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[Exam] 托福口语满分回答——教育篇

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等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-09-30 0
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► 托福口语小段子 ◄

A friend of yours wants to go to university next year but cannot decide on a major field of study. What advice would you give your friend to help make this decision?

This is the question that plagues thousands of newly minted college students each year, who have nightmares of walking off the stage at graduation directly into an unemployment line. So, here are my tips for him or her.
First of all, curiosity won't kill you. Students and parents alike should pepper their college with questions about individual majors. Speak with officials in the career service offices and the departments themselves to learn as much as you can about the major before you commit.
Secondly, make sure it's your passion. Many students get stuck on the idea that they have to have a clear vocational goal in order to choose a major. And students who don't follow their hearts will ultimately hurt their chances of a successful and satisfying career in the long term. So, choose a major that you are passionate about, even if you're unsure about where it might lead, and what starting salary it might yield. Such factors won't matter in the long run.

1. Outline
R1: be curious, ask lots of questions 要保持好奇心,问学校和专业很多问题,多了解
R2: make sure it's your passion 一定要学你热爱的专业 这样才能保持热忱

2. Vocabulary
minted 刚完成的;刚制作的
pepper 使布满 这里指像撒胡椒一样撒问题 问很多问题
vocational 职业的,行业的
yield 出产,产生,收益 这里指得到的薪水回报

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  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +36 2018-10-02

    Thanks for sharing!



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you agree or disagree? Sports will make kids aggressive in their future.

Some parents firmly believe that participation in sports encourages kids to be more aggressive and has a negative effect on their development, while I believe that sports makes kids less aggressive and helps them develop stronger characters.
Sports participation can improve a child’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral well-being every bit as much as his or her physical fitness.
Using sports to control aggression is more effective than verbal therapy, because while verbal therapy encourages children to control their behavior, research indicates that it does not reduce negative emotions. The introduction of sport, however, can reduce aggressive behavior by quelling negative emotions.
A strong connection with any activity gives children a sense of purpose and decreases the likelihood that they will act out their behavioral problems.


every bit as:常用短语,表示完全一样
verbal therapy:语言疗法,类似心理咨询
act out:把……付诸行动

Sports Can Help Kids Defuse Anger


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you like to buy new or used books?

I undoubtedly prefer used books. They smell like childhood, and they’re good for the environment. What could be better? Used books are obviously more affordable, but their other benefits far outweigh this. They often have margin notes, little insights into the mind of their previous owners. Some of such notes offer fresh perspectives on the themes, while others offer intimate and rare glances into another person’s reading experience. There’s something innately whimsical about margin notes — they are a way to literally leave your mark. Of course, there are exceptions. Used versions of Stephen King’s sequel to The Shining or the final instalment of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy won’t exactly be floating around in abundance right now. But as far as I’m concerned, a previously owned book should be opted for whenever possible.


When hesitating to buy a used book or a new book, I always suggest the latter.
First, used books may have notes on it which are no good to develop one’s own thinking. On one’s new books, he or she can just writes down the puzzles and comprehensions and then discuss them with others by talking or reading. It helps to develop individual thought.
Second, new books may be the latest edition, fewer mistakes, more complete and useful than the used one. Especially for dictionaries and some other learning books, knowledge up-to-date quickly these days.
Third, new books can be a support to the publishing house and young writers from all aspects of society.
In conclusion, buying new books is better choice.

Buying New Books Is Better


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: students should not be allowed to bring cell phones into the classroom.
同意不同意以下观点: 不应该允许学生把手机带进教室。

Students should definitely be able to use their phones during class.

Because we are preparing students for adult life, we should allow them to use the tools they will be using when they get there. How many modern jobs exist where a smart phone is not beneficial? Mechanics order parts on their phone, engineers view blueprints, doctors calculate dosages, and grocers check their inventory. The list is endless. By the time our students enter their professions, the need to utilize mobile technology will be even stronger. Not preparing our students for that world is negligent.

A phone is a great device. It can be used for many educational things like research, projects, calculators, and even putting in important dates when a homework assignment or a project is due. You can also use a phone to call or text your parents. Perhaps you forgot your lunch at home or need lunch money so you can eat at school? Maybe you need to let them know that you have tutorials after school that day? If so, access to a mobile phone is necessary.

