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[Novel] 基地系列 Foundation and Earth 基地与地球【98更新47L

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 40楼  发表于: 2016-09-07 0
第十七章 新地球
裴洛拉特一脸茫然,崔维兹突然又说:“没有陆地,我们没看到任何陆地。大气绝对正常,氧和氮的比例恰到好处,因此这颗行星一定经过精密改造,也一定拥有维持氧气含量的植物。在自然的状况下,不会出现这样的大气——想必只有地球例外,这种大气原本就是地球形成的,谁知道为什么。不过,话说回来,精密改造过的行星总有足够的干燥陆地,最多可占总表面积的三分之一 ,绝不会少于五分之一。所以说,这颗行星既然经过精密改造,又怎么会缺乏陆地呢?”
年轻女子抬起头,看了看太空艇上的字样。 “那是其含意吗?若果如此,又若果第二字为‘星’,那么注意看,它给印反了。”



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 41楼  发表于: 2016-09-07 0
Chapter 17: New Earth
74"Four planets," muttered Trevize. "All are small,plus a trailing off of asteroids. No gas giants."Pelorat said, "Do you find that disappointing?""Not really. It's expected. Binaries that circle each other at smalldistances can have no planets circling one of the stars. Planets cancircle the center of gravity of both, but it's very unlikely that theywould be habitable too far away.
"On the other hand if the binaries are reasonably separate, there canbe planets in stable orbits about each, if they are close enough to oneor the other of the stars. These two stars, according to the computer'sdata bank, have an average separation of 3.5 billion kilometers and evenat periastron, when they are closest together, are about 1.7 billionkilometers apart. A planet in an orbit of less than 200 million kilometersfrom either star would be stably situated, but there can be no planetwith a larger orbit. That means no gas giants since they would haveto be farther away from a star, but what's the difference? Gas giantsaren't habitable, anyway.""But one of those four planets might be habitable.""Actually the second planet is the only real possibility. For onething, it's the only one of them large enough to have an atmosphere."They approached the second planet rapidly and over a period of two daysits image expanded; at first with a majestic and measured swelling. Andthen, when there was no sign of any ship emerging to intercept them,with increasing and almost frightening speed.
The Far Star was moving swiftly along a temporary orbit athousand kilometers above the cloud cover, when Trevize said grimly,"I see why the computer's memory banks put a question mark after thenotation that it was inhabited. There's no clear sign of radiation;either light in the night-hemisphere, or radio anywhere.""The cloud cover seems pretty thick," said Pelorat.
"That should not blank out radio radiation."They watched the planet wheeling below them, a symphony in swirlingwhite clouds, through occasional gaps of which a bluish wash indicatedocean.
Trevize said, "The cloud level is fairly heavy for an inhabitedworld. It might be a rather gloomy one. What bothers me most,"he added, as they plunged once more into the night-shadow, "is that nospace stations have hailed us.""The way they did back at Comporellon, you mean?" said Pelorat.
"The way they would in any inhabited world. We would have to stopfor the usual checkup on papers, freight, length of stay, and so on."Bliss said, "Perhaps we missed the hail for some reason.""Our computer would have received it at any wavelength they mighthave cared to use. And we've been sending out our own signals, but haveroused no one and nothing as a result. Dipping under the cloud layerwithout communicating with station officials violates space courtesy,but I don't see that we have a choice."The Far Star slowed, and strengthened its antigravityaccordingly, so as to maintain its height. It came out into thesunlight again, and slowed further. Trevize, in co-ordination with thecomputer, found a sizable break in the clouds. The ship sank and passedthrough it. Beneath them heaved the ocean in what must have been a freshbreeze. It lay, wrinkled, several kilometers below, them, faintly stripedin lines of froth.
They flew out of the sunlit patch and under the cloud cover. Theexpanse of water immediately beneath them turned a slate-gray, and thetemperature dropped noticeably.
Fallom, staring at the viewscreen, spoke in her own consonant-richlanguage for a few moments, then shifted to Galactic. Her voicetrembled. "What is that which I see beneath?""That is an ocean," said Bliss soothingly. "It is a very large massof water.""Why does it not dry up?"Bliss looked at Trevize, who said, "There's too much water for it todry up."Fallom said in a half-choked manner, "I don't want all that water. Letus go away." And then she shrieked, thinly, as the Far Star movedthrough a patch of storm clouds so that the viewscreen turned milky andwas streaked with the mark of raindrops.
The lights in the pilot-room dimmed and the ship's motion becameslightly jerky.
Trevize looked up in surprise and cried out. "Bliss, your Fallom isold enough to transduce. She's using electric power to try to manipulatethe controls. Stop her!"Bliss put her arms about Fallom, and hugged her tightly, "It's allright, Fallom, it's all right. There's nothing to be afraid of. It'sjust another world, that's all. There are many like this."Fallom relaxed somewhat but continued to tremble.
Bliss said to Trevize, "The child has never seen an ocean, andperhaps, for all I know, never experienced fog or rain. Can't you besympathetic?""Not if she tampers with the ship. She's a danger to all of us,then. Take her into your room and calm her down."Bliss nodded curtly.
Pelorat said, "I'll come with you, Bliss.""No, no, Pel," she responded. "You stay here. I'll soothe Fallom andyou soothe Trevize." And she left.
"I don't need soothing," growled Trevize to Pelorat. "I'm sorry if Iflew off the handle, but we can't have a child playing with the controls,can we?""Of course we can't," said Pelorat, "but Bliss was caught bysurprise. She can control Fallom, who is really remarkably well behavedfor a child taken from her home and her her robot, and thrown,willy-nilly, into a life she doesn't understand.""I know. It wasn't I who wanted to take her along, remember. It wasBliss's idea.""Yes, but the child would have been killed, if we hadn't takenher.""Well, I'll apologize to Bliss later on. To the child, too."But he was still frowning, and Pelorat said gently, "Golan, old chap,is there anything else bothering you?""The ocean," said Trevize. They had long emerged from the rain storm,but the clouds persisted.
"What's wrong with it?" asked Pelorat.
"There's too much of it, that's all."Pelorat looked blank, and Trevize said, with a snap, "No land. Wehaven't seen any land. The atmosphere is perfectly normal, oxygen andnitrogen in decent proportions, so the planet has to be engineered,and there has to be plant life to maintain the oxygen level. In thenatural state, such atmospheres do not occur except, presumably,on Earth, where it developed, who knows how. But, then, on engineeredplanets there are always reasonable amounts of dry land, up to one thirdof the whole, and never less than a fifth. So how can this planet beengineered, and lack land?"Pelorat said, "Perhaps, since this planet is part of a binarysystem, it is completely atypical. Maybe it wasn't engineered, butevolved an atmosphere in ways that never prevail on planets about singlestars. Perhaps life developed independently here, as it once did on Earth,but only sea life.""Even if we were to admit that," said Trevize, "it would do us nogood. There's no way life in the sea can develop a technology. Technologyis always based on fire, and fire is impossible in the sea. A life-bearingplanet without technology is not what we're looking for.""I realize that, but I'm only considering ideas. After all, as far aswe know, technology only developed once on Earth. Everywhere else,the Settlers brought it with them. You can't say technology is `always'
anything, if you only have one case to study.""Travel through the sea requires streamlining. Sea life cannot haveirregular outlines and appendages such as hands.""Squids have tentacles."Trevize said, "I admit we are allowed to speculate, but if you'rethinking of intelligent squid-like creatures evolving independentlysomewhere in the Galaxy, and developing a technology not based on fire,you're supposing something not at all likely, in my opinion.""In your opinion ," said Pelorat gently.
Suddenly, Trevize laughed. "Very well, Janov. I see you'relogic-chopping in order to get even with me for speaking harshly toBliss, and you're doing a good job. I promise you that if we find noland, we will examine the sea as best we can to see if we can find yourcivilized squids."As he spoke, the ship plunged into the night-shadow again, and theviewscreen turned black.
Pelorat winced. "I keep wondering," he said. "Is this safe?""Is what safe, Janov?""Racing through the dark like this. We might dip, and dive into theocean, and be destroyed instantly.""Quite impossible, Janov. Really! The computer keeps us travelingalong a gravitational line of force. In other words, it remains alwaysat a constant intensity of the planetary gravitational force which meansit keeps us at a nearly constant height above sea level.""But how high?""Nearly five kilometers.""That doesn't really console me, Golan. Might we not reach land andsmash into a mountain we don't see?"" We don't see, but ship's radar will see it, and thecomputer will guide the ship around or over the mountain.""What if there's level land, then? We'll miss it in the dark.""No, Janov, we won't. Radar reflected from water is not at all likeradar reflected from land. Water is essentially flat; land is rough. Forthat reason, reflection from land is substantially more chaotic thanreflection from water. The computer will know the difference and it willlet me know if there's land in view. Even if it were day and the planetwere sun-lit, the computer might well detect land before I would."They fell silent and, in a couple of hours, they were back indaylight, with an empty ocean again rolling beneath them monotonously,but occasionally invisible when they passed through one of the numerousstorms. In one storm, the wind drove the Far Star out of itspath. The computer gave way, Trevize explained, in order to preventan unnecessary waste of energy and to minimize the chance of physicaldamage. Then, when the turbulence had passed, the computer eased theship back into its path.
"Probably the edge of a hurricane," said Trevize.
Pelorat said, "See here, old chap, we're just traveling west toeast or east to west. All we're examining is the equator."Trevize said, "That would be foolish, wouldn't it? We're followinga great-circle route northwest-southeast. That takes us through thetropics and both temperate zones and each time we repeat the circle, thepath moves westward, as the planet rotates on its axis beneath us. We'remethodically criss-crossing the world. By now, since we haven't hit land,the chances of a sizable continent are less than one in ten, accordingto the computer, and of a sizable island less than one in four, withthe chances going down each circle we make.""You know what I would have done," said Pelorat slowly, as the nighthemisphere engulfed them again. "I'd have stayed well away from theplanet and swept the entire hemisphere facing me with radar. The cloudswouldn't have mattered, would they?"Trevize said, "And then zoom to the other side and do the samethere. Or just let the planet turn once. That's hindsight,Janov. Who would expect to approach a habitable planet without stoppingat a station and being given a path or being excluded? And if onewent under the cloud layer without stopping at a station, who would expectnot to find land almost at once? Habitable planets are land!""Surely not all land," said Pelorat.
"I'm not talking about that," said Trevize, in sudden excitement. "I'msaying we've found land! Quiet!"Then, with a restraint that did not succeed in hiding his excitement,Trevize placed his hands on the desk and became part of the computer. Hesaid, "It's an island about two hundred and fifty kilometers long andsixty-five kilometers wide, more or less. Perhaps fifteen thousand squarekilometers in area or thereabout. Not large, but respectable. More thana dot on the map. Wait "The lights in the pilot-room dimmed and went out.
"What are we doing?" said Pelorat, automatically whispering as thoughdarkness were something fragile that must not be shattered.
"Waiting for our eyes to undergo dark-adaptation. The ship is hoveringover the island. Just watch. Do you see anything?""No Little specks of light, maybe. I'm not sure.""I see them, too. Now I'll throw in the telescopic lens."And there was light! Clearly visible. Irregular patches of it.
"It's inhabited," said Trevize. "It may be the only inhabited portionof the planet.""What do we do?""We wait for daytime. That gives us a few hours in which we canrest.""Might they not attack us?""With what? I detect almost no radiation except visible light andinfrared. It's inhabited and the inhabitants are clearly intelligent. Theyhave a technology, but obviously a preelectronic one, so I don't thinkthere's anything to worry about up here. If I should be wrong, thecomputer will warn me in plenty of time.""And once daylight comes?""We'll land, of course."75They came down when the first rays of the morning sunshone through a break in the clouds to reveal part of the island-freshlygreen, with its interior marked by a line of low, rolling hills stretchinginto the purplish distance.
As they dropped closer, they could see isolated copses of treesand occasional orchards, but for the most part there weeeeeell-keptfarms. Immediately below them, on the southeastern shore of the islandwas a silvery beach backed by a broken line of boulders, and beyond itwas a stretch of lawn. They caught a glimpse of an occasional house,but these did not cluster into anything like a town.
Eventually, they made out a dim network of roads, sparsely lined bydwelling places, and then, in the cool morning air, they spied an air-carin the far distance. They could only tell it was an air-car, and nota bird, by the manner of its maneuvering. It was the first indubitablesign of intelligent life in action they had yet seen on the planet.
"It could be an automated vehicle, if they could manage that withoutelectronics," said Trevize.
Bliss said, "It might well be. It seems to me that if there were ahuman being at the controls, it would be heading for us. We must be quitea sight a vehicle sinking downward without the use of braking jetsof rocket fire.""A strange sight on any planet," said Trevize thoughtfully. "Therecan't be many worlds that have ever witnessed the descent of a graviticspace-vessel. The beach would make a fine landing place, but ifthe winds blow I don't want the ship inundated. I'll make for the stretchof grass on the other side of the boulders.""At least," said Pelorat, "a gravitic ship won't scorch privateproperty in descending."Down they came gently on the four broad pads that had moved slowlyoutward during the last stage. These pressed down into the soil underweight of the ship.
Pelorat said, "I'm afraid we'll leave marks, though.""At least," said Bliss, and there was that in her voice that was noten approving, "the climate is evidently equable I would even say,warm."A human being was on the grass, watching the ship descend and showingno evidence of fear or surprise. The look on her face showed only raptinterest.
She wore very little, which accounted for Bliss's estimate of theclimate. Her sandals seemed to be of canvas, and about her hips was awraparound skirt with a flowered pattern. There were no leg-coveringsand there was nothing above her waist.
Her hair was black, long, and very glossy, descending almost to herwaist; Her skin color was a pale brown and her eyes were narrow.
