《New Ways》——Daughter_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 《New Ways》——Daughter

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等级: 派派贵宾
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2016-02-01 0

Worst I bring
I have a dirty mind
Oh, I need, I need new ways
To waste my time
I need new ways

Worst I bring
I live alone, alone, alone
Worst I face
Keep it inside, I need new ways
To waste my time
I need, I need new ways

I’m trying to get out
Find a subtle way out
Not just cross myself out
Not just disappear

I’ve been trying to stay out
But there’s something in you
I can’t be without
I just need it here

I’m trying to get out
Find a subtle way out
Not to cross myself out
Not to disappear

I’ve been trying to stay out
But there’s something in you
I can’t be without
I just need it here

Oh I need
New ways to waste my time
I need new ways
To waste my time
I need new ways
To waste my time


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