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[Vocabulary] 各种数学符号用英文单词怎么表达

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-05-11 0

符号    英文      
+    plus ;positive      
-    minus ;negative      
×    multiplied by ;times      
÷    divided by      
=    equals      
≈    approximately equals      
≠    not equal to      
<    less than      
>    greater than      
≤    equal to or less than        
≥    equal to or greater than o      
(   )    round brackets ;parentheses      
[   ]    square brackets      
{   }    braces      
∈    is a member of the set      
⊂    is a subset of      
∽    similar to      
≌    congruent to      
*    denotes an operation      
∴    therefore      
∵    because      
∶    ratio sign, divided by, is to      
∷    equals, as(proportion)      
平方根    square root of      
立方根     cube root of      
∥    parallel to      
⊥    perpendicular to, at right angles with      
∠    angle      
∟    right angle      
o    degree      
′    minute      
″    second      
⊙    circle      
A⁀B    arc AB      
e    the base of natural logarithms,approx.2.71828      
x!    factorial x, x(x-1)(x-2)---1      
lognx    log x to the base n      
π    pi      
lnx    log x to the base e(natural logarithm)      
lgx    log x to the base 10(common logarithm)      
|x|    the absolute value of x    

本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +3
  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +3 2019-05-23

    Thanks for sharing!



等级: 文学大师
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2019-05-17 0
It is very useful. Good to know how to say these symbols. Thanks for sharing!
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