《Wait Wait Wait》  蔡徐坤_派派后花园

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[新曲速递] 《Wait Wait Wait》  蔡徐坤

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-08-23 0

Wait Wait Wait - 蔡徐坤
Wait Wait Wait
All I do is wait wait wait
You're the one I'm waiting for
Weight weight weight
Carrying the weight weight weight
Is better than to let you go
This space, our place
This room is never gonna feel the same
Up late, Too late
To say I shoulda done it differently
I hate that I miss you
I'd stop if I could
All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy
So I can't forget you
As much as I should
All my days… I miss you next to me
Wait Wait Wait
All I do is wait wait wait
You're the one I'm waiting for
Weight weight weight
Carrying the weight weight weight
Is better than to let you go
Two feet, One dance
Distance, The devil walked in between
Woke up, Broke down
Oh how'd you'd ever do that to me
I hate that I miss you
I'd stop if I could
All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy
So I can't forget you
As much as I should
All my days… I miss you next to me
Wait Wait Wait
All I do is wait wait wait
You're the one I'm waiting for
Weight weight weight
Carrying the weight weight weight
Is better than to let you go
Wait Wait Wait
All I do is wait wait wait
You're the one I'm waiting for
Weight weight weight
Carrying the weight weight weight
Is better than to let you go
Love, This love
Is killin me to carry the weight of
Us, This love
Is killin me to carry the weight of
Us, This love
Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go
Love, This love
Is killin me to carry the weight of
Us, This love
Is killin me to carry the weight of
Us, This love
Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go
Is better than to let you go
Wait Wait Wait…
  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2018-08-23


本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • 九昼暖

    派派币 +5 2018-08-24




等级: 派派版主
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-08-24 0
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