Disagree. students should be able to use phones during class. 不同意,学生在上课时应该能使用手机。
R1: to prepare students for modern jobs and adult life 帮助学生融入成年人生活和现代的科技工作
R2: phone is a convenient device 电话是一个十分便利的设备

mechanics 机械工
blueprints 蓝图 图纸
dosage 剂量
grocer 杂货店店主/店员
inventory 货存
negligent 疏忽的 粗心大意的
access to sth. 对什么东西有使用权的 可以使用的



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Which way do you think is the most effective way to learn? Taking notes, discussion or repeating and reciting?

I think discussion is the best way to learn.

Firstly, group members would help to correct my mistakes that I am not aware of. For instance, last Friday, my friend Lisa pointed out my problem of logical delivery of ideas. This was the first time that I considered my way of giving speeches seriously. Everyone’s brilliant idea would open itself up in a discussion. so I can know people better.

Secondly, it is always fun to talk to classmates. To be honest, I always enjoy the digressions during academic discussions because that usually creates brilliant ideas accidentally.

R1: group members can help me to correct my mistakes 其他人可以帮助我纠正错误
R2: it is just fun to talk in discussion 非常有趣

2. Vocabulary
aware of 意识到,知道
logical delivery 逻辑与表达
way of giving speech 演讲表达的方式 方法 way of是方法的意思
digressions 离题;脱轨



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you agree with the use of educational games in class?

I agree with the use of educational games in class for a number of reasons.

First, educational games are great tools for learning and can undoubtedly be used to complement the curriculum. Games might be designed to help the students to review words and memorize vocabulary, or to aid in the application of formulas to real-life situations. The more engaging the learning method, the more students will learn.

The learning of games also encourages creative expression, pushes students to think outside the norm and helps students develop critical thinking skills. Exploring and expanding creativity through such games can also help with nurturing self-esteem and self-acceptance and they inspire a greater connection between personality and activity. These are the reasons I love educational games.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Suggest ways of improving the education system in your country.

Here are some ways to improve the national education system.

First, the status of the teaching profession should be higher. The countries with high performing education systems tend to value educational credentials more and offer better career prospects to teachers. It is necessary to give teachers more responsibility as professionals and reformers of education.

Second, parental involvement is necessary. Research has consistently shown that parental involvement in children’s education does make a positive difference to pupils’ achievement. Schools can outline their expectations of parents and regularly communicate with them about what children are learning through parent-teacher conferences.

status of the teaching profession:这里指教育职业的社会地位
high performing:高效率的
educational credentials:credential意为凭据、证书,这里指教育资质
career prospects:职业前景,也是写作里常用的短语

Education is an infinite process. There are several foundational blocks necessary to build lifelong learning.

First, learning must be relevant. If we learn skills because we need them to do something that matters to us, then we remember them. For example, students working on calculating the area of a plot of land in which they will be growing a garden to provide vegetables are going to derive the formula. Once the textbook is the exclusive source of information and work provided to the students, it can be very ineffective.

Second, extrinsic rewards that are offered for activities that people enjoy doing tend to decrease motivation. Rewards should be reserved for use when they are needed - to motivate people to do things they don't enjoy. In addition, learning associated with grades becomes learning for the grade, not for the knowledge.

All in all, we must focus on thinking and learning, not memorizing and regurgitating.

Re: Re: How do we improve the education ...


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in their dormitory. Which one do you prefer and why?

As a general rule, we should study in an isolated area far from distractions. For this reason, I prefer to study in a library.

The advantage of the library is that we are around people studying, and this motivates us to study as well. If needed, a wide variety of books are readily available. In the library, we also have the advantage of being able to ask questions to anyone around.

In our dorm, we are sure to get used to our desks, and our minds should eventually begin to focus. But since dormitory desks are usually situated next to one’s bed, it is easy to associate the place with sleeping or relaxing.

As a result, I prefer to study in a library.

