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[体育新闻] 浓眉预计提前顶薪续约,球迷:出战65场就值了

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2023-07-19 0

今天凌晨,据ESPN的湖人队记者Dave McMenamin报道,预计安东尼-戴维斯会在新赛季训练营开始前签下提前续约合同。


AD when that happens


Let’s go secure our future

Thank god . Was reading his contract last night n got kinda scared

As a fan who's frustrated with AD's injuries, seeming lack of drive every 2nd game, and game management, I still say the best bottom line is to extend him. He's still elite when on the floor and still worth max. If injury, God forbid, ends his career, we can apply for cap exemption. Otherwise, he's a still a trade asset if we need to move on. My hope: He erases all doubt, destroys the league and retires with a statue in front of STAPLES.

Lakers should give extention though AD might not want it and could want to be free agent next season. AD knows leaving a team via trade is hard especially if that player is a superstar.

AD has to prove that he wants to be the #1 guy. The face of this organization. LeBron will be 40, AD has to carry us to the promised land now
浓眉必须证明他想成为头号人物,这个球队的代言人,勒布朗将年满 40 岁,浓眉现在必须带领我们走向应该到达的地方。

With AD's past injury history I would be reluctant to sign him to an extension. I would suggest the Lakers keep the present contract and see how things pan out over the course of the next 2 years.
鉴于 AD 过去的伤病史,我不愿意与他续约。 我建议湖人队保留现有合同,看看未来两年的情况如何。

Why rush to extend him before the season? They can do it at any point during the year so my advice would be to wait and see. He could have another severe injury and now you're committed to him for another 3-4 years while his trade value tanks. If he balls out during the season and he stays healthy then you can extend him towards the end of the season. The mindset is the real issue for me so he needs to prove if he wants to be a Laker for the rest of his career and be that MVP #1 caliber player he thinks he is.
为什么要赶在赛季前续约他?他们可以在这一年的任何时候续约,所以我的建议是静观其变。他可能会再次重伤,而现在你又要为他投入 3-4 年的时间,同时他的交易价值也会水涨船高。 如果他在赛季中表现出色并保持健康,那么你可以在赛季末续约他。 对我来说,心态才是真正的问题,所以他需要证明自己是否想在职业生涯余下的时间里一直效力湖人,并成为他认为的MVP级别的球员。

Should we extend AD? Yes. The question is what does the extension look like. AD has played 36, 40 and 56 regular season games the past 3 seasons. He needs a very good back-up to eat up 25-45 starts/season. Good back ups cost $12-$16M+/year. Pelinka should extend AD for 2 years (age 34) at the max LESS the salary to bring on a good back-up. Since Trevor indicated AD is eligible for 3yrs $167M give him about $41M/yr (55 less 14). Pelinka has been going with vet min back-ups, time to get a solid back-up because we know he will play a lot.
我们是否应该续约浓眉?是的,问题是续约的内容是什么。过去 3 个赛季,浓眉分别打了 36、40 和 56 场常规赛。 他需要一个非常优秀的替补他的球员来承担每个赛季 25-45 场的首发。 好的替补内线年薪在 1200-1600 万美元以上。 佩林卡应该与 AD 续约 2 年(34 岁),减去引进一名优秀替补内线的顶薪。由于特雷弗表示 AD 有资格获得 3 年 1.67 亿美元的合同,因此他的年薪约为 4100 万美元(5500 万美元减去 1400 万美元)。 佩林卡一直在使用老将替补内线,是时候找一个可靠的内线了,因为我们知道他会打很多比赛。

I hate his injuries but he won us a chip . He’s young enough. But most importantly I don’t want us to rebuild. And he can always be a trading chip we can use , his game being so unique

The Lakers are all about Superstars so losing AD isn't an option. What you're hoping is the thought of AD as the face of your franchise is enough to draw other stars in the future. Idk that it is, but it's certainly better than hoping you can lure other stars with Austin Reaves and D'Angelo Russell as the faces of your franchise.

I guess signing AD to an extension is a given. Lakers can't lose him for nothing. I just hope he can live up to it. So far he is considered a good player but can't be the star player the lakers want and need. AD need to step it up this season and stay healthy. This might be his last chance to win a championship in a lakers uniform. Will see how they do. If all comes to worse lakers can trade AD for another star.
我想和浓眉续约是板上钉钉的事了。湖人不能白白失去他。我只希望他能不负众望。到目前为止,他被认为是一名优秀的球员,但无法成为湖人想要和需要的明星球员。浓眉需要在本赛季加强表现,保持健康。这可能是他身披湖人战袍赢得总冠军的最后机会了。让我们拭目以待。如果情况更糟,湖人可以用 AD 交换另一位明星球员。

He’s a Star but this one’s a gamble cause he’s injury prone

Not suprised he'll probably stay with the Lakers for the rest of his career

Lakers still got the best defender in the nba


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  • 懒小咩。

    派派币 +18 2023-07-20


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