[转载] 美国亚马逊网站 primer members扣99刀年费顺利追回_派派后花园

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[转载] 美国亚马逊网站 primer members扣99刀年费顺利追回

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等级: 内阁元老
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你笑起来真好看  像夏天的阳光
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2016-01-25 0
之前看好多人推荐加入美国亚马逊网站的primer members,说很多东西有折扣,有两日免费送达等等好处。宝妈加入了以后也确实尝到了甜头,现在这个primer是一个月试用期,过了一个月不取消是要收99刀年费的。我开通那天还专门在本子上记下了到期日8月23日,想着一定要取消。23日宝爸顺嘴问了一句你primer取消了吗,我一看赶紧到美亚取消了,当时账户里看到还有一个 Amazon mom membership,我大概半个多月前加入的,我理解为类似兴趣小组的组织,就没管它。结果悲剧了。23号晚上看到折扣网站热火朝天的 rebecca minkoff 折扣还在继续,本来想在官网买,但是卖的差不多了颜色选择太少。于是到美亚一看,喜欢的款式折扣价格比官网还低,颜色齐全!于是兴高采烈的下单了,选到11点多,付款的时候来了条短信“成功消费美元99元”,傻眼了,一看这个金额就知道了primer扣费的,记得明明取消的,现在知道是mom membership没有取消!
You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.com

Me:Hello, I have been deducted prime Member costs $ 99 this afternoon, now I have canceled my membership, this deduction can be returned to me?
Amazon:Hello, my name is Rachael C. I'll be glad to help you.
I am sorry to hear you are not interested in Prime membership. I will be happy to see if you are eligible for a refund of the membership cost. What is your email address?
Me:i remember i have canceled my membership yesterday already。It's so strange
Amazon:Ok, I can look...what is your email address?
Me:my email address is tangdongqin@126.com  
Amazon:thank you!
Please provide the first and last name on your account:
Me:Dongqin Tang
Amazon:And your complete billing address please?
ok I show that you have a prime membership and an amazon mom membership.
did you mean to have them both?
I do see you changed the automatic renewal but you did not cancel...
I can do that for you.
ok, I have properly cancelled that for you. You will be refunded the $99 to your credit card.
It will take up to 2-3 business days for that credit to be seen on the card.
Me:yes,thank you very much!
Amazon:Is there anything else I can do to help?
Me:is amazon mom membership free?
Amazon:for the trial, but at the end of it, I have set it so that you will not be charged unless you manually accept it
no prime membership is free past its 30 day trial.
and only one trial every 12 months.
Me:thank you so much
Amazon:your very welcome!
We look forward to seeing you again soon at Amazon.com. Thanks for allowing me to assist you today. Take care. Bye!
Me:bye !have a nice day!

Amazon from Amazon.com has left the conversation.

    没有prime membership是免费的,30天试用期结束后不取消都是收费的,包括Amazon mom membership,这不是兴趣小组(我笑了)!8月26号上午收到短信“信用卡美元99元退款已到账”。遇到同样问题的童鞋大可不必惊慌,如果收到短信先结束手上的交易,如果忘记取消primer membership,只要你在之后没有成功付款下单,就是还没有享受primer的服务,年费99刀是可以追回的!
本帖提到的人: @126.com
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