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[Spoken English] “公正”英语怎么说?

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-07-01 0
Fair / Just

公平正义或公平正直。“公”与“厶(私)”相反,无偏私,不以个人为 中心考虑问题;“正”与“曲”相反,有两层含义:其一,有以正义为基础 的共同的准则;其二,能以此端正自己与他人的一切行为,不偏斜,不枉曲。 “公正”主要体现为国家、社会有共同的道义和规范,所有人都能以此约束 自己并对他人行为正确与否作出判断。在现代社会,公正主要体现在制度公 正、法律公正、社会财富与公共资源分配公正及人心公正等方面,被认为是 培育美好品德、构建美好社会的核心价值之一。
The expression means fair and just. Gong (公), the opposite of si (私 private), means impartial and not self-centered. Zheng (正), the opposite of qu (曲 crooked), has two meanings. One is shared norms based on justice, and the other is making oneself comply with these norms in one’s behavior and stay unbiased and impartial in one’s relationship with others. Fairness is expressed mainly in a state or society having a common morality and norms with which all people are bound and which people use to judge whether others are doing right. In modern society, fairness finds its expression mainly in the way that institutions, laws, and people are just and social wealth and public resources are fairly distributed. It is seen as one of the core values conducive to good morality and society.


毋以私好恶害公正,察民所恶,以自为戒。 (《管子·桓公问》) (不要以自己的喜欢或不喜欢损害公平正义,要知道百姓所厌恶的做法并以之为戒。)
Do not harm the fairness because of personal likes and dislikes. Find out what the people detest and take that as a warning to oneself.  (Guanzi)
太宗曰:“古称至公者,盖谓平恕无私。” (吴兢《贞观政要·公平》) (唐太宗说:“古代讲的最公正,大概是说持心公平宽恕、绝无偏私。”)
Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said, “What the ancient people described as the greatest fairness probably means impartiality and forbearance without any self-interest.  (Wu Jing: Important Political Affairs of the Zhenguan Reign)
天下所以平者,政平也;政所以平者,人平也;人所以平者,心平也。 (《艺文类聚》卷二十二引) (天下所以能做到公平,只因有国家政事的公平;国家政事所以做到公平, 只因掌管政事的人公平;掌管政事的人所以做到公平,只因他们的内心有公平。)
All under heaven enjoys fairness when its governance is fair. Governance is fair when the men who govern are fair. The men are fair when their minds are fair.  (An Anthology of Pre-Tang Dynasty Literature)
  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2019-07-01


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