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[News] 美墨边境上的“跨边界”演奏

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等级: 文学大师
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-04-24 0
World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma performed at the US-Mexico border Saturday to make a statement about global unity, urging listeners to “build bridges, not walls.”

The classical musician brought his touring Bach Project to Laredo, Texas, in hopes that his music will connect people with each other no matter their cultural differences.

“I’ve lived my life at the borders. Between cultures. Between disciplines. Between musics. Between generations,” said Ma, who performed with the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge, which connects Texas and Mexico, as a backdrop behind him.
                                       From 夏说英文晨读
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  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +1 2019-05-23

    Thanks for sharing!

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