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[已解决区] 求瑞秋吉普森

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等级: 热心会员
有些话 不是你说我就要听
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2017-01-07 0
— 本帖被 夢苼 执行锁定操作(2017-01-08) —
求瑞秋吉普森 Rachel Gibson的两本书
what i love about you和rescue me
废话不说 膝盖奉上[quote][b]补充内容(2017-01-07 11:45)[/b]
what i love about you内容简介
New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson returns to your favourite sexy SEAL twins - this time telling the story of Blake.

Once upon a time, Natalie Cooper had it all - as a high school cheerleader she could shake her pom-poms with the best of them. But several years down the line, she's paying the price of popularity when her husband runs off with a twenty-year-old bimbo.

Now Natalie just wants to focus on running her photo shop (and some of the pictures she sees...well, she really shouldn't!) and just trying to be a good mum.

Then she comes toe-to-manly chest with Blake Junger. 'Exiled' to a remote cabin in Truly, Idaho, Blake wants nothing to do with anyone. Instead, he's determined to struggle with his demons and win...all on his own. But he doesn't count on a pint-sized five-year-old visitor - or Natalie Cooper, the kid's lusciously curved mother - to break down his barriers...[/quote][quote][b]补充内容(2017-01-07 11:47)[/b]
rescue me内容简介She's 33, unmarried, and stuffed into a Bubble Yum pink bridesmaid dress. And the whole town wants to fix her up with anyone with a dental plan . . . Who's going to rescue Sadie Hollowell now? Everyone in Lovett, Texas, knows Sad
ie has always been a notional kind of gal.
She got a notion to leave town ASAP and never visit her daddy (bless his heart) again. Now she's back and got the notion to invite a good-looking, hard-muscled, total stranger to her cousin's wedding. Better a stranger than some of the losers she's dated. Vince Haven got his muscles the hard way——as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan. He's staying in Lovett
to visit his crazy aunt—the proprietor of the local Gas and Go. Before he can get the heck back out of the small town, his aunt makes him an offer he can't refuse. Maybe he'll stick around Lovett for a while. Maybe he'll make a go of the Gas and Go. Maybe he'll rescue Sadie out of that pink dress![/quote]
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最佳答案获得者: 繁花落尽子规凄
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLbHC4F 密码:1707


等级: 文坛鼻祖
2017年7月5日15:30~see you !
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2017-01-07 0
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLbHC4F 密码:1707
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +20
  • 夢苼

    派派币 +20 2017-01-08

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