spill the beans 泄漏秘密_派派后花园

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[Vocabulary] spill the beans 泄漏秘密

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-08-06 0
spill是洒的意思,beans是豆子的意思。那spill the beans就是豆子洒了吧?其实,这个习惯用语真正的意思是“泄漏秘密”。
不久前,我家里人偷偷为我准备生日晚会,要给我一个惊喜,但是我的小外甥不小心泄漏了秘密。我告诉他说,虽然他spilled the beans,我还是会假装大吃一惊的。
Of course, you want to tell your best friend that we're engaged. But she has a terrible habit of spilling the beans. So if we want to keep it a secret for a while, don't mention it to her. Otherwise, everyone will know before we can make an announcement.
二战期间,美国政府要求美军士兵不要在信件和谈话中涉及军事行动的细节。他们担心,如果什么人spilled the beans,就可能让敌人探听到,带来惨重的后果。
不过有的时候,诱使某些人spilled the beans,也是很有必要的,比如说警察。
We have lots of experience getting suspected criminals to confess. Sometimes we'll bring them to the police station and question them in a relaxed and informal way. This helps us gain their trust. Before long, many of them spill the beans and we're able to make an arrest.
我们很有经验,能让犯罪嫌疑人认罪。有时我们会把嫌疑人带到警察局,在很放松、很随便的气氛中审问他们,设法赢得他们的信任。用不了多久,很多人就会spill the beans, 这样警察才能将他们缉拿归案。
这让我想起一个朋友。有一次,他下班后请老板喝酒,以为老板酒后能向他透露一些人员调动的内部消息,谁知道他这位老板,硬是没有spill the beans。
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