同志亦凡人 纪录片《你如此坚强》_派派后花园

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[影视闲聊] 同志亦凡人 纪录片《你如此坚强》

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等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-06-05 0
同志亦凡人 纪录片《你如此坚强》
同志亦凡人 纪录片《你如此坚强》





On 17 May 1990, the World Health Organization decided to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. Since then, 17 May has become the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), a worldwide day of action against homophobia and transphobia in all its different forms.

In its most extreme form, homophobia gives rise to violence, a world-wide problem recognized by the UN. China has also seen its share of homophobic violence, yet it has gone largely underreported. A particularly urgent problem, reflecting the ubiquity of homophobic violence in society, consists of the mental and physical harassment or “bullying” of LGBT people in the educational system.

The documentary “Strong” raises awareness on homophobic violence in China. With this film, Queer Comrades puts a human face on violence against LGBT people in China. Meet Zhang Lingxuan, a young man from Fujian: physically harassed in high school for being openly gay. he finds out how deep homophobia runs when he doesn’t get any support from the school authorities. Armed with an indestructible spirit, he courageously pursues his dreams and starts using his experience to raise LGBT awareness throughout China. Complemented by testimonies of Chinese experts & activities, this documentary is a testimony to the importance of bringing violence against LGBT people to the forefront, and gives you some ideas on how you can make things better.

Get informed and take a stand against homophobia and transphobia!


等级: *
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-02-04 0


等级: 脱颖而出
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2013-02-05 0
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