Trevize scanned the surroundings and there was no other human being insight. He shrugged and said, "Well, it's early morning and the inhabitantsmay be mostly indoors, or even asleep. Still, I wouldn't say it was awell-populated area."He turned to the others and said, "I'll go out and talk to the woman,if she, speaks anything comprehensible. The rest of you ""I should think," said Bliss firmly, "that we might as well allstep out. That woman looks completely harmless and, in any case, I wantto stretch my legs and breathe planetary air, and perhaps arrange forplanetary food. I want Fallom to get the feel of a world again, too,and I think Pel would like to examine the woman at closer range.""Who? I?" said Pelorat, turning faintly pink. "Not at all, Bliss,but I am the linguist of our little party."Trevize shrugged. "Come one, come all. Still, though she may lookharmless, I intend to take my weapons with me.""I doubt," said Bliss, "that you will be much tempted to use them onthat young woman."Trevize grinned. "She is attractive, isn't she?"Trevize left the ship first, then Bliss, with one hand swung backwardto enclose Fallom's, who carefully made her way down the ramp afterBliss. Pelorat was last.
The black-haired young woman continued to watch with interest. Shedid not back away an inch.
Trevize muttered, "Well, let's try."He held his arms away from his weapons and said, "I greet you."The young woman considered that for a moment, and said, "I greet theeand I greet thy companions."Pelorat said joyfully, "How wonderful! She speaks Classical Galacticand with a correct accent.'""I understand her, too," said Trevize, oscillating one hand to indicatehis understanding wasn't perfect. "I hope she understands me."He said, smiling, and assuming a friendly expression, "We come fromacross space. We come from another world.""That is well," said the young woman, in her clear soprano. "Comesthy ship from the Empire?""It comes from a far star, and the ship is named Far Star ."The young woman looked up at the lettering on the ship. "Is thatwhat that sayeth? If that be so, and if the first letter is an F, then,behold, it is imprinted backward."Trevize was about to object, but Pelorat, in an ecstasy of joy, said,"She's right. The letter F did reverse itself about two thousand yearsago. What a marvelous chance to study Classical Galactic in detail andas a living language."Trevize studied the young woman carefully. She was not much more than1.5 meters in height, and her breasts, though shapely, were small. Yetshe did not seem unripe. The nipples were large and the areolae dark,though that might be the result of her brownish skin color.
He said, "My name is Golan Trevize; my friend is Janov Pelorat;the woman is Bliss; and the child is Fallom.""Is it the custom, then, on the far star from which you come, thatthe men be given a double name? I am Hiroko, daughter of Hiroko.""And your father?" interposed Pelorat suddenly.
To which Hiroko replied with an indifferent shrug of her shoulder,"His name, so sayeth my mother, is Smool, but it is of no importance. Iknow him not.""And where are the others?" asked Trevize. "You seem to be the onlyone to be here to greet us."Hiroko said, "Many men are aboard the fishboats; many women are in thefields. I take holiday these last two days and so am fortunate enough tosee this great thing. Yet people are curious and the ship will have beenseen as it descended, even from a distance. Others will be here soon.""Are there many others on this island?""There are more than a score and five thousand," said Hiroko withobvious pride.
"And are there other islands in the ocean?""Other islands, good sir?" She seemed puzzled.
Trevize took that as answer enough. This was the one spot on theentire planet that was inhabited by human beings.
He said, "What do you call your world?""It is Alpha, good sir. We are taught that the whole name is AlphaCentauri, if that has more meaning to thee, but we call it Alpha only and,see, it is a fair-visaged world.""A what world?" said Trevize, turning blankly toPelorat.
"A beautiful world, she means," said Pelorat.
"That it is," said Trevize, "at least here, and at this moment." Helooked up at the mild blue morning sky, with its occasional drift ofclouds. "You have a nice sunny day, Hiroko, but I imagine there aren'tmany of those on Alpha."Hiroko stiffened. "As many as we wish, sir. The clouds may come whenwe need rain, but on most days it seemeth good to us that the sky isfair above. Surely a goodly sky and a quiet wind are much to be desiredon those days when the fishboats are at sea.""Do your people control the weather, then, Hiroko?""Did we not, Sir Golan Trevize, we would be soggy with rain.""But how do you do that?""Not being a trained engineer, sir, I cannot tell thee.""And what might be the name of this island on which you and yourpeople live?" said Trevize, finding himself trapped in the ornatesound of Classical Galactic (and wondering desperately if he had theconjugations right).
Hiroko said, "We call our heavenly island in the midst of the vastsea of waters New Earth."At which Trevize and Pelorat stared at each other with surpriseand delight.
76There was no time to follow up on the statement. Otherswere arriving. Dozens. They must consist of those, Trevize thought,who were not on the ships or in the fields, and who were not from toofar away. They came on foot for the most part, though two ground-carswere in evidence rather old and clumsy.
Clearly, this was a low-technology society, and yet they controlledthe weather.
It was well known that technology was not necessarily all of a piece;that lack of advance in some directions did not necessarily excludeconsiderable advance in others but surely this example of unevendevelopment was unusual.
Of those who were now watching the ship, at least half were elderlymen and women; there were also three or four children. Of the rest, morewere women than men. None showed any fear or uncertainty whatever.
Trevize said in a low voice to Bliss, "Are you manipulating them? Theyseem serene.""I'm not in the least manipulating them," said Bliss. "I never touchminds unless I must. It's Fallom I'm concerned with."Few as the newcomers were to anyone who had experienced the crowdsof curiosity-seekers on any normal world in the Galaxy, they were amob to Fallom, to whom the three adults on the Far Star hadbeen something to grow accustomed to. Fallom was breathing rapidly andshallowly, and her eyes were half-closed. Almost, she seemed in shock.
Bliss was stroking her, softly and rhythmically, and making soothingsounds. Trevize was certain that she was delicately accompanying it allby an infinitely gentle rearrangement of mental fibrils.
Fallom took in a sudden deep breath, almost a gasp, and shook herself,in what was perhaps an involuntary shudder. She raised her head andlooked at those present with something approaching normality and thenburied her head in the space between Bliss's arm and body.
Bliss let her remain so, while her arm, encircling Fallom's shoulder,tightened periodically as though to indicate her own protective presenceover and over.
Pelorat seemed rather awestruck, as his eyes went from one Alphan toanother. He said, "Golan, they differ so among themselves."Trevize had noticed that, too. There were various shades of skinand hair color, including one brilliant redhead with blue eyes andfreckled skin. At least three apparent adults were as short as Hiroko,and one or two were taller than Trevize. A number of both sexes had eyesresembling those of Hiroko, and Trevize remembered that on the teemingcommercial planets of the Fili sector, such eyes were characteristic ofthe population, but he had never visited that sector.
All the Alphans wore nothing above the waist and among the women thebreasts all seemed to be small. That was the most nearly uniform of allthe bodily characteristics that he could see.
Bliss said suddenly, "Miss Hiroko, my youngster is not accustomedto travel through space and she is absorbing more novelty than she caneasily manage. Would it be possible for her to sit down and, perhaps,have something to eat and drink?"Hiroko looked puzzled, and Pelorat repeated what Bliss had said inthe more ornate Galactic of the mid-Imperial period.
Hiroko's hand then flew to her mouth and she sank to her kneesgracefully. "I crave your pardon, respected madam," she said. "I havenot thought of this child's needs, nor of thine. The strangeness of thisevent has too occupied me. Wouldst thou would you all asvisitors and guests, enter the refectory for morning meal? May we joinyou and serve as hosts?"Bliss said, "That is kind of you." She spoke slowly and pronouncedthe words carefully, hoping to make them easier to understand. "Itwould be better, though, if you alone served as hostess, for the sake ofthe comfort of the child who is unaccustomed to being with many peopleat once."Hiroko rose to her feet. "It shall be as thou hast said."She led them, in leisurely manner, across the grass. Other Alphansedged closer. They seemed particularly interested in the clothing of thenewcomers. Trevize removed his light jacket, and handed it to a man whohad sidled toward him and had laid a questing finger upon it.
"Here," he said, "look it over, but return it." Then he said toHiroko. "See that I get it back, Miss Hiroko.""Of a surety, it will be backhanded, respected sir." She nodded herhead gravely.
Trevize smiled and walked on. He was more comfortable without thejacket in the light, mild breeze.
He had detected no visible weapons on the persons of any of those abouthim, and he found it interesting that no one seemed to show any fear ordiscomfort over Trevize's. They did not even show curiosity concerningthem. It might well be that they were not aware of the objects as weaponsat all. From what Trevize had so far seen, Alpha might well be a worldutterly without violence.
A woman, having moved rapidly forward, so as to be a little aheadof Bliss, turned to examine her blouse minutely, then said, "Hast thoubreasts, respected madam?"And, as though unable to wait for an answer, she placed her handlightly on Bliss's chest.
Bliss smiled and said, "As thou hast discovered, I have. They areperhaps not as shapely as thine, but I hide them not for that reason. Onmy world, it is not fitting that they be uncovered."She whispered in an aside to Pelorat, "How do you like the way I'mgetting the hang of Classical Galactic?""You did that very well, Bliss," said Pelorat.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 42楼  发表于: 2016-09-07 0

The dining room was a large one with long tables to which wereattached long benches on either side. Clearly, the Alphans atecommunity-fashion.
Trevize felt a pang of conscience. Bliss's request for privacy hadreserved this space for five people and forced the Alphans generallyto remain in exile outside. A number, however, placed themselves at arespectful distance from the windows (which were no more than gaps inthe wall, unfilled even by screens), presumably so that they might watchthe strangers eat.
Involuntarily, he wondered what would happen if it were torain. Surely, the rain would come only when it was needed, light and mild,continuing without significant wind till enough had fallen. Moreover,it would always come at known times so that the Alphans would be readyfor it, Trevize imagined.
The window he was facing looked out to sea, and far out at the horizonit seemed to Trevize that he could make out a bank of clouds similar tothose that so nearly filled the skies everywhere but over this littlespot of Eden.
There were advantages to weather control.
Eventually, they were served by a young woman on tiptoeing feet. Theywere not asked for their choice, but were merely served. There was a smallglass of milk, a larger of grape juice, a still larger of water. Eachdiner received two large poached eggs, with slivers of white cheeseon the side. Each also had a large platter of broiled fish and smallroasted potatoes, resting on cool, green lettuce leaves.
Bliss looked with dismay at the quantity of food before her and wasclearly at a loss where to begin. Fallom had no such trouble. She drankthe grape juice thirstily and with clear evidence of approval, thenchewed away at the fish and potatoes. She was about to use her fingersfor the purpose, but Bliss held up a large spoon with tined ends thatcould serve as a fork as well, and Fallom accepted it.
Pelorat smiled his satisfaction and cut into the eggs at once.
Trevize, saying, "Now to be reminded what real eggs taste like,"followed suit.
Hiroko, forgetting to eat her own breakfast in her delight at themanner in which the others ate (for even Bliss finally began, withobvious relish), said, at last, "Is it well?""It is well," said Trevize, his voice somewhat muffled. "This islandhas no shortage of food, apparently. Or do you serve us more thanyou should, out of politeness?"Hiroko listened with intent eyes, and seemed to grasp the meaning,for she said, "No, no, respected sir. Our land is bountiful, our sea evenmore so. Our ducks give eggs, our goats both cheese and milk. And thereare our grains. Above all, our sea is filled with countless varietiesof fish in numberless quantity. The whole Empire could eat at our tablesand consume not the fish of our sea."Trevize smiled discreetly. Clearly, the young Alphan had not thesmallest idea of the true size of the Galaxy.
He said, "You call this island New Earth, Hiroko. Where, then, mightOld Earth be?"She looked at him in bewilderment. " Old Earth, say you? Icrave pardon, respected sir. I take not thy meaning."Trevize said, "Before there was a New Earth, your people must havelived elsewhere. Where was this elsewhere from which they came?""I know naught of that, respected sir," she said, with troubledgravity. "This land has been mine all my life, and my mother's andgrandmother's before me; and, I doubt not, their grandmother's andgreat-grandmother's before them. Of any other land, I know naught.""But," said Trevize, descending to gentle argumentation, "you speakof this land as New Earth. Why do you call it that?""Because, respected sir," she replied, equally gentle, "that is what itis called by all since the mind of woman goeth not to the contrary.""But it is New Earth, and therefore, a later Earth. Theremust be an Old Earth, a former one, for which it wasnamed. Each morning there is a new day, and that implies that earlierthere had existed an old day. Don't you see that this must be so?""Nay, respected sir. I know only what this land is called. I know ofnaught else, nor do I follow this reasoning of thine which sounds verymuch like what we call here chop-logic. I mean no offense."And Trevize shook his head and felt defeated.
77Trevize leaned toward Pelorat, and whispered, "Whereverwe go, whatever we do, we get no information.""We know where Earth is, so what does it matter?" said Pelorat,doing little more than move his lips.
