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[留学&签证&工作] 频率最高的美国留学签证面签问题

刷新数据 楼层直达


等级: 文学俊才
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-05-18 0

1.    What will you study in the United States?
2.    What is your major?
3.    In what aspect of your major will you study?
4.    Why do you choose this Univ.?
5.    How much do you know about this university?
6.    Why do you want to study xxx in the US?
7.    How many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Did any other school admit you?
8.    How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States?
9.    Who will pay for your tuition fee for your study in the USA? /Who will be your sponsor? /Who will support your study in the US? /How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?
10.    What do your parents do? How much is his annual income?
11.    Do you have any relatives in the United States?
12.    Did you take the TOEFL/GRE/GMAT test / exam?
13.    What will you do after graduation? What kind of job can you find in China in the future?
14.    Have you ever been abroad? Have you travelled to other countries?
15.    Have you been to America? What was the purpose of the trip?
16.    Where did you graduate in China?/ Where/when did you get your bachelor’s degree?
17.    What institute did you attend and what was your major?
18.    What’s your GPA?
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +2


等级: 文学之神
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2019-05-18 0


等级: 派派版主
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2019-05-18 0
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