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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2016-02-25 0

“o : Customer service depertment  
I ordered one pair of  shoes in your online store 6pm , the brand is Frye and the size i ordered is 5.5m. But i found it\'s totally wrong size( 7.5m )after i received the  shoes. and it\'s not my size at all.I should declare that I\'m an abroad customer and I come from China,What\'s the problem ? and what should i do ? i have to say it brought me much trouble by u picking the wrong size for me. Please let me know your solution how to solve the problem asap.  I hope to get a reasonable explanation and compensate my loss!As I said,I\'m an abroad customer,if I return the goods to the United States by mail,I will pay at least $50!
Look forward to your reply.Thank you so much! ”

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