mission Summary
This article will not self-destruct. If you chose to accept, keep this in mind: those with blond or "peach-fuzz" targets are not candidates for this mission. Consult Dr. Ali, Mission Specialist, for further debriefing.