[blockquote][/blockquote] 藤田惠美,英文名EmiFujita , 如果有留意日本艺能界和熟悉日文歌曲的朋友,肯定对她不陌生。1991年藤田惠美与丈夫组成“Le Couple”组合,并唱红了日剧《同一屋檐下》里的插曲《温暖的诗句》,奠定了其美声歌后的地位。94年出道的Le Couple这对夫妇组合,总是给人亲切和谐的感觉,在音乐上都是以简单温柔的曲风为主,在毫无压力的旋律中,感觉到似乎渐渐地与空气融合,这就是「Le Couple 绝配二人组」的魅力所在.但在藤田惠美自己个人所发行的作品就给人另一种不同的温柔感,可以形容为『透明系天籁美声』,因为她的声音是那样的舒服、温暖。(本段摘自百度百科[url]http://baike.baidu.com/view/311116.htm[/url])
I looked in the sky and there I saw a star shining so bright above
I closed my eyes and wished upon the star that I would find true love
Someone who needed me Someone came to share my life
For a love that would be true I would wait forever
So...no...matter how long it may be I will be waiting
One star-brighter than the others Two Hearts-beating for each other
I believe wishes really come true
Love at first sight I knew it from the moment when you said hello
I hoped you felt it too but we were both so shy how was I to know
when you reached for my hand I knew you were the one
We laughed and talked for hours like I'd known you forever
Like...a...dream or something from a book True love has found me
One star-brighter than the others Two Hearts-beating for each other
Now I see wishes really come true You just have to dream
Nothing's as bad as it seems to be...believe me
Someone's waiting for you to try There in the sky
One star-brighter than the others Two Hearts-beating for each other
You will see wishes really come true
You can't stop believing-wishes do come true You gotta believe me wishes do come true... [/align]
[blockquote][/blockquote]对于我来说, 这首歌听了这么多年都没有听腻,必然是有她的魅力在的,希望现在的你们也感受到了~希望你们喜欢[s:298]
[ 此贴被schnee泠在2010-11-19 20:06重新编辑 ]