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等级: 职业撰稿
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-09-18 0
The British do a lot of popping. They pop in and pop out; pop up and pop down; pop over and pop across; pop into; pop off. Americans don't use this strange expresstion much. 让我们赶快看看在英国这么流行的pop都有哪些常见的用法,当然,请在非正式场合使用下列用语。

  Jack:"Betty, will you marry me?"

  Betty was so happy. She told her best friend next day:"Jack and I are going to be married next month. He popped the question last night, suddenly and unexpectedly, when we were walking in the park. I'm so happy!"

  popped the question: Informal.To propose marriage. 求婚

  Jane给他的女友 Selma打电话:

  "Selma, I'm going to be near your place tonight. Is it OK if I pop in for a minute?"

  pop in:To visit briefly: just popped by to say hello. 短时间拜访

  近义词:drop in;visit;pay a visit

  又如:I was passing by, noticed the light was on, so I thought I would just pop in for a chat.


  "Peter, where have you been? I phoned you several times this afternoon."

  Perter:" Oh, I popped out to take the dog for a walk. Sorry! Why don't you pop in this evening?"

  popped out : exit briefly;move out of or depart from; leave the room. 短时间外出

  近义词:exit, get out, go out, leave

  又如:I'm going to pop out to the shops for ten minutes. Don't answer the door if anyone calls.


  "Don, Mrs.Short on the tenth floor has a problem with her TV. Will you pop up this evening helping her?"

  pop up:appear suddenly or unexpectedly 突然出现

  又如:I hadn't seen him for years. Then he just popped up one day at the club we used to belong to.


  " Jimmy, we don't have any suger. Will you pop over the road to the shop and buy a packer?"

  pop over: 赶到

  又如:My new neighbours across the road had just moved in so I popped over to see them.


  " Bob, old Mr.Smith on the second floor is very lonely. I said I'd pop round tonight and keep him company."

  pop round:去做客(时间不确定)

  又如:A: Would you like to pop round one night this week? Would Wednesday evening suit you? B: I';d love to.


  " Sam, where did you buy that beautiful tie?"

  Sam:" I needed a new tie, so I popped into the department store and bought it."

  popped into:To move quickly or unexpectedly 突然冲入

  又如:The farm popped into view as we turned the corner.


  1 pop in, pop out, pop up和pop over基本都是appearing or disappearing (popping out) briefly and casually的意思。

  2 当然,pop out 还有另外一个含义:burst open with a short sharpish sound 突然爆开,发出砰响

  例如:He had shaken the champagne bottle and the cork popped out before he was ready to pour.
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