"I want to know something about it.""She's very young. Scarcely a repository of information."Trevize thought about that, then nodded. "Right, Janov."He turned to Hiroko and said, "Miss Hiroko, you haven't asked us whywe are here in your land?"Hiroko's eyes fell, and she said, "That would be but scant courtesyuntil you have all eaten and rested, respected sir.""But we have eaten, or almost so, and we have recently rested, so Ishall tell you why we are here. My friend, Dr. Pelorat, is a scholaron our world, a learned man. He is a mythologist. Do you know whatthat means?""Nay, respected sir, I do not.""He studies old tales as they are told on different worlds. Old talesare known as myths or legends and they interest Dr. Pelorat. Are therelearned ones on New Earth who know the old tales of this world?"Hiroko's forehead creased slightly into a frown of thought. She said,"This is not a matter in which I am myself skilled. We have an old manin these parts who loves to talk of ancient days. Where he may havelearned these things, I know not, and methinks he may have spun hisnotions out of air, or heard them from others who did so spin. Thisis perhaps the material which thy learned companion would hear, yet Iwould not mislead thee. It is in my mind," she looked to right and leftas though unwilling to be overheard, "that the old man is but a prater,though many listen willingly to him."Trevize nodded. "Such prating is what we wish. Would it be possiblefor you to take my friend to this old man ""Monolee he calls himself."" to Monolee, then. And do you think Monolee would be willingto speak to my friend?""He? Willing to speak?" said Hiroko scornfully. "Thou must ask,rather, if he be ever ready to cease from speaking. He is but a man,and will therefore speak, if allowed, till a fortnight hence, with nopause. I mean no offense, respected sir.""No offense taken. Would you lead my friend to Monolee now?""That may anyone do at any time. The ancient is ever home and everready to greet an ear."Trevize said, "And perhaps an older woman would be willing to comeand sit with Madam Bliss. She has the child to care for and cannot moveabout too much. It would please her to have company, for women, as youknow, are fond of ""Prating?" said Hiroko, clearly amused. "Why, so men say, althoughI have observed that men are always the greater babblers. Let the menreturn from their fishing, and one will vie with another in tellinggreater flights of fancy concerning their catches. None will mark them norbelieve, but this will not stop them, either. But enough of my prating,too. I will have a friend of my mother's, one whom I can seethrough the window, stay with Madam Bliss and the child, and before thatshe will guide your friend, the respected doctor, to the aged Monolee. Ifyour friend will hear as avidly as Monolee will prate, thou wilt scarcelypart them in this life. Wilt thou pardon my absence a moment?"When she had left, Trevize turned to Pelorat and said, "Listen, getwhat you can out of the old man, and Bliss, you find out what you canfrom whoever stays with you. What you want is anything about Earth.""And you?" said Bliss. "What will you do?""I will remain with Hiroko, and try to find a third source."Bliss smiled. "Ah yes. Pel will be with this old man; I with an oldwoman. You will force yourself to remain with this fetchingly uncladyoung woman. It seems a reasonable division of labor.""As it happens, Bliss, it is reasonable.""But you don't find it depressing that the reasonable division oflabor should work out so, I suppose.""No, I don't. Why should I?""Why should you, indeed?"Hiroko was back, and sat down again. "It is all arranged. The respectedDr. Pelorat will be taken to Monolee; and the respected Madam Bliss,together with her child, will have company. May I be granted, then,respected Sir Trevize, the boon of further conversation with thee,mayhap of this Old Earth of which thou ""Pratest?" asked Trevize.
"Nay," said Hiroko, laughing. "But thou dost well to mock me. I showedthee but discourtesy ere now in answering thy question on this matter. Iwould fain make amends."Trevize turned to Pelorat. "Fain?""Be eager," said Pelorat softly.
Trevize said, "Miss Hiroko, I felt no discourtesy, but if it willmake you feel better, I will gladly speak with you.""Kindly spoken. I thank thee," said Hiroko, rising.
Trevize rose, too. "Bliss," he said, "make sure Janov remainssafe.""Leave that to me. As for you, you have your " She nodded towardhis holsters.
"I don't think I'll need them," said Trevize uncomfortably.
He followed Hiroko out of the dining room. The sun was higher in thesky now and the temperature was still warmer. There was an otherworldlysmell as always. Trevize remembered it had been faint on Comporellon, alittle musty on Aurora, and rather delightful on Solaria. (On Melpomenia,they were in space suits where one is only aware of the smell of one'sown body.) In every case, it disappeared in a matter of hours as theosmic centers of the nose grew saturated.
Here, on Alpha, the odor was a pleasant grassy fragrance under thewarming effect of the sun, and Trevize felt a bit annoyed, knowing thatthis, too, would soon disappear.
They were approaching a small structure that seemed to be built ofa pale pink plaster.
"This," said Hiroko, "is my home. It used to belong to my mother'syounger sister."She walked in and motioned Trevize to follow. The door was open or,Trevize noticed as he passed through, it would be more accurate to saythere was no door.
Trevize said, "What do you do when it rains?""We are ready. It will rain two days hence, for three hours eredawn, when it is coolest, and when it will moisten the soil mostpowerfully. Then I have but to draw this curtain, both heavy andwater-repellent, across the door."She did so as she spoke. It seemed made of a strong canvas-likematerial.
"I will leave it in place now," she went on. "All will then knowI am within but not available, for I sleep or am occupied in mattersof importance.""It doesn't seem much of a guardian of privacy.""Why should it not be? See, the entrance is covered.""But anyone could shove it aside.""With disregard of the wishes of the occupant?" Hiroko lookedshocked. "Are such things done on thy world? It would be barbarous."Trevize grinned. "I only asked."She led him into the second of two rooms, and, at her invitation, heseated himself in a padded chair. There was something claustrophobic aboutthe blockish smallness and emptiness of the rooms, but the house seemeddesigned for little more than seclusion and rest. The window openingswere small and near the ceiling, but there were dull mirror strips in acareful pattern along the walls, which reflected light diffusely. Therewere slits in the Ioor from which a gentle, cool breeze uplifted. Trevizesaw no signs of artifinal lighting and wondered if Alphans had to wakeat sunrise and go to bed at sunset.
He was about to ask, but Hiroko spoke first, saying, "Is Madam Blissthy woman companion?"Trevize said cautiously, "Do you mean by that, is she my sexualpartner?"Hiroko colored. "I pray thee, have regard for the decencies of politeconversation, but I do mean private pleasantry.""No, she is the woman companion of my learned friend.""But thou art the younger, and the more goodly.""Well, thank you for your opinion, but it is not Bliss's opinion. Shelikes Dr. Pelorat much more than she does me.""That much surprises me. Will he not share?""I have not asked him whether he would, but I'm sure he wouldn't. Norwould I want him to."Hiroko nodded her head wisely. "I know. It is her fundament.""Her fundament?""Thou knowest. This." And she slapped her own dainty rear end.
"Oh, that! I understand you. Yes, Bliss is generously proportionedin her pelvic anatomy." He made a curving gesture with his hands andwinked. (And Hiroko laughed.)Trevize said, "Nevertheless, a great many men enjoy that kind ofgenerosity of figure.""I cannot believe so. Surely it would be a sort of gluttony to wishexcess of that which is pleasant in moderation. Wouldst thou think moreof me if my breasts were massive and dangling, with nipples pointingto toes? I have, in good sooth, seen such, yet have I not seen menflock to them. The poor women so afflicted must needs cover theirmonstrosities as Madam Bliss does.""Such oversize wouldn't attract me, either, though I am sure thatBliss doesn't cover her breasts for any imperfection they may have.""Thou dost not, then, disapprove of my visage or form?""I would be a madman to do so. You are beautiful.""And what dost thou for pleasantries on this ship of thine, as thouflittest from one world to the next Madam Bliss being deniedthee?""Nothing, Hiroko. There's nothing to do. I think of pleasantries onoccasion and that has its discomforts, but we who travel through spaceknow well that there are times when we must do without. We make up forit at other times.""If it be a discomfort, how may that be removed?""I experience considerably more discomfort since you've brought upthe subject. I don't think it would be polite to suggest how I mightbe comforted.""Would it be discourtesy, were I to suggest a way?""It would depend entirely on the nature of the suggestion.""I would suggest that we be pleasant with each other.""Did you bring me here, Hiroko, that it might come to this?"Hiroko said, with a pleased smile, "Yes. It would be both myhostess-duty of courtesy, and it would be my wish, too.""If that's the case, I will admit iiiis my wish, too. In fact,I would like very much to oblige you in this. I would be uhfain to do thee pleasure."


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 43楼  发表于: 2016-09-08 0
第十八章 音乐节


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 44楼  发表于: 2016-09-08 0
Chapter 18: The Music Festival
78Lunch was in the same dining room in which they hadhad breakfast. It was full of Alphans, and with them were Trevize andPelorat, made thoroughly welcome. Bliss and Fallom ate separately,and more or less privately, in a small annex.
There were several varieties of fish, together with soup in whichthere were strips of what might well have been boiled kid. Loaves ofbread were there for the slicing, butter and jam for the spreading. Asalad, large and diffuse, came afterward, and there was a notable absenceof any dessert, although fruit juices were passed about in apparentlyinexhaustible pitchers. Both Foundationers were forced to be abstemiousafter their heavy breakfast, but everyone else seemed to eat freely.
"How do they keep from getting fat?" wondered Pelorat in a lowvoice.
Trevize shrugged. "Lots of physical labor, perhaps."It was clearly a society in which decorum at meals was not greatlyvalued. There was a miscellaneous hubbub of shouting, laughing, andthumping on the table with thick, obviously unbreakable, cups. Womenwere as loud and raucous as men, albeit in higher pitch.
Pelorat winced, but Trevize, who now (temporarily, at least) felt notrace of the discomfort he had spoken of to Hiroko, felt both relaxedand good-natured.
He said, "Actually, it has its pleasant side. These are people whoappear to enjoy life and who have few, if any, cares. Weather is whatthey make it and foodiis unimaginably plentiful. This is a golden agefor them that simply continues and continues."He had to shout to make himself heard, and Pelorat shouted back,"But it's so noisy.""They're used to it.""I don't see how they can understand each other in this riot."Certainly, it was all lost on the two Foundationers. The queerpronunciation and the archaic grammar and word order of the Alphanlanguage made it impossible to understand at the intense sound levels. Tothe Foundationers, it was like listening to the sounds of a zoo infright.
It was not till after lunch that they rejoined Bliss in a smallstructure, which Trevize found to be rather inconsiderably differentfrom Hiroko's quarters, and which had been assigned them as their owntemporary living quarters. Fallom was in the second room, enormouslyrelieved to be alone, according to Bliss, and attempting to nap.
Pelorat looked at the door-gap in the wall and said uncertainly,"There's very little privacy here. How can we speak freely?""I assure you," said Trevize, "that once we pull the canvas barrieracross the door, we won't be disturbed. The canvas makes it impenetrableby all the force of social custom."Pelorat glanced at the high, open windows. "We can be overheard.""We need not shout. The Alphans won't eavesdrop. Even when they stoodoutside the windows of the dining room at breakfast, they remained ata respectful distance."Bliss smiled. "You've learned so much about Alphan customs in thetime you spent alone with gentle little Hiroko, and you've gained suchconfidence in their respect for privacy. What happened?"Trevize said, "If you're aware that the tendrils of my mind haveundergone a change for the better and can guess the reason, I can onlyask you to leave my mind alone.""You know very well that Gaia will not touch your mind under anycircumstances short of life-crisis, and you know why. Still, I'm notmentally blind. I could sense what happened a kilometer away. Is thisyour invariable custom on space voyages, my erotomaniac friend?""Erotomaniac? Come, Bliss. Twice on this entire trip. Twice!""We were only on two worlds that had functioning human females onthem. Two out of two, and we had only been a few hours on each.""You are well aware I had no choice on Comporellon.""That makes sense. I remember what she looked like." For a few moments,Bliss dissolved in laughter. Then she said, "Yet I don't think Hirokoheld you helpless in her mighty grip, or inflicted her irresistible willon your cringing body.""Of course not. I was perfectly willing. But it was her suggestion,just the same."Pelorat said, with just a tinge of envy in his voice, "Does thishappen to you all the time, Golan?""Of course it must, Pel," said Bliss. "Women are helplessly drawnto him.""I wish that were so," said Trevize, "but it isn't. And I'm glad itisn't I do have other things I want to do in life. Just the same,in this case I was irresistible. After all, we were the first peoplefrom another world that Hiroko had ever seen or, apparently, that anyonenow alive on Alpha had ever seen: I gathered from things she let slip,casual remarks, that she had the rather exciting notion that I mightbe different from Alphans, either anatomically or in my technique. Poorthing. I'm afraid she was disappointed.""Oh?" said Bliss. "Were you?""No," said Trevize. "I have been on a number of worlds and I have hadmy experiences. And what I had discovered is that people are people andsex is sex, wherever one goes. If there are noticeable differences, theyare usually both trivial and unpleasant. The perfumes I've encountered inmy time! I remember when a young woman simply couldn't manage unless therewas music loudly played, music that consisted of a desperate screechingsound. So she played the music and then I couldn't manage. Iassure you if it's the same old thing, then I'm satisfied.""Speaking of music," said Bliss, "we are invited to a musicale afterdinner. A very formal thing, apparently, that is being held in ourhonor. I gather the Alphans are very proud of their music."Trevize grimaced. "Their pride will in no way make the music soundbetter to our ears.""Hear me out," said Bliss. "I gather that their pride is that theyplay expertly on very archaic instruments. Very archaic. Wemay get some information about Earth by way of them."Trevize's eyebrows shot up. "An interesting thought. And that remindsme that both of you may already have information. Janov, did you seethis Monolee that Hiroko told us about?""Indeed I did," said Pelorat. "I was with him for three hours andHiroko did not exaggerate. It was a virtual monologue on his part andwhen I left to come to lunch, he clung to me and would not let me gountil I promised to return whenever I could in order that I might listento him some more.""And did he say anything of interest?""Well, he, too like everybody else insisted that Earthwas thoroughly and murderously radioactive; that the ancestors of theAlphans were the last to leave and that if they hadn't, they would havedied. And, Golan, he was so emphatic that I couldn't help believinghim. I'm convinced that Earth is dead, and that our entire search is,after all, useless."79Trevize sat back in his chair, staring at Pelorat,who was sitting on a narrow cot. Bliss, having risen from where she hadbeen sitting next to Pelorat, looked from one to the other.
Finally, Trevize said, "Let me be the judge as to whether our searchis useless or not, Janov. Tell me what the garrulous old man had to sayto you in brief, of course."Pelorat said, "I took notes as Monolee spoke. It helped reinforcemy role a scholar, but I don't have to refer to them. He was quitestream-of-consciousness in his speaking. Each thing he said would remindhim of something else, but, of course, I have spent my life trying toorganize information in the search of the relevant and significant,so that it's second nature for me now to be able to condense a long andincoherent discourse "Trevize said gently, "Into something just as long and incoherent? Tothe point, dear Janov."Pelorat cleared his throat uneasily. "Yes, certainly, old chap. I'lltry to make a connected and chronological tale out of it. Earth wasthe original home of humanity and of millions of species of plants andanimals. It continued so for countless years until hyperspatial travelwas invented. Then the Spacer worlds were founded. They broke away fromEarth, developed their own cultures, and came to despise and oppressthe mother planet.
