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[Spoken English] “春秋笔法”英语怎么说?

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-21 0
The Style of The Spring and Autumn Annals

指编撰《春秋》的原则、方法。即用简洁的文字语句,婉转含蓄地表达 一定的思想倾向和对历史人物及事件的褒贬和评判。也称“春秋书法”“春 秋笔削”,或说“一字褒贬”“微言大义”。《春秋》相传为孔子编撰,其主旨在于维护周朝礼制。书中没有用议论性文字正面阐明作者观点,而是通过对史实的简要记述,依据周礼选用一些有特殊含义的称呼或精妙字眼,婉转表达出对历史人物和事件的褒贬和评判。后来,它成为编撰史书的一个传统方法。
The style of The Spring and Autumn Annals is characterized by simple and concise language expressing ideas and commending or criticizing historical figures and events in an indirect way. The style is well known for “what is included or excluded has profound meanings.” Also “every word in it reflects either approval or censure of the sage,” and “subtle words carry profound meanings.” Tradition has it that The Spring and Autumn Annals was edited by Confucius for the purpose of safeguarding the rites of the Zhou Dynasty. The text does not use argumentative language to express the author’s views; instead, it tactfully expresses favorable and unfavorable views on historical figures and events by giving brief accounts using designations with special connotations or subtle expressions derived according to the rites of Zhou. Later on, this particular style became a traditional method of compiling history works.


故君子曰:“《春秋》之称,微而显,志而晦,婉而成章,尽而不污,惩恶 而劝善。非圣人谁能修之?” (《左传·成公十四年》) (所以君子说:“《春秋》用词细密而意义显豁,记述史实而内容幽深,婉转 有致但顺理成章,直言其事绝不迂曲,惩戒邪恶而勉励向善。如果不是圣 人,谁能够编写?”)
Therefore the noble man said, “The style of The Spring and Autumn Annals is implicit but the meaning of the book is clear; it records both events and their profound significance. It is subtle yet logical, thorough yet not verbose. It chastises evil deeds and urges people to do good deeds. Who but a sage could have compiled this?”  (Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals)
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