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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2008-08-21 0
-------------------The Angel's tears-------------

  Clear and quiet night sky.
  a drop of glittering brillant slips.
  so cool ,so soft.
  I know in fact that's the Angel's tear!

  The Angel should be cheerful and happy  
  but why she's in tear, why she's so sad.
  Her friends left her , her lover botrayed her.
  or life is tormenting her?

  I don't know , Idon't know.
  I only know that drop of tear has fallen into my heart.
  make me touch a lovely and distressed soul.
  my dear angel,why you're in dear
  and how can I stroke your wound smooth.
  let tears turn into eternol pleasure
  pleasure is not a smoke flower that just exist
  for a moment , pleasure is for ever.
  I hope the angel's tears are like smoke flowers.
  when pleasure like flowing water.

  My dear angel . hold back your tears
  go and seek your pleasure!
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