"After a couple of centuries of this, Earth managed to regain itsfreedom, though Monolee did not explain the exact manner in which thiswas done, and I dared not ask questions, even if he had given me achance to interrupt, which he did not, for that might merely have senthim into new byways. He did mention a culture-hero named Elijah Baley,but the references were so characteristic of the habit of attributingto one figure the accomplishments of generations that there was littlevalue in attempting to "Bliss said, "Yes, Pel dear, we understand that part."Again, Pelorat paused in midstream and reconsidered. "Of course. Myapologies. Earth initiated a second wave of settlements, founding many newworlds in a new fashion. The new group of Settlers proved more vigorousthan the Spacers, outpaced them, defeated them, outlasted them, and,eventually, established the Galactic Empire. During the course of thewars between the Settlers and the Spacers no, not wars, for heused the word `conflict,' being very careful about that the Earthbecame radioactive."Trevize said, with clear annoyance, "That's ridiculous, Janov. How cana world become radioactive? Every world is very slightlyradioactive to one degree or another from the moment of formation,and that radioactivity slowly decays. It doesn't become radioactive."Pelorat shrugged. "I'm only telling you what he said. And he wasonly telling me what he had heard from someone who only told himwhat he had heard and so on. It's folk-history, told and retoldover the generations, with who knows what distortions creeping in ateach retelling.""I understand that, but are there no books, documents, ancienthistories which have frozen the story at an early time and which couldgive us something more accurate than the present tale?""Actually, I managed to ask that question, and the answer is no. Hesaid vaguely that there were books about it in ancient times and thatthey had long ago been lost, but that what he was telling us was whathad been in those books.""Yes, well distorted. It's the same story. In every world we go to,the records of Earth have, in one way or another, disappeared. Well,how did he say the radioactivity began on Earth?""He didn't, in any detail. The closest he came to saying so wasthat the Spacers were responsible, but then I gathered that the Spacerswere the demons on whom the people of Earth blamed all misfortune. Theradioactivity "A clear voice overrode him here. "Bliss, am I a Spacer?"Fallom was standing in the narrow doorway between the two rooms, hairtousled and the nightgown she was wearing (designed to fit Bliss's moreample proportions) having slid off one shoulder to reveal an undevelopedbreast.
Bliss said, "We worry about eavesdroppers outside and we forget theone inside. Now, Fallom, why do you say that?" She rose and walkedtoward the youngster.
Fallom said, "I don't have what they have," she pointed at thetwo men, "or what you have, Bliss. I'm different. Is that because I'ma Spacer?""You are, Fallom," said Bliss soothingly, "but little differencesdon't matter. Come back to bed."Fallom became submissive as she always did when Bliss willed her tobe so. She turned and said, "Am I a demon? What is a demon?"Bliss said over her shoulder, "Wait one moment for me. I'll be rightback."She was, within five minutes. She was shaking her head. "She'll besleeping now till I wake her. I should have done that before, I suppose,but any modification of the mind must be the result of necessity." Sheadded defensively, "I can't have her brood on the differences betweenher genital equipment and ours."Pelorat said, "Someday she'll have to know she's hermaphroditic.""Someday," said Bliss, "but not now. Go on with the story, Pel.""Yes," said Trevize, "before something else interrupts us.""Well, Earth became radioactive, or at least its crust did. At thattime, Earth had had an enormous population that was centered in hugecities that existed for the most part underground ""Now, that," put in Trevize, "is surely not so. It must be localpatriotism glorifying the golden age of a planet, and the details weresimply a distortion of Trantor in its golden age, when itwas the Imperial capital of a Galaxy-wide system of worlds."Pelorat paused, then said, "Really, Golan, you mustn't teach memy business. We mythologists know very well that myths and legendscontain borrowings, moral lessons, nature cycles, and a hundred otherdistorting influences, and we labor to cut them away and get to whatmight be a kernel of truth. In fact, these same techniques must beapplied to the most sober histories, for no one writes the clear andapparent truth if such a thing can even be said to exist. For now,I'm telling you more or less what Monolee told me, though I suppose Iam adding distortions of my own, try as I might not to do so.""Well, well," said Trevize. "Go on, Janov. I meant no offense.""And I've taken none. The huge cities, assuming they existed, crumbledand shrank as the radioactivity slowly grew more intense until thepopulation was but a remnant of what it had been, clinging precariously toregions that were relatively radiation-free. The population was kept downby rigid birth control and by the euthanasia of people over sixty.""Horrible," said Bliss indignantly.
"Undoubtedly," said Pelorat, "but that is what they did, according toMonolee, and that might be true, for it is certainly not complimentary tothe Earthpeople and it is not likely that an uncomplimentary lie wouldbe made up. The Earthpeople, having been despised and oppressed by theSpacers, were now despised and oppressed by the Empire, though here wemay have exaggeration there out of self-pity, which is a very seductiveemotion. There is the case ""Yes, yes, Pelorat, another time. Please go on with Earth.""I beg your pardon. The Empire, in a fit of benevolence, agreed tosubstitute imported radiation-free soil and to cart away the contaminatedsoil. Needless to say, that was an enormous task which the Empire soontired of, especially as this period (if my guess is right) coincidedwith the fall of Kandar V, after which the Empire had many more thingsto worry about than Earth.
"The radioactivity continued to grow more intense, the populationcontinued to fall, and finally the Empire, in another fit of benevolence,offered to transplant the remnant of the population to a new world oftheir own to this world, in short.
"At an earlier period, it seems an expedition had stocked the ocean sothat by the time the plans for the transplantation of Earthpeople werebeing developed, there was a full oxygen atmosphere and an ample supplyof food on Alpha. Nor did any of the worlds of the Galactic Empire covetthis world because there is a certain natural antipathy to planets thatcircle stars of a binary system. There are so few suitable planets insuch a system, I suppose, that even suitable ones are rejected becauseof the assumption that there must be something wrong with them. This isa common thought-fashion. There is the well-known case, for instance,of ""Later with the well-known case, Janov," said Trevize. "On with thetransplantation.""What remained," said Pelorat, hurrying his words a little, "wasto prepare a land-base. The shallowest part of the ocean was found andsediment was raised from deeper parts to add to the shallow sea-bottomand, finally, to produce the island of New Earth. Boulders and coralwere dredged up and added to the island. Land plants were seeded so thatroot systems might help make the new land firm. Again, the Empire hadset itself an enormous task. Perhaps continents were planned at first,but by the time this one island was produced, the Empire's moment ofbenevolence had passed.
"What was left of Earth's population was brought here. The Empire'sfleets carried off its men and machinery, and they never returned. TheEarthpeople, living on New Earth, found themselves in completeisolation."Trevize said, "Complete? Did Monolee say that no one from elsewherein the Galaxy has ever come here till we did?""Almost complete," said Pelorat. "There is nothing to come here for,I suppose, even if we set aside the superstitious distaste for binarysystems. Occasionally, at long intervals, a ship would come, as ours did,but it would eventually leave and there has never been a follow-up. Andthat's it."Trevize said, "Did you ask Monolee where Earth was located?""Of course I asked that. He didn't know.""How can he know so much about Earth's history without knowing whereit is located?""I asked him specifically, Golan, if the star that was only aparsec or so distant from Alpha might be the sun about which Earthrevolved. He didn't know what a parsec was, and I said it was a shortdistance, astronomically speaking. He said, short or long, he did notknow where Earth was located and he didn't know anyone who knew, and,in his opinion, it was wrong to try to find it. It should be allowed,he said, to move endlessly through space in peace."Trevize said, "Do you agree with him?"Pelorat shook his head sorrowfully. "Not really. But he said thatat the rate the radioactivity continued to increase, the planet musthave become totally uninhabitable not long after the transplantationtook place and that by now it must be burning intensely so that no onecan approach.""Nonsense," said Trevize firmly. "A planet cannot become radioactiveand, having done so, continuously increase in radioactivity. Radioactivitycan only decrease.""But Monolee is so sure of it. So many people we've talked to onvarious worlds unite in this that Earth is radioactive. Surely,it is useless to go on."80Trevize drew a deep breath, then said, in a carefullycontrolled voice, "Nonsense, Janov. That's not true."Pelorat said, "Well, now, old chap, you mustn't believe somethingjust because you want to believe it.""My wants have nothing to do with it. In world after world we findall records of Earth wiped out. Why should they be. wiped out if thereis nothing to hide; if Earth is a dead, radioactive world that cannotbe approached?""I don't know, Golan.""Yes, you do. When we were approaching Melpomenia, you said that theradioactivity might be the other side of the coin. Destroy records toremove accurate information; supply the tale of radioactivity to insertinaccurate information. Both would discourage any attempt to find Earth,and we mustn't be deluded into discouragement."Bliss said, "Actually, you seem to think the nearby star is Earth'ssun. Why, then, continue to argue the question of radioactivity? Whatdoes it matter? Why not simply go to the nearby star and see if it isEarth, and, if so, what it is like?"Trevize said, "Because those on Earth must be, in their way,extraordinarily powerful, and I would prefer to approach with someknowledge of the world and its inhabitants. As it is, since I continue toremain ignorant of Earth, approaching it is dangerous. It is my notionthat I leave the rest of you here on Alpha and that I proceed to Earthby myself. One life is quite enough to risk.""No, Golan," said Pelorat earnestly. "Bliss and the child might waithere, but I must go with you. I have been searching for Earth sincebefore you were born and I cannot stay behind when the goal is so close,whatever dangers might threaten.""Bliss and the child will not wait here," said Bliss. "Iam Gaia, and Gaia can protect us even against Earth.""I hope you're right," said Trevize gloomily, "but Gaia could notprevent the elimination of all early memories of Earth's role in itsfounding.""That was done in Gaia's early history when it was not yet wellorganized, not yet advanced. Matters are different now.""I hope that is so. Or is it that you have gained informationabout Earth this morning that we don't have? I did ask that you speakto some of the older women that might be available here.""And so I did."Trevize said, "And what did you find out?""Nothing about Earth. There is a total blank there.""Ah.""But they are advanced biotechnologists." ,"Oh?""On this small island, they have grown and tested innumerable strainsof plants and animals and designed a suitable ecological balance, stableand self-supporting, despite the few species with which they began. Theyhave improved on the ocean life that they found when they arrived here afew thousand years ago, increasing their nutritive value and improvingtheir taste. It is their biotechnology that has made this world such acornucopia of plenty. They have plans for themselves, too.""What kind of plans?"Bliss said, "They know perfectly well they cannot reasonably expect toexpand their range under present circumstances, confined as they are tothe one small patch of land that exists on their world, but they dreamof becoming amphibious.""Of becoming what ?""Amphibious. They plan to develop gills in addition to lungs. Theydream of being able to spend substantial periods of time underwater; offinding shallow regions and building structures on the ocean bottom. Myinformant was quite glowing about it but she admitted that this had beena goal of the Alphans for some centuries now and that little, if any,progress has been made."Trevize said, "That's two fields in which they might be more advancedthan we are; weather control and biotechnology. I wonder what theirtechniques are.""We'd have to find specialists," said Bliss, "and they might not bewilling to talk about it."Trevize said, "It's not our primary concern here,but it would clearly pay the Foundation to attempt to learn from thisminiature world."Pelorat said, "We manage to control the weather fairly well onTerminus, as it is.""Control is good on many worlds," said Trevize, "but always it's amatter of the world as a whole. Here the Alphans control the weatherof a small portion of the world and they must have techniques we don'thave. Anything else, Bliss?""Social invitations. These appear to be a holiday-making people,in whatever time they can take from farming and fishing. Afterdinner, tonight there'll be a music festival. I told you aboutthat already. Tomorrow, during the day, there will be a beachfestival. Apparently, all around the rim of the island there will bea congregation of everyone who can get away from the fields in orderthat they might enjoy the water and celebrate the sun, since it will beraining the next day. In the morning, the fishing fleet will come back,beating the rain, and by evening there will be a food festival, samplingthe catch."Pelorat groaned. "The meals are ample enough as it is. What would afood festival be like?""I gather that it will feature not quantity, but variety. In anycase, all four of us are invited to participate in all the festivals,especially the music festival tonight.""On the antique instruments?" asked Trevize.
"That's right.""What makes them antique, by the way? Primitive computers?""No, no. That's the point. It isn't electronic music at all, butmechanical. They described it to me. They scrape strings, blow in tubes,and bang on surfaces.""I hope you're making that up," said Trevize, appalled.
"No, I'm not. And I understand that your Hiroko will be blowing onone of the tubes I forget its name and you ought to be ableto endure that.""As for myself," said Pelorat, "I would love to go. I know very littleabout primitive music and I would like to hear it.""She is not `my Hiroko,'" said Trevize coldly. "But are the instrumentsof the type once used on Earth, do you suppose?""So I gathered," said Bliss. "At least the Alphan women said theywere designed long before their ancestors came here.""In that case," said Trevize, "it may be worth listening to allthat scraping, tootling, and banging, for whatever information it mightconceivably yield concerning Earth."81Oddly enough, it was Fallom who was most excited atthe prospect of a musical evening. She and Bliss had bathed in thesmall outhouse behind their quarters. It had a bath with running water,hot and cold (or, rather, warm and cool), a washbowl, and a commode. Itwas totally clean and usable and, in the late afternoon sun, it was evenwell lit and cheerful.
