Sailing For歌手:塞壬唱片-MSR / Erick Pena / Antonio Lizano / Steven Grove / David Lin / Alex Conde_派派后花园

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[新曲速递] Sailing For歌手:塞壬唱片-MSR / Erick Pena / Antonio Lizano / Steven Grove / David Lin / Alex Conde

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2024-12-06 0

作词 : David Lin/Alex Conde
作曲 : Steven Grove
En la sombra I was born
Through the silence I grew stronger
There were times when I would wonder
What have I been sailing for?
Ojos al cielo
Viendo sin miedo
The stars were bright but refused to point my north
When the raging winds would roar
And my path ahead grows narrow
I would hear my own voice echo
What have I been sailing for?
Algo dentro
Es un recuerdo
Our home is so much more than the place that we were born
Oh, Iberia
Our Iberia
As we sail (¡Ay!), she’s here within us (¡Ole!)
She’s the star within us all that’s burning bright
Burning bright
I will captain us all forward
Be the champion of your stories
As you rally here before me
You show me what we’re sailing toward
No es un lugar
Muy, muy lejos
It’s what we carry through anywhere we sally forth
Oh, Iberia (Oh, Iberia)
Our Iberia (Our, Iberia)
As we sail (¡Ay!), she’s here within us (¡Ole!)
She’s the star within us all that’s burning bright
Burning bright
There are channels to explore
Miles of map to rediscover
I no longer stop to wonder
What it is we’re sailing toward
Alza tu voz
Iza las velas
Stand high and proudly for the seas from which we hail
Oh, Iberia (Oh, Iberia)
Our Iberia (Our, Iberia)
As we sail (¡Ay!), she’s here within us (¡Ole!)
She’s the star within us all that’s burning
(Star within us all that’s burning)
Star within us all that’s burning bright
Burning bright
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • 九昼暖

    派派币 +5 2024-12-09


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