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[Spoken English] “淡泊”英语怎么说?

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等级: 家喻户晓
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-12 0
Quiet Living with No Worldly Desire

This term was first used to mean to lead a quiet, peaceful life with few worldly desires. Daoism advocates blandness, believing that lack of flavor is the best possible flavor. It was highly influential in the creation of the aesthetic concept of blandness and quiet living. Beginning in the Wei and Jin dynasties, the term was used in aesthetics, referring to a peaceful and mild artistic beauty and style, as opposed to rich, loud and splendid beauty. The term does not mean insipid with no taste at all; what it refers to is a purified, refined, quiet and unstrained taste, a mild yet profound tone and flavor.


夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 (诸葛亮《诫子书》) (君子的行为,以内心安宁来修养身体,以节俭朴素来培养品德,不恬淡宁静就无法拥有崇高的志向,不安宁平静就无法实现远大的目标。)
In conducting himself, a man of virtue should maintain inner peace to cultivate his moral character and be frugal to cultivate virtue. Unless he is indifferent to fame and fortune, he cannot have aspirations; unless he stays calm and quiet, he cannot reach afar.  (Zhuge Liang: Letter of Warning to My Son)
独韦应物、柳宗元发纤秾于简古,寄至味于淡泊,非余子所及也。 (苏轼《书黄子思诗集后》) (唯独韦应物、柳宗元在简单古朴中体现出纤微浓丽,在清静平淡中蕴藏着深远的意味,不是其他人能够相比的。)
Only Wei Yingwu and Liu Zongyuan outdid others in pursuing profound aspirations while leading a simple and unsophisticated life and in working for worthy goals while living a quiet life with no worldly desires.  (Su Shi: Postscript to Selected Poems of Huang Zisi)

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  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +2 2019-08-13

    Thanks for sharing!



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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2019-08-04 0
中国语言博大精深,what is the meaning upstair?
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