I prefer to study in a library 更喜欢在图书馆学习
R1: atmosphere is more suitable for studying 图书馆气氛更适合学习
R2: associate dorms with relaxing 在宿舍太过放松容易睡着

isolated area 孤立区域 隔离区
far from…远离
a wide variety of…种种,多种多样的,很多的
associate with 联合 与…联系在一起, 和…来往
situated next to…毗邻


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
What is the biggest challenge for university students and why?

When There’s No Place Like Home
How International Students Can Fight Holiday Homesickness

In my opinion, homesickness poses major challenges to university students. The reasons why it is experienced so commonly are as follows.

First, starting a brand-new life at college naturally generates both excitement and anxiety for many reasons. A student is simultaneously faced with the daunting tasks of moving, succeeding academically, and meeting new people. For some, this apprehension is quickly overcome as they adapt to a new environment.

For others, the transition takes longer and homesickness begins to become an issue. When one is unhappy with their current state, they are likely to develop a preoccupation with home-focused thoughts. Those who experience homesickness might notice an increase in depressed feelings, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and minor physical ailments.

These are the reasons why I think homesickness is the biggest challenge for university students.


1. Outline
R1: new college life generates uncertainty which leads to anxiety 新的大学生活会产生不确定性,导致焦虑
R2: if left unattended, homesickness can quickly escalates into physical and psychological ailments. 如果不理会,想家的情绪可能会迅速升级为身体和心理上的疾病。

2. Vocabulary
anxiety 焦虑
physical ailments:身体上的小毛病
  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2018-09-30




等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Of the following art forms, which would you most like to study? Wood sculpting, painting or photography?

Photography is the art form that I’m yearning to learn most.

The foremost reason for this is that photographs make the best souvenirs, because there is a story behind each and every one of them. The other trinkets I buy in markets inevitably break or clutter up my home. A stunning photo on the wall, however, always puts a smile on my face as it reminds me of an exciting adventure I experienced.

Second, photography gives me a different look at the world. Time lapses, HDR shots, light painting and more — photography is just as good at bending reality as it is at capturing it. Most importantly, through photography I am able to be creative at almost any moment. I may not always be able to pull out a canvas and some oils to paint with, or grab a guitar and start to play if a creative urge strikes me, but a camera is so small and portable that I can shoot any place, any time.


1. Outline
R1: photographs are memorable 相片有纪念意义
R2: photography can give me a different look at the world 摄影可以给我一个不同的世界

2. Vocabulary
yearning to:表示十分渴望去做
clutter up:把……弄杂乱
stunning photo:stunning有极好的意思,这里是指令人惊艳的照片
Time lapses:一种摄影手法,缩时拍摄,常用于拍摄繁忙的街道,日出日落,花朵开放等
bending reality:扭曲现实,即指前面类似于time lapse这种拍摄手法
creative urge strikes me:表示创作灵感迸发的意思


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Some universities have decided to force students who cheat to leave the school. Do you think it is a good idea? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

As far as I'm concerned, expelling cheaters is too harsh a punishment, and little good is likely to come of it.

A policy of expulsion completely interrupts – or ends – their educational lives. They will stay at home without any motivation for learning, wasting their time and money, and being very lazy and inactive. In a phrase, their future is spoiled.

Expelled students are widely stigmatized and it may have an adverse effect on their personality. It may lead to a loss of self-esteem too. Expelled students often lose trust in themselves and it slows down their journey to independence.

All in all, I think what the school should do is to discourage the students from cheating in the first place rather than dismissing the students as an easy solution.

Expulsion is not a good idea 开除不是一个好的主意
R1: ends students’ academic life 终结学生的学习生涯
R2: adverse effects on students’ personality 对性格造成不良影响

as far as I’m concerned 就我个人而言
expel 驱逐;开除
harsh 严厉的;严酷的
in a phrase 简言之
spoiled 被宠坏的 损坏的
dismiss 解散;解雇



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
If you were to choose a class for fun, would you choose an arts class or a science class?

Without doubt, I would choose an art class for fun.

Art always makes me happy. It provides me with a new perspective of ordinary things. Through the lens of art, colors and shapes become the language for communication. I always become joyful when I am drawing or smearing paint across a piece of paper, or when sculpting with my hands.