As always, Fallom was fascinated with Bliss's breasts and Bliss wasreduced to saying (now that Fallom understood Galactic) that on herworld that was the way people were. To which Fallom said, inevitably,"Why?" and Bliss, after some thought, deciding there was no sensibleway of answering, returned the universal reply, "Because!"When they were done, Bliss helped Fallom put on the undergarmentsupplied them by the Alphans and worked out the system whereby theskirt went on over it. Leaving Fallom unclothed from the waist up seemedreasonable enough. She herself, while making use of Alphan garments belowthe waist (rather tight about the hips), put on her own blouse. It seemedsilly to be too inhibited to expose breasts in a society where all womendid, especially since her own were not large and were as shapely as anyshe had seen but there it was.
The two men took their turn at the outhouse next, Trevize mutteringthe usual male complaint concerning the time the women had taken.
Bliss turned Fallom about to make sure the skirt would hold in placeover her boyish hips and buttocks. She said, "It's a very pretty skirt,Fallom. Do you like it?"Fallom stared at it in a mirror and said, "Yes, I do. Won't I be coldwith nothing on, though?" and she ran her hands down her bare chest.
"I don't think so, Fallom. It's quite warm on this world."" You have something on.""Yes, I do. That's how it is on my world. Now, Fallom, we're going tobe with a great many Alphans during dinner and afterward. Do you thinkyou can bear that?"Fallom looked distressed, and Bliss went on, "I will sit on your rightside and I will hold you. Pel will sit on the other side, and Trevizewill sit across the table from you. We won't let anyone talk to you,and you won't have to talk to anyone.""I'll try, Bliss," Fallom piped in her highest tones.
"Then afterward," said Bliss, "some Alphans will make music for usin their own special way. Do you know what music is?" She hummed in thebest imitation of electronic harmony that she could.
Fallom's face lit up. "You mean   " The last word was inher own language, and she burst into song.
Bliss's eyes widened. It was a beautiful tune, even though it was wild,and rich in trills. "That's right. Music," she said.
Fallom said excitedly, "Jemby made" she hesitated, then decidedto use the Galactic word "music all the time. It made music on a  " Again a word in her own language.
Bliss repeated the word doubtfully, "On a feeful?"Fallom laughed. "Not feeful,   "With both words juxtaposed like that, Bliss could hear the difference,but she despaired of reproducing the second. She said, "What does itlook like?"Fallom's as yet limited vocabulary in Galactic did not suffice for anaccurate description, and her gestures did not produce any shape clearlyin Bliss's mind.
"He showed me how to use the   " Fallom said proudly. "Iused my fingers just the way Jemby did, but it said that soon I wouldn'thave to.""That's wonderful, dear," said Bliss. "After dinner, we'll see ifthe Alphans are as good as your Jemby was."Fallom's eyes sparkled and pleasant thoughts of what was to followcarried her through a lavish dinner despite the crowds and laughterand noise all about her. Only once, when a dish was accidentally upset,setting off shrieks of excitement fairly close to them, did Fallom lookfrightened, and Bliss promptly held her close in a warm and protectivehug.
"I wonder if we can arrange to eat by ourselves," she muttered toPelorat. "Otherwise, we'll have to get off this world. It's bad enougheating all this Isolate animal protein, but I must be ableto do it in peace.""It's only high spirits," said Pelorat, who would have endured anythingwithin reason that he felt came under the heading of primitive behaviorand beliefs.
And then the dinner was over, and the announcement came thatthe music festival would soon begin.
82The hall in which the music festival was to be heldwas about as large as the dining room, and there were folding seats(rather uncomfortable, Trevize found out) for about a hundred fiftypeople. As honored guests, the visitors were led to the front row,and various Alphans commented politely and favorably on their clothes.
Both men were bare above the waist and Trevize tightened his abdominalmuscles whenever he thought of it and stared down, on occasion, withcomplacent self-admiration at his dark-haired chest. Pelorat, in hisardent observation of everything about him, was indifferent to his ownappearance. Bliss's blouse drew covert stares of puzzlement but nothingwas said concerning it.
Trevize noted that the hall was only about half-full and that thelarge majority of the audience were women, since, presumably, so manymen were out to sea.
Pelorat nudged Trevize and whispered, "They have electricity."Trevize looked at the vertical tubes on the walls, and at others onthe ceiling. They were softly luminous.
"Fluorescence," he said. "Quite primitive.""Yes, but they do the job, and we've got those things in our roomsand in the outhouse. I thought they were just decorative. If we can findout how to work them, we won't have to stay in the dark."Bliss said irritably, "They might have told us."Pelorat said, "They thought we'd know; that anyone would know."Four women now emerged from behind screens and seated themselves ina group in the space at the front. Each held an instrument of varnishedwood of a similar shape, but one that was not easily describable. Theinstruments were chiefly different in size. One was quite small, twosomewhat larger, and the fourth considerably larger. Each woman alsoheld a long rod in the other hand.
The audience whistled softly as they came in, in response to whichthe four women bowed. Each had a strip of gauze bound fairly tightlyacross the breasts as though to keep them from interfering with theinstrument.
Trevize, interpreting the whistles as signs of approval, or of pleasedanticipation, felt it only polite to add his own. At that, Fallom added atrill that was far more than a whistle and that was beginning to attractattention when pressure from Bliss's hand stopped her.
Three of the women, without preparation, put their instruments undertheir chins, while the largest of the instruments remained between thelegs of the fourth woman and rested on the floor. The long rod in theright hand of each was sawed across the strings stretching nearly thelength of the instrument, while the fingers of the left hand shiftedrapidly along the upper ends of those strings.
This, thought Trevize, was the "scraping" he had expected, butit didn't sound like scraping at all. There was a soft and melodioussuccession of notes; each instrument doing something of its own and thewhole fusing pleasantly.
It lacked the infinite complexity of electronic music ("real music," asTrevize could not help but think of it) and there was a distinct samenessto it. Still, as time passed, and his ear grew accustomed to this oddsystem of sound, he began to pick out subtleties. It was wearisome tohave to do so, and he thought, longingly, of the clamor and mathematicalprecision and purity of the real thing, but it occurred to him that ifhe listened to the music of these simple wooden devices long enough hemight well grow to like it.
It was not till the concert was some forty-five minutes old that Hirokostepped out. She noticed Trevize in the front row at once and smiled athim. He joined the audience in the soft whistle of approval with a wholeheart. She looked beautiful in a long and most elaborate skirt, a largeflower in her hair, and nothing at all over her breasts since (apparently)there was no danger of their interference with the instrument.
Her instrument proved to be a dark wooden tube about two thirds of ameter long and nearly two centimeters thick. She lifted the instrumentto her lips and blew across an opening near one end, producing a thin,sweet note that wavered in pitch as her fingers manipulated metal objectsalong the length of the tube.
At the first sound, Fallom clutched at Bliss's arm and said, "Bliss,that's a   " and the word sounded like "feeful" to Bliss.
Bliss shook her head firmly at Fallom, who said, in a lower voice,"But it is!"Others were looking in Fallom's direction. Bliss put her hand firmlyover Fallom's mouth, and leaned down to mutter an almost subliminallyforceful "Quiet!" into her ear.
Fallom listened to Hiroko's playing quietly thereafter, but herfingers moved spasmodically, as though they were operating the objectsalong the length of the instrument.
The final player in the concert was an elderly man who had aninstrument with fluted sides suspended over his shoulders. He pulled itin and out while one hand flashed across a succession of white and darkobjects at one end, pressing them down in groups.
Trevize found this sound particularly wearing, rather barbaric,and unpleasantly like the memory of the barking of the dogs onAurora not that the sound was like barking, but the emotions it gaverise to were similar. Bliss looked as though she would like to place herhands over her ears, and Pelorat had a frown on his face. Only Fallomseemed to enjoy it, for she was tapping her foot lightly, and Trevize,when he noticed that, realized, to his own surprise, that there was abeat to the music that matched Fallom's footfall.
It came to an end at last and there was a perfect storm of whistling,with Fallom's trill clearly heard above it all.
Then the audience broke up into small conversational groups and becameas loud and raucous as Alphans seemed to be on all public occasions. Thevarious individuals who had played in the concert stood about in front ofthe room and spoke to those people who came up to congratulate them.
Fallom evaded Bliss's grasp and ran up to Hiroko.
"Hiroko," she cried out, gaspingly. "Let me see the   ""The what, dear one?" said Hiroko.
"The thing you made the music with.""Oh." Hiroko laughed. "That's a flute, little one.""May I see it?""Well." Hiroko opened a case and took out the instrument. It was inthree parts, but she put it together quickly, held it toward Fallom withthe mouthpiece near her lips, and said, "There, blow thou thy breathacross this.""I know. I know," said Fallom eagerly, and reached for the flute.
Automatically, Hiroko snatched it away and held it high. "Blow, child,but touch not."Fallom seemed disappointed. "May I just look at it, then? I won'ttouch it.""Certainly, dear one."She held out the flute again and Fallom stared at it earnestly.
And then, the fluorescent lighting in the room dimmed very slightly,and the sound of a flute's note, a little uncertain and wavering, madeitself heard.
Hiroko, in surprise, nearly dropped the flute, and Fallom cried out,"I did it. I did it. Jemby said someday I could do it."Hiroko said, "Was it thou that made the sound?""Yes, I did. I did.""But how didst thou do so, child?"Bliss said, red with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Hiroko. I'll takeher away.""No," said Hiroko. "I wish her to do it again."A few of the nearest Alphans had gathered to watch. Fallom furrowedher brow as though trying hard. The fluorescents dimmed rather more thanbefore, and again there was the note of the flute, this time pure andsteady. Then it became erratic as the metal objects along the length ofthe flute moved of their own accord.
"It's a little different from the   " Fallom said, alittle breathlessly, as though the breath that had been activating theflute had been her own instead of power-driven air.
Pelorat said to Trevize, "She must be getting the energy from theelectric current that feeds the fluorescents.""Try again," said Hiroko in a choked voice.
Fallom closed her eyes. The note was softer now and under firmercontrol. The flute played by itself, maneuvered by no fingers, but movedby distant energy, transduced through the still immature lobes of Fallom'sbrain. The notes which began as almost random settled into a musicalsuccession and now everyone in the hall had gathered around Hiroko andFallom, as Hiroko held the flute gently with thumb and forefinger ateither end, and Fallom, eyes closed, directed the current of air andthe movement of the keys.
"It's the piece I played," whispered Hiroko.
"I remember it," said Fallom, nodding her head slightly, trying notto break her concentration.
"Thou didst not miss a note," said Hiroko, when it was done.
"But it's not right, Hiroko. You didn't do it right."Bliss said, "Fallom! That's not polite. You mustn't ""Please," said Hiroko peremptorily, "do not interfere. Why is it notright, child?""Because I would play it differently.""Show me, then."Again the flute played, but in more complicated fashion, for the forcesthat pushed the keys did so more quickly, in more rapid succession andin more elaborate combinations than before. The music was more complex,and infinitely more emotional and moving. Hiroko stood rigid and therewas not a sound to be heard anywhere in the room.
Even after Fallom had finished playing, there was not a sound untilHiroko drew a deep breath and said, "Little one, hast thou ever playedthat before?""No," said Fallom, "before this I could only use my fingers, andI can't do my fingers like that." Then, simply and with no trace ofvaunting, "No one can.""Canst thou play anything else?""I can make something up.""Dost thou mean improvise?"Fallom frowned at the word and looked toward Bliss. Bliss nodded andFallom said, "Yes.""Please do so, then," said Hiroko.
Fallom paused and thought for a minute or two, then began slowly,in a very simple succession of notes, the whole being rather dreamy. Thefluorescent lights dimmed and brightened as the amount of power exertedintensified and faded. No one seemed to notice, for it seemed to be theeffect of the music rather than the cause, as though a ghostly electricalspirit were obeying the dictates of the sound waves.
The combination of notes then repeated itself a bit more loudly, thena bit more complexly, then in variations that, without ever losing theclearly heard basic combination, became more stirring and more excitinguntil it was almost impossible to breathe. And finally, it descendedmuch more rapidly than it had ascended and did so with the effect ofa swooping dive that brought the listeners to ground level even whilethey still retained the feeling that they were high in the air.
There followed sheer pandemonium that split the air, and even Trevize,who was used to a totally different kind of music, thought sadly,"And now I'll never hear that again."When a most reluctant quiet had returned, Hiroko held out herflute. "Here, Fallom, this is thine!"Fallom reached for it eagerly, but Bliss caught hold of the child'soutstretched arm and said, "We can't take it, Hiroko. It's a valuableinstrument.""I have another, Bliss. Not quite as good, but that is how it shouldbe. This instrument belongeth to the person who playeth it best. Neverhave I heard such music and it would be wrong for me to own an instrumentI cannot use to full potential. Would that I knew how the instrumentcould be made to play without being touched."Fallom took the flute and, with an expression of deep content, heldit tightly to her chest.
83Each of the two rooms of their quarters were lit by onefluorescent light. The outhouse had a third. The lights were dim, and wereuncomfortable to read by, but at least the rooms were no longer dark.
Yet they now lingered outside. The sky was full of stars, somethingthat was always fascinating to a native of Terminus, where the night skywas all but starless and in which only the faint foreshortened cloud ofthe Galaxy was prominent.
Hiroko had accompanied them back to their chambers for fear they wouldget lost in the dark, or that they would stumble. All the way back, sheheld Fallom's hand, and then, after lighting the fluorescents for them,remained outside with them, still clutching at the youngster.
Bliss tried again, for it was clear to her that Hiroko was in a stateof a difficult conflict of emotions. "Really, Hiroko, we cannot takeyour flute.""No, Fallom must have it." But she seemed on edge just the same.
Trevize continued to look at the sky. The night was truly dark,a darkness that was scarcely affected by the trickle of light fromtheir own chambers; and much less so by the tiny sparks of other housesfarther off.
