Butterfly fly away,miley cyrus的歌_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] Butterfly fly away,miley cyrus的歌

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想好好学习阿,- -
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-07-23 0
butterfly fly away是美国歌手麦莉·赛勒斯的一首歌曲作品,歌曲内容表达了作者充满了对美好未来的憧憬,对美好事物的向往。


You tuck me in, turn out the light 掖好被子,关了灯
Left me safe and sound at night 让我安然入睡
Little girls depend on things like that 小女生需要这样被宠

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 替我梳洗打扮
Had to drive me everywhere 护送我去每个地方
You were always there when I looked back 需要你的时候你总在我身边

You had to do it all alone 你一个人照顾我
Make a living, make a home 又为生计奔波
Must have been as hard as it could be 那应该很难吧

And when I couldn't sleep at night 当我无法入睡
Scared things wouldn't turn out right 被噩梦惊醒
You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握着我的手,唱着:

Caterpillar in the tree 树上的毛毛虫啊
How you wonder who you'll be 你想变成什么呢?
Can't go far but you can dream 飞不走,但你可以梦想呀!

Wish you may and wish you might 你的梦想可以成真
Don't you worry, hold on tight 别担心 抓紧我
I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天
Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶

Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶快飞吧
Got your wings, now you can't stay 有了翅膀,就不要停留
Take those dreams and make them all come true 带着所有的梦想去飞吧

Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶快飞吧
You've been waiting for this day 你等了这天很久了
All along and know just what to do 你知道该怎么做的

Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly 蝴蝶呀,蝴蝶呀,蝴蝶呀
Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶快快飞

Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶快快飞

Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶快快飞
[ 此帖被若麦香浓。在2011-07-26 18:42重新编辑 ]


等级: 牙牙学语
I miss you ,but I missed you.
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-07-28 0
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