《傻瓜回忆录》经典插曲 If There Is Something_派派后花园

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[活动专列] 《傻瓜回忆录》经典插曲 If There Is Something

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等级: 派派贵宾
Heirate mich
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-10-15 0
演唱:Roxy Music
If there is something that I might find
Look around corners
Try to find peace of mind I say
Where would you go if you were me
Try to keep a straight course not easy
Somebody special looking at me
A certain reaction we find
What should it try to be I mean
If there are many
Meaning the same
Be specific just a game
I would do anything for you
I would climb mountains
I would swim all the oceans blue
I would walk a thousand miles
Reveal my secrets
More than enough for me to share
I would put roses round our door
Sit in the garden
Growing potatoes by the score
Shake your hair girl with your ponytail
Takes me right back (when you were young)
Throw your precious gifts into the air
Watch them fall down (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
You used to walk upon (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The hills were higher (when we were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The trees were taller (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
The grass was greener (when you were young)
Lift up your feet and put them on the ground
You used to walk upon (when you were young)

1971年,(Roxy Music)在艺术摇滚运动中应运而生,核心成员包括主唱Bryan Ferry,吉他手Phil Manzanera,萨克斯手Andy Mackay和键盘手Brian Eno(73年离队单飞)。由于对先锋音乐与流行艺术的强烈喜好,乐队成员对时尚的追求决定了这支乐队的风格。虽然当时只有Eno一人化妆作性别模糊的中性装扮,但他们令人目眩的奇异服饰和迷幻浪漫的优美旋律使后人同样把他们归入了华丽摇滚范畴。


等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-08-29 0
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