He said, "Hiroko, do you see that star that is so bright? What isit called?"Hiroko looked up casually and said, with no great appearance ofinterest, "That's the Companion.""Why is it called that?""It circleth our sun every eighty Standard Years. It is an eveningstar at this time of year. Thou canst see it in daytime, too, when itlieth above the horizon."Good, thought Trevize. She's not totally ignorant of astronomy. Hesaid, "Do you know that Alpha has another companion, a very small, dimone that's much much farther away than that bright star. You can't seeit without a telescope." (He hadn't seen it himself, hadn't botheredto search for it, but the ship's computer had the information in itsmemory banks.)She said indifferently, "We were told that in school.""But now what about that one? You see those six stars in a zigzagline?"Hiroko said, "That is Cassiopeia.""Really?" said Trevize, startled. "Which star?""All of them. The whole zigzag. It is Cassiopeia.""Why is it called that?""I lack the knowledge. I know nothing of astronomy, respectedTrevize.""Do you see the lowermost star in the zigzag, the one that's brighterthan the other stars? What is that?""It is a star. I know not its name.""But except for the two companion stars, it's the closest of all thestars to Alpha. It is only a parsec away."Hiroko said, "Sayest thou so? I know that not.""Might it not be the star about which Earth revolves?"Hiroko looked at the star with a faint flash of interest. "I knownot. I have never heard any person say so.""Don't you think it might be?""How can I say? None knoweth where Earth might be. I I mustleave thee, now. I will be taking my shift in the fields tomorrowmorning before the beach festival. I'll see you all there, right afterlunch. Yes? Yes?""Certainly, Hiroko."She left suddenly, half-running in the dark. Trevize looked after her,then followed the others into the dimly lit cottage.
He said, "Can you tell whether she was lying about Earth, Bliss?"Bliss shook her head. "I don't think she was. She is under enormoustension, something I was not aware of until after the concert. It existedbefore you asked her about the stars.""Because she gave away her flute, then?""Perhaps. I can't tell." She turned to Fallom. "Now, Fallom, I wantyou to go into your room. When you're ready for bed, go to the outhouse,use the potty, then wash your hands, your face, and your teeth.""I would like to play the flute, Bliss.""Just for a little while, and very quietly. Do you understand,Fallom? And you must stop when I tell you to.""Yes, Bliss."The three were now alone; Bliss in the one chair and the men sittingeach on his cot.
Bliss said, "Is there any point in staying on this planet anylonger?"Trevize shrugged. "We never did get to discuss Earth in connectionwith the ancient instruments, and we might find something there. Itmight also pay to wait for the fishing fleet to return. The men mightknow something the stay-at-homes don't."" Very unlikely, I think," said Bliss. "Are you sure it'snot Hiroko's dark eyes that hold you?"Trevize said impatiently, "I don't understand, Bliss. What have youto do with what I choose to do? Why do you seem to arrogate to yourselfthe right of sitting in moral judgment on me?""I'm not concerned with your morals. The matter affects ourexpedition. You want to find Earth so that you can finally decidewhether you are right in choosing Galaxia over Isolate worlds. I wantyou to so decide. You say you need to visit Earth to make the decisionand you seem to be convinced that Earth revolves about that bright starin the sky. Let us go there, then. I admit it would be useful to havesome information about it before we go, but it is clear to me that theinformation is not forthcoming here. I do not wish to remain simplybecause you enjoy Hiroko.""Perhaps we'll leave," said Trevize. "Let me think about it, andHiroko will play no part in my decision, I assure you."Pelorat said, "I feel we ought to move on to Earth, if only to seewhether it is radioactive or not. I see no point in waiting longer.""Are you sure it's not Bliss's dark eyes that drive you?" saidTrevize, a bit spitefully. Then, almost at once, "No, I take that back,Janov. I was just being childish. Still this is a charming world,quite apart from Hiroko, and I must say that under other circumstances,I would be tempted to remain indefinitely. Don't you think, Bliss,that Alpha destroys your theory about Isolates?""In what way?" asked Bliss.
"You've been maintaining that every truly isolated world turnsdangerous and hostile.""Even Comporellon," said Bliss evenly, "which is rather out of themain current of Galactic activity for all that it is, in theory, anAssociated Power of the Foundation Federation.""But not Alpha. This world is totally isolated, butcan you complain of their friendliness and hospitality? They feed us,clothe us, shelter us, put on festivals in our honor, urge us to stayon. What fault is there to find with them?""None, apparently. Hiroko even gives you her body."Trevize said angrily, "Bliss, what bothers you about that? She didn'tgive me her body. We gave each other our bodies. It was entirely mutual,entirely pleasurable. Nor can you say that you hesitate to give yourbody as it suits you.""Please, Bliss," said Pelorat. "Golan is entirely right. There is noreason to object to his private pleasures.""As long as they don't affect us," said Bliss obdurately.
"They do not affect us," said Trevize. "We will leave, I assure you. Adelay to search further for information will not be long.""Yet I don't trust Isolates," said Bliss, "even when they comebearing gifts."Trevize flung up his arms. "Reach a conclusion, then twist the evidenceto fit. How like a ""Don't say it," said Bliss dangerously. "I am not a woman. I amGaia. It is Gaia, not I, who is uneasy.""There is no reason to " And at that point there was a scratchingat the door.
Trevize froze. "What's that?" he said, in a low voice.
Bliss shrugged lightly. "Open the door and see. You tell us this isa kindly world that offers no danger."Nevertheless, Trevize hesitated, until a soft voice from the otherside of the door called out softly, "Please. It is I!"It was Hiroko's voice. Trevize threw the door open.
Hiroko entered quickly. Her cheeks were wet.
"Close the door," she gasped.
"What is it?" asked Bliss.
Hiroko clutched at Trevize. "I could not stay away. I tried, but Iendured it not. Go thou, and all of you. Take the youngster with youquickly. Take the ship away      from Alpha while it isyet dark.""But why?" asked Trevize.
"Because else wilt thou die; and all of you."84The three Outworlders stared frozenly at Hiroko fora long moment. Then Trevize said, "Are you saying your people willkill us?"Hiroko said, as the tears rolled down her cheeks, "Thou art already onthe road to death, respected Trevize. And the others with you. Longago, those of learning devised a virus, harmless to us, but deadlyto Outworlders. We have been made immune." She shook Trevize's arm indistraction. "Thou art infected.""How?""When we had our pleasure. It is one way."Trevize said, "But I feel entirely well.""The virus is as yet inactive. It will be made active when the fishingfleet returns. By our laws, all must decide on such a thing eventhe men. All will surely decide it must be done, and we keep you heretill that time, two mornings hence. Leave now while it is yet dark andnone suspects."Bliss said sharply, "Why do your people do this?""For our safety. We are few and have much. We do not wish Outworldersto intrude. If one cometh and then reporteth our lot, others will come,and so when, once in a long while, a ship arriveth, we must make certainit leaveth not.""But then," said Trevize, "why do you warn us away?""Ask not the reason. Nay, but I will tell you, since I hear itagain. Listen "From the next room, they could hear Fallom playing softly andinfinitely sweetly.
Hiroko said, "I cannot bear the destruction of that music, for theyoung one will also die."Trevize said sternly, "Is that why you gave the flute toFallom? Because you knew you would have it once again when she wasdead?"Hiroko looked horrified. "Nay, that was not in my mind. And when itcame to mind at length, I knew it must not be done. Leave with the child,and with her, take the flute that I may never see it more. Thou wilt besafe back in space and, left inactive, the virus now in thy body willdie after a time. In return, I ask that none of you ever speak of thisworld, that none else may know of it.""We will not speak of it," said Trevize.
Hiroko looked up. In a lower voice, she said, "May I not kiss theeonce ere thou leavest?"Trevize said, "No. I have been infected once and surely that isenough." And then, a little less roughly, he added, "Don't cry. Peoplewill ask why you are crying and you'll be unable to reply. I'llforgive what you did to me in view of your present effort to save us."Hiroko straightened, carefully wiped her cheeks with the back ofher hands, took a deep breath, and said, "I thank thee for that," andleft quickly.
Trevize said, "We will put out the light, and we will wait awhile,and then we will leave. Bliss, tell Fallom to stop playing herinstrument. Remember to take the flute, of course. Then we willmake our way to the ship, if we can find it in the dark.""I will find it," said Bliss. "Clothing of mine is on board and,however dimly, that, too, is Gaia. Gaia will have no trouble findingGaia." And she vanished into her room to collect Fallom.
Pelorat said, "Do you suppose that they've managed to damage our shipin order to keep us on the planet?""They lack the technology to do it," said Trevize grimly. When Blissemerged, holding Fallom by the hand, Trevize put out the lights.
They sat quietly in the dark for what seemed half the night, andmight have been half an hour. Then Trevize slowly and silently openedthe door. The sky seemed a bit more cloudy, but stars shone. High in thesky now was Cassiopeia, with what might be Earth's sun burning brightlyat its lower tip. The air was still and there was no sound.
Carefully, Trevize stepped out, motioning the others to follow. Oneof his hands dropped, almost automatically, to the butt of his neuronicwhip. He was sure he would not have to use it, but Bliss took the lead, holding Pelorat's hand, who heldTrevize's. Bliss's other hand held Fallom, and Fallom's other hand heldthe flute. Feeling gently with her feet in the nearly total darkness,Bliss guided the others toward where she felt, very weakly, the Gaia-nessof her clothing on board the Far Star .


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第七部 地球 第十九章 放射性之谜


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沐觅谨。
执笔之间,种种前尘往事,终于散若云烟:阿紫的新文《飞凰引》已完结,豆瓣也能看ヾ(•ω&a ..
举报 只看该作者 46楼  发表于: 2016-09-08 0
Part Seven - EarthChapter 19: Radioactive?
85The Far Star took off quietly, rising slowlythrough the atmosphere, leaving the dark island below. The few faintdots of light beneath them dimmed and vanished, and as the atmospheregrew thinner with height, the ship's speed grew greater, and the dotsof light in the sky above them grew more numerous and brighter.
Eventually, they looked down upon the planet, Alpha, with only acrescent illuminated and that crescent largely wreathed in clouds.
Pelorat said, "I suppose they don't have an active spacetechnology. They can't follow us.""I'm not sure that that cheers me up much," said Trevize, his facedour, his voice disheartened. "I'm infected.""But with an inactive strain," said Bliss.
"Still, it can be made active. They had a method. What is themethod?"Bliss shrugged. "Hiroko said the virus, left inactive, would eventuallydie in a body unadapted to it as yours is.""Yes?" said Trevize angrily. "How does she know that? For that matter,how do I know that Hiroko's statement wasn't a self-consoling lie? Andisn't it possible that the method of activation, whatever it is, mightnot be duplicated naturally? A particular chemical, a type of radiation,a a who knows what? I may sicken suddenly, and then thethree of you would die, too. Or if it happens after we have reached apopulated world, there may be a vicious pandemic which fleeing refugeeswould carry to other worlds."He looked at Bliss. "Is there something you can do about it?"Slowly, Bliss shook her head. "Not easily. There are parasites makingup Gaia microorganisms, worms. They are a benign part of theecological balance. They live and contribute to the world consciousness,but never overgrow. They live without doing noticeable harm. The troubleis, Trevize, the virus that affects you is not part of Gaia.""You say `not easily,'" said Trevize, frowning. "Under thecircumstances, can you take the trouble to do it even though it mightbe difficult? Can you locate the virus in me and destroy it? Can you,failing that, at least strengthen my defenses?""Do you realize what you ask, Trevize? I am not acquainted with themicroscopic flora of your body. I might not easily tell a virus in thecells of your body from the normal genes inhabiting them. It would be evenmore difficult to distinguish between viruses your body is accustomed toand those with which Hiroko infected you. I will try to do it, Trevize,but it will take time and I may not succeed.""Take time," said Trevize. "Try.""Certainly," said Bliss.
Pelorat said, "If Hiroko told the truth, Bliss, you might be able tofind viruses that seem to be already diminishing in vitality, and youcould accelerate their decline.""I could do that," said Bliss. "It is a good thought.""You won't weaken?" said Trevize. "You will have to destroy preciousbits of life when you kill those viruses, you know.""You are being sardonic, Trevize," said Bliss coolly, "but, sardonicor not, you are pointing out a true difficulty. Still, I can scarcelyfail to put you ahead of the virus. I will kill them if I have thechance, never fear. After all, even if I fail to consider you" andher mouth twitched as though she were repressing a smile "thencertainly Pelorat and Fallom are also at risk, and you might feel moreconfidence in my feeling for them than in my feeling for you. You mighteven remember that I myself am at risk.""I have no faith in your self-love," muttered Trevize. "You'reperfectly ready to give up your life for some high motive. I'll acceptyour concern for Pelorat, however." Then, he said, "I don't hear Fallom'sflute. Is anything wrong with her?""No," said Bliss. "She's asleep. A perfectly natural sleep that Ihad nothing to do with. And I would suggest that, after you work out theJump to the star we think is Earth's sun, we all do likewise. I need itbadly and I suspect you do, too, Trevize.""Yes, if I can manage. You were right, you know, Bliss.""About what, Trevize?""About Isolates. New Earth was not a paradise, however much itmight have seemed like one. That hospitality all that outgoingfriendliness at first was to put us off our guard, so that oneof us might be easily infected. And all the hospitality afterward,the festivals of this and that, were designed to keep us there till thefishing fleet returned and the activation could be carried through. Andit would have worked but for Fallom and her music. It might be you wereright there, too.""About Fallom?""Yes. I didn't want to take her along, and I've never been happy withher being on the ship. It was your doing, Bliss, that we have her hereand it was she who, unwittingly, saved us. And yet ""And yet what?""Despite that, I'm still uneasy at Fallom's presence. Idon't know why.""If it will make you feel better, Trevize, I don't know that we canlay all the credit at Fallom's feet. Hiroko advanced Fallom's music asher excuse for committing what the other Alphans would surely considerto be an act of treason. She may even have believed this, but there wassomething in her mind in addition, something that I vaguely detectedbut could not surely identify, something that perhaps she was ashamed tolet emerge into her conscious mind. I am under the impression that shefelt a warmth for you, and would not willingly see you die, regardlessof Fallom and her music.""Do you really think so?" said Trevize, smiling slightly for thefirst time since they had left Alpha.