More practically speaking, creating art relieves my stress. As students, we all have tons of tasks to work on. Every teacher thinks that their class is the only class you’re taking as well as the most important one. However, we all have personal stuff to take care of as well, which makes our lives more stressful. But, in art classes, we are able to escape paper assignments and focus on creating something fun while getting credits.

Therefore, because art classes make my life happier and easier, I would choose them whenever possible!

Choose art class 选择艺术课
R1: art makes me happy 艺术使人快乐
R2: art helps to relive stress 艺术可以减压

doubt 怀疑;疑问;疑惑
without doubt 毫无疑问
sculpt 造型;雕刻
take care of…照顾;注意;抚养
credit 信用 学分


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Is it appropriate for students to disagree with their instructor?

I think, for the following reasons, that it is definitely appropriate for a student to disagree with an instructor.

Firstly, if everyone agrees with their instructors, nobody would try to build on their teachings. In this environment, no field would ever be advanced. Every subject, whether a science or art, needs pioneers and, therefore, those who reject their teachings. A great teacher not only gives students knowledge and perspective but also simultaneously encourages them to explore their own theories and research.

Secondly, teachers should act as metacognitive coaches, serving as role-models. When an instructor manifests open communication with students and demonstrates an interest in their learning, the instructor may facilitate a positive self-concept in students and enhance their cognitive abilities.


1. Outline
It is appropriate to disagree 有分歧是合理的
R1: instructors can advance 老师可以进步
R2: become students’ role-model 给学生做榜样

2. Vocabulary
build on:通过积累而改进和提高
metacognitive:元认知是一个比较抽象的词汇,一般指如何用知识和策略来学习和解决问题 cognition on cognition; knowing about knowing
manifest v. 证明,表明;显示
self-concept n. 自我认识/概念


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Talk about two schools that you've been to. Explain the differences between them.

I was once an exchange student, so I have my own views on the differences between private schools and state schools.

First of all, I was really impressed by the difference in class sizes between the two schools. State school class sizes can be as large as 40 students, whereas private school class sizes seldom exceed 20!

Besides, the standard of teachers is another major difference between these two kinds of schools. This is largely because, while state school teachers do need to be certified, private school teachers are often experts in their fields, just like my music teacher Mr. Lin. It is very difficult to remove state school teachers, but private school teachers generally have contracts that are renewable each year.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
It has been said that “not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion which source of information is more important? Why?

Personally speaking, I hold the opinion that knowledge gained from books is more important than that from experience. Here’s why.

First of all, books are the bridges of thinking between different generations and cultures. Books cover a huge range of knowledge that has been accumulated throughout the history of humanity. Experience, however, only covers the wisdom one has accumulated during their life.

Besides, by reading books, one can acquire maximum knowledge in minimum time. For example, text books are collections of experiences that have been summarized and categorized into concrete words in a systematic layout. They do not only teach people how to avoid mistakes and dangers, but also instruct them to do the right thing.


In my opinion, I am in favor of gaining experience from books. The reasons are as follows.
Firstly, in general, knowledge gained from books has a wider range than that gained from experience. In libraries, we can learn nearly everything only if we have already acquired basic reading skills.And some knowledge can be acquired only through books. It's hard to imagine we can have a good understanding of history without reading books.
Secondly, unlike the experience of an individual that is limited by the range of that individual, books seem to have almost no limitation. Sitting in the local library, we virtually can travel everywhere through an interesting geographic encyclopedia, and certainly, with nearly no expense at all.

观点二:support knowledge from experience
Sometimes knowledge gained from experience is much deeper and more comprehensive than that gained from books. It is quite true that not everything is contained in books. Such as how to cope with the current trends/how to deal with personal finance .
Some knowledge can be obtained only through experience. When we try to learn to swim, merely a detailed manual of swimming skills, even abundantly filled with illustrations, is at most useless. We have to jump into the water and then gain the knowledge with experience.

【have wider range than】 【much deeper and more comprehensive】
【 a detailed manual of skill】
【limited by the range of individul】

【have no limitation】



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Some university students choose to take difficult classes even though they know that they might not get a good grade. Other students prefer to take easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade. Which do you prefer?

It may seem as though taking difficult or hard courses might not be the best choice for you, but there are three compelling reasons why I disagree with this outlook.

First of all, taking a difficult course helps you learn how to do difficult things. As simplistic as this may sound, people who have not attempted something difficult, or who have been protected from too many challenges, may not have the coping skills necessary when they confront something difficult in the future. While a difficult course may be a struggle right now, it will teach you important coping skills and strategies for the future.

Second, by challenging yourself, you will get your money’s worth out of college. Hopefully, people attend college to learn. Avoiding difficult courses may mean that one also misses a great deal of knowledge, experiences and exposure to some great professors.

Finally, you will feel good about yourself when you succeed. There is nothing quite as satisfying as accomplishing something that you thought you might not be able to do. Your self-esteem will grow.

compelling reasons:令人信服的理由
As simplistic as this may sound:作为前置语,表示正像听上去那么简单和清晰
coping skills:应对困难的技巧
get your money’s worth out of:让你的钱花的值得



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you think high schools should teach music?

Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether, singing, playing an instrument or just listening to it. But despite this almost universal interest, many schools are doing away with their music education programs. That's a big mistake. Here are some of the benefits of studying music.

First, it is a perfect way for students to learn the value of quality. Learning music promotes fine craftsmanship, and students learn to create good work instead of mediocre work. This desire can be applied to all subjects of study.

Second, music enhances emotional development. Music students are generally more emotionally developed than their peers. They also exhibit a greater empathy towards other cultures. It is uncommon for a music student to have low self-esteem, and they are often better at coping with anxiety.


1. Outline
R1: music help student to refine their work 帮助学生精炼技艺
R2: music chances emotional development 帮助学生的情绪发展

2. Vocabulary
universal interest:普遍的兴趣爱好
do away with:去除掉
craftsmanship: 技术 技艺
mediocre work:平庸的作品
empathy n. 感同身受;同感;共鸣
coping with anxiety:应对焦虑



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you agree with the following statement? Children should start school before the age of five or six.

I disagree with this statement. Because early education is causing “profound damage” to children and they need more time to develop themselves before their formal education. Firstly, play is very important in children’s development. Play can enable kids to become powerful learners and problem-solvers and playful activities lead to synaptic growth, particularly in the frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for all the uniquely human higher mental function. So children need enough time to play before starting school. Secondly, children who younger than 5 even cannot cope with inattention and hyperactivity well. They are total a babies at that age. So they need learn more social and emotional factors rather than start school . Those are reasons why I disagree with the statement.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Do you agree with the following statement? University students should learn how to manage their time more efficiently.

Time management is the most important skill a university student can possess.

This is because, to achieve academic success and balance the conflicting demands of time, we must carefully manage our study time. It can help us improve study efforts as we allocate more time to the most important subjects.

Moreover, applying proper time management strategies can help us save time and release stress. During our final year – a time consumed by the pressures of examinations and job hunting – good time management can be extremely vital in helping us reach our full potential.

Time management is essential 时间管理非常重要
R1: improve study efforts 提升学习效率和成果
R2: help us save time and relieve stress 帮助省时并且减压

possess 控制;使掌握
conflicting 冲突的;相矛盾的
demand 要求;需要
allocate 分配
job hunting 找工作,求职
vital 至关重要的


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 姜莱。
举报 只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2018-09-30 0
Some people believe that talking with other people is the key to success in college. Others believe observing others in silence is better. What do you think?

Personally, I agree with the idea that talking with other people is definitely the key to success in college.

Conversation is an excellent way to express yourself. In a classroom where students speak to each other about mathematics, for instance, the ideas of these students are valued instead of ignored or potentially marginalized. This gives students agency in their learning.

Moreover, it also helps students form a practical perspective. We all know that in order to completely understand the language we know, we have to use it, either in writing or ideally in conversation. This rule applies in almost any university course. Students need to talk in order to develop their use of the knowledge, and check out whether they truly understand concepts. This is surely better than just keeping silent and listening.

Finally, in conversation, thoughts are integrated. When students construct ideas and communicate them to each other, they necessarily have to think about these ideas, which means that they are building memories. While this occurs no matter what students do, the focus is more likely to be on the thinking about their studies rather than other irrelevant activities.

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