"I think so. You must have a certain proficiency at dealing withwomen. You persuaded Minister Lizalor to allow us to take our shipand leave Comporellon, and you helped influence Hiroko to save ourlives. Credit where it's due."Trevize smiled more broadly. "Well, if you say so. On to Earth,then." He disappeared into the pilot-room with a step that was almostjaunty.
Pelorat, lingering behind, said, "You soothed him after all, didn'tyou, Bliss?""No, Pelorat, I never touched his mind.""You certainly did when you pampered his male vanity sooutrageously.""Entirely indirect," said Bliss, smiling.
"Even so, thank you, Bliss."86After the Jump, the star that might well be Earth'ssun was still a tenth of a parsec away. It was the brightest object inthe sky by far, but it was still no more than a star.
Trevize kept its light filtered for ease of viewing, and studiedit somberly.
He said, "There seems no doubt that it is the virtual twin of Alpha,the star that New Earth circles. Yet Alpha is in the computer map andthis star is not. We don't have a name for this star, we aren't givenits statistics, we lack any information concerning its planetary system,if it has one."Pelorat said, "Isn't that what we would expect if Earth circlesthis sun? Such a blackout of information would fit with the fact thatall information about Earth seems to have been eliminated.""Yes, but it could also mean that it's a Spacer world that justhappened not to be on the list on the wall of the Melpomenian building. Wecan't be altogether sure that that list was complete. Or this starcould be without planets and therefore perhaps not worth listing ona computer map which is primarily used for military and commercialpurposes. Janov, is there any legend that tells of Earth's sunbeing a mere parsec or so from a twin of itself."Pelorat shook his head. "I'm sorry, Golan, but no such legend occursto me. There may be one, though. My memory isn't perfect. I'll searchfor it.""It's not important. Is there any name given to Earth's sun?""Some different names are given. I imagine there must be a name ineach of the different languages.""I keep forgetting that Earth had many languages.""It must have had. It's the only way of making sense out of many ofthe legends."Trevize said peevishly, "Well, then, what do we do? We can't tellanything about the planetary system from this distance, and we have tomove closer. I would like to be cautious, but there's such a thing asexcessive and unreasoning caution, and I see no evidence of possibledanger. Presumably anything powerful enough to wipe the Galaxy clean ofinformation about Earth may be powerful enough to wipe us out even atthis distance if they seriously did not wish to be located, but nothing'shappened. It isn't rational to stay here forever on the mere possibilitythat something might happen if we move closer, is it?"Bliss said, "I take it the computer detects nothing that might beinterpreted as dangerous.""When I say I see no evidence of possible danger, it's the computerI'm relying on. I certainly can't see anything with the unaided eye. Iwouldn't expect to.""Then I take it you're just looking for support in making what youconsider a risky decision. All right, then. I'm with you. We haven'tcome this far in order to turn back for no reason, have we?""No," said Trevize. "What do you say, Pelorat?"Pelorat said, "I'm willing to move on, if only out of curiosity. Itwould be unbearable to go back without knowing if we have foundEarth.""Well, then," said Trevize, "we're all agreed.""Not all," said Pelorat. "There's Fallom."Trevize looked astonished. "Are you suggesting we consult the child? Ofwhat value would her opinion be even if she had one? Besides, all shewould want would be to get back to her own world.""Can you blame her for that?" asked Bliss warmly.
And because the matter of Fallom had arisen, Trevize became aware ofher flute, which was sounding in a rather stirring march rhythm.
"Listen to her," he said. "Where has she ever heard anything inmarch rhythm?""Perhaps Jemby played marches on the flute for her."Trevize shook his head. "I doubt it. Dance rhythms, I should think,lullabies. Listen, Fallom makes me uneasy. She learns tooquickly.""I help her," said Bliss. "Remember that. Andshe's very intelligent and she has been extraordinarilystimulated in the time she's been with us. New sensations have floodedher mind. She's seen space, different worlds, many people, all for thefirst time."Fallom's march music grew wilder and more richly barbaric.
Trevize sighed and said, "Well, she's here, and she's producing musicthat seems to breathe optimism, and delight in adventure. I'll take thatas her vote in favor of moving in more closely. Let us do so cautiously,then, and check this sun's planetary system.""If any," said Bliss.
Trevize smiled thinly. "There's a planetary system. It's a bet. Chooseyour sum."87"You lose," said Trevize abstractedly. "How much moneydid you decide to bet?""None. I never accepted the wager," said Bliss.
"Just as well. I wouldn't like to accept the money, anyway."They were some 10 billion kilometers from the sun. It was stillstar-like, but it was nearly 1/4,000 as bright as the average sun wouldhave been when viewed from the surface of a habitable planet.
"We can see two planets under magnification, right now," saidTrevize. "From their measured diameters and from the spectrum of thereflected light, they are clearly gas giants."The ship was well outside the planetary plane, and Bliss and Pelorat,staring over Trevize's shoulder at the viewscreen, found themselveslooking at two tiny crescents of greenish light. The smaller was in thesomewhat thicker phase of the two.
Trevize said, "Janov! It is correct, isn't it, that Earth's sun issuppose to have four gas giants.""According to the legends. Yes," said Pelorat.
"The nearest of the four to the sun is the largest, and the secondnearest has rings. Right?""Large prominent rings, Golan. Yes. Just the same, old chap, you haveto allow for exaggeration in the telling and retelling of a legend. If weshould not find a planet with an extraordinary ring system, I don't thinkwe ought to let that count seriously against this being Earth's star.""Nevertheless, the two we see may be the farthest, and the twonearer ones may well be on the other side of the sun and too far to beeasily located against the background of stars. We'll have to move stillcloser and beyond the sun to the other side.""Can that be done in the presence of the star's nearby mass?""With reasonable caution, the computer can do it, I'm sure. If itjudges the danger to be too great, however, it will refuse to budge us,and we can then move in cautious, smaller steps."His mind directed the computer and the starfield on theviewscreen changed. The star brightened sharply and then moved off theviewscreen as the computer, following directions, scanned the sky foranother gas giant. It did so successfully.
All three onlookers stiffened and stared, while Trevize's mind,almost helpless with astonishment, fumbled at the computer to directfurther magnification.
"Incredible," gasped Bliss.
88A gas giant was in view, seen at an angle that allowedmost of it to be sunlit. About it, there curved a broad and brilliantring of material, tipped so as to catch the sunlight on the side beingviewed. It was brighter than the planet itself and along it, one thirdof the way in toward the planet, was a narrow, dividing line.
Trevize threw in a request for maximum enhancement and the ring becameringlets, narrow and concentric, glittering in the sunlight. Only aportion of the ring system was visible on the viewscreen and the planetitself had moved off. A further direction from Trevize and one cornerof the screen marked itself off and showed, within itself, a miniatureof the planet and rings under lesser magnification.
"Is that sort of thing common?" asked Bliss, awed.
"No," said Trevize. "Almost every gas giant has rings of debris, butthey tend to be faint and narrow. I once saw one in which the rings werenarrow, but quite bright. But I never saw anything like this; or heardof it, either."Pelorat said, "That's clearly the ringed giant the legends speakof. If this is really unique ""Really unique, as far as I know, or as far as the computer knows,"said Trevize.
"Then this must be the planetary system containingEarth. Surely, no one could invent such a planet. It would have had tohave been seen to be described."Trevize said, "I'm prepared to believe just about anything your legendssay now. This is the sixth planet and Earth would be the third?""Right, Golan.""Then I would say we were less than 1.5 billion kilometers from Earth,and we haven't been stopped. Gaia stopped us when we approached."Bliss said, "You were closer to Gaia when you were stopped.""Ah," said Trevize, "but it's my opinion Earth is more powerful thanGaia, and I take this to be a good sign. If we are not stopped, it maybe that Earth does not object to our approach.""Or that there is no Earth," said Bliss.
"Do you care to bet this time?" asked Trevize grimly.
"What I think Bliss means," put in Pelorat, "is that Earth may beradioactive as everyone seems to think, and that no one stops us becausethere is no life on the Earth.""No," said Trevize violently. "I'll believe everything that's saidabout Earth, but that. We'll just close in on Earth andsee for ourselves. And I have the feeling we won't be stopped."89The gas giants were well behind. An asteroid beltlay just inside the gas giant nearest the sun. (That gas giant was thelargest and most massive, just as the legends said.)Inside the asteroid belt were four planets.
Trevize studied them carefully. "The third is the largest. The sizeis appropriate and the distance from the sun is appropriate. It couldbe habitable."Pelorat caught what seemed to be a note of uncertainty in Trevize'swords.
He said, "Does it have an atmosphere?""Oh yes," said Trevize. "The second, third, and fourth planets allhave atmospheres. And, as in the old children's tale, the second's istoo dense, the fourth's is not dense enough, but the third's is justright.""Do you think it might be Earth, then?""Think?" said Trevize almost explosively. "I don't have to think. Itis Earth. It has the giant satellite you told me of.""It has?" And Pelorat's face broke into a wider smile than any thatTrevize had ever seen upon it.
"Absolutely! Here, look at it under maximum magnification."Pelorat saw two crescents, one distinctly larger and brighter thanthe other.
"Is that smaller one the satellite?" he asked.
"Yes. It's rather farther from the planet than one might expect butit's definitely revolving about it. It's only the size of a small planet;in fact, it's smaller than any of the four inner planets circling thesun. Still, it's large for a satellite. It's at least two thousandkilometers in diameter, which makes it in the size range of the largesatellites that revolve about gas giants.""No larger?" Pelorat seemed disappointed. "Then it's not a giantsatellite?""Yes, it is. A satellite with a diameter of two to three thousandkilometers that is circling an enormous gas giant is one thing. That samesatellite circling a small, rocky habitable planet is quite another. Thatsatellite has a diameter over a quarter that of Earth. Where have youheard of such near-parity involving a habitable planet?"Pelorat said timidly, "I know very little of such things."Trevize said, "Then take my word for it, Janov. It's unique. We'relooking at something that is practically a double planet, and there arefew habitable planets that have anything more than pebbles orbitingthem. Janov, if you consider that gas giant with its enormous ringsystem in sixth place, and this planet with its enormous satellite inthird both of which your legends told you about, against allcredibility, before you ever saw them then that world you'relooking at must be Earth. It cannot conceivably be anythingelse. We've found it, Janov; we've found it."90THey were on the second day of their coasting progresstoward Earth, and Bliss yawned over the dinner meal. She said, "It seemsto me we've spent more time coasting toward and away from planets thananything else. We've spent weeks at it, literally.""Partly," said Trevize, "that's because Jumps are dangeroustoo close to a star. And in this case, we'removing very slowly because I do not wish to advance into possible dangertoo quickly.""I thought you said you had the feeling we would not be stopped.""So I do, but I don't want to stake everything on a feeling." Trevizelooked at the contents of the spoon before putting it into his mouthand said, "You know, I miss the fish we had on Alpha. We only had threemeals there.""A pity," agreed Pelorat.
"Well," said Bliss, "we visited five worlds and had to leave eachone of them so hurriedly that we never had time to add to our foodsupplies and introduce variety. Even when the world had food to offer,as did Comporellon and Alpha, and, presumably "She did not complete the sentence, for Fallom, looking up quickly,finished it for her. "Solaria? Could you get no food there? There isplenty of food there. As much as on Alpha. And better, too.""I know that, Fallom," said Bliss. "There was just no time."Fallom stared at her solemnly. "Will I ever see Jemby again,Bliss? Tell me the truth."Bliss said, "You may, if we return to Solaria.""Will we ever return to Solaria?"Bliss hesitated. "I cannot say.""Now we go to Earth, is that right? Isn't that the planet where yousay we all originate?""Where our forebears originated," said Bliss.
"I can say `ancestors,'" said Fallom.
"Yes, we are going to Earth."Bliss said lightly, "Wouldn't anyone wish to see the world of theirancestors?""I think there's more to it. You all seem so concerned.""But we've never been there before. We don't know what to expect.""I think it is more than that."Bliss smiled. "You've finished eating, Fallom dear, so why not goto the room and let us have a little serenade on your flute. You'replaying it more beautifully all the time. Come, come." She gave Falloman accelerating pat on the rear end, and off Fallom went, turning onlyonce to give Trevize a thoughtful look.
Trevize looked after her with clear distaste. "Does that thing readminds?""Don't call her a `thing,' Trevize," said Bliss sharply.
"Does she read minds? You ought to be able to tell.""No, she doesn't. Nor can Gaia. Nor can the SecondFoundationers. Reading minds in the sense of overhearing a conversation,or making out precise ideas is not something that can be done now, or inthe foreseeable future. We can detect, interpret, and, to some extent,manipulate emotions, but that is not the same thing at all.""How do you know she can't do this thing that supposedly can't bedone?""Because as you have just said, I ought to be able to tell.""Perhaps she is manipulating you so that you remain ignorant of thefact that she can."Bliss rolled her eyes upward. "Be reasonable, Trevize. Even if she hadunusual abilities, she could do nothing with me for I am not Bliss, I amGaia. You keep forgetting. Do you know the mental inertia representedby an entire planet? Do you think one Isolate, however talented, canovercome that?""You don't know everything, Bliss, so don't be overconfident," saidTrevize sullenly. "That th She has been with us notvery long. I couldn't learn anything but the rudiments of a language inthat time, yet she already speaks Galactic perfectly and with virtuallya full vocabulary. Yes, I know you've been helping her, but I wish youwould stop.""I told you I was helping her, but I also told you she's fearfullyintelligent. Intelligent enough so that I would like to have her part ofGaia. If we can gather her in; if she's still young enough; we might learnenough about the Solarians to absorb that entire world eventually. Itmight well be useful to us.""Does it occur to you that the Solarians are pathological Isolateseven by my standards?""They wouldn't stay so as part of Gaia.""I think you're wrong, Bliss. I think that Solarian child is dangerousand that we should get rid of her.""How? Dump her through the airlock? Kill her, chop her up, and addher to our food supply?"Pelorat said, "Oh, Bliss."And Trevize said, "That's disgusting, and completely uncalled for." Helistened for a moment. The flute was sounding without flaw or waver,and they had been talking in half-whispers. "When this is all over, we'vegot to return her to Solaria, and make sure that Solaria is forever cutoff from the Galaxy. My own feeling is that it should be destroyed. Idistrust and fear it."Bliss thought awhile and said, "Trevize, I know that you have the knackof coming to a right decision, but I also know you have been antipatheticto Fallom from the start. I suspect that may just be because you werehumiliated on Solaria and have taken a violent hatred to the planet andits inhabitants as a result. Since I must not tamper with your mind,I can't tell that for sure. Please remember that if we had not takenFallom with us, we would be on Alpha right now dead and, I presume,buried.""I know that, Bliss, but even so ""And her intelligence is to be admired, not envied.""I do not envy her. I fear her.""Her intelligence?"Trevize licked his lips thoughtfully. "No, not quite.""What, then?""I don't know. Bliss, if I knew what I feared, I might not have tofear it. It's something I don't quite understand." His voice lowered,as though he were speaking to himself. "The Galaxy seems to be crowdedwith things I don't understand. Why did I choose Gaia? Why must I findEarth? Is there a missing assumption in psychohistory? If there is,what is it? And on top of all that, why does Fallom make me uneasy?"Bliss said, "Unfortunately, I can't answer those questions." She rose,and left the room.
Pelorat looked after her, then said, "Surely things aren't totallyblack, Golan. We're getting closer and closer to Earth and once we reachit all mysteries may be solved. And so far nothing seems to be makingany effort to stop us from reaching it."Trevize's eyes flickered toward Pelorat and he said in a low voice,"I wish something would."Pelorat said, "You do? Why should you want that?""Frankly, I'd welcome a sign of life."Pelorat's eyes opened wide. "Have you found that Earth is radioactiveafter all?""Not quite. But it is warm. A bit warmer than I would haveexpected.""Is that bad?""Not necessarily. It may be rather warm but that wouldn't make itnecessarily uninhabitable. The cloud cover is thick and it is definitelywater vapor, so that those clouds, together with a copious water ocean,could tend to keep things livable despite the temperature we calculatedfrom microwave emission. I can't be sure, yet. It's just that ""Yes, Golan?""Well, if Earth were radioactive, that might well account for itsbeing warmer than expected.""But that doesn't argue the reverse, does it? If it's warmer thanexpected, that doesn't mean it must be radioactive.""No. No, it doesn't." Trevize managed to force a smile. "No usebrooding, Janov. In a day or two, I'll be able to tell more about itand we'll know for sure."91Fallom was sitting on the cot in deep thought whenBliss came into the room. Fallom looked up briefly, then down again.
Bliss said quietly, "What's the matter, Fallom?"Fallom said, "Why does Trevize dislike me so much, Bliss?""What makes you think he dislikes you.""He looks at me impatiently Is that the word?""It might be the word.""He looks at me impatiently when I am near him. His face always twistsa little.""Trevize is having a hard time, Fallom.""Because he's looking for Earth?""Yes."Fallom thought awhile, then said, "He is particularly impatient whenI think something into moving."Bliss's lips tightened. "Now, Fallom, didn't I tell you you must notdo that, especially when Trevize is present?""Well, it was yesterday, right here in this room, and he was in thedoorway and I didn't notice. I didn't know he was watching. It was justone of Pel's book-films, anyway, and I was trying to make it stand onone tip. I wasn't doing any harm.""It makes him nervous, Fallom, and I want you not to do it, whetherhe's watching or not.""Does it make him nervous because he can't do it?""Perhaps.""Can you do it?"Bliss shook her head slowly. "No, I can't.""It doesn't make you nervous when I do it. It doesn't make Pel nervous,either.""People are different.""I know," said Fallom, with a sudden hardness that surprised Blissand caused her to frown.
"What do you know, Fallom?"" I'm different.""Of course, I just said so. People are different.""My shape is different. I can move things.""That's true."Fallom said, with a shade of rebelliousness, "I must move things. Trevize should not be angry with me for that, and you shouldnot stop me.""But why must you move things?""It is practice. Exerceez. Is that the right word?""Not quite. Exercise.""Yes. Jemby always said I must train my my ""Transducer-lobes?""Yes. And make them strong. Then, when I was grown up, I could powerall the robots. Even Jemby.""Fallom, who did power all the robots if you did not?""Bander." Fallom said it very matter-of-factly.
"Did you know Bander?""Of course. I viewed him many times. I was to be the nextestate-head. The Bander estate would become the Fallom estate. Jembytold me so.""You mean Bander came to your "Fallom's mouth made a perfect O of shock. She said in a choked voice,"Bander would never come to " The youngster ran out of breath andpanted a bit, then said, "I viewed Bander's image."Bliss asked hesitantly, "How did Bander treat you?"Fallom looked at Bliss with a faintly puzzled eye. "Bander would askme if I needed anything; if I was comfortable. But Jemby was always nearme so I never needed anything and I was always comfortable."Her head bent and she stared at the floor. Then she placed her handsover her eyes and said, "But Jemby stopped. I think it was because Banderstopped, too."Bliss said, "Why do you say that?""I've been thinking about it. Bander powered all the robots, and ifJemby stopped, and all the other robots, too, it must be that Banderstopped. Isn't that so?"Bliss was silent.
Fallom said, "But when you take me back to Solaria I will power Jembyand all the rest of the robots, and I will be happy again."She was sobbing.
Bliss said, "Aren't you happy with us, Fallom? Just alittle? Sometimes?"Fallom lifted her tear-stained face to Bliss and her voice trembledas she shook her head and said, "I want Jemby."In an agony of sympathy, Bliss threw her arms about the youngster. "Oh,Fallom, how I wish I could bring you and Jemby together again," and wassuddenly aware that she was weeping, too.
92Pelorat entered and found them so. He halted in mid-stepand said, "What's the matter?"Bliss detached herself and fumbled for a small tissue so that shemight wipe her eyes. She shook her head, and Pelorat at once said,with heightened concern, "But what's the matter ?"Bliss said, "Fallom, just rest a little. I'll think of something tomake things a little better for you. Remember I love you just thesame way that Jemby did."She seized Pelorat's elbow and rushed him out into the living room,saying, "It's nothing, Pel. Nothing.""It's Fallom, though, isn't it? She still misses Jemby.""Terribly. And there's nothing we can do about it. I can tell herthat I love her and, truthfully, I do. How can you help loving achild so intelligent and gentle? Fearfully intelligent. Trevizethinks too intelligent. She's seen Bander in her time,you know or viewed it, rather, as a holographic image. She's notmoved by that memory, however; she's very cold and matter-of-fact aboutit, and I can understand why. There was only the fact that Bander wasowner of the estate and that Fallom would be the next owner that boundthem. No other relationship at all.""Does Fallom understand that Bander is her father?""Her mother . If we agree that Fallom is to be regardedas feminine, so is Bander.""Either way, Bliss dear. Is Fallom aware of the parentalrelationship?""I don't know that she would understand what that is. She may, ofcourse, but she gave no hint. However, Pel, she has reasoned out thatBander is dead, for it's dawned on her that Jemby's inactivation must bethe result of power loss and since Bander supplied the power Thatfrightens me."Pelorat said thoughtfully, "Why should it, Bliss? It's only a logicalinference, after all.""Another logical inference can be drawn from that death. Deathsmust be few and far distant on Solaria with its long-lived and isolatedSpacers. Experience of natural death must be a limited one for any ofthem, and probably absent altogether for a Solarian child of Fallom'sage. If Fallom continues to think of Bander's death, she's going to beginto wonder why Bander died, and the fact that it happenedwhen we strangers were on the planet will surely lead her to the obviouscause and effect.""That we killed Bander?""It wasn't we who killed Bander, Pel. It was I .""She couldn't guess that.""But I would have to tell her that. She is annoyed with Trevize as itis, and he is clearly the leader of the expedition. She would take itfor granted that it would be he who would have brought about the deathof Bander, and how could I allow Trevize to bear the blame unjustly?""What would it matter, Bliss? The child feels nothing for herfath mother. Only for her robot, Jemby.""But the death of the mother meant the death of her robot, too. Ialmost did own up to my responsibility. I was strongly tempted.""Why?""So I could explain it my way. So I could soothe her, forestall herown discovery of the fact in a reasoning process that would work it outin a way that would offer no justification for it.""But there was justification. It was self-defense. Ina moment, we all would have been dead, if you had not acted.""It's what I would have said, but I could not bring myself toexplain. I was afraid she wouldn't believe me."Pelorat shook his head. He said, sighing, "Do you suppose it mighthave been better if we had not brought her? The situation makes youso unhappy.""No," said Bliss angrily, "don't say that. It would have mademe infinitely more unhappy to have to sit here right now and rememberthat we had left an innocent child behind to be slaughtered mercilesslybecause of what we had done.""It's the way of Fallom's world.""Now, Pel, don't fall into Trevize's way of thinking. Isolatesfind it possible to accept such things and think no more about it. Theway of Gaia is to save life, however, not destroy it or to sitidly by while it is destroyed. Life of all kinds must, we all know,constantly be coming to an end in order that other life might endure,but never uselessly, never to no end. Bander's death, though unavoidable,is hard enough to bear; Fallom's would have been past all bounds.""Ah well," said Pelorat, "I suppose you're right. And in anycase, it is not the problem of Fallom concerning which I've come to seeyou. It's Trevize.""What about Trevize?""Bliss, I'm worried about him. He's waiting to determine the factsabout Earth, and I'm not sure he can withstand the strain.""I don't fear for him. I suspect he has a sturdy and stable mind.""We all have our limits. Listen, the planet Earth is warmer than heexpected it to be; he told me so. I suspect that he thinks it may be toowarm for life, though he's clearly trying to talk himself into believingthat's not so.""Maybe he's right. Maybe it's not too warm for life.""Also, he admits it's possible that the warmth might possibly arisefrom a radioactive crust, but he is refusing to believe that also. -Ina day or two, we'll be close enough so that the truth of the matter willbe unmistakable. What if Earth is radioactive?""Then he'll have to accept the fact.""But I don't know how to say this, or how to put it in mentalterms. What if his mind "Bliss waited, then said wryly, "Blows a fuse?""Yes. Blows a fuse. Shouldn't you do something now to strengthenhim? Keep him level and under control, so to speak?""No, Pel. I can't believe he's that fragile, and there is a firmGaian decision that his mind must not be tampered with.""But that's the very point. He has this unusual `rightness,' orwhatever you want to call it. The shock of his entire project fallingto nothingness at the moment when it seems successfully concluded maynot destroy his brain, but it may destroy his `rightness.' It's a veryunusual property he has. Might it not be unusually fragile, too?"Bliss remained for a moment in thought. Then she shrugged. "Well,perhaps I'll keep an eye on him."93For the next thirty-six hours, Trevize was vaguelyaware that Bliss and, to a lesser degree, Pelorat, tended to dog hisfootsteps. Still, that was not utterly unusual in a ship as compact astheirs, and he had other things on his mind.
Now, as he sat at the computer, he was aware of them standing justinside the doorway. He looked up at them, his face blank.
"Well?" he said, in a very quiet voice.
Pelorat said, rather awkwardly, "How are you, Golan?"Trevize said, "Ask Bliss. She's been staring at me intently forhours. She must be poking through my mind. Aren't you, Bliss?""No, I am not," said Bliss evenly, "but if you feel the need for myhelp, I can try. Do you want my help?""No, why should I? Leave me alone. Both of you."Pelorat said, "Please tell us what's going on.""Guess!""Is Earth ""Yes, it is. What everyone insisted on telling us is perfectlytrue." Trevize gestured at the viewscreen, where Earth presented itsnightside and was eclipsing the sun. It was a solid circle of blackagainst the starry sky, its circumference outlined by a broken orangecurve.
Pelorat said, "Is that orange the radioactivity?""No. Just refracted sunlight through the atmosphere. It would bea solid orange circle if the atmosphere weren't so cloudy. We can'tsee the radioactivity. The various radiations, even the gamma rays, areabsorbed by the atmosphere. However, they do set up secondary radiations,comparatively feeble ones, but the computer can detect them. They'restill invisible to the eye, but the computer can produce a photon ofvisible light for each particle or wave of radiation it receives andput Earth into false color. Look."And the black circle glowed with a faint, blotchy blue.
"How much radioactivity is there?" asked Bliss, in a low voice. "Enoughto signify that no human life can exist there?""No life of any kind," said Trevize. "The planet is uninhabitable. Thelast bacterium, the last virus, is long gone.""Can we explore it?" said Pelorat. "I mean, in space suits.""For a few hours before we come down with irreversible radiationsickness.""Then what do we do, Golan?""Do?" Trevize looked at Pelorat with that same expressionlessface. "Do you know what I would like to do? I would like to take youand Bliss and the child back to Gaia and leave you allthere forever. Then I would like to go back to Terminus and hand backthe ship. Then I would like to resign from the Council, which ought tomake Mayor Branno very happy. Then I would like to live on my pensionand let the Galaxy go as it will. I won't care about the Seldon Plan, orabout the Foundation, or about the Second Foundation, or about Gaia. TheGalaxy can choose its own path. It will last my time and why should Icare a snap as to what happens afterward?""Surely, you don't mean it, Golan," said Pelorat urgently.
Trevize stared at him for a while, and then he drew a long breath. "No,I don't, but, oh, how I wish I could do exactly what I have just outlinedto you.""Never mind that. What will you do?""Keep the ship in orbit about the Earth, rest, get over the shock ofall this, and think of what to do next. Except that ""Yes?"And Trevize blurted out, "What can I do next? What is there furtherto look for? What is there